East Central Railway Tender

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East Central Railway - ECR Tender

Consultancy Services
Civil And Architectural Services

Opening Date

20 Jun 2024

Closing Date

12 Jul 2024

Tender Amount

₹ 7,54,19,486.06 



Conducting Final Location Survey, Traffic Survey With Eirr/firr, Esp, L-section, Gad And Design Of Bridges / Rub/rob, Preparation Of Detailed Project Report (dpr),


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Conducting a drone based aerial survey for the generation o f orthophotosas p e r Railway Guidelines (Letter n o . 2015/Track-1/24(1)/18/1/ dated 09.10.2017 a n d a s p e r t h e alignment p la n g iven by Railways on the Google earth to provide alignment plan in kml file format. Deliverable: 1. Raw images (jpg format) (2cm GSD) 2. File scaled and geopositioned orthophoto tiles in jpg & sid compressed format of 2cm resolution and resampled at 5cm GSD. 3. Final scaled and geopositioned ortho tiles in jpg and Sid compressed format of 2cm resolution and resampled at 5cm GSD.4. Final scaled and geopositioned orthomosaic in JPG & Sid format for each 5km. 5. Map file compatible to CAD/GIS in SHP format duly linked with attributes of assets. 6. Quality control 01 report for positional accuracy assessment coordinates t o be picked for atleast 5 well defined assets in 1km lengthb from google and same t o b e measured o n the orthophoto coordinates comparsion. T h e difference between these values should be greater than equal to 3m. 7. The centre line, piers, railway land boundary are to be shown on google earth. (alignment file in dwg format and coordinates will b e provided b y Railways. Note: 1. This item is complimentary item to LiDAR survey for generation of ortho photos. 2. This item includes prepration of orthophotos for yards also falling in the corridor of 100m. Seperate payment will be made for bigger yards vide relevant item of the BOQ for generation of orthophotos over and above this item.3. The details are to be collected for a corridor of 100m o n the finalized alignment. i.e. 50m o n either side.Stage Payment: 1 . O n completion of drone flying and submission of data in the relevant format - 20%. 2. On submission and approval of orthophotos and other deliverables - 60%. 3. On submission of DPR to Railway board and approval by zonal Railways - 20%.




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Providing and fixing cast-in-situ or precast M-25 concrete pillars along the Railway alignment terms 01 of reference & relevant provisions of Indian Railways Code for Engineering Department (1999, Third Reprint) with u p t o date correction Slips and as directed b y the Engineer-in-charge o n straight and curves a s per Scope of Work & Technical Specifications with Contractors' own materials, tools and plants; including all leads and lifts, transportation, making own service roads for leading of stones & materials and crossing of track etc.; including all taxes and royalties complete; including painting, marking the pillars at site; The rate includes the cost of all material including centering, shuttering, cutting, binding, reinforcement and erection of stones etc., Location of concrete pillars 1) At every 100 mts along the Centre line of the approved Railway alignment using 1200x 100 x100 m m concrete pillar with 7 0 0 m m projection above the ground level duly embedding in CC(1:4:8) of 300x300x500mm size base concrete, including setting out of proposed curves at site indicating trangent points, apex point and crown of curve and approach of Major Bridges.4) The Chainage or KM & distance of proposed centre line of track shall be marked on these pillars. 5) Separate colouring preferably yellow colour for center line alignment pillars are to be painted for identification. 6) Center point direction has to be painted on alignment pillar with chainage are to be painted. 7) 'IR' has to be engraved on all pillars and painted with black paint.




