Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung

Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Prior information for information purposes only - General guidelines (services) Award of the Odenwald-Nord route bundle The Rhein-Neckar transport association GmbH, as a local and regional transport authority in the Bergstrasse district, intends to carry out the competitive award of a public service contract with the start of operations on December 13, 2026 in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) 1370/2007 in conjunction with Section 119, paragraph 3 of the GWB. The contract will be awarded on the basis of the current local transport plans for the Bergstrasse district, the Odenwald district and the Darmstadt-Dieburg district, for the provision of scheduled services in the form of bus services. The Odenwald-Nord route bundle includes the current lines: - 664 (Bensheim - Reichenbach - Beedenkirchen - Brandau - Gadernheim and back), - 665 (Bensheim - Reichenbach - Gadernheim - Lindenfels - Reichelsheim and back), - 666 (Fürth - Schlierbach - Lindenfels and back) - 696 (Fürth - Schlierbach - Seidenbuch - Gadernheim) The bidder's offer must include the transport services included in the traffic area, in accordance with ISD Section 8a Paragraph 2 Sentence 4 in conjunction with Section 13 Paragraph 2a Sentence 2 Pbefg and will be assessed on the basis of the overall performance. (type and quantity of services or indication of needs and requirements) Bus service in the Odenwald-nord route bundle The Odenwald-nord route bundle currently consists of the Vrn bus lines - 664 (Bensheim - Reichenbach - Beedenkirchen - Brandau - Gadernheim and back), - 665 (Bensheim - Reichenbach - Gadernheim - Lindenfels - Reichelsheim and back), - 666 (Fürth - Schlierbach - Lindenfels and back) - 696 (Fürth - Schlierbach - Seidenbuch - Gadernheim) whose timetables can be accessed via the Vrn timetable information at www.vrn.de. The qualitative and operational specifications to be observed within the framework of the transport contract in addition to the timetable scope to ensure adequate transport service arise from the stipulations of the local transport plans of the responsible authorities and the joint local transport plan of the Rhine-Neckar transport association (in this regard, the chapters on quality and quality assurance within the framework of the Gnvp of the VRN are to be observed in particular). On the basis of the statute on a uniform network tariff in the Rhine-Neckar transport association (general regulation), the network tariff of the Rhine-Neckar transport association is to be applied, including all transitional tariff regulations. The transport concept of the Odenwald-nord line bundle will be retained at least in its current scope, with the exception of the Reichelsheim - Erbach trips on line 665 at weekends and the on-demand bus services on line 666. The weekend service on line 665 in the Reichelsheim - Erbach section is to be put out to tender as an optional module. The on-demand bus services on line 666 are to be either converted into a fixed service in accordance with NVP standards or advertised as on-demand transport. On the existing lines, isolated adjustments will be made to travel times and routes, as well as partial extensions to the service periods and increased frequency in the evenings and at weekends. The new line is planned to set up a scheduled leisure service on weekends in the summer season to the Felsenmeer near Reichenbach and to the Fürstenlager in Bensheim-Aurbach. A scheduled express bus service from Bergstrasse via Fürth to Michelstadt/Erbach is also planned. The main basis for the conception of new services is the currently valid local transport plan for the Bergstrasse district 2020-2024. The use of buses with alternative forms of propulsion is planned for the entire line bundle in accordance with the law on the procurement of clean road vehicles (Clean Vehicles Procurement Act) for the implementation of the Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD). Conventional diesel buses can also be used on bus routes that are purely for school transport. An automatic passenger counting system must be used to determine the demand values for the route bundle. The regulations for adequate transport service for commercial transport in the Odenwald-nord line bundle are set out here: Joint local transport plan of the Rhein-Neckar transport association: https://www.vrn.de/verbund/planung/dokumente/gnvp_2006.pdf Supplementary volume for the West Palatinate region 2009: https://www.vrn.de/verbund/planung/dokumente/gnvp_region_westpfalz_2009.pdf Supplementary volume 2011: https://www.vrn.de/verbund/planung/dokumente/gnvp_ergaenzung_2011.pdf Supplementary volume 2013: https://www.vrn.de/verbund/planung/dokumente/gnvp_ergaenzung_2013.pdf Supplementary volume 2023: Https://www.vrn.de/mam/verbund/planung/dokumente/gnvp_teilfortschreibung-rhein-neckar-2023.pdf Local transport plan for the Bergstrasse district: Https://www.vrn.de/mam/verbund/planung/dokumente/nvp-bergstr-2021/nvp_kreis_bergs_2020-2024.pdf The statute on a uniform network tariff in the Rhine-Neckar transport association (general regulation) can be found at: Https://www.vrn.de/mam/verbund/dokumente/satzungen/2023-satzung_verbundtarif_konsolidierte_fassung_gueltig_ab_1.5.2023.pdf Reference is made to the deadline set in Section 12 Paragraph 6 of the Pbefg in that applications must be submitted to the responsible approval authority no later than 3 months after this publication. The deadline begins with the publication of this preliminary announcement. After the deadline has expired, applications for private purposes are inadmissible.
