Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung
Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electrical Works
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
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Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation open procedure (construction work) Groß-gerau district, new primary school in Worfelden (3-stream) Hermann-schmitt-strasse 32, 64572 Büttelborn-worfelden Building automation Groß-gerau district, new primary school in Worfelden (3-stream) Hermann-schmitt-strasse 32, 64572 Büttelborn-worfelden Building automation Groß-gerau district, new primary school in Worfelden (3-stream) Hermann-schmitt-strasse 32, 64572 Büttelborn-worfelden Supply and installation of automation equipment, control cabinets, automation focal points, automation management, cables, lines and laying systems, data transmission networks, sampling, work and assembly planning, inspection documents, coordination of interfaces to other trades, management work, supply and installation of the GA heat generation, consisting of automation equipment, Control cabinets, automation focal points, automation management, cables, lines and laying systems, data transmission networks, sampling, work and assembly planning, revision documents, coordination of interfaces to other trades, management work
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
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Contract notice - general guideline, standard rule, open procedure (construction work) Extension and renovation of the lagoon pool adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (Upland), supply and installation of an electronic and mechanical locking system. Extension and renovation of the lagoon pool adventure pool, 345 ... Multi-extension and renovation of the lagoon pool adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (Upland), supply and installation of an electronic and mechanical locking system. Extension and renovation of the lagoon pool adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (Upland), supply and installation of an electronic and mechanical locking system.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
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Contract notice - general guideline, standard rule, open procedure (construction work) Extension and renovation of the lagoon adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (Upland) - HPL interior doors, manufacture, supply and install 17 HPL interior doors, primarily in wet areas. Extension and renovation of the lagoon adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (Upland) - HPL interior doors, manufacture, supply and install 17 HPL interior doors, primarily in wet areas. Extension and renovation of the lagoon adventure pool, 34508 Willingen (Upland) - HPL interior doors, manufacture, supply and install 17 HPL interior doors, primarily in wet areas.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electrical Works
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
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Contract notice – Sector Directive, standard regulation negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition/negotiated procedure (services) Maintenance of 10 kV network stations As part of the network maintenance, around 100 10/20 kV local network stations are to be maintained annually at Städtische Werke Netz+service GmbH in the Kassel network area. ... Additional maintenance of 10 kV network stations As part of the network maintenance, around 100 10/20 kV local network stations are to be maintained annually at Städtische Werke Netz+service GmbH in the Kassel network area. The stations are in operation in various designs, both compact stations with corresponding compact switchgear (gas-insulated), and stations in walk-in form (prefabricated concrete buildings, brick stations, stations in buildings with air-insulated switchgear). Maintenance of 10 kV network stations When carrying out maintenance, the medium voltage is disconnected and earthed by our switching personnel, the low-voltage distribution of the station remains live at all times. This is supplied either by switching in the low-voltage network or by means of a backup supply from an emergency generator. Cleaning work on the low-voltage main distribution is therefore live work and can only be carried out by qualified personnel with the relevant valid qualification certificates. As a rule, maintenance of the switchgear includes maintenance of three switch panels (kkt) and a network transformer. In exceptional cases, the Kktt configuration with two transformers is also possible.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
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Contract notice – Sector Directive, standard arrangements Negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition/negotiated procedure (services) Heat storage project (WSP) - Low-voltage electrical engineering lot. As part of the heat storage project, the low-voltage electrical engineering is hereby put out to tender in a separate lot. Project ... Multi-project heat storage (WSP) - Low-voltage electrical engineering lot. As part of the heat storage project, the low-voltage electrical engineering is hereby put out to tender in a separate lot. Heat storage project (WSP) - Low-voltage electrical engineering lot. As part of the heat storage project, the low-voltage electrical engineering is hereby put out to tender in a separate lot.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Contract notice – general guideline, standard regulation, open procedure (deliveries) Operational delivery of server and infrastructure components The University of Kassel is inviting tenders for the operational delivery of a tape library for the IT service center (ITS) of the University of Kassel to ... Multi-operational delivery of server and infrastructure components The University of Kassel is inviting tenders for the IT service center (ITS) of the University of Kassel to supply a tape library to expand the backup infrastructure of the University of Kassel. Library The exact requirements for the individual items and quantities can be found in the file service catalog_v1.3.pd. Tape cartridges The exact requirements for the individual items and quantities can be found in the file service catalog_v1.3.pd.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (construction work) Renovation of the Landgrafenschloss_electrical installation Electrical installation Renovation of the Landgrafenschloss_electrical installation The subject of the tender is the renovation of the Landgrafenschloss, here the ... More renovation of the Landgrafenschloss_electrical installation Electrical installation Renovation of the Landgrafenschloss_electrical installation The subject of the tender is the renovation of the Landgrafenschloss, here the electrical installation. See service description
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Others...+2Civil And Construction, Civil Works Others
Closing Date21 Jan 2025
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Contract notice – General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) School transport to and from the swimming pools and sports facilities in the exempted school transport service School transport. Swimming and sports trips in the 2025/2026 school year Biebertal, Wettenberg, Heuchelheim ... Multi-school transport to and from the swimming pools and sports facilities in the exempted school transport service School transport. Swimming and sports trips in the 2025/2026 school year Biebertal, Wettenberg, Heuchelheim The schoolchildren of the Giessen district will be transported to the swimming pools and sports facilities. The trips will be divided into six lots according to the respective school locations. Lollar, Staufenberg, Allendorf, Rabenau The schoolchildren of the Giessen district will be transported to the swimming pools and sports facilities. The trips will be divided into six lots according to the respective school locations. Buseck, Fernwald, Reiskirchen The schoolchildren of the Giessen district will be transported to the swimming pools and sports facilities. The trips are divided into six lots according to the respective school locations. Grünberg, Laubach The pupils and students from the Giessen district are transported to the swimming pools and sports facilities. The trips are divided into six lots according to the respective school locations. Lich, Hungen The pupils and students from the Giessen district are transported to the swimming pools and sports facilities. The trips are divided into six lots according to the respective school locations. Linden, Pohlheim, Langgöns The pupils and students from the Giessen district are transported to the swimming pools and sports facilities. The trips are divided into six lots according to the respective school locations.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Contract notice - General Directive, Standard Regulation Open procedure (supplies) Equipment carrier with all-wheel drive and all-wheel steering with roll-off system consisting of a chassis with hook-lift roll-off system, 2 roll-off platforms, spreader on a roll-off frame and a snow plow. Delivery of an equipment carrier with all-wheel drive and all-wheel steering with roll-off system consisting of a chassis with hook-lift roll-off system, 2 roll-off platforms, spreader on a roll-off frame and a snow plow. Equipment carrier with all-wheel drive and all-wheel steering with roll-off system consisting of a chassis with hook-lift roll-off system, 2 roll-off platforms, spreader on a roll-off frame and a snow plow. 1 item
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
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Contract notice – General guideline, standard arrangements Open procedure (supplies) Functional overalls, flame retardant Framework agreement For supply of functional overalls, flame retardant 2025-2027 Functional overalls, flame retardant Minimum purchase quantity: 500 units Optional purchase quantity: 1.5 ... Multifunctional overalls, flame retardant Framework agreement For supply of functional overalls, flame retardant 2025-2027 Functional overalls, flame retardant Minimum purchase quantity: 500 units Optional purchase quantity: 1,500 units
451-460 of 665 archived Tenders