Tender Results of German Society For International Cooperation Giz Gmbh

Tender Results of German Society For International Cooperation Giz Gmbh

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 376.9 K (USD 397.2 K)
Tunisia, due to its renewable energy potential, proximity to Europe, and qualified technical workforce, benefits from good conditions to become a PtX producer and exporter. The technical potential of renewable energies in Tunisia is sufficient to meet both domestic demand and to produce GH2 for export. Against this backdrop, a new project H2Vert.TUN will be implemented by GIZ with the Tunisian ministry in charge of energy on behalf of the BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development). The overall objective of the project is to improve the framework conditions for the development of a value chain based on renewable energies for GH2 and its derivatives in Tunisia. It is planned that the GIZ project under preparation is based on Four (4) strategic components, in alignment with the priorities of the Tunisian government during 3 years of duration, from 02/2022 until 01/2025: - Component 1: Development of the national strategy for GH2; - Component 2: Support for the creation of a GH2 economy; - Component 3: Strengthening research, training and innovation. - BLP: Establishment of a Bavarian-Tunisian innovation and technology cluster for GH2. 1-Development of the national GH2 strategy: Output: Qualified decision-making bases for improving strategic and regulatory framework conditions for a GH2 / Power-to-X economy in Tunisia are available to political decision-makers. Examples of activities: - Support the process of developing a national strategy for GH2, including the development of action plans and roadmaps for key areas - Support the creation of an inter-departmental H2Vert national commission (political level) and an H2Vert council (including, for example, private sector, civil society and research). - Support a national and regional consultation process, involving all stakeholders in government, private sector and civil society - Advise on specific strategies and priorities for GH2 and its derivatives (e.g., ammonia, methanol) and international benchmarking to derive techno-economic recommendations for strategic planning documents - Analyze the existing legal and regulatory framework conditions to create a GH2 economy in Tunisia - Provide advice on improving the preconditions for the substantial expansion of Renewable Energies (RE) for GH2 production and cost reduction 2-Support for the creation of a GH2 economy: Output: Companies in Tunisia are provided with a better basis for making decisions about investing in a GH2 / Power-to-X economy. Examples of activities: - Analysis of the investment conditions (and barriers) for the planning, risk assessment, implementation, and control of large public-private projects to produce GH2. - Expert advice to national decision-makers to identify new financing mechanisms, in dialogue with research institutions, companies, industrial associations, engineering associations. - Organizational advice to relevant actors for the creation of a Tunisian observatory as an information hub for global and national hydrogen trends. - Methodical advice for the analysis and optimization of generic business models for GH2 economy projects in Tunisia including the development of first concept studies for local value chains. 3- Strengthening research, training, and innovation: Output: A technology roadmap for GH2 and its Power-to-X derivatives products with an associated action plan has been published in a participatory manner by national and international research institutions Examples of activities: - Promote professional exchange on GH2 - Promote active women's participation at training courses - Develop the communication concepts and related instruments - Technical advice to relevant stakeholders on additional /training courses on critical aspects of the certification of GH2 and its Power-to-X derivatives - Process support for national decision-makers in the development of national and / or adaptation of international standards for GH2 / Power-to-X

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 773.4 K (USD 815.1 K)
Lebanon faces major challenges in its efforts to improve wastewater management. Although the Lebanese Government is seeking to add to or complete unfinished systems and put them into operation, the requisite legal, financial, institutional, and organisational framework for sustainable wastewater management is currently not in place. Financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the "Enhancing Water Resource Management" (WAMA) project"s objective is therefore that: "The foundation has been laid for improving the legal, financial, institutional, and organisational framework for wastewater management". The project has a three year duration from April 2022 until March 2025 and an overall budget of 6 Mio. EUR. The Lebanese Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW) is the project"s political partner. The four regional water establishments" financial and technical resources are inadequate to carry out wastewater management, as they suffer unreliable public power supply (and prohibitively expensive private alternatives), insufficient and underqualified personnel, and tariffs (both fees and collection rates) that do not meet a fraction of operating costs. They thus have been hesitant to take over the operation of wastewater systems which are currently partly operated by the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) or Municipalities. The project"s components have been defined as follows: - Piloting energy-efficient sludge management in one selected wastewater treatment plant - Improve the conditions for increasing technical and financial capacities of one water establishment - Improve conditions of the four water establishments to assume responsibility for wastewater collection and treatment - Increase Lebanese participation in outreach activities