Closing Date27 Nov 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Preliminary information for the purpose of shortening the deadline for receipt of offers - general guidelines (construction work) screed work conversion and renovation of the institute building of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science on the Lichtwiese campus of the TU Darmstadt, construction phase ACB / learning center + library screed work ... Multi-screed work conversion and renovation of the institute building of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science on the Lichtwiese campus of the TU Darmstadt, construction phase ACB / learning center + library screed work For your information! This is preliminary information - applications are only possible after the tender has been published/announced. Approx. 4,500.00 m² cleaning of the subsurface Approx. 4,500.00 m² area leveling Approx. 4,500.00 m² cement screed
Closing Date14 Nov 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Preliminary information for the purpose of shortening the deadline for receipt of offers - general guidelines (construction work) Municipality of Büttelborn, new rescue center in Büttelborn Metalworking: Rough dimensions: Approx. 82 m planters Approx. 55 m handrails Approx. 20 m² grating structures ... Multi-municipality of Büttelborn, new rescue center in Büttelborn Metalworking: Rough dimensions: Approx. 82 m planters Approx. 55 m handrails Approx. 20 m² grating structures Municipality of Büttelborn, new rescue center in Büttelborn Metalworking: Rough dimensions: Approx. 82 m planters Approx. 55 m handrails Approx. 20 m² grating structures
Closing Date18 Dec 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Food Products
Concession announcement – standard regulation (services) Lease and rental agreement for the Orangery The subject of the service being advertised is the awarding of a concession (lease agreement) for the independent operation of a restaurant in the Orangery in Darmstadt as well as the provision of catering for events in the Orangery and the use of living space (commercial rental agreement linked to the lease). Lease and rental agreement for the Orangery Darmstadt (1) The concessionaire leases to the concessionaire the restaurant in the Orangery, Bessunger Strasse 44, 64285 Darmstadt, consisting of: A) The rooms on the ground floor (annex 1) and the basement (annex 2) of the adjacent building B) The restaurant, terrace and garden areas to the south and the farmyard to the north (annex 3) C) One storage room each on the ground floor (25 sq. m) and in the basement (19 sq. m) of the main building (annex 4). A lease agreement is concluded (2) The concessionaire commercially rents to the concessionaire the innkeeper's and staff apartments on the upper floor above the restaurant, consisting of A) a three-room apartment with 111.08 sqm and a three-room apartment with 79.78 sqm and B) an apartment with 21.32 sqm and an apartment with 17.90 sqm (complex). The tenancy of these apartments is a commercial tenancy to which the provisions of the German Civil Code on residential tenancy do not apply. A commercial tenancy agreement is concluded. (3) The leasing and rental are linked. (4) The lease and rental agreement are referred to hereinafter as the contract. (5) The buildings are listed buildings. (6) The entire property is handed over from the concessionaire to the concessionaire in accordance with the handover protocol.
Closing Date27 Jan 2026
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Metals and Non-Metals
Contract notice – General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (construction work) Ov (eu) I Metal construction interior doors Metal construction work (din 18 360); Ov (eu) I Metal construction interior doors Metal construction interior doors (steel doors) Incl. fire protection
Closing Soon25 Feb 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Contract notice – General guidelines, standard rules Open procedure (services) 12:00 PM Michael Grzimek School Maintenance cleaning 4,319.32 m², basic cleaning 17,277.28 m², specialist cleaner 3 hours = 2,343.6 hours, school yard cleaning 2,020? m² + hourly quota 2,500 hours special cleaning. 12:00 PM Michael Grzimek School Maintenance cleaning 4,319.32 m², basic cleaning 17,277.28 m², specialist cleaner 3 hours = 2,343.6 hours, school yard cleaning 2,020? m² + hourly quota 2,500 hours special cleaning. Michael-Grzimek-School maintenance cleaning 4,319.32 m², basic cleaning 17,277.28 m², specialist cleaner 3 hours = 2,343.6 hours, school yard cleaning 2,020? m² + hourly quota 2,500 hours special cleaning.
