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3-days Free Trial for New User
No Credit Card Required
5,0002 year
Complete plan for One State

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Archived Tenders
Last Year Onwards
Tender Results
On Demand
Advance Search
Data in customised Format / API Integration
Number of Users
Upto 1
Global Tenders & Results
14,0002 year
Efficient Plan for All India States

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Archived Tenders
Last 3 Year
Tender Results
Advance Search
On Demand
Data in customised Format / API Integration
Number of Users
Upto 3
Global Tenders & Results
On Demand
Perfect for Premium Users

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Archived Tenders
Tender Results
Advance Search
Exact, BOQ &
Negative Search
Data in customised Format / API Integration
Number of Users
Upto 5
Global Tenders & Results
On Demand
Grow your business with easy bidding
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to do business with the Government of India!
Subscribe to GEM and Bid Advisory Plans starting at ₹499 Only
FREE 3-days Trial plan for all new users!

Pay as you go ₹299 Per Tender

Perfect option for the occasional users who are just starting business or exploring a new state. Pay only for what you use.
Now users can download documents without subscribing to a plan and also add more states to their Solo or Business plans.
Thousands of SMEs
use this monthly
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We're here to help with any questions you have about plans, pricing, and supported features.

All In Your Control!

Easily manage your BidAssist account ALL BY YOURSELF!
Just set your preferences and notification settings to configure tender notifications as per your needs.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I avail 3 days free offer?

The moment you register with BidAssist, first 3 days are on us. We offer 3-days free trial plan for all new subscriptions. During this period, you will have free access to check the basic features of the BidAssist platform.
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What happens after the free trial?

Even after the free trial, you can search any tenders absolutely free. However, you will have to pay a nominal fee of Rs 299/tender to download documents. You will also not receive any notifications for daily tenders. In case you intend to download more than 2 documents per month, we strongly recommend to subscribe to a plan that allows you to download more tender documents. Plans start from as low as Rs 3000/year.
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Why should I subscribe to a plan?

With BidAssist you can search any tender by authority, location, summary or even tender ID as like Google search. By subscribing, you can download tender documents throughout the period of the plan. In case you intend to download more than 2 documents per month, we strongly recommend to subscribe to a plan that allows you to download more tender documents. Plans start from as low as Rs 3000/year.
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Are there any applicable limits?

Yes, fair usage policy applies but mostly to ensure that our paid users get maximum return on their investments. Also, our limits are loose enough to not come in you way of daily operations. If you still feel that you need higher limits, our sales team should be able to find a solution for you. The fair usage policy is described in detail hereunder.

Keywords: Upto 50 per query in the Basic plan. Upto 50 per query in the Standard plan.

Download: Upto 100 per month in the Basic plan. Upto 300 per month in the Standard plan.

Follow List: Only 1 list with upto 50 tenders in the Basic plan. Maximum 5 lists with upto 50 tenders in the Standard plan.

Save Filters: Only 1 set of Saved Filters in the Basic plan. Only 5 sets of Saved Filters in the Standard plan.
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Is there any discount if I want to buy a plan for a longer duration?

BidAssist offers guaranteed value-for-money plans for both 1 & 2 years. Reach out to our experts on 1800 102 9586 or for any help.
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