Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung
Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (supplies) Procurement of a large sweeper (combustion engine) As part of the regular renewal of its own fleet, the EAD intends to procure a large sweeper (combustion engine) as part of this tender. ... Additional procurement of a large sweeper (combustion engine) As part of the regular renewal of its own fleet, the EAD intends to procure a large sweeper (combustion engine) as part of this tender. Procurement of a large sweeper (combustion engine) 1x Large sweeper (combustion engine)
Closing Date6 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Contract notice – general guideline, standard rule, open procedure (construction work) New Rebstockbad building in Frankfurt am Main The new Rebstockbad building in Frankfurt am Main is the most important swimming pool project within the framework of the Frankfurt 2025 swimming pool concept and, in addition to its function of providing regional services to the city of Frankfurt am Main, has the aim of creating a supra-regional appeal in the Rhine-Main area. The Rebstockbad is to become a showcase project in the swimming pool landscape. The wide-ranging needs when visiting a swimming pool – from sporting aspects to the opportunity to spend free time with family and friends to health and wellness-oriented offers – are to be reflected in the profile of the new Rebstockbad. In addition to the external impact of the building, the primary project goal is to make the pool attractive for future users. Other key project goals are the energy and resource-saving, ecological and economical construction and operation of the Rebstockbad. This is to be ensured by an efficient, durable, sustainable, low-maintenance and easy-care construction. If you have any questions regarding the e-tendering platform Subreport Elvis, please contact: Stefan Ehl, Tel.: +49 (0) 221/9 85 78-58, Fax: +49 (0) 221/9 85 78-66, E-mail: stefan.ehl@subreport.de, Internet: www.subreport.de 9. For bidder communication (questions about the list of services or bidder questions of any kind), only the communication function via the tendering platform is to be used. In this case Subreport Elvis. Burglar alarm and fire alarm system (elt3) Burglar alarm and fire alarm system installation: - Burglar alarm system - CCTV cameras and recorders for burglar alarm events - Fire alarm system - Connection of the BMA to the fire department. - Wiring system for both systems
Closing Date6 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Civil And Construction...+3Civil Works Others, Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Contract notice – general guideline, standard regulation negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition/negotiated procedure (services) Groß-Gerau district, structural extension of the Albert Schweitzer School in Mörfelden-Walldorf to create a two-stream inclusive all-day primary school. Planning of a two-storey new building with learning clusters and a cafeteria/auditorium in modular construction. Groß-Gerau district, structural extension of the Albert Schweitzer School in Mörfelden-Walldorf to create a two-stream inclusive all-day primary school. Planning of a two-storey new building with learning clusters and a cafeteria/auditorium in modular construction. Rough cost estimate without Kg 700 is €6,817,000.00. Project funding for the new building with funding from the noise protection program. Billing until December 2026. Demolition of a single-storey toilet facility, extension to existing all-day building. Rough cost estimate without Kg 700 is €495,000.00
Closing Date6 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) 12:00 am Liebfrauenschule Maintenance cleaning 5,333.34 m², + basic cleaning 21,333.36 m² + school yard cleaning 4,428.00 m², + 2,500 hours hourly quota for special cleaning + specialist cleaner 3 hours ... 12:00 am Liebfrauenschule Maintenance cleaning 5,333.34 m², + basic cleaning 21,333.36 m² + school yard cleaning 4,428.00 m², + 2,500 hours hourly quota for special cleaning + specialist cleaner 3 hours Daily = 2,343.60 hours + holiday cleaning 1,949.15 m² 12:00 am Liebfrauenschule Maintenance cleaning 5,333.34 m², + basic cleaning 21,333.36 m² + school yard cleaning 4,428.00 M², + 2,500 hours of special cleaning hours + cleaning specialist 3 hours daily = 2,343.60 hours + holiday cleaning 1,949.15 M²
Closing Date7 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
