Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung

Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice – general guideline, standard regulation, open procedure (construction work) Low-voltage systems, low- and medium-voltage systems up to 36 kV (DIN 18 382); Low-voltage systems, construction of one of the new low-voltage distribution systems for the listed building with lecture hall and ... Multi-low-voltage systems, low- and medium-voltage systems up to 36 kV (DIN 18 382); Low-voltage systems, construction of one of the new low-voltage distribution systems for the listed building with lecture hall and seminar rooms, office and meeting rooms, smaller laboratory areas and ancillary rooms. The building will be connected to the TU Darmstadt and will have a GHV-EDV with three racks on the 2nd floor. There are 13 further IT sub-distribution boards in the areas. A non-comprehensive fire alarm system with approx. 130 smoke detectors and approx. 35 manual call points as well as a BOS system with approx. 850 m of radiant cable is planned in the building. Furthermore, a call system for the B-wc, two door intercoms as well as approx. 5 laser lights and a gas warning system for the laboratory areas are planned.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) Line bundle "202b: Witzenhausen - Neu-Eichenberg" The services are awarded as a service contract within the framework of an open procedure in accordance with the Ordinance on the Award of Public Contracts (Verg ... Multi-line ... Roßbach - Ellingerode - Kleinal-merode - Hubenrode" - Line 219.2 Branch "witzenhausen - Ermschwerd - Ziegenhagen - Blickershausen - Gertenbach" - Line 219.3 Branch "witzenhausen - Wendershausen - Rückerode - Unterrieden - Werleshausen - Neuseesen" - Line 219.4 Branch "witzenhausen -eichenberg Siedlung - Berge - Marzhausen - He-benshausen - Eichenberg Bf" - Line 219.5 Branch "witzenhausen - Gertenbach - Albshausen - Berlepsch" - Line 220 "witzenhausen - Bad Sooden-allendorf - Eschwege" - Line 229.3 Branch "bad Sooden-allendorf - Kammerbach - Dudenrode" - Line 229.4 Branch "oberrieden - Bad Sooden-allendorf" - Line 229.5 Branch "ast-verkehr Bad Sooden-allendorf: Train station/bus station - border museum" - line 229.6 branch "bad Sooden-allendorf - Kleinvach - (albungen)" The bus services are to be provided at the start of operations with 11 vehicles (10 standard buses category A and 1 minibus category A). The scheduled commercial vehicle kilometers in an average calendar year according to section 1.3 of appendix A to the offer letter "specifications and information on offer calculation" are a rounded 607,165 Nkm (commercial vehicle kilometers) per year and a rounded 15,815 scheduled hours per year. The aforementioned number of vehicles must be kept available. The branch services can be provided from the start of operations with 5 vehicles (car and/or van) and an estimated 132,500 occupied kilometers per year. Line bundle 202b "witzenhausen - Neu-eichenberg" Line bundle 202b "witzenhausen - Neu-eichenberg": - Line 214 "neu-eichenberg - Neuseesen - Witzenhausen" - Line 216 "bad Sooden-allendorf - Kammerbach - Dudenrode" - Line 217 "witzenhausen - Hundelshausen - Kleinalmerode" - Line 218 "witzenhausen - Gertenbach" - Line 219.1 branch "witzenhausen - Dohrenbach - Roßbach - Ellingerode - Kleinalmerode - Hubenrode" - Line 219.2 branch "witzenhausen - Ermschwerd - Ziegenhagen - Blickershausen - Gertenbach" - Line 219.3 branch "witzenhausen - Wendershausen - Rückerode - Unterrieden - Werleshausen - Neuseesen" - Line 219.4 branch "witzenhausen -eichenberg Siedlung - Berge - Marzhausen - He-benshausen - Eichenberg Bf" - Line 219.5 Branch "Witzenhausen - Gertenbach - Albshausen - Berlepsch" - Line 220 "Witzenhausen - Bad Sooden-allendorf - Eschwege" - Line 229.3 Branch "Bad Sooden-allendorf - Kammerbach - Dudenrode" - Line 229.4 Branch "Oberrieden - Bad Sooden-allendorf" - Line 229.5 Branch "AST-verkehr Bad Sooden-allendorf: Bahnhof/zob - Grenzmuseum" - Line 229.6 Branch "Bad Sooden-allendorf - Kleinvach - (Albungen)" Line 214 connects the town of Witzenhausen with the municipality of Neu-Eichenberg and also ensures inner-city traffic in the area of the municipality of Neu-Eichenberg. Local lines 217 and 218 serve the western districts of Witzenhausen, line 216 serves the western districts of Bad Sooden-Allendorf. Regional line 220 connects the towns of Witzenhausen, Bad Sooden-Allendorf and Eschwege and provides a cross-connection to the regional train lines RB 83 and RB 87. Bus services are to be provided according to schedule with 11 vehicles (10 standard buses category A and 1 minibus category A) at the start of operations. The scheduled commercial vehicle kilometers in an average calendar year according to section 1.3 of Appendix A to the offer letter "Specifications and information on offer calculation" amount to a rounded 607,165 Nkm (commercial vehicle kilometers) per year and a rounded 15,815 scheduled hours per year. The aforementioned number of vehicles must be kept available. The branch lines 219.1 to 219.5 supplement the existing bus service in the Witzenhausen area on an hourly basis. The branch lines 229.3, 229.4 and 229.6 take over this task in the Bad Sooden-Allendorf area. The branch line 229.5 connects the city center with the border museum. From the start of operations, the services in the branch traffic can be provided with 5 vehicles (car and/or van) and an estimated 132,500 occupied kilometers per year.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice – General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (supplies) Procurement of a STLF 20-V Procurement of a STLF 20-V Chassis All-wheel drive chassis According to description LV Bodywork Fire engine bodywork For a fire engine

