Tender Results of Qatarenergy
Tender Results of Qatarenergy
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
NEW 4143J ELECTRIC OVERHEAD TRAVELLING CRANE AT UNIT 41 REFINERY, MESAIEED-The scope shall include the provisions of all resources to carry out detailed engineering, site visit, documentation, materials, procurement, supply, fabrication, inspection, demolition of the existing 6 Tons crane, painting, strengthening of existing structural members, make good of the existing structures prior to and after completing the Contract, pre-commissioning, commissioning, start-up, performance testing of the FACILITY to complete the scope meeting the requirements stipulated in this CONTRACT and to qualify for handover of the WORK to QP. New 9 Tones Electric Overhead Travelling Crane shall be installed at 4143J with crane assembly, which includes crane with crane rail. Installation of new 9 Tons EOT shall be done during Refinery Shut down Q3 2021.
Contract Date7 Mar 2021
Contract AmountQAR 802.7 K (USD 220.4 K)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVISION FOR WELLHEAD MAINTENENCE VESSEL, ROV AND DORRIES-Scope of Work includes: 1) Provide and operate one (01) Multi-Purpose Support VESSEL (the VESSEL) for Wellhead maintenance activities to support its offshore operations. 2) Provide specialist equipment and personnel with Remote Operated Vehicle ("ROV") Services. 3) Provide and operate 6 number of Dories (4 of which would be operating for the WHM Boat and 2 from PS1 plaform) for Wellhead maintenance activities to support its offshore operations.
Contract Date1 Mar 2021
Contract AmountQAR 75.4 Million (USD 20.7 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE SAFETY AND FIRE EQUIPMENT AT VARIOUS QP LOCATIONS-The Scope of Services is to carry out Maintenance and Repair of the Portable Safety & Fire Equipment (Fire Extinguishers, Breathing Apparatus, Personal Gas Detectors, Triple Gas and Area Monitor Gas Detectors and Fire Hoses) in various QP locations.
Contract Date21 Feb 2021
Contract AmountQAR 5.7 Million (USD 1.5 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF CO2 WELLTRACER NON-INTRUSIVE SURVEILLANCE SERVICES FOR OFFSHORE AND ONSHORE WELLS-WellTracer or equivalent survey is based on the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a tracer medium, which is injected into the well along with the lift gas. The tracer’s return in the production tubing is monitored and measured at the surface. A software tool, WinGLUE or equivalent , is used to analyze the results from the WellTracer survey to determine the depth(s) of passage of the tracer from the annulus into the production tubing. The method is non-intrusive and neither well entry nor well shutdown is required to produce the desired results. The Services will be on a Call off basis. Contract Duration shall be 61.5 Months, including 1.5 Months for initial Mobilization
Contract Date7 Feb 2021
Contract AmountQAR 21.8 Million (USD 5.9 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC FOR UPGRADE OF ICS SYSTEMS AT AL-RAYYAN-The scope of work comprises the upgrade of Siemens DCS, Siemens QUADLOG ESD system,Siemens HVAC Systems, Siemens PMS Systems, GE Fanuc Fire and Gas System,OSI PI server interface buffer in addition to installation of redundant GPS clocks, implementation of Alarm Management System, installation of Remote Access & Asset Management System in Doha office & implementation of ICS Cyber Security for DCS and third party systems
Contract Date25 Jan 2021
Contract AmountQAR 8.9 Million (USD 2.4 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF IT APPLICATION SERVICES ON CALL-OFF BASIS-This is avail IT Application services (Application Development Services, Application Enhancement Services, Analytics and Dashboard Services, Secure source code analysis services, Web portal customization services and non-routine services) on a call-off basis from multiple Contractors for a period of 5 years from EFFECTIVE_DATE of the Contract
Contract Date24 Jan 2021
Contract AmountQAR 500 K (USD 137.3 K)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AT VARIOUS MIC OPERATIONAL BUILDINGS AT MESAIEED-The project is for detailed design, procurement and installation of the Fire Alarm, Control and Monitoring System in various operational buildings in MIC, to be carried out by an experienced and specialized contractor, including all associated works. New Fire Alarm system is required in the following buildings: ",,Substation-A ",,Substation-B ",,Substation-C ",,Substation-X ",,EDWTP - Admin building ",,EDWTP - DG power room ",,EDWTP - FE pumping station ",,EDWTP - RAS pumping station ",,Port Maintenance Oil pollution store ",,Port Maintenance Paint room ",,Building 24 at small boat harbour ",,Building 25D-Port Maintenance Workshop
Contract Date17 Jan 2021
Contract AmountQAR 2.4 Million (USD 668 K)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
UPGRADE OF GAS CHROMATOGRAPH (GC) ANALYSERS AT QP REFINERY, MESAIEED-1. Scope of Work of this CONTRACT is Engineering, Procurement, Installation, testing and commissioning to Upgrade Five (5) nos. of Gas Chromatograph (GC) Analysers at QP Refinery which are loacted in different units with Sampling system, Oven, Columns, Valves, fittings, cables and Analyser cabinets. 2.,,CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the design, manufacture / fabrication, assembly, transportation to QP Refinery, installation, inspection, testing, commissioning and documentation of the complete Analyser system with Sampling system, Oven, Columns, Valves, fittings, cables, Analyser cabinet, Operator Interface Computer, Communication requirement between Analysers, Computer and Distributed Control System (DCS) and auxiliary equipment as given below in the detailed Scope of Work. 3.,,CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the removal of the existing Analyser system in the Analyser House. 4.,,CONTRACTOR shall provide any other items not specifically detailed within this document, but required for the correct and satisfactory operation and maintenance of the whole analyser system. 5.,,It will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to make site visit during tendering / bidding stage to study and understand the existing Analyser systems for the removal or retaining of part of existing components.
Contract Date17 Jan 2021
Contract AmountQAR 2.6 Million (USD 724.2 K)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC FOR GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN MESAIEED (PHASE 2)-The objective of teh Phase 2 Groundwater Drainage Project for Mesaieed is to reduce and limit all groundwater increases in Mesaieed Industrial (Secure Area) and reduce ground water levels to a minimum level of 1.5m below ground level in order to protect all existing infrastructure and buildings and to enable further development of available land. In addition the dproject shall comply with any MME regulations, ensure safety, integrity and be provided with minimum maintenance works and ensure protection of the environment. The proposed Project shall include, as a minimum but not limited to, the following: Provision of a system of collection drains, pumping stations, rising mains and outfall structure to enable removal of surface groundwater from the shallow aquifer. Phase 2 EPIC Works for the Surface groundwater drainage system in the MIC Secure Area include: - Three (3) no. New Groundwater Pump stations located within teh MIC Secure Area (Phase 2) - A network of perforated groundwater collection drains feeding to the new groundwater pumping stations. - Pressurised rising mains from each groundwater pumping station conveying groundwater to the associated terminal pumping station (GW-PS4) and connection to the new outfall pipeline consructed under Phase 1 Works. - Provision of Fibre Optic to connect to existing systems for the collection of control data for the proposed facilities and transfer of operational data only.
Contract Date17 Jan 2021
Contract AmountQAR 62 Million (USD 17 Million)
271-280 of 560 active Tender Results