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date13 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 470 K (USD 495.3 K)
The Waste and Circular Economy (WCE) project aims to enable public and private actors to implement circular economy practices in Rwanda"s waste sector. It is part of the Rwandan-German Climate and Development Partnership that was signed by the Environmental Ministers of Rwanda and Germany in March 2022. One of the project"s key instruments is needs-based capacity development. The support aims to enhance and increase technical and organisational capacities and skills within the structures relevant for implementing approaches of circular economy in waste management. Through its support to the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and subordinate institutions, the WCE project provides these relevant state actors with technical and process-related advice regarding the development of instruments for implementing and operationalising policies, strategies, and plans for circular waste management. A specific focus lies on the cooperation between the public and private sector, which is taken into regard through initiating and moderating dialogues between state institutions and private enterprises. Furthermore, the WCE project is supporting private enterprises to develop financially viable business models and access finance for inclusive, climate-smart waste management and a circular economy. A major enabling factor is an improved financial environment for WCE activities, including access to finance, setting up subsidized target programs, and a higher educational level of financial institutions and intermediaries for the specific needs of WCE business approaches. An improved regulatory framework, for example by enforcing common standards in waste management, would also create further markets for WCE services. The project provides training measures to develop entrepreneurial capacity and is initiating a call for ideas in selected value chains to support and identify innovative, inclusive, and climate-smart circular approaches and to develop the necessary business cases that would showcase the potentials for doing business in the WCE sector. Depending on their market maturity, selected innovative project ideas receive targeted advice and coaching to develop their ideas or support to access financial grants and technical support from a financing facility that is being developed. Finally, the WCE project aims to pilot national strategies and plans for circular waste management in a selected satellite city located in the Kigali metropolitan area. Once the satellite city has been selected, the project will address the local government departments responsible for circular waste management and advise them on the implementation of national strategies and guidelines for circular waste management at the local level. This will involve the development of an action plan based on a selected waste stream, such as organic waste. The experience gained with piloting will be fed into the national dialogue process.

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1 (USD 1.0796129)
Digital transformation has proven to be a lever for informal enterprises in particular to improve their employment and income situation. However, digital transformation in Ghana is currently exacerbating inequalities between informal micro-entrepreneurs and larger, tech-savvy businesses, for example in terms of access to markets, customers and credit. MSMEs often lack the basic skills to optimise, expand and secure their economic activities through digital applications, services and channels. Overall, businesses, especially informal MSMEs, are not benefiting sufficiently from the digital transformation in Ghana. Without digital inclusion policies, the population is threatened by reduced employment prospects, barriers to accessing the labour market, internal migration and general uncertainty in dealing with the ongoing digital transformation. The project Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development in Ghana (01/2023 - 12/2025), implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), aims to improve the economic situation, especially of informal micro-enterprises, through digital transformation. The direct target groups of the module are peri-urban informal micro-entrepreneurs, especially women and young people. The intermediaries are representatives of innovative start-ups, students and employees of public authorities and private and public service providers. The project is based on three outputs: (1) The project aims to strengthen public capacity and cooperation at national and regional level to promote digital entrepreneurship, with a focus on developing support measures such as operational and monitoring plans with partners. It builds on successful formats such as the Ghana Digital Innovation Week and promotes collaboration between digital ecosystem actors in the target regions to increase efficiency. (2) Improving access to targeted digital solutions can make micro-enterprises more efficient. Relevant digital services and tools are already available on the market, but they are not tailored to the capacities and needs of the target groups. The project will support digital Solution Providers (SP) to develop products that meet the specific needs of informal MSMEs. It will also establish central contact and advice points for digital services, including the expansion of existing public structures or the creation of new agent networks. (3) Coaching and mentoring in the use of digital solutions strengthens the digital business skills of informal micro-entrepreneurs. Trained mentors support micro-entrepreneurs in their day-to-day operations. In addition to a strong focus on women entrepreneurs, men are also involved in activities to raise awareness of gender equality issues and to engage them as agents of change.