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Others, Construction Material
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice – general guidelines, standard rules negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition/negotiated procedure (services) Renovation and extension of the Helene Lange School, Wiesbaden; Object planning of outdoor areas, Lph 1-9 Renovation and extension of the Helene Lange School, Wiesbaden; Object planning of outdoor areas, Lph 1-9 Renovation ... Multiple renovation and extension of the Helene Lange School, Wiesbaden; Object planning of outdoor areas, Lph 1-9 Renovation and extension of the Helene Lange School, Wiesbaden; Object planning of outdoor areas, Lph 1-9 Renovation and extension of the Helene Lange School, Wiesbaden; Object planning of outdoor areas, Lph 1-9 Initial situation The Helene Lange School has existed since 1955 and is an integrated comprehensive school with currently around 600 pupils in years 5 to 10, divided into 24 classes. The school property is approximately 11,863 m² in size, has a gradient of approximately 4 meters and borders on the busy Moltkering. The Helene Lange School is an experimental school in the state of Hesse, which is to be restructured and converted to be barrier-free in accordance with the three main themes of modern school requirements - all-day care, individualization of learning and inclusion. There is a pedagogical school concept and a coordinated spatial program. A mass study was carried out for the Building Department in 2021, with the result that the main building is to be completely renovated, but the specialist classroom building and the sports hall are assessed as dilapidated. The existing 1-field sports hall is to be replaced by a 2-field sports hall in accordance with DIN 18032. It is not to be used as a meeting place in accordance with H-vstättr, but only as a sports hall for school and club sports without spectators. There are contaminated areas in all parts of the building. This is also why school operations will be completely outsourced for the demolition, construction and renovation period. The interim measures are not the subject of the contract. Further information can be found in the task description. Subject of the service to be commissioned Object planning of outdoor facilities in accordance with Hoai 2013, as amended in 2021, Part 3, Section 2, § 38-40, service phases 1-9 Basic services. In addition, for the special services listed below: 1. Assisting with the application for and invoicing of funding 2. Assisting with the retrieval of funding after comparing it with the actual costs 3. Drawing up and calculating life cycle costs 4. Creating a flood certificate for the planning area 5. Monitoring the elimination of defects within the limitation period 6. Monitoring development and maintenance The basic services will be remunerated on the basis of Hoai 2013, as amended in 2021. A fee that falls below the basic fee rate or exceeds the upper fee rate, as well as a deviation from the other fee rates, is permitted. If desired, these should be indicated by specifying a discount in the fee offer (percentage and absolute) and, if necessary, explained in the cover letter. The special services will be remunerated at a flat rate based on the offer you have submitted. It is planned to award the execution work to individual trades. Options There will be a step-by-step call for services (options), subject to the committee resolutions on the further implementation of the project and the decision of the contracting authority in the further course of the project: Stage I: Lph 1-4, Stage II: 5-9 If the contract is awarded in this tendering procedure, the following services will be called up first: Stage I: Lph 1-4 The contractor undertakes to provide the further services if no more than 6 months have passed since the completion of the last transferred service and the client has announced the transfer in good time, i.e. at least 4 weeks in advance. The order for the further stages or sections is made in writing. The contractor has no right to call up individual and/or all stages and cannot derive any further claims (e.g. for damages or an increase in fees) from non-calling up. Project dates: Start of service provision: March 2025 (after award of contract) Building permit: By the end of 2027 Construction completion: Early 2030

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice – General guidelines, standard rules Open procedure (construction work) 2475 Technical schools Dillenburg; Conversion + expansion 2nd phase new building head building + renovation A-wing; interior plastering Interior plastering work head building 2475 Technical schools Dillenburg; Conversion + expansion 2nd phase new building head building + renovation A ... More2475 Technical schools Dillenburg; Conversion + expansion 2nd phase new building head building + renovation A-wing; interior plastering Interior plastering work head building 2475 Technical schools Dillenburg; Conversion + expansion 2nd phase new building head building + renovation A-wing; interior plastering Approx. 450 m² protective covering, foil, windows, doors Other components Approx. 3,150 m² gypsum filler plaster, 5mm, on concrete surfaces, incl. Primer Approx. 1,600 m² Addition to the gypsum plastering plaster For gypsum plaster 15mm Approx. 650 m Reveals up to W=25cm Plastering, gypsum plaster Approx. 775 m Corner slot rails, galvanized Approx. 70 m² Staircase undersides, folded, filling

