Cleaning Tender Results
Cleaning Tender Results
Indian Army Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
CATEGORY: Gel Pen (V3) (Q4) , Rollerball Pen (V3) (Q4) , Eraser (Q4) ,
Correspondence Envelopes (V2) (Q4) , Self Adhesive Flags
(V2) (Q4) , Binder Clips (V2) (Q3) , Ball Point Pens (V2) as
per IS 3705 (Q4) , Fluid Correction Pen (V2) (Q4) , read write
compact disc cd (Q4) , Compact Disk Cases - CD - DVD Case
(Q4) , Toilet Cleaner Liquid (V2) conforming to IS 7983 (Q4) ,
mosquito repellant cream spray and lotion (Q4) ,
Naphthalene (V2) as per IS 539 (Q4) , Sweeping Broom (V3)
(Q4) , High Density Polyethylene Bucket (Q4) , Squeegee
Washer Wiper Mopper (V2) (Q4) , Toilet Soap or Liquid (Q4) ,
Paper Adhesive, Liquid Gum and Office Paste Type as per IS
2257 (Rev) (Q3) , Register (V2) (Q4) , Dak Pad (V2) (Q4) ,
mugs stainless steel single double walled with double wall
moulded handle (Q4) , Desk Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) ,
Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) , Water Jugs (Q4) , Desktop
Calculator - Electronics (Q4) , Black Lead Pencils (V2) as per
IS 1375 (Q4) , Pins, Paper, Straight as per IS 5653 (Q4) ,
Glass Cleaner, Liquid (V2) as per IS 8540 (Q4) , stamp pads
(Q4) , Stamp - Pad Ink as per IS 393 (Q4) , Poker or AWL as
per IS 10375 (Q4) , Sketch Pen (V2) (Q4) , binding punch
machine (Q3) , Staplers (V2) (Q3) , Stapler Pin / Staples (V2)
(Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4) , Packaging
Tape (Q4) , scissors (Q4) , Highlighter Pen (Q4) , knife
blades (Q4) , Wall Clocks as per IS 12510 (Q4) , Cartridge
(Drawing) Paper as per IS 1848 (Part 2) (Q4) , Air Freshener
Liquid (V2) (Q3) , Paper weights (Q4) , Exam Pad (V2) (Q3) ,
pin cushions (Q4)
Contract Date13 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Indian Air Force - IAF Tender Result
Chemical Products
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: Air Freshener Liquid (V2),Cleaning Duster (V3),Dishwashing Products (V2) as per IS 6047,Dishwashing
Contract Date13 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 81.3 K (USD 930.6281)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Air Force - IAF Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
CATEGORY: Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper (V2) (Q4) , Metal Polish,
Liquid as per IS 5487 (Q3) , Naphthalene (V2) as per IS 539
(Q4) , Glass Cleaner, Liquid (V2) as per IS 8540 (Q4) , Air
Freshener Solid and Gel (Q4) , Bathing Soap Bar (V2) (Q4) ,
Urinal Cubes - Deodorizer Block (V2) (Q3) , Household
Laundry Detergent Powders as per IS 4955 (Q4) , Toilet
Brush (V2) (Q4) , Toilet Soap or Liquid (Q4)
Contract Date13 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 104 K (USD 1.1 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Army Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Description: Air cleaner filter BD50,Gear BD50,Pin cotter BD 50,Lining brake BD50,Hydraulic system service kit B
Contract Date13 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Indian Army Tender Result
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
CATEGORY: Complete vehicle servicing with replacement of following
spares , Fuel filter , Oil filter , Bypass filter , Air filter ,
Engine oil , Fan belt , Gear oil , Assy Hose Air filter outlet ,
Labour charge for servicing , Servicing and cleaning of
radiator complete with acid wash and brazing the leakage
points , Coolant , Radiator Fan motor Assy with cooling fan ,
Thermostat Assy with gasket , Labour charge , Complete
repair of Brake system after replacement of the following
spares , Brake oil , Brake shoe , Front and Rear oil seal ,
Wheel cylinder assy Front with nipple , Wheel cylinder assy
Rear with nipple , Labour charges , Repair to Electrical
system with replacement of following , Wiring Complete
with ignition switch Assy , Horn 12 volt High tone , Wiper
motor , Wiper Blade , Head light , Indicator Lamp , Battery
