Eastern Railway Tender

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Eastern Railway - ER Tender

Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Electrical and Electronics
Electrical Works
Opening Date20 Feb 2025
Closing Date14 Mar 2025
Tender Amount₹ 79,89,957.66 



Conducting Final Location Survey,traffic Survey Submission Of Comprehensive Dpr For All Civil, Electrical And S&t Work Preparation Of Detail Estimate Alongwith Alignment Plan, Yard Plan


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BOQ Items

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Detailed study for hydrographic survey, hydraulic data etc. for deciding hydrological parameters, span arrangements, requirement of linear waterway and preparation of layout drawings, including its review and span arrangement. For Major Bridges of the following project. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.) Note:- The rate includes the 004 following items for each bridge site: (i) For each major bridge site: Carrying out Hydrographic survey for a stretch of 5 km. i.e. 3 km upstream and 2 km downstream of the proposed major bridge location by observing river cross-sections at an interval of every 500m along with three additional cross sections at the proposed bridge centre line and the other two at 50m intervals with all spill channels upstream being shown on the plan. These distances of 3km and 2km are to be taken as measured at right angles to the centre line of the Railway and not along the course of the river. The position of cross section of the river bed should be marked on the survey plan. The level of the highest known flood and ordinary low water should be noted on each cross section. (ii) Investigation and collection of the following data (for major bridges): (a) Topographical details, catchment area with its shape (Oblong, fan etc.) and characteristics from the Survey of India maps. (b) Details of the course of the main stream and its tributaries. (c) Longitudinal slope of the main stream and average land slope of the catchment from the contours (d) Nature of soil in the catchment (rocky, sandy, loamy or clay etc.) (e) Extent of vegetation (forest, pasture, cultivated, barren etc.) (f) Probable changes that may occur in the catchment characteristics assessed by enquiries from the right sources. (g) Changes in the course of the channel. (h) The nature of the material through which the channel flows. (Whether it consists of boulder, gravel, sand, clay or alluvium.) The description should be based also on actual borehole particulars. (i) Bank erosion and bed scour observed at the bridge site in the case of alluvial rivers and the nature of material transported. (j) The maximum observed scour depth in the vicinity of the proposed bridge crossing. (k) Full description of bridges (as given below) existing both upstream and down stream from proposed crossing including relief and overflow structures: (i) Type of bridge including span lengths and pier orientation. (ii) Cross section near the structure, including the vertical clearance from water level to soffit of superstructures and direction of the current during floods. (iii) All available flood history-high water marks with dates of occurrence, afflux observed, damages caused with sources of information.(iv) Photographs of existing bridges, past floods, main channels and flood plains and information as to nature of drift, stream bed and stability of banks. Further note refers to General Instruction item no. 3.




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Submission of report of soil investigation for Deep Foundation of Bridges for following projects (Relevant items of soil testing will be conducted and paid under Schedule-A & B-I(a) . (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.) Which shall include:- Which shall include:- (i) Site plan showing position of Bore holes. (ii) Details longitudinal section of each bore hole showing the classification of soil in defferent strata and values of important parameters i.e. C,C, O, V, N value. (iii) The results of tests on various samples of each bore hole in 005 proper tabular form (As per IRC-78-1983 Sh-2 & Railway sub-structure code). (iv) Calculation of Bearing capacity of soil and settlement of well foundation and pile foundation with specific design load. (v) Level of ground water table. (vI) In case rock is encountered, classification & characteristic of rock,RQD,safe bearing capacity,foundation level should be mentioned. Nature of cleavage plane to be specified. (vii) Report should show recommendation of type of foundation with detail calculation for bearing capacity settlement & embedment in incompressible layer/rock as per latest BIS/IRC/IRS recommendations. (viii) Mode of Payment:- (a) 60% of the accepted rate will be paid on submission of draft copies. (b) 40% of the accepted rate will be paid on submission and acceptance of final copies.