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Publishing and Printing
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice – General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) All-day pact including extended school care at the Martin Buber School Provision of services for the implementation of the all-day pact (PFDG) from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon to Fri incl. holiday care from the start of the 2025/2026 school year on the basis of the agreement between the state of Hesse and the city of Frankfurt am Main on all-day offers in the all-day pact. Pact for the whole day including extended school care at the Martin-Buber-School. Provision of services for the implementation of the pact for the whole day (pfdg) from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon to Fri including holiday care with the start of the 2025/2026 school year on the basis of the agreement between the state of Hesse and the city of Frankfurt am Main on all-day offers in the pact for the whole day.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice – general guideline, standard regulation negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition/negotiated procedure (services) Object planning for a building for the extension of the Otfried-Preußler-School, Dillenburg Object planning for a building for the extension of the Otfried-Preußler-School, Dillenburg Object planning services for buildings Ge ... Multi-object planning for a building for the extension of the Otfried-Preußler-School, Dillenburg Object planning for a building for the extension of the Otfried-Preußler-School, Dillenburg Object planning services for buildings in accordance with Part 3, Section 1 HOAI, LPH 1-9 for the extension of the Otfried-Preußler-School, Dillenburg. The district committee of the Lahn-Dill district, represented by the building department - schools, is the sponsor of schools according to the Hessian school law. In this capacity, it is planning the extension of the Otfried-Preußler-School in Dillenburg. The Otfried-Preußler-Schule was built in 1974 and has since been a special needs school with a focus on intellectual development and a department for physical and motor development in Dillenburg in central Hesse. The school currently has around 131 pupils in grades 1 to 10 in 19 classes. Due to the steadily increasing number of pupils and a lack of classroom space, two primary school classes have been taught at the Donsbach primary school since the 2021/2022 school year; in the 2022/2023 school year, further classes were relocated. The current project is intended to supplement the range of classroom space and enable the reintegration of the relocated school classes. In order to be able to optimally reflect the school's space requirements, a feasibility study for the extension/new building was drawn up in May 2022. The existing floor plans of the Otfried-Preußler-Schule and variant 5 from the feasibility study by the architectural firm Freischlad + Partner, Haiger, as of May 2022, are attached to this document for information. The planning services in question for the building project planning are awarded as a staged contract. It is intended to initially commission service phases 1 to 4 for the overall project.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Others...+1Software and IT Solutions
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice – General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) Procurement of support services for IT procedures of the HMDIS, HMSI, HMFG, HMD and platform operations for customers in the HZD in five lots Procurement of support services for IT proc ... Additional procurement of support services for IT procedures of the HMDIS, HMSI, HMFG, HMD and platform operations for customers in the HZD in five lots Procurement of support services for IT procedures of the HMDIS, HMSI, HMFG, HMD and platform operations for customers in the HZD in five lots Enterprise Architect The following services are to be procured. As an "enterprise architect container construction and operation with Kubernetes clusters in enterprise environments, multicloud experience", the following requirements are made in particular: - At least three years of professional experience in the area of deployment, management and scaling of containerized applications - At least three years of professional experience in the area of installation and operation of Linux operating systems - At least three years of professional experience in the area of software development and version management for Git-based software projects - At least eight years of experience in the provision and administration of specialist applications, from a technical and specialist point of view At least three years of experience in the provision of procedures using container technology on Kubernetes - At least four years of experience with administration in enterprise server environments - At least