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"Hydrological investigation for Bridges using DEM: Conducting hydrologocal investigation including detailed caluclation for important major/minor bridges using Digital Elevation Model (Geological information system)Tasks: i . Marking o f all bridge locations on index plan of the alignment. ii. Delineating the catchment boundary of bridges from DEM and calculating physiographic parameters of the catchment - area, longest stream, slope i i i . Calculating design discharge (Q50) for all bridges based on RBF 16 / RBF 22 reports f o r small catchments and synthetic unit hydrograph from flood estimation report for large catchments ( > 2 5 s q km). iv. Consultant will verify if there are any dams / water storage structures in the catchment and obtain regulated flow 01 discharge from concerned authority for calculation of design discharge. v. Checking of adequacy of proposed linear waterway, vertical clearance, free board and depth of foundation. Soil investigation report for scour depth calculations will be provided t o the consultant. Deliverables i. 3 copies of report with bridge wise hydrological calculations should be submitted. Separate booklets should be prepared for major and minor bridges. ii. For each bridge, calculations and catchment plan with longest stream marked on Survey of India toposheet should be submitted. For bridges with large catchments, unit hydrograph and calculation of equivalent slope should also be submitted. iii. Catchment plan should be marked on 50 year 24 hr rainfall map to verify correctness of rainfall data used and the same and the same submitted i n the booklet. iv. The following are required t o b e submitted as softcopy - calculation spreadsheets, Google Earth KML files of catchment plans, longest stream, alignment and bridge location. (A) For Minor Bridges"




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Hydrological investigation for Bridges using DEM : Conducting hydrologocal investigation including detailed caluclation f o r important major/minor bridges using Digital Elevation Model (Geological information system) Tasks: i . Marking o f all bridge locations on index plan o f the alignment. i i . Delineating the catchment boundary of bridges from DEM and calculating physiographic parameters of the catchment - area, longest stream, slope i i i Calculating design discharge (Q50) for all bridges based on RBF 16 / RBF 22 reports f o r small catchments and synthetic unit hydrograph from flood estimation report for large catchments (greater than 25 sq km). iv. Consultant will verify if there are any dams / water storage structures in the catchment a n d obtain 01 regulated flow discharge from concerned authority for calculation of design discharge. v. Checking of adequacy of proposed linear waterway, vertical clearance, free board and depth of foundation. Soil investigation report for scour depth calculations will b e provided t o the consultant. Deliverables i . 3 copies o f report with bridge wise hydrological calculations should be submitted. Separate booklets should be prepared for major and minor bridges. ii. For each bridge, calculations and catchment plan with longest stream marked on Survey of India toposheet should b e submitted. F or bridges with large catchments, unit hydrograph and calculation of equivalent slope should also be submitted. iii. Catchment plan should be marked on 50 year 24 hr rainfall map to verify correctness of rainfall data used and the same and the same submitted in the booklet. iv. The following are required t o be submitted as softcopy - calculation spreadsheets, Google Earth KML files of catchment plans, longest stream, alignment and bridge location. (B) For Major Bridges




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" LONGITUDINAL SECTION & PLAN, CROSS SECTIONS, INDEX SECTION & PLANS : Design of best-fit alignment using Bentley Power Rail Track or equivalent software, preparation of drawings in Microstation or AutoCAD and submission of the following in compliance to the the Design Criteria located within ROW as per Indian Railway Engineering Code of Practice to IR for approval: a) Longitudinal Section & Plan drawings showing 5 km in each sheet at a scale of 1cm:50m longitudinal and 1cm:5m laterally / vertical. The Profile to be prepared as per the Check list (Annexure-B) issued by Dyce (TMS)/HQ/UBL. It should have the Proposed / Existing details 01 of the permanent features such as Stations, Level crossings, all types of Bridges, FOBs, ROBs, RUBs, Subways, complete details o f curves, overhead crossings, existing / proposed Rail levels & Formation levels of BG line, existing ground levels, proposed depth o f cutting and height of bank , existing / proposed gradients. The Plan shall show the alignment of Railway line, curve, curve details, magnetic bearing, details of existing/proposed BG bridges , Platforms a t station, Railway land boundary, level crossings, all permanent/ temporary/physical structures within the Railway boundary as required for L section, locations of tangent points of curve, turnouts, centre line of station and its name, overhead crossing, underground crossings, approach roads, Road network parallel to Railway corridor, configuration of Nallahs / River/ water streams etc."