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Submission of report of soil investigation for Embankment and Shallow foundations for following projects (Relevant items soil testing will be conducted and paid under Schedule-A & B-I(a). (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.) Which shall include:- (i) Site plan showing position of Bore holes. (ii) Details longitudinal section of each bore hole showing the classification of soil in defferent strata and values of important parameters i.e. C,C, O, V, N value. (iii) The results of tests on various samples of each bore hole in proper tabular form (As per RDSO's 006 guideline IRS 0004 & relavent codes of engineering department). (iv) Calculation of Bearing capacity of soil and settlement for shallow foundation and embankments with specific design load at each bore hole location. (v) Design calculations and analysis for failure and recommendation on ground inprovement method required. (vi) Design of embankments and detail calculation of slope-stability analysis with sketches showing slip circle as per latest RDSO's guidelines as directed by Engineer in clharge depending upon height of proposed bank and earth strata. (vii) Project wise separate Reports to be submitted for 4 nos project alongwith soft copies. (viii) Mode of Payment:- (a) 60% of the accepted rate will be paid on submission of draft copies. (b) 40% of the accepted rate will be paid on submission and acceptance of final copies.




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Preparation of Yard ESPs for all stations showing the details of proposed yard arrangements with proposed grades including regrading of existing yard and showing details like CSL lengths of various lines, centre to centre distances of tracks, gradients, Curve details, type of turnouts, snag dead ends, derailing switches, crossovers, platforms, Shelters,Railway boundaries o f entire yard with chainages and locations o f station building, other service buildings, Electrical, OHE & S&T installations, FOB, Subway, RUB, ROBs etc., including details of infringing (condonation) grades & 007 structures and preparing yard plans with the proposed additions & alterations to the existing stations duly suggesting improvements to existing alignment so as to ascertain the removal of infringements of structures & condonating grades in yards (For details refer para 468- 472 of Engineering Code 1999) duly making phase yard plans as per the requirement of the Railways with respect to approved master plan in separate plans like Phase-I, Phase-II & Final, duly incorporating complete detailed Modus operandi for execution o f work i n both Phase plans and Master plan. Any alterations proposed i n the approved plan to be in cooperated in the master plan in a separate table. The consultant shall submit advance copy of the ESPs on white paper for approval of Employer. After the approval of Employer, the Consultant shall submit drawings in 3 (three) hard coloured copies on Polyester based tracing paper (100 to 150 Microns) and two soft copies on CD. The scope includes required corrections and modifications as suggested by approving authorities of Railways till its final approval. Required follow up with various approving authorities including required explanations on various provisions/facilities in the ESP shall be arranged by consultant. Note: i) The colour scheme to be followed in the drawing shall be as per standard practice of IR. ii) Payment schedule:- (a) 60% payment shall be made on completion of work and submission of related documents (b) balance 40% after approval of DPR from Railway. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.)




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Major Bridges / ROB : Preparation of the General Arrangement Drawing for all Major Bridge / ROB for Railway Line Corridor through MX Rail/ AutoCAD for railway standards / formats based on finalized L - section for the proposed alignment, hydrological investigation & detailed geotechnical investigation carried out by the consultant at proposed bridge locations, on good quality tracing paper and submitting the same to Railway administration for approval and carrying out the corrections as instructed by railway with all consultants own men, material, tools & plants, Computer systems etc., as directed by Engineer in charge. Notes: 1 ) MAJOR BRIDGE GAD should incorporate (a) Sub structure details with type of construction, type of foundation (pile / open / well foundation), depth of foundations, footing details / pile founds details, foundation pressure, abutments / pier 008 details duly showing bore log details of sub soil along with details of every soil strata at every abutment & piers locations ( b) Span arrangements with details of Bed level, HFL, VC, Free board, Scour depth, Rail level, formation level, Clear span, effective span, catchment area, Q50 discharge( c) Super structure details like type of structure (Steel / PSC), type girder / slab details, depth of construction, bearing details, wearing coat, track structure with cushion details(d) Approach details like trolley refuges, OHE installation, parapets / steel railings, inspection platforms with ladder arrangements, dirt walls, approach slab, back fill material as per RDSO specifications, protective works such as wingwalls, bank toe walls, pitching, type of flooring / drop wall / curtain wall details as per scour depth & silt factor criteria. Payment schedule:- (a) 60% payment shall be made on completion of work and submission of related documents (b) balance 40% after approval of DPR from Railway. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.)




