Global Tenders By Multi Funding Agencies

Asian Development Bank(12706)

Armenian Territorial Development Fund(420)

Agriculture Competitiveness Management Unit(33)

Austrian Development Agency Ada(11)

Abu Dhabi Fund For Development(1)

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics(566)

Bagre Growth Pole(18)

Black Sea Trade And Development Bank(2)

Development Bank of Rwanda(81)

Export Import Bank Of India(1582)

European Agency(1)

Foreign Debt Management Office, Shaanxi Provincial DRC(76)

Inter american Development Bank(6461)

Independent Medical Legal Unit(1)

Japan International Cooperation Agency(685)

Japan International Cooperation System(200)

Japan Finance Corporation(113)

Lilongwe Water And Sanitaton Project(47)

Poverty Reduction Fund(6)

The World Bank(6298)

The Luxembourg Agency For Development Cooperation(13)

The UN World Food Programme WFP(1)

The Austrian Development Agency(1)

United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees UNHCR(937)

United Nations Human Settlements Programme(111)

United Nations Office At Geneva unog(10)

United Nations Development Fund For Women(2)

UN Capital Development Fund(1)