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" Preparation of Yard ESPs for all stations on Rail Track or equivalent as per Modified Check List of Engineering Scale Plans issued by Dy.CE/ CON showing the details of proposed yard arrangements with proposed grades including regrading of existing yard and showing details like CSL lengths of various lines, centre t o centre distances of tracks, gradients, Curve details, type of turnouts, snag dead ends, derailing switches, platforms, Shelters, crossovers, Railway boundaries of entire yard with chainages and locations of station building, other service buildings, Electrical, OHE & S&T installations, FOB, Subway, RUB, ROBs etc., including details of infringing (condonation) grades & structures and preparing yard plans with the proposed additions & alterations to the existing stations duly suggesting improvements to existing alignment so as to ascertain the removal of infringements of structures & condonating grades in yards (For details refer para 468-472 o f Engineering Code 01 1999) duly making phase yard plans as per the requirement of the Railways with respect to approved master plan in separate plans l ike Phase-I, Phase-II & Final, duly incorporating complete detailed Modus operandi for execution of work in both Phase plans and Master plan. Any alterations proposed in the approved plan to be in cooperated in the master plan in a separate table. The consultant shall submit advance copy of the ESPs on white paper for approval of Employer. After the approval of Employer, the Consultant shall submit drawings in 3 (three) hard coloured copies on Polyester based tracing paper (100 t o 150 Microns) and two soft copies o n CD. The scope includes required corrections and modifications as suggested by approving authorities of Railways till its final approval. Required follow up with various approving authorities including required explanations o n various provisions/facilities in t h e ESP shall be arranged by consultant. Note: i) The colour scheme to be followed in the drawing shall be as per standard practice of IR. ii) Payment will be done as per Stages given below -Submission of ESP and approval by CE/ Con : 50% - Submission of ESP and approval by Divisional HQ : 25% - Submission of ESP and approval by Zonal HQ : 15% - Submission of ESPs in hard & soft copies : 10%" Running




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Detailed Project Report with Detailed Estimate : Preparation and submission o f Detailed project report along with Detailed Estimate, traffic survey (EIRR,FIIR calculation), Preparation of PPT for DPR 01 presensation and short video of maximum one minute as per Engg code and as per Railway board guidelines with rate analysis for each item and a s directed b y Engg-in- charge with five hard copies and two soft copies after approval of concerned CE/Con. A complete rate analysis for each item duly comparing with the LAR's available and obtaining market rates for each items incase of non schedule item having no LAR's , along with submission of detailed calculation sheets for each item.




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Conducting following activities.A)Videography along the ROB/RORalignment B)DGPS Survey- along thecorridor, every 200meters. C)Drone Survey for Plan,Contourand Orthophoto Map ofproposed ROB for 01 CentralRailway using precisionDrone.UAV (Unmanned AerialVehicle Image/Photogrammetricapproach) technology andproviding all details/deliverablesas perdetailed scope of thesurvey with all consultant'stools, equipment, transport, manpower etc.complete. Note:- 1.Area asdemarcated using Google Earth KML File. 2. Corridor width approx. 150m minimum and Length 500m minimum on either side of Railway track.




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Preparation of Bill of quantities(BOQ)/EPC,DetailedEstimates,technicalspecifications as per preliminarydesigns and drawings.




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Major Bridges / ROB /FOB: Preparation of the General Arrangement Drawing for all Major Bridge / ROB / RUBs for Railway Line Corridor through MX Rail/ AutoCAD for railway standards / formats as per Check list of Dyce / planning based on finalized L - section for the proposed alignment, hydrological investigation & detailed geotechnical investigation carried out b y the consultant a t proposed bridge locations, on good quality tracing paper and submitting the same t o Railway administration f o r approval and carrying o u t t h e corrections as 01 instructed by railway with all consultants own men, material, tools & plants, Computer systems etc., as directed by Engineer in charge. Notes: 1 ) MAJOR BRIDGE GAD should incorporate a ) Sub structure details with type of construction, type of foundation (pile / open / well foundation), depth of foundations, footing details / pile founds details, foundation pressure, abutments / pier details duly showing bore log details of sub soil along with SBC details of every soil strata at every abutment & piers locations b) Span arrangements with details of Bed level, HFL, VC, Free board, Scour depth, Rail level, formation level, Clear span, effective span, catchment area, Q50 discharge c) Super structure details like type of structure (Steel / PSC), type girder / slab details, depth of construction, bearing details, wearing coat, track structure with cushion detailsd) Approach details like trolley refuges, parapets / steel railings, inspection platforms with ladder arrangements, dirt walls, approach slab, back fill material as per RDSO specifications, protective works such as wingwalls, bank toe walls, pitching, type of flooring / drop wall / curtain wall details as per scour depth & silt factor criteria.Modus Operandi o f entire bridge construction.