110 linear metres of vibratory floor work Ll. Ba. Multi-tile, vibratory floor and slab work_bs Kirchhain Renovation of workshop building Tiling work L. Ba Wall tiles Approx. 204 m² Floor tiles Approx. 88 m² Base tiles Approx. 110 linear metres of vibratory floor work Ll. Ba Vibrating floor R11 Approx. 574 m² Cement screed Approx. 574 m² Base Approx. 236 linear metres of tiling work Ll. Ba Wall tiles Approx. 10 m² Vibrating floor work Ll. Ba vibrating floor R11 approx. 515 m² vibrating floor R12 V4 approx. 445 m² cement screed approx. 960 m² base approx. 305 linear metres tiling, vibrating floor and slab work_bs Kirchhain renovation of workshop building tiling work L. Ba wall tiles approx. 204 m² floor tiles approx. 88 m² base tiles approx. 110 linear metres vibrating floor work L. Ba vibrating floor R11 approx. 574 m² cement screed approx. 574 m² base approx. 236 linear metres tiling work Ll. Ba wall tiles approx. 10 m² vibrating floor work Ll. Ba vibrating floor R11 approx. 515 m² vibrating floor R12 V4 approx. 445 m² cement screed approx. 960 m² base approx. 305 linear metres
Closing Date7 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Contract notice - general guidelines, standard rules, open procedure (construction work) Trebur - new fire station flat roof work Trebur - new fire station The service includes the supply and performance of all necessary measures for the professional production of the roofing work including the necessary insulation layers for the flat roofs of the fire station, roof terrace on the upper floor and club garage (the roofing work on the vehicle hall is not part of this tender) as well as the associated drainage systems (drains, flat roof gullies, downpipes), green roofs and the coverings of the parapet.
Closing Date7 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (supplies) Lubricants State of Hesse Supply of lubricants for the State of Hesse Lubricants State of Hesse Supply of 48,896 litres of oil (58,675.20 litres of oil maximum quantity), 1,593.6 kg of grease (1,912.32 kg of fe ... Multi-lubricants State of Hesse Supply of lubricants for the State of Hesse Lubricants State of Hesse Supply of 48,896 litres of oil (58,675.20 litres of oil maximum quantity), 1,593.6 kg of grease (1,912.32 kg of grease maximum quantity) and 450 grease gun sets (540 grease gun sets maximum quantity) (framework agreement) for the State of Hesse When the maximum quantity is reached, the framework agreement ends
Closing Date8 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Contract notice – General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (construction work) Municipality of Büttelborn, New rescue centre Büttelborn Gates Municipality of Büttelborn, New rescue centre Büttelborn Rough dimensions: 9 pieces Outward folding "fire brigade" gates With glass filling
Closing Date8 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Contract notice – General guideline, standard arrangements Open procedure (supplies) Fire protection clothing for the Fuldatal fire department, 3 lots Fire protection clothing for the Fuldatal fire department, 3 lots AGT clothing Fire protection clothing for the Fuldatal fire department, 3 lots Non-AGT clothing ... Multi-fire protection clothing for the Fuldatal fire department, 3 lots Fire protection clothing for the Fuldatal fire department, 3 lots AGT clothing Fire protection clothing for the Fuldatal fire department, 3 lots Non-AGT clothing Fire protection clothing for the Fuldatal fire department, 3 lots Gloves Fire protection clothing for the Fuldatal fire department, 3 lots
Closing Date8 Jan 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Others
Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (construction work) Stadtwerke Mörfelden-Walldorf, renovation and expansion of the Mörfelden-Walldorf sewage treatment plant 44201-19 Civil engineering work including filling station Stadtwerke Mörfelden-Walldorf, renovation and expansion of the K ... Mehrstadtwerke Mörfelden-Walldorf, renovation and expansion of the Mörfelden-Walldorf sewage treatment plant 44201-19 Civil engineering work including filling station Stadtwerke Mörfelden-Walldorf, renovation and expansion of the Mörfelden-Walldorf sewage treatment plant - Demolition of concrete paving stones - Pipeline trenches including shoring and backfilling - Pipeline construction DN 90 to DN 400 (service water, gas, centrate water, waste water, cable conduits) - Surface stabilization up to gravel base layer - Excavations including shoring - Concrete work filling station including LF separator and sampling shaft - Core drilling DN 150
Closing Date8 Jan 2025
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451-460 of 665 archived Tenders