three years of experience with data backup issues in container environments - At least two years of experience with BPMN tools - At least two years of experience with high availability requirements in Kubernetes clusters - At least two years of experience in the deployment of monitoring tools - At least one year of experience With 24*7 procedures - At least one year of experience in the application of incident, problem, change and release management processes in accordance with ITIL/ITSM - At least two years of experience in the creation and maintenance of technical concepts, documentation and architectures - Good knowledge of operational processes in accordance with ITIL or ITSM - Good knowledge of the German language, both written and spoken, as well as knowledge of English, which enables the use of manufacturer information or Internet specialist forums - Good knowledge of IT security in accordance with BSI standards or comparable IT security standards of other EU countries - Deployment and configuration of monitoring tools such as Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus and others - Two years of experience in the implementation of API interfaces, vulnerability analysis and fixing of containers - Two years of experience with transport standards in public administration - Confident use of Ansible or similar scripting languages - Know-how in the configuration and operation of container-based applications with DBMS - Knowledge of Rancher, Mirantis and Ansible Further details can be found in the service description. Process migration and container operation on Kubernetes. Services are to be procured below. As an "operator of container processes and migration specialist with distributed infrastructure", the following requirements in particular are made: - At least three years of professional experience in the deployment, management and scaling of containerized applications - At least three years of professional experience in the installation and operation of Linux operating systems - At least three years of professional experience in the software development and version management for Git-based software projects - In-depth knowledge of an enterprise environment acquired in at least eight years of professional experience - At least five years of experience in the use of ITIL tools and within the framework of ITIL processes - At least three years of experience with various container technologies - At least five years of experience with hybrid IT environments - At least three years of experience with nationwide IT cooperations - At least three years of experience with SharePoint, JIRA and FISbox - Good knowledge of operating processes according to ITIL or ITSM - Good knowledge of the German language, both written and spoken, as well as knowledge of English, which enables the use of manufacturer information or Enable internet specialist forums - Good knowledge in the area of IT security in accordance with BSI standards or comparable IT security standards of other EU states - Deployment and configuration of monitoring tools - Two years of experience in implementing API interfaces - Vulnerability analysis and fixing of containers - Two years of experience with transport standards in public administration - Knowledge in the areas of Rancher, Mirantis and Ansible Further details can be found in the service description. BPMN tool specialist Services are to be procured below. As a BPMN tool specialist, the following requirements are particularly important: - At least three years of professional experience in the deployment, management and scaling of containerized applications - At least three years of professional experience in the installation and operation of Linux operating systems - At least three years of professional experience in the field of software development and version management for Git-based software projects - At least four years of professional experience with BPMN tools and process orchestration - At least four years of experience with process analysis - At least two years of experience with Camunda - At least one year of experience in complex network environments At least four years of experience with customer meetings - At least two years of experience with IT security requirements - Good knowledge of operational processes according to ITIL or ITSM (ideally ITIL Foundation) in accordance with section 4.1 - Good knowledge of the German language, both written and spoken, as well as knowledge of English, which enables the use of manufacturer information or Internet specialist forums - Good knowledge of IT security in accordance with BSI standards or comparable IT security standards of other EU countries - Deployment and configuration of monitoring tools - Two years of experience in implementing API interfaces - Vulnerability analysis and fixing of containers - Two years of experience with transport standards in public administration - Knowledge in the areas of Rancher, Mirantis and Ansible Further details can be found in the service description. Platform specialist Services are to be procured below. As an operator of a Kubernetes platform on which several container processes with heterogeneous infrastructure are operated, the following requirements in particular are made: - At least three years of professional experience in the deployment, management and scaling of containerized applications - At least three years of