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date11 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1.8 Million (USD 1.9 Million)
The program to promote the competitiveness of the private sector in Togo (Programme pour la promotion de la compétitivité du secteur privé au Togo; hereinafter: ProComp) is a bilateral private sector development project that is aiming to increase the competitiveness of the Togolese private sector. It focuses its interventions on Togolese micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the food industry (i.e. processing of agricultural products). The project is part of the reform partnership between Togo and Germany agreed in May 2021, which is intended to support the Togolese Government's reform course and ties in with the national reform agenda, the Feuille de Route Gouvernementale Togo 2025 and the national development plan (Plan de Développement National, PND) 2018-2022. It is also part of the joint programming with the European Union (EU). ProComp is currently commissioned for the timeframe 07/2022 until 06/2025. The project strategy aims to improve the legal and administrative framework for the Togolese private sector (especially MSMEs) as well as the services offered to MSMEs by different providers and support structures, so that MSMEs can increase their competitiveness. The core element of the strategy is to improve the MSME ecosystem (especially public and private support structures and advisory services) by strengthening institutions at the meso level. To achieve this goal, the capacities of government and private sector structures are developed and their networking with the target group of MSMEs is promoted. Capacity development of business service providers and support structures focuses on technical support to MSME and an improved business and investment climate (including in the areas of agricultural value chains, access to finance, quality infrastructure and trade). The target group of the project are managers and employees of MSMEs and partly cooperatives as well as job seekers. The project focuses on the manufacturing/industry sector, in particular on the processing of agricultural products and related sectors such as the production of fertilisers, seeds or packaging.

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 0.01 (USD 0.010796128)
Team "Internationale Delegationen" (ID) steht für die Vernetzung von globalen Akteur*innen aus Wissenschaft, Bildung, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Politik mit ihren Partner*innen in Deutschland und/oder Europa. Delegationsreisen stellen ein zentrales Instrument der internationalen Zusammenarbeit der GIZ dar und dienen dem Lernen auf beiden Seiten, dem Austausch zu politischen und fachlichen Themen sowie der Etablierung und Festigung von Kontakten und Netzwerken. Das Team ID (OE3910) ist das Eingangsportal für die GIZ Projekte, Vorhaben und deren Auftragsverantwortlichen (AVs) aus der GIZ-(Außen)struktur, die im Auftrag der GIZ-Vorhaben Delegationsreisen in Präsenz, virtuell und/oder hybrid für Partner der GIZ im Ausland nach Deutschland und/oder Europa durchführen. Das Leistungsangebot des Teams ID umfasst unter anderem: - Inhaltlich-konzeptionelle Beratung (im speziellen die Methodik) - Organisatorische Unterstützung - Logistische Unterstützung und Organisation - Nachbereitung, finanzielle Abwicklung und Dokumentation Die Art, das Format, die Zielgruppe, die thematische Ausrichtung wie auch der Leistungsumfang der Reisen sind gänzlich unterschiedlich. Jeder Auftrag wird unter diesen Gesichtspunkten individuell geplant und umgesetzt. Kurzfristige Anpassungen im Leistungsumfang sowie eine hohe Flexibilität in der Planbarkeit der Kapazitäten während der Auftragsbearbeitung ist unerlässlich. Ein besonderer Fokus wird auf hochrangige Delegationen (Teilnahme von Minister*innen, Vize-Minister*innen, Staatssekretär*innen, Parlamentarier*innen etc.) gelegt, da diese für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit eine spezielle politische Relevanz besitzen.

