Vehicle Tenders
Vehicle Tenders
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Central Railway - CR Tender
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Description: Scrap Condemned/abandoned Service Buildings 12 Nos. Type Of Service Bldg.- (1) Old Goods Shed Up Side - 01 No Km 99/800 To 100/0 At Karjat. (2) Old 'b' Cabin At Lnl End Of Pf No.3 Between 99/800 To 100/0 At Karjat. (3) Old Chinchavali Dc Sub Station At Km 89/200- 89/300. (4) Old Track Cabin Near Shelu Station Dn Side At Km 82/400- 82/600. (5) Old Gate Lodge Of L - Xing No.19 At Km 81/400-81/500. (6) Old Gate Lodge Of L- Xing No.18 At Km 79/900- 80/100. (7) Old Track Cabin Of Td Dept. Km 93/900- 94/100 At Bvs. (8) Old Relay Hut - 2 (rh-2) For Signal Dept. Km 72/600-72/700 At Bud. (9) Old Abandoned Dc Power House Dn Side Km 66/500-66/700 At Bud. (10) Old Relay Hut - 1 (rh-1) For Signal Dept. Km 70/0-70/100 At Bud. (11) Abandoned "a" Cabin Dn Side Km 60/0-60/100 At Abh. (12) Old Track Cabin Of Td Dept. Between Km 71/0-72/0 At Bud-vgi. Consisting Of -steel (ms Grill, Window Bar, Stair Case & Bar, Ms Angle, Roof Truss, Shutters, Steel Tank, Structural Rails, Channels, Etc.) Wooden, Mangalore Tiles, Ceramica Tiles, Gi Sheets/pipes, Ac Sheets, Flooring (pcc), Brick Masonary, Stone Masonary, Rcc/pre Cast Slab/reinforcement Etc. Remarks - Lot Is Approachable For Quarters - Pakka Road, Service Bldg- By Kachcha Road. The Delivery Will Be Made On As Is Where Is Basis And By Lot Basis. The Items Mentioned In The Description Only Will Be Delivered. Lot Number Is Exhibited/painted On The Structure. The Quantity Is Worked Out On Approximate Basis. The Delivery Will Be Made On Lot Basis And No Part Delivery Will Be Allowed. Materials Like Electric Wires, Fittings & Cables And Other Such Kind Of Materials Available Inside The Building/structure Which Is Not Within The Scope Of Lot Description, Shall Be Handed Over By The Purchaser To Custodian. Similar And Other Type Of Material Laying Nearby Lot Is Not Be Delivered. If Any Other Material Laying Nearby Lot Is Not Be Delivered. Lot Is Order Ok/and Can Be Put Up For Auction Sale. It Is Strictly Advised To Bidder To See The Lot Personally Before Biding For The Lot. After The Joint Inspection, If Any Addition, Deletion, Alteration And Variation Come In The Lot Stock Holder Will Be Fully Responsible. Cutting, Dismantling May Be Allowed For Easy Loading Purpose At The Cost And Risk Of Purchaser Dismantling Up-to Ground Level Only. Purchaser Should Ensure That During Cutting Dismantling No Nearby Structures Building Should Be Affected. Purchaser Will Be Fully Responsible For Any Mishaps Trains Operations And Other Railway Work Should Not Be Disturbed And Suitable Banners At Work Place Has To Be Arranged By Purchaser. Free Delivery Up To 80 Days May Be Given As Per Dy. Cmm Sales Csmt L. No. S.120.t. Sales Policy 2021-22 Dated 27.09.2021. After Complete Removal Of Rcc Bricks Masonry And Rubbish From Site The Delivery Will Be Permitted. The Land Should Be Cleared Of All Debris. Purchaser Should Ensure To Remove The Entire Abandoned Railway Quarters/structures And No Debris Are Left Over At The Site On The Final Day Of His Delivery And Before The Entry Of His Last Vehicle At The Site. Location - (1) Old Goods Shed Up Side - 01 No Km 99/800 To 100/0 At Karjat. (2) Old 'b' Cabin At Lnl End Of Pf No.3 Between 99/800 To 100/0 At Karjat. (3) Old Chinchavali Dc Sub Station At Km 89/200- 89/300. (4) Old Track Cabin Near Shelu Station Dn Side At Km 82/400- 82/600. (5) Old Gate Lodge Of L- Xing No.19 At Km 81/400-81/500. (6) Old Gate Lodge Of L- Xing No.18 At Km 79/900- 80/100. (7) Old Track Cabin Of Td Dept. Km 93/900- 94/100 At Bvs. (8) Old Relay Hut - 2 (rh-2) For Signal Dept. Km 72/600-72/700 At Bud. (9) Old Abandoned Dc Power House Dn Side Km 66/500-66/700 At Bud. (10) Old Relay Hut - 1 (rh-1) For Signal Dept. Km 70/0-70/100 At Bud. (11) Abandoned "a" Cabin Dn Side Km 60/0-60/100 At Abh. (12) Old Track Cabin Of Td Dept. Between Km 71/0-72/0 At Bud-vgi. Qty - 01 By Lot. (12 Units) Stock Holder - Sse (works) Kjt. Note - Free Delivery Period Up To 80 Days.