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Minor Bridges : Preparation of the General Arrangement Drawing for all Minor bridges / SUBWAYs / FOBs through MX Rail/ AutoCAD for railway standards / formats as per Check list o f Dyce / planning / BNC based o n finalized L - section fo r the proposed alignment, hydrological investigation & detailed geotechnical investigation carried ou t b y the consultant a t proposed bridge locations, on good quality tracing paper and submitting the same t o Railway administration fo r approval and carrying ou t the corrections a s instructed by 01 railway with all consultants own men, material, tools & plants, Computer systems etc., as directed by Engineer in charge. Notes: 1) MINOR BRIDGE GAD should include incorporation o f - a) Sub structure details with type of construction, type of foundation ( pile / open ), depth of foundations, footing details / p ile founds details, foundation pressure, abutments / pier / Box details duly showing bore log details of sub soil along with SBC details of every soil strata at every abutment & piers / Box locations b) Span arrangements with details of Bed level, HFL, VC, Free board, Scour depth, Ra il level, formation level, Clear span, effective span, catchment area, Q50 discharge c) Super structure details like type of structure (Steel / PSC / RCC), type girder / slab / Box details, depth of construction, bearing details, wearing coat, track structure with cushion details




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Building Designs and Drawings - Architecture, MEP: Preparation of Building Drawings for Station buildings, other service/residential buildings, Staff quarters ,buildings required fo r installation of equipment for signalling, telecommunication and electrification works, a n d facilities including station circulating area. The Railway Station layouts shall include architecture and profile of all facilities and structure conforming to the local buildings, aesthetics, architecture a n d environment including platform layouts with required finishes, FOB / Subway locations, essential amenities f o r passengers l i k e drinking water facility, wa te r booths, seating arrangement, urinals, lavatories, lighting, trees and tree guards, circulating area, boundary wall, fencing, ramp, proper Entry/ Exit, signage, station name boards, drainage a t platform, sewerage disposal, stalls, rain water harvesting, facility for disabled, pathway etc. The Service Building layouts shall include Offices/ Resting facilities, 01 Service Buildings (for S & T, Electrical and Civil and track machine office), Gate Lodge & S&T Room a t L-Xing, Halt Stations, Residential Buildings such as staff Quarters, Officers Rest House, Sub ordinate rest house complete with layout plan, elevation , architectural details , Mechanical/ Electrical/ Plumbing (MEP) services within the ROW, fire detection, alarm and control system (indoor and outdoor}, Air- Conditioning / Ai r Ventilation, Ra in water harvesting system, Internal roads & footpaths connecting various facilities within the complex, all other building services & equipment including all fittings and fixtures as necessary for functioning, signages etc. All the drawings shall b e submitted in AutoCAD format including preparation o f individual GADs for each and every building / structures and also showing the proposed additions & alterations t o existing buildings. The Consultant shall submit advance copies on white paper for approval of Employer. After the approval of Employer, the Consultant shall submit drawings in 3 hard coloured copies on Polyester based tracing paper (100 to 150 Microns) and two soft copies on CD. Further association for approval from Railways duly complying with the observations made by them and incorporating all such modifications in GADs till its final approval.




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Preparation & submission of structual design & detailed drawings duly proof checked by proof consultant for each foundation, having open, pile, well foundation etc.




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Preparation & submission of structual design & detailed drawings duly proof checked by proof consultant for each Pier/Abutment.




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Preparation & submission of structural design & detailed drawings duly proof checked by proof consultants for each superstructure of PSC/Steel/ Composite type with bearing.