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1 (USD 1.0796129)
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH ist eine staatliche Entwicklungszusammenarbeitsorganisation der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Der GIZ kommt die Aufgabe der Ausführung der durch den Auftraggeber vereinbarten Technischen Zusammenarbeit zu. Die Technische Zusammenarbeit besteht vor allem aus Beratung, Finanzierungsbeiträgen, Entwicklungsleistungen, Aufbau und Förderung von Projektträgern, Bereitstellung von Ausrüstung und Material und der Erstellung von Studien und Gutachten. Die GIZ hat zwei Unternehmenssitze in Deutschland: Einen in Bonn und einen in Eschborn bei Frankfurt am Main. Daneben hat die GIZ Repräsentanzen in Berlin und Brüssel und ist in weiteren deutschen Städten vertreten. Außerdem hat das Unternehmen etwa 90 Standorte weltweit. Die GIZ ist als Bundesunternehmen, privat-rechtlich als GmbH organisiert; die Bundesrepublik (vertreten durch das BMZ und das BMF) ist Alleingesellschafterin. Im Gegensatz zu einigen anderen Geberländern hat sich die Bundesregierung dafür entschieden, mit der GIZ eine eigene Durchführungsorganisation für die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen der EZ/IZ vorzuhalten. Während andere Geberländer die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zum Teil ausschreiben und durch externe Auftragnehmer umsetzen lassen, kann der Bund sich somit seiner eigenen Durchführungsorganisation bedienen. Die GIZ wird nicht institutionell gefördert. Sie wird in der Regel von der Bundesregierung sowie von anderen öffentlichen und privaten Auftraggebern in Deutschland und in aller Welt beauftragt, um Ideen für politische, gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Veränderungen mit ihnen gemeinsam zu entwickeln, konkret zu planen und (international) umzusetzen. Diese Beauftragungen laufen unter dem Begriff Vorhaben und teilen sich auf in klassische bilateral finanzierte Vorhaben, Globalvorhaben, sowie Vorhaben in fragilen Kontexten und/oder komplexen Kofinanzierungen anderer Geber, in dessen Rahmen gemeinsam mit Partnern in den nationalen Regierungen weltweit sowie mit Kooperationspartnern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft flexibel an wirksamen Lösungen, die Menschen Perspektiven bieten und deren Lebensbedingungen dauerhaft verbessern, gearbeitet wird. 1.2 Informationssicherheit im Unternehmen - Ausgangslage der Ausschreibung Durch die voranschreitende Digitalisierung und die stärkere Vernetzung von Informationsverbünden über das Internet, steigt auch die Bedrohungslage für diese Informationsverbünde erheblich an. Potentielle negative Auswirkungen auf die Infrastruktur in den Vorhaben der GIZ schlagen sich in Risiken für Partnerorganisationen und Zielgruppen in den Partnerländern als auch der GIZ als Unternehmen nieder. Diesen Risiken gilt es durch einen strukturierten Ansatz zur Informationssicherheit zu begegnen. 2. Aufgabenstellung für den Auftragnehmer Gegenstand dieser Ausschreibung ist die Erbringung von Beratungsleistungen zur Informationssicherheit während der Vertragslaufzeit. Als interner Dienstleister berät das Kompetenzcenter Digital Gesellschaft verschiedene Vorhaben (Projekte im Bereich der Leistungserbringung), die mit politischen Partnern der GIZ in Partnerländern der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit durchgeführt werden. Der AN berät das Kompetenzcenter Digitale Gesellschaft (KC) oder gemeinsam mit Kolleg*innen des KC GIZ-Vorhaben zu Informationssicherheit. Ziel der Beratungen zur Informationssicherheit ist die Verbesserung der Informationssicherheit in spezifischen Projektkonstellationen.

