Military Engineer Services Tender

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Military Engineer Services - MES Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Opening Date10 Sep 2024
Closing Date8 Oct 2024
Tender Amount₹ 38,55,000 



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CHAIR VARANDHA :- Overall size shall be460mm, 600mm wide and 760mm high, legs shall be made of 20mm dia steel condute of 1.6mm thickness slanting 70mm horizontal for a vertical height of 355mm at front up to seat level. The horizontal distance between legs at seat level shall be 450mm and between bottom of legs shall be 600mm. The rear legs shall shlant 80mm horizontally for 300mm height at the back of seat level to bottom of rear legs. The seat fram shall be welded to the frame of legs. The seat frame with back seat shall be of continious 20mm dia mild steel conduit of wall thickness 1.6mm two 20mm dia mild steel tube conduit shall be welded at the back rest and the rear of seat in such way that the weaving of cane in curved position is avoided the place of providing 20mm dia horizontal conduit shall be as directed by engr in charge. a 10mm dia mild steel round bar rod welded to front legs at 75mm from bottom of seat shall be provided as shown on drawing. 04/05 mm plastic cane shall be woven closely round the 20mm dia conduit in seat and back rest. PVC toes shall be provided to bottom of legs as shown on drawing. all steel surface exposed to view when placed in position shall be painted with two coats of white enamel paint over a coat of primer after prepration of surfaces as directed by engr in charge. weaving of plastic cane shall be done after painting of steel surfaces.




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TOTAL OF SCHEDULE 'A' PART-I (STEEL FURNITURE) (to be entered manualy)




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HAT STAND WITH MIRROR :-Overall size shall be 1000mm long and 710mm high. All wood shall be of teak wood (mp). Top and bottom horizontal rails and two vertical sides shall form the frame of 50mmx20mm in section for the Hat stand. The top and bottom horizontal rails shall be joined by intermediate vertical stiffeners of 50mmx20mm in section at 288mm from inside of right hand side of vertical frame. On the left hand side of Hat Stand, two horizontal stiffeners, 50mmx20mm in section shall be provided. The top stiffener shall be at 160mm from bottom of top horizontal frame to the center of the top stffener. The bottom stiffener shall be at 200mm from bottom of horizontal frame to the center of bottom stiffener. On right hand side of Hat Stand. one horizontal stiffener. 50mmx20mm in section shall be provide. The Frame of Hat Stand shall be provided with 4mm thick teak ply (one side teak face). The back of Hat Stand shall provided with 4mm thick commercial plywood. A mirror of 440mm high and 300mm wide with 5.5mm thickness of Atul, Modiguard or Golden fish, free from all distorition and defects shall be provided on right hand side of Hat Stand with 10mmx12mm in section teak wood beads al-around the mirrorl Teak ply 4mm thick shall not be provided at places coveed by 5.5mm thick mirror irrespective of what is shown on drawing, four brass pegs of 75mm wide and 120mm high of shape as approved by Engineer-in-charge. 35mm wide and 6mm thick teak wood edging shall be provided al-round the Hat Stand. Two key plates of mild steel sheet 3mm thick flat iron with key holes as shown on drawing shall be provided to two top corners at the back of Hat Stand as directed by Engineer-in-charge. All wood and teak ply surfaces exposed to view when placed in position shall be French polished with gloss fininsh. All steel surfaces shall be painted with two coats of black paint over a coat of primer after preparation of surfaces Brass pegs shall have shining surfaces and remain untreated irrespective of what is shown on drawing.




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SOFA SET 4 SEATER :- Sofa set 4 seater will consist 4 single seats of size 670mm long, 745mm wide and 530mm high. All timber work shall be Seasoned teak wood and timber shall be wrought and free from knots. 100 mm thick foam cushion 40 density of approved quality shall be provided to seats. Seats of sofa shall be covered with tapestry cloth of market rate Approx Rs. 450/- per meter of shade and colour as approved by GE. All joints & fixing shall be done in accordance with the standard workmanship and specification. All wooden exposed surfaces shall be french polished with glossy finish. Rest all as shown on drg or approved by GE.




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SOFA SET 5 SEATER :- Overall size of three seater sofa shall be of 1730mm long 745mm wide and 530mm high & overall size of single seat sofa shall be 670mm long, 745mm wide and 530mm high upto arm level. The sofa set will be consist of one three seater and 02 Nos of single seater sofa. Well seasoned teak wood throughout in frame work shall be used for manufacturing of sofa.All wood shall be of first class teak wood (MP) legs of sofa set shall be 70mm x35mm in section teak wood . Front legs shall be jointed by 100mm x 35mm in section wooden rail in front. Front and rear legs shall be joined with 100mm x 35mm in section wooden rails in sides.100mm thick cushion of 40 density covered with best quality tapestry cloth (approved by GE , not less than Rs 550/meter) shall be provided at seat and back. All wooden surfaces internally and externally shall be french polished with glossy fininsh. Rest all as shown on drg or approved by GE.