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Verification, alteration, modification as per field survey and providing assistance for finalization &distribution of award of submitted land acquisition proposal for private land/Government land. As per the proposalmarking of points at site, verification of survey nos. with revenue records. Preparation of joint measurement sheet(JMS) as per point marked at site with DLAO officials. Assistance for submission of dawa from landowner,assistance to official staff of Respective Circle Office/DLAO office in verification of paper submitted by landowneras well as joint verification of site with State Govt. Officials and any other assistance required for preparation anddistribution of final award at District Land Acquisition Office. Preparation of certified land plan on tracing cloth infour copy and possession under section 38. After distribution of award and possession of land, 01 assistance inmutation of land for relieving and final marking the point at ground as per land acquisition made at 100 m intervalat boundary and at 200 m interval on center line & at close interval at the location of curve. All point to be set withDGPS & all points and TBM along with traversing to be submit in Dy. CE (C) office. Payment Schedule:- (1). 20%of accepted rate will be maade after completing the field work, correction of papers, if required etc. completed forclearing section 11/20A. (2). 20% payment after completion of joint measurement with DLAO officials andsubmission of JMS report. (3). 10% payment will be released on clearing section 19/20E including publication andgazatte notifiction. (4). 20% payment will be released on clearing the observation/dawa during the final award andpayment to State Goverment. (5). 15% after demarcation and fixing of land boundary pillar. 6. 15% aftercompletion of handing over of land on certified land plan and completion of mutation of land to Railway. Note:-(i)Boundary pillars are to be provided by agency and paid under seprate item. Rates of leading and fixing included.''(Please read unit as -PER ACRE)'




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- Execution of all works (both field and office) for obtaining permission for cutting of trees in existingRailway Land including preparation of tree enumeration list ,Collection of village maps ,identification of plotnumbers, obtaining permission from respective DFO ,joint verification with revenue and forest officials andowners in connection with authentication and documentation of the tree stand including arranging vehicles toforest and revenue authorities for field verification inclusive of all for cutting of trees and other forest parameterswith demarcation of the plots with Revenue and Forest authorities ,along with their botanical names 01 and suchother features as instructed by the forest officials in the Railway land by the Railways in the district of Rohtas &Aurangabad. The work involve lisioning with Revenue and forest officials, physical counting of and marking eachtree in such manner as instructed by the forest officials as per Forest Act, compilation and submission of data soobtained from fields survey as per Performa directed by the forest department and getting the sameauthenticated by the Revenue and Forest officials. Schedule:1. 25% payment will be released after completingthe field work and submission of application to DFO for permission of cutting trees. 2. 25% payment aftercompletion of joint measurement with revenue, forest officials and owners. 3. 50% payment will be released afterobtaining forest clearnce in all respect. Note: Necessary fees as required by Forest department for approval &cutting of trees or any other fees as per forest norms will be borne by Railway.




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Collecting of Survey records, Maps, Ownership rights of Railway and available Railway land plans for complete width/area of Railway land. Computerizing the tippans/FBM'S and generating a Railway land boundary map as per Revenue Records of State. Computerizing the available railway land plans and checking both sets of boundary maps for conformity of railway boundary ,doing accurate cadastral and field survey to verify the contents or field land village/city map sheets and railway land plans as well as Railway land boundary maps 01 develop in above duly recording the mandatory field details for locations of boundary such as one UP or one DN main through line and a few important land marks/structures(at least one per Km) and adjacent properties (Revenue survey No.) along the Railway boundary, obtaining authentication of Railway land boundary in a manner acceptable to the State Survey & Land Record Department which will be kept as a record standing legal scrutiny. Preparing final hard copy of Railway land boundary map in scale 1:1000 with details as recorded during survey in above which will be used by Railway Officials to locate their land boundary and other land assets with respect to UP & DN Main through line & important permanent land marks/structures preparing a customized geographical /land information system to suit Railway requirements for land management. Note: - Measurement of subject work land plan are to be in kilometers and meters (Metric system). ''(Please read unit as -PER HECTARE)''




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Providing and supply RCC Kilometre post, RCC boundary pillar includuing excavation, fixing as perapproved drawing provided by engineer incharge. Payment shall be made on prorata basis as per actual fixing of post.




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soil investigation




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