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Preparation of the General Arrangement Drawing for all Minor bridges / SUBWAYs / FOBs through MX Rail/ AutoCAD for railway standards / formats based on finalized L - section for the proposed alignment, hydrological investigation & detailed geotechnical investigation carried out by the consultant at proposed bridge locations, on good quality tracing paper and submitting the same to Railway administration for approval and carrying out the corrections as instructed by railway with all consultants own men, material, tools & plants, Computer systems etc., as directed by Engineer in charge. Notes: 1) MINOR BRIDGE GAD should include incorporation of - a) Sub structure details with 009 type of construction, type of foundation ( pile / open ) , depth of foundations, footing details / pile founds details, foundation pressure, abutments / pier / Box details duly showing bore log details of sub soil along with details of every soil strata at every abutment & piers / Box locations b) Span arrangements with details of Bed level, HFL, Vertical clearence, Free Board, Scour depth, Rail level, formation level, Clear span, effective span, catchment area, Q50 discharge c) Super structure details like type o f structure (Steel / PSC / RCC), type girder / slab / Box details, depth of construction, bearing details, wearing coat, track structure with cushion details. Payment schedule:- (a) 60% payment shall be made on completion of work and submission of related documents (b) balance 40% after approval of DPR from Railway. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.)




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Preparation of LWR / CWR and Weld Plans: For Continuously Welded Rail (CWR) track 010 for as much length as possible, for which the Contractor shall prepare the CWR plans for the approvalof the Employer in accordance with the design principles/provisions contained in IR LWR (Long Welded Rail) Manual based on approved Track Structure. The consultant shall submit advance copy of the Weld Plans on white paper for approval of Employer. After the approval of Employer, the Consultant shall submit drawings in 3 (three) hard coloured copies on Polyester based tracing paper (100 to 150 Microns) and two soft copies on CD. The scope includes required corrections and modifications as suggested by approving authorities of Railways till its final approval. Required follow up with various approving authorities including required explanations on various provisions/facilities in the ESP shall be arranged by consultant. Note: i) The colour scheme to be followed in the drawing shall be as per standard practice of IR. ii)Payment schedule:- (a) 60% payment shall be made on completion of work and submission of related documents (b) balance 40% after approval of DPR from Railway. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.)




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Preparation and supplying of ESP of various manned level crossings (interlocked/non interlocked) showing proposed positions of track and related structures , alignment and width of road, gate lodge, lifting barrier, along with visibility diagram of L-xing as per IRPWM provisions, TVU based 011 on actual survey/ available data on Auto CAD and submitted in portable Hard disks. the work includes preparation of GADs/ESPs of any other structure if required. The rates are also inclusive of original tracing with 10 (Ten) paper print of each level crossing. Mode of payment Payment schedule:- (a) 60% payment shall be made on completion of work and submission of related documents (b) balance 40% after approval of DPR from Railway. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.)




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Preparation of GAD for station building, E.I.Cabins, sheds, Gate lodges or any other misc. drawings as per standard Railway format in scale 1:50, 1:100 and supplying soft & hard copy as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge. Railway will supply the requirement. The rate shall be paid in the area of sheet. The size of sheet shall be given by Railways.The rate of each drawing is inclusive of 012 submission of two draft copies with one soft copy for checking of Rlys. After checking the final copies to be submitted in Tracing paper( enclosed with two copies in paper print for which no payment is admissible).All drawings to be in latest Autocad version & two soft copy of each drawing to be submitted finally to Railways. Payment schedule:- (a) 60% payment shall be made on completion of work and submission of related documents (b) balance 40% after approval of DPR from Railway. For following sections :- (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.)




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Conducting Traffic Survey for following projects as per latest Railway Board's guidelines vide letter No. 2022/Gatishakti/EU/49 New Delhi, dt. 19.08.2022 as per Chapter 3 of Engineering Code with latest version. The work includes - 1) Conducting Traffic Demand Survey as detailed in Railway Board's Letter No. 2022/Gatishakti/EU/49 New Delhi, Dt. 19.08.2022 as per Chapter 3 of Engineering Code with latest version. 2) Calculating data required for calculation of various direct and indirect benifits as detailed in Railway Board's Letter No. 2022/Gatishakti/EU/49 New Delhi, Dt. 19.08.2022. 3) Calculation of ENPV and EIRR. 4) Submission of detailed report 013 indicating the details of surveys undertaken and sources of various data considered, for calculating ENVP and EIRR. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.) Note:- (i) Payment mode: 70% of payment shall be made after approval from Zonal HQ and balance 30% payment shall be made after approval from Railway Board. (ii) Consultant shall first undertake the traffic study to assess the preliminary/initial viability of the project before procceding ahead with the rest of the consultancy based on outcome of the professional traffic study. (iii) Consultant may be required to visit site, carry out stakeholders consultations, liasoning with State Govt. etc. including visit to Railway Board 3-4 times for activities such as project discussion, finalization of DPR, FIRR/EIRR vetting and NPG/EBR meeting.