Closing Date4 Mar 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Preliminary information for the purpose of shortening the deadline for receipt of offers - general guidelines (construction work) 110_1 Locksmith; 110_2 Metalwork; 111_1 Interior plastering work; 112_1 Drywall construction, interior doors; 113_1 Screed work; 114_1 Tiling work; 116_1 Floor covering work; 117_1 Painting work; 118_1 Table ... More110_1 Locksmith; 110_2 Metalwork; 111_1 Interior plastering work; 112_1 Drywall construction, interior doors; 113_1 Screed work; 114_1 Tiling work; 116_1 Floor covering work; 117_1 Painting work; 118_1 Carpentry work; 117_2 Crash protection; 117_3 Handrails The Sana Klinikum Offenbach intends to build a three-storey new building with a total of 110 beds and 20 places for a day clinic to replace the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in the southwest of the clinic grounds. The building will have a partial basement, the gross floor area is around 7,660 m². The preliminary information includes the following interior work services: Locksmith; metalwork; interior plastering; drywall, interior doors; screed work; tiling; floor covering work; painting work; carpentry work; impact protection; handrails 110_1 Locksmith; 110_2 Metalwork; 111_1 Interior plastering; 112_1 Drywall, interior doors; 113_1 Screed work; 114_1 Tiling; 116_1 Floor covering work; 117_1 Painting work; 118_1 Carpentry work; 117_2 Crash protection; 117_3 Handrails The preliminary information includes the following interior work: Locksmiths; Metalwork; Interior plastering; Drywall, interior doors; Screed work; Tiling; Floor covering work; Painting work; Carpentry work; Crash protection; Handrails
Closing Date21 Jan 2026
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Consultancy Services
Preliminary information For information purposes only – General guidelines (construction work) Ludwigshöhviertel - Landscaping work on the West Landscape Staircase BVD New-living GmbH & Co. KG is planning to expand the Landscape Staircase as a public open space. The aim is to offer the new urban quarter a landscaped recreational area with natural elements. These areas are intended to create a variety of opportunities for play, sport and attractive places to stay. The construction site is located on the southern outskirts of Darmstadt on a converted area of the former Cambrai-Fritsch barracks or Jefferson settlement, today's Ludwigshöhviertel. In recent years BVD New Living GmbH & Co. KG has comprehensively redesigned the entire conversion site. The former barracks buildings have largely been demolished, various building sites have been cleared and leveled. In addition, the necessary ordnance clearance and soil remediation measures have been carried out. The work on the internal development is almost complete. Construction has already started on several of the cleared building sites. The total area of the West Landscape Staircase is around 18,000 m² and is located to the west of the planning area. Construction is scheduled to begin in February 2025 and is expected to last until March 2026. The planning and site monitoring of the West Landscape Staircase is carried out by the Shk+ planning office.
Closing Date12 Sep 2025
Tender AmountNA 

Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Preliminary information for the purpose of shortening the deadline for receipt of offers - general guidelines (construction work) 104_1 Shell 1; 104_2 Shell 2; 105_1 Steel construction; 106_1 Facade-vf, 106_2 Facade-tz, 107_1 Windows, 108_1 Scaffolding, 109_1 Roof The Sana Clinic Offenbach intends to build a replacement new building for the clinic for ... More104_1 Shell 1; 104_2 Shell 2; 105_1 Steel construction; 106_1 Facade-vf, 106_2 Facade-tz, 107_1 Window, 108_1 Scaffolding, 109_1 Roof The Sana Clinic Offenbach intends to build a three-storey new building with a total of 110 beds and 20 places for a day clinic in the southwest of the clinic grounds to replace the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. The building will have a partial basement, the gross floor area is around 7,660 m². The preliminary information includes the following services: Shell including foundation and water drainage, steel construction work, curtain wall, facade sandwich panels technical center, plastic windows, aluminum-glass doors; scaffolding work, construction hoist, roof coverings 104_1 Shell 1; 104_2 Shell 2; 105_1 Steel construction; 106_1 Facade-vf, 106_2 Facade-tz, 107_1 Window, 108_1 Scaffolding, 109_1 Roof The preliminary information includes the following services: Shell construction including foundation and water drainage, steel construction work, curtain wall, facade sandwich panels, technical center, plastic windows, aluminum-glass doors; scaffolding work, construction hoist, roof coverings
Closing Date5 Nov 2025
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Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender

Preliminary information for the purpose of shortening the deadline for receipt of offers - general guidelines (construction work) 104_1 Shell 1; 104_2 Shell 2; 105_1 Steel construction; 106_1 Facade-vf, 106_2 Facade-tz, 107_1 Windows, 108_1 Scaffolding, 109_1 Roof The Sana Clinic Offenbach intends to build a replacement new building for the clinic for ... More104_1 Shell 1; 104_2 Shell 2; 105_1 Steel construction; 106_1 Facade-vf, 106_2 Facade-tz, 107_1 Window, 108_1 Scaffolding, 109_1 Roof The Sana Clinic Offenbach intends to build a three-storey new building with a total of 110 beds and 20 places for a day clinic in the southwest of the clinic grounds to replace the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. The building will have a partial basement, the gross floor area is around 7,660 m². The preliminary information includes the following services: Shell including foundation and water drainage, steel construction work, curtain wall, facade sandwich panels technical center, plastic windows, aluminum-glass doors; scaffolding work, construction hoist, roof coverings 104_1 Shell 1; 104_2 Shell 2; 105_1 Steel construction; 106_1 Facade-vf, 106_2 Facade-tz, 107_1 Window, 108_1 Scaffolding, 109_1 Roof The preliminary information includes the following services: Shell construction including foundation and water drainage, steel construction work, curtain wall, facade sandwich panels, technical center, plastic windows, aluminum-glass doors; scaffolding work, construction hoist, roof coverings
Closing Date13 Nov 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
411-420 of 454 active Tenders