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 641.5 K (USD 676 K)
Tunisia, due to its renewable energy potential, proximity to Europe, and qualified technical workforce, benefits from good conditions to become a PtX producer and exporter. The technical potential of renewable energies in Tunisia is sufficient to meet both domestic demand and to produce green hydrogen for export. Against this backdrop, a new project H2Vert.TUN will be implemented by GIZ with the Tunisian ministry in charge of energy on behalf of the BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development). It is planned that the GIZ project under preparation is based on three (3) strategic components, in alignment with the priorities of the Tunisian government during 3 years of duration, from 02/2022 until 01/2025 1-Development of the national green hydrogen strategy: Output: Qualified decision-making bases for improving strategic and regulatory framework conditions for a green hydrogen / Power-to-X economy in Tunisia are available to political decision-makers. Examples of activities: - Support the process of developing a national strategy for green hydrogen, including the development of action plans and roadmaps for key areas - Support the creation of an inter-departmental H2Vert national commission (political level) and an H2Vert council (including, for example, private sector, civil society and research). - Support a national and regional consultation process, involving all stakeholders in government, private sector and civil society - Advise on specific strategies and priorities for green hydrogen and its derivatives (e.g. ammonia, methanol) and international benchmarking to derive techno-economic recommendations for strategic planning documents - Analyze the existing legal and regulatory framework conditions to create a green hydrogen economy in Tunisia - Provide advice on improving the preconditions for the substantial expansion of Renewable Energies (RE) for green H2 production and cost reduction - Support the integration of the future production and transport of green H2 in the long-term planning of infrastructure expansion (electricity and gas networks). 2-Support for the creation of a green hydrogen economy Output: Companies in Tunisia are provided with a better basis for making decisions about investing in a green hydrogen / Power-to-X economy. Examples of activities: - Analysis of the investment conditions (and barriers) for the planning, risk assessment, implementation, and control of large public-private projects for the production of green hydrogen. - Expert advice to national decision-makers to identify new financing mechanisms, in dialogue with research institutions, companies, industrial associations, engineering associations. - Organizational advice to relevant actors for the creation of a Tunisian observatory as an information hub for global and national hydrogen trends. - Methodical advice for the analysis and optimization of generic business models for green hydrogen economy projects in Tunisia including the development of first concept studies for local value chains. 3- Strengthening research, training, and innovation Output: A technology roadmap for green hydrogen and its Power-to-X derivatives products with an associated action plan has been published in a participatory manner by national and international research institutions Examples of activities: - Promote professional exchange on green hydrogen - Promote active women's participation at training courses. - Organizational advice on strategic partnerships with German partners for a green hydrogen economy. - Develop the communication concepts and related instruments - Technical advice to relevant stakeholders on additional /training courses on critical aspects of the certification of green hydrogen and its Power-to-X derivatives - Process support for national decision-makers in the development of national and / or adaptation of international standards for green hydrogen / Power-to-X

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1.2 Million (USD 1.3 Million)
The Indo-German support project for Climate Action in India supports the Indian Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) with the coordination and implementation of Indian climate and biodiversity policies, in particular India"s updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The project focuses on the development of methodologies for the accounting of climate co-benefits, measured in mitigation of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions or sinks, for programmes of the Government of India that do not have a specific climate focus. Climate Co-Benefits refer to programs or actions that do not have a climate focus but target other areas, e.g., programs dedicated primarily to support resource efficiency, forest policies, agriculture, water security, the job market, etc. These programs do not assess and account their potential climate co-benefits contributing to climate change mitigation or climate change adaptation. The unmeasured climate impact has therefore no influence on the economic efficiency of a measure and private actors are not expected to take it into account. As a result, there is a lack of information that jeopardizes the fulfilment of the Indian NDCs and makes reporting under the UNFCCC inaccurate. The development of methodologies to account climate co-benefits aims to address the knowledge gap, so that mitigation and adaptation impacts can be reported to support India"s NDC commitments and the Paris Agreement. At the same time, climate co-benefit methodologies can be used by public and private sector companies for accounting and trading of positive climate impacts of their activities on international and national carbon markets, thus accelerating investments in low carbon pathways. Aligned to priorities of the MoEFCC, project activities focus on the two areas circular economy/resource efficiency and forests/biodiversity. In particular, the project is aiming on intense support for public and private sector enterprises including the umbrella organisation Standing Committee of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) and the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). The SCOPE members include giant state enterprises for coal, gas, steel, oil and are responsible for 87% of India"s GHG emissions and thus, have huge mitigation potentials.

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date5 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 210.6 K (USD 221.9 K)
Germany-Eschborn: Medical equipments
21-30 of 1989 active Tender Results