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TABLE DRESSING LADIES MAP :-The overall size of the table dressing shall be 1150mm long 380mm wide and 1700mm high. The sides, top, back and front of the base unit shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF board. The bottom of the side units shall be of 12mm thick commercial plywood. The sides and back drawers shall be of 12mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF, bottom of the drawers shall be of 6mm thick commercial ply whereas the front of the drawers shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF board. 5mm thick electro copper plated mirror (Saint gobin/AIS) shall be fixed over 6mm thick commercial plywood back. The plywood shall be fixed on two vertical hardwood member of size 45mmx35mm .a horizontal support of size 30mmx20mm shall be provided in between two vertical members. The Overall size of the stool shall be 440mm long 350mm wide and 425mm high. The four sides shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF board. The top of the stool shall be of 12mm thick BWR plywood openable as shown in drg. Four heavy duty revolving nylon double wheels shall be provided at base below the 6mm base commercial ply fixed over wooden runner 20mmx20mm.The seat of the stool shall be 75mm high, made of foam 40 density covered with tapestry cloth as approved by Engr-In-charge/GE. Overall size shall be 900mm long, 380mm wide and 1700mm high (height is the mirror). All wooden surface shall be french polished with glossy finish. Rest all as shown on drg or approved by GE.




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TABLE BED SIDE :- Overall size shall be 450mm long, 230mm wide and 510mm high. Top and Side of table bed side shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF board. 06mm thick commercial plywood shall be fixed at the back of the tabe bed side. 12mm thick shelf shall be provided at 100mm high from bottom. A shelf 12mm thick shall be provided at 179mm from top. 12mm thick shelves shall be of pre laminated exterior grade MDF board. 06mm thick commercial plywood at the back shall be fixed by making falf notch in the 18mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF board to a depth equal of thickness of plywood. The plywood shall be fixed with headless nails. The jointing of top and sides of 18mm thick prelaminated MDF board shall be done with mitred joint and fixed with screws. 04mm thick teak wood edging shall be provided in the front sides, top and shelves. All wood and exterior grade MDF board surfaces exposed to view when placed in position shall be French polished with high gloss finish. Rest all as shown on drg or approved by GE.




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TABLE CENTER :-Overall size of table center shall be 900mm long, 450mm wide and 400mm high. All wood shall be of first class seasoned teak wood. Top of the table shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF board of approved shade with 4mm thick teak wood beading all-round the edges of top.Legs shall be made out of 60mmx30mm in section teak wood and 356 mm high. Bottom rail of teak wood of 20mmx50mm in section and 420mm long shall be provided between legs, widthwise at 100mm above the bottom of legs.The bottom tier shall be fixed on the top of bottom side rails with 50mm long screwss.The bottom tier shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF board of approved shade with 4mm thick teak wood beading all-round the edges of both the tops. 25mm dia hard rubber /PVC rings shall be fixed to the bottom of all legs fixed with 30mm long screws. All wood surfaces shall be French polished with high gloss finish. Rest all as shown on drg or approved by GE.




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TABLE DINING 6 PERSON :- Overall size shall be 1500mm long, 900mm wide and 760 mm high. All wood shall be of first class hard wood teak. Legs shall be of 75mm×40mm in section and 722mm high. 5mm×mm in section groove shall be provided in the visible portion of top of legs. 25mm thick and 100mm high top rails shall be provided in short and long sides joining the legs at top. Two numbers teak wood stiffeners 100mm wide and 25mm thick shall be provided equally spaced joining the top long side top rails. Eight numbers wooden corners shall be provided joining legs with top rails. The shape shall be as directed by engr in charge. Top of the table shall be of 18mm thick pre laminated BWR exterior grade MDF board. All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in position shall be French polished with high gloss finish. Hard rubber/PVC toes 25mm wide and 25mm high shall be provided to bottom of all four legs with screws. Rest all as shown on drg or approved by GE.




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BATH MATE PVC :-The Bathmate PVC shall be made up of 5mm thick PPCP material .The size of the bathmate shall be 400mm Lx300mm Wx250mmH. The bathmate shall have centre leg of dia 25mm.The four legs shall be in arc shape and of size 10mmx100mm.The top of the bathmate shall have 3mmx10mm thick stiffener moulded along with the seat in single piece underneath. The weight of the bathmate shall not be less than 1.3 kgs.




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TABLE COMPUTER :- Overall size of top shall be 900mm long,561.20 mm wide and 750mm high. All prelaminated exterior grade MDF board used in manufacturing of top, shelves, drawers, tray shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated exterior grade MDF board.The frame of table shall be of 25MM square pipe of wall thickness not less than 1.6mm. The top of table shall be provided with 4mm thick teak wood beading. The legs shall be made out of 25mmx50mm MS rectangular CR pipe of 18 guage. Each leg shall be provided with rectangular PVC cover made to shape on front sides only. The drawers shall be provided with 300mm long best quality telescopic channel . The legs shall also be provided with nylon buffers . Rest all as per drg. Finish:- All wood surfaces shall be French polished with high gloss finish. Rest all as per drg.




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