professional experience in the installation and operation of Linux operating systems - At least three years of professional experience in the area of software development and version management for Git-based software projects - At least two years of practical experience in the operation of Docker applications and medium-sized processes in container operation - At least two years of practical experience in dealing with Kubernetes - At least two years of practical experience in dealing with at least one other Kubernetes derivative - At least two years of practical experience in container management - At least two years of experience in the deployment and configuration of monitoring tools - At least two years of experience in monitoring container applications with Prometheus, Grafana, Elasticsearch, Kibana - At least three years of experience in Linux administration - Good knowledge of operational processes According to ITIL or ITSM - Good knowledge of the German language, both written and spoken, as well as knowledge of English, which enables the use of manufacturer information or Internet specialist forums - Good knowledge in the area of IT security in accordance with BSI standards or comparable IT security standards of other EU countries - Deployment and configuration of monitoring tools such as Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus and others - Two years of experience in implementing API interfaces - Vulnerability analysis and fixing of containers - Two years of experience with transport standards of public administration - Confident handling of scripting - Practical experience of at least six months or practiced routine in reverse proxy configuration - Practical experience of at least six months or practiced routine in configuration of Ingress Server - Practical experience of at least six months or practiced routine in Git workflows - Confident handling of INFRASTRUCTURE-AS-CODE - Solid knowledge of SQL basics - Solid knowledge of network basics - Experience of at least six months in the use of INFRASTRUCTURE tools in the context of ITIL processes - At least three months' experience in contributing to IT security concepts, load tests and penetration tests - Knowledge of Rancher, Mirantis and Ansible Further details can be found in the service description. Senior Platform Specialist Services are to be procured below. As a senior platform specialist for a Kubernetes platform, the following requirements in particular are made: - At least three years of professional experience in the deployment, management and scaling of containerized applications - At least three years of professional experience in the installation and operation of Linux operating systems - At least three years of professional experience in the area of software development and version management for Git-based software projects - At least two years of practical experience in the operation of Docker applications and medium-sized processes in container operations - At least two years of practical experience in dealing with Kubernetes - At least two years of practical experience in dealing with at least one other Kubernetes derivative - At least two years of practical experience in container management - At least two years of experience in the deployment and configuration of monitoring tools - At least two years of experience in monitoring container applications with Prometheus, Grafana, Elasticsearch, Kibana - At least three years of experience in Linux administration - Certification in CKA or CKAD - At least three years of experience with Kubernetes deployments and Docker technologies - At least three years of experience in planning, designing and operating Kubernetes clusters - At least two years of experience in planning and creating IT concepts in the public cloud infrastructure environment - Expert knowledge in database administration and database design in the operation of Kubernetes cluster environments and/or experience in the use of ITIL tools as part of ITIL processes - Good knowledge of the operating processes according to ITIL or ITSM - Good knowledge of the German language, both written and spoken, as well as knowledge of English, which enables the use of manufacturer information or Internet specialist forums - Good knowledge of IT security in accordance with BSI standards or comparable IT security standards of other EU countries - Deployment and configuration of monitoring tools such as Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus and others - Two years of experience in implementing API interfaces - Vulnerability analysis and fixing of containers - Two years of experience with transport standards of public administration - Confident handling of scripting - Practical experience of at least six months or practiced routine in Reverse - Practical experience of at least six months or practiced routine in configuring Ingress Server - Practical experience of at least six months or practiced routine in Git workflows - Confident handling of Infrastructure-as-Code (Ansible) - Solid knowledge of SQL basics - Solid knowledge of network basics - Experience of at least six months in the use of ITIL tools as part of ITIL processes - At least three months of experience in the preparation of IT security concepts, load tests and penetration tests - Knowledge in the areas of Rancher, Mirantis and Ansible Further details can be found in the service description