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Detailed Project Report including Civil, S &T, Electrical works and Traffic survey report with Detailed Estimate : Preparation and submission of Detailed project report along with Detailed Estimate followinng detailed procedure & guideline as given in Railway Board's letter No. 2022/W- I/Gen/DPR Proforma (E-off:3404238), dt. 02.09.2022 and Engg code. with rate analysis for each item and as directed by Engg- in-charge with five hard copies and two soft copies after approval of 014 concerned CE/CON. A complete rate analysis for each item duly comparing with the LAR's available and obtaining market rates for each items incase of non schedule item having no LAR's , along with submission of detailed calculation sheets for each item. Payment schedule:- (a) 70% payment shall be made on completion of work and submission of comprehensive DPR and detail Estimate (b) balance 30% after approval of DPR from Railway. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.) . Note:-(i) Consultant shall be required to plan the alignment of new line / gauge conversions/doubling/multi-tracking on BISAG platform for finalization of project alignment. (ii) In addition to the DPR, the Consultant shall also be responsible for the preparation of documents required for the approval of project such as NPG documents. OM for NITI Aayog, EBR Memo, presentation to EBR and any other document related to project DPR for projects costing > 500 Cr. required by Board. (iii) The consultant shall plan Electrical S&T component of DPR. This will include conducting survey for identifying the Cable Route Plan and utility shifting and make provision for same in draft DPR & Estimate of project. (iv) The tentative SIP shall also be part of DPR. Consultant shall also be involved in preparation of tentative SIP (Signal & Interlocking Plan) of project in consultation with concerned S&T and operating officials and should have competence in executing the same. (v) Consultant shall also be responsible for the preparation of video of the project where ever required (using Drone) capturing the key features of the project as per Gati Shakti Principles for presentation during NPG meting. Note for item No. 14: (i) The DPR to be submitted in two volumes as under: (a) DPR (Vol-I): The Volume I of DPR should contain Executive summary and chapters on various components as per the Format attached as Annexure-A of Railway Board's letter No. 2022/W- I/Gen/DPR Proforma (E-off: 3404238) dt. 02.09.2022). (b) DPR (Vol-II): The Volume-II of DPR should contain detailed estimate of the project as per Engineering code. (ii) For preparation of DPR & detail estimate guidelines given in following Railway Board's letter (other than mentioned above) also to be followed: (a) Letter No. 2021/SIG/Estimates/DPR (e file-3363771) dt. 25.08.2022. (b) Letter No. 2021/RE/161/20 Misc. dt. 23.08.2022, (c) Letter no. 2018/E&R/3(2)/1 dt. 04.03.2020, (d) Letter No. 2022/Gatishakti/EU/49 dt. 19.08.2022, (e) Letter No. 2021/W-I/Genl./Gatishakti dt. 27.07.2022.




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Preparation & submission of EPC Tender document for all works including Electrical,TRD and S & T works required for commisioning of the section.The BOQ shall have to be prepared accoring to stage-wise payment as given in Standard EPC documents for Railways (Standard 015 document is available in Railway Bd's web site or as directed by the Engineer in charge. The latest document of EPC Tender has been circulated by Railway Bd vide Letter No. 2018/CE-I/CT/36-EPC Contract Policy Pt I dt. 15.11.2021 with latest ammendment if any.) Payment schedule:- (a) 60% payment shall be made on submission of EPC Tender document (b) balance 40% after approval from Railway. (A) Andal Jn. - Sitarampur via. Barabani & Topsi 3rd Line. (40.10 Km). (Approx.)