lead , Distill water , Complete wheel balancing after
replacement of the following unserviceable items , Wheel
bearing , Wheel stud full threaded , Wheel check nut , Lock
nut pin , Grease , Labour charge including Tyre rotation
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 70.5 K (USD 808.0325)
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
CATEGORY: 9 W LED Bulb , Aggregate 20mm , Angle Holder , Bricks ,
Cement , Casing and Caping , Celling rose , Distribution box
2 way with neutral , Distribution box 6 way APN 240 volt
With copper bush bar and neutral link , Exhaust Fan ,
Flexible pipe , Flexible pipe 2 feet , Indian Toilet seat ,
Insulation tape , LED tube light 20 W , Main cable twin core
6 sqmm , Main cable twin core 10 sqmm , MCB 16 Amps DP
SPN , MCB 16 Amps SP , MCB 32 Amps SP , P Trap 110 mm
, PVC pipe 110mm , Sand , Screw 1inch , Screw 2 inch ,
Shaddle clip , Squar block PVC , Switch board 4 into 6
modular type with plastic box mobo , Switch board modular
type 4 into 4 plastic box combo , Switch board modular type
4 into 6 plastic box combo , Switch socket combination 5
Amp with gang box , Switch socket combination 5 by15
amps , Swithc piano 5 Amps , Wire 1 point 5 Sqmm copper
single core , Wire copper 1 sqmm single core , Wire copper 1
point 5 sqmm single core , Wire copper 2 point 5 sqmm
single core , Air Cleaner for Genr Set 15 KVA , Air Cleaner for
Genr Set 30 KVA , Air Cleaner for Gen Set 5 KVA , Armature
winding short reqd necessary repair of the Eqpt , AVR Assy ,
Banzo Bolt 19 Nos , Big end bearing Set , Bty 12 V 110 AHC
, Cable 25 Sq mm 2 Core , Cable 25 Sq mm 4 Core , Cable
50 Sq mm 4 Core , Coolant , Cooling Fan , Copper washer
17 and 19 Nos , Crank Shaft Cutting , Cyl Head Gasket ,
Cylinder Head Leaking Check , Cylinder Liner for Genr Set
15 KVA , Cylinder liner for Genr Set 30 KVA , Engine Oil ,
Exhaust Manifold Gasket for Genr Set 15 KVA , Exhaust
Manifold Gasket for Genr Set 30 KVA , Fan Belt , Fuel Filter
for Genr Set 30 KVA , Fuel Filter for Gen Set 5 KVA , Fuel
Pipe 19 Nos , Fuel Pump , Gudgeon pin , Head Gasket ,
Hours meter , Injector , Injector Nozzle Assy , Injector
overflow pipe , Inlet Manifold Gasket , Oil Filter for Genr Set
15 KVA , Oil Filter for Genr Set 30 KVA , Oil Pressure gauge ,
Oil pump assy , Over Flow Pipe , Piston Assy for Genr Set 15
KVA , Piston Assy for Genr Set 30 KVA , Piston Ring Set for
Genr Set 15 KVA , Piston Ring Set for Genr Set 30 KVA ,
Push rod , Push Rod Tube Rubber Gasket , Stabilizer ,
Tappet Cover Gasket for Genr Set 15 KVA , Tappet Cover
Gasket for Genr Set 30 KVA , Water pump assy , CGI Sheet 3
feet x 10 feet , Fuel Injector pump assy , Bty 12V 88 AH ,
Coolent Tank , Panel Board , Air Filter 30 KVA , Change over
switch 100 AMP 4 pole , Alterrnator for self starter , Turbo
Charger , Type Size 4 point 5 into 12 Genr Tyre , Fuel pipe
flexible 19 mm into 1500 mm , Fuel pipe flexible 19 mm into
1000 mm , Diesel
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Indian Coast Guard - ICG Tender Result
Publishing and Printing
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
CATEGORY: Photo Copier Paper Size 210X325 mm FS , Toilet Paper ,
Photo Copier Paper Size 210X297 mm A4 Size , Brown
Papeer Sheet Laminated , Paint Roller 4 INCH , Paint Roller 7
INCH , Piant Roller 12 INCH , Paint Roller 9 INCH , Paint
Roller 6 INCH , Paint Brush 4 INCH , DVD , Envelopes Cloth
Coated 12 INCH x 16 INCH , Envelopes Cloth Coated 10
INCH x14 INCH , Envelopes Cloth Coated 9 INCH x 12 INCH ,
Envelopes Size 10 INCH X 14 INCH , Envelopes Size 6 INCH x
12 INCH , Envelopes Size 4 INCH x 10 INCH , Bag
Biodegradable for Garbage 24 INCH X 30 INCH , Dustbin ,
Detergent Powder in 01 Kg pkt , Deodoriser Odonil refill ,
Soap Liquid Toilet , Room Freshener , Pest Seal , Glass
Cleaner 500 ml , Disinfectant fluid white black Phenol ,
Cleaning Liquid for utensils
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 197.8 K (USD 2.2 K)
1-10 of 10000 active Tender Results