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Others
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) Services from engineering offices (structure and building physics) for construction work at the administrative location in 63654 Büdingen Specialist planning services for structural planning in accordance with Part 4 of the specialist planning, Section 1: ... Additional services from engineering offices (structure and building physics) for construction work at the administrative location in 63654 Büdingen Specialist planning services for structural planning in accordance with Part 4 of the specialist planning, Section 1: Structural planning, in accordance with Section 49 et seq. Hoai 2021, and building physics services in accordance with Appendix 1: Additional specialist planning and consulting services, Section 1.2, Hoai 2021 for the demolition of existing garages, storage buildings and outdoor floor coverings, the construction of a new administration building for the Wetterau district administration at the Büdingen location, as well as the conversion, renovation and modernization of the listed, historic old building, Berliner Str. 31, 63654 Büdingen. For further information on the scope of services, please refer to the construction, object and service description attached as Appendix 01. Services of engineering offices (structural and building physics) for construction work at the administrative location in 63654 Büdingen Description of the services to be provided: 1. Structural planning services for cooperation and advice on demolition planning and the demolition of existing structures in accordance with Part 4 of the specialist planning, Section 1: Structural planning, according to Section 49 ff. Hoai 2021 for title 1.1) 2. Structural planning services in accordance with Part 4 of the specialist planning, Section 1: Structural planning, according to Section 49 ff. Hoai 2021 for title 1.2) 3. Building physics services in accordance with Appendix 1: Further specialist planning and consulting services, Section 1.2 Building physics, Hoai 2021 for title 1.2) 4. Structural planning services for cooperation, advice and provision of evidence for conversion and renovation work (e.g. component openings, component assessment, expert opinions Services etc.), in accordance with Part 4 of the technical planning, Section 1: Structural planning, in accordance with Section 49 et seq. Hoai 2021 for title 2.1) 5. Further additional services in structural planning and building physics in accordance with service package 3, title 3.1) A detailed description of all services, service packages and construction measures is omitted at this point. Please refer to our letter 241206_request for tender for new building San Büd and the construction, object and service description attached as appendix 01 for this information and further details. The aim is to commission one contractor with all service packages. There will be no lot-based award or tendering. The bidders can only submit one fee offer (in accordance with appendix 11 tender form in Excel format or appendix 12 tender form in PDF format) and must carry out all service packages. The corresponding eligible costs are already specified in the offer form and may not be changed. This also applies to the other content. By submitting his offer, the contractor undertakes to provide all the services listed in the construction, object and service description. This also applies to services for which no price inquiry has been made in the offer form because their scope is not fully clear in advance (e.g. because the planning basis or inventory is still missing). For these services, the client and the contractor must reach a respective fee agreement and agree it in writing before these services are requested. The client also reserves the right to extensions and options. These are listed under the point "extensions and options". The contractor must also be prepared for these services and undertakes to provide these services by submitting his offer and the other documents. The evaluation of the documents and offers is carried out in accordance with the award criteria and the evaluation matrix (appendix 10). This is done for point 3. Fee offer (in connection with the assessment according to Appendix 1) to 4 decimal places, otherwise for points 1 to 2. without decimal places. For budgetary reasons, the contractor receives a letter of award with attachments from which it is clear how he has to issue the invoice separately, in accordance with the client's specifications. After the order has been placed, a project start meeting takes place. This serves to enable the project participants to get to know each other. The further procedure and the key data should also be explained. The binding period ends on February 28, 2025.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Contract notice – General guideline, standard rule Open procedure (construction work) Ve127_2_lightning protection Lightning protection work at the Sana Clinic in Offenbach Ve127_2_lightning protection The Sana Clinic in Offenbach intends to build a three-storey new building with a total of 110 beds and 20 places for a day clinic in the southwest of the clinic grounds for the replacement new building for the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. The building will have a partial basement.
21-30 of 630 archived Tenders