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Item no. 191010 of ERUSSOR 2011 for Exploratory drilling of boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm dia. boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock & large boulders 016 (boulder core more than 30cm) including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion/chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed, where necessary in Dry area. 0m to 10m




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Item no. 191010 of ERUSSOR 2011 for Exploratory drilling of boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm dia. boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock & large boulders 017 (boulder core more than 30cm) including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion/chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed, where necessary in Dry area. 10m to 20m




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Item no. 191010 of ERUSSOR 2011 for Exploratory drilling of boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm dia. boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock & large boulders 018 (boulder core more than 30cm) including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion/chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed, where necessary in Dry area. 20m to 30m




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Extra over Item No. 191010 of ERUSSOR 2011 for drilling in bore hole in weathered rock with extra effort in lieu of soil against exploratory drilling of boreholes down to in all type of soils 019 except hard rock & large boulders (boulder core more than 30CM ) including refilling, reinstatingsurface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion / chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed where necessary in Dry area. 0m to 10m




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Extra over Item No. 191010 of ERUSSOR 2011 for drilling in bore hole in weathered rock with extra effort in lieu of soil against exploratory drilling of boreholes down to in all type of soils 020 except hard rock & large boulders (boulder core more than 30CM ) including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion / chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed where necessary in Dry area. 10m to 20m




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Extra over Item No. 191010 of ERUSSOR 2011 for drilling in bore hole in weathered rock with extra effort in lieu of soil against exploratory drilling of boreholes down to in all type of soils 021 except hard rock & large boulders (boulder core more than 30CM ) including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion / chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed where necessary in Dry area. 20m to 30m




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Conducting laboratory Tests on collected soil samples as per relevant IS Code - Moisture Content/Dry Density 023




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Atterberg Limits 024




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Specific Gravity 025




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Grain size analysis including Hydrometer analysis 026




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Direct Shear Test 027




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Natural Density 028




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Consolidation Test 029




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Unconfined Compression Test 030




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Tri-axial Test




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Conducting Laboratory tests on collected ROCK SAMPLES as per relevant IS code - Density Test 032




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Water Absorption & Porosity 033




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Unconfined Compression Test 034




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Point Load Test




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Conducting chemical analysis of ground water samples to determine suitability for concreting and aggressiveness in relation to attack on concrete / reinforcement including determination of pH value.




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Conducting chemical analysis of soil samples to determine aggressiveness in relation to attack on concrete / reinforcement including determination of pH value




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Exploratory drilling of Boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm diameter boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock and large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), 001 including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion / chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed where necessary in River bed area including standing/flowing water with all necessary arrangements except making of platform under water which shall be paid under relevant item of SOR. 0m to 10m




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Exploratory drilling of Boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm diameter boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock and large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), 002 including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion / chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed where necessary in River bed area including standing/flowing water with all necessary arrangements except making of platform under water which shall be paid under relevant item of SOR. 10m to 20m




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Exploratory drilling of Boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm diameter boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock and large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), 003 including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion / chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed where necessary in River bed area including standing/flowing water with all necessary arrangements except making of platform under water which shall be paid under relevant item of SOR. 20m to 30m




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Erection of temporary working platform to drill bore hole through flowing/standing water through river bed up to water depth of 1.5m, and dismantling after completing work and removing from the site to clear the water way.




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Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock and collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes. 0m to 10m




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Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock and collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes. 10m to 20m




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Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock and collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes. 20m to 30m




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Conducting in-situ full size Plate Load Test (PLT) at selected location as per IS:1888 including making loading arrangements & casting of RCC/cast in-situ concrete footing as per codal provisions including excavation and refilling of trial pit. Plate size 45cm x 45cm 009




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Conducting in situ Vane shear test for soil as per IS:4434 010




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Conducting determination of California Bearing Ratio as per IS:2720




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Taking out 100mm dia. & 450mm long undisturbed samples of soil from bore holes, 011 including provision of air tight containers for packing and, labeling incl. transporting the samples to laboratory. Piston sampler shall be used for extracting undisturbed samples where necessary. Samples shall be collected as per IS:2720.




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Taking out 100mm dia. & 450mm long disturbed samples of soil from bore holes, including provision of air tight containers for packing, labeling and transporting the samples to laboratory. Samples shall be collected as per IS:2720.




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Conducting standard penetration test as per IS:2131 at approximate1.5m intervals in bore holes, as directed by the Engineer in charge 014




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Collection of water samples at required intervals




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