Closing Date28 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited - TANGEDCO Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Electrical Works, Electrical and Electronics
Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
1)Estimate for low voltage at puliyoorkulam area of puliyoor kulam SS1/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25KVA DT under Kannumamoodu Section. 2.Improvement estimate for improving tailend viltage at kadayal area by providing 1 No 100 KVA DT under Kaliyal Section.3.Natural Calamaties estimate for the replacement of damaged 1 No 25KVA structure of Pazhavar SSIII and 1 No 8Mts PSC pole at Loc No FI/1 due to fallen Tamarin tree over HT/LT structure under Kuzhithurai section.4.Estimate for avoiding over load at puliyoorsalai Panchayath Office area of Malayankavu SS100KVA providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/63KVA DT under Kannumamoodu Section. 5.Estimate for low voltage at Enthikala area of Cheruvancheri SSVI/63KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyakka Vilai Section.6.Estimate for low voltage at Pinnakala Vilai area of Mecode panchayath office SS/63KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyakka Vilai Section.7.Estimate for low voltage at Kunnu Vilai area of Kunnu Vilai SSIV/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyakka Vilai Section.8.Estimate for low voltage at Pattathu Vilai area of Pattathu vila SSII/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyakka Vilai Section.9.Estimate for low voltage at kattuvilai area of Athancode SSIII/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyakka Vilai Section.10.Estimate for low voltage at Sasthanpottai area of Maruthamcode RC Church SS/250KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/63 KVA DT under Kuzhithurai Section.Estimate for low voltage at Enthikala area of Cheruvancheri SSVI/63KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyakka Vilai Section.11.Estimate for low voltage at Harikuklam area of Harikulam SS/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyal Section.12.Estimate for low voltage at Eruthavoor area of KZI SS/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kuzhithurai Section.13.Estimate for low voltage at Pattavilai area of Pattavila SS/63KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Puthenchainthai Section.14.Estimate for low voltage at Nanthimangalam area of Kamoor SSI/63KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyl Section.15.Estimate for low voltage at Thirparappu area of Thirparappu SSV/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/63 KVA DT under Kaliyala Vilai Section.16.Estimate for low voltage at Mathampalai church area of mathampalai TPM SS/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kaliyakka Vilai Section.17.Estimate for low voltage at kokkottuvilai area of Kokkottuvilaii SS/63KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kuzhithurai Section.18.Estimate for low voltage at Nediyappana Vilai area of Nediyappana Vilai SSI/63KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kuzhithurai Section.19.Estimate for low voltage at Malamurunga Vilai area of malamuruinka Vilai SS/25KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under kuzhithurai Section.20.Estimate for low voltage at Puliyara Vilai area of Panavilai SS/63KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT underKuzhithurai Section. 21.Estimate for low voltage at malaikovil area ofAmmankovil SSI/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kuzhithurai Section. 22.Estimate for low voltage at maavilai area of Maavilai School SS/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/63 KVA DT under Kuzhithurai Section. 23.Dcw estimate for replacement of 1 no single pole structure at Prani SS/25KVA due to dashing of vehicle under Kuzhithurai section. 24. Replacement of 1 No detoriated 11KV AB Switch and structure materials at Mankalai ABS in Puliyoorsalai feeder under Puthenchanthai section .25.Natural Calamaties estimate for the replacement of damaged 2 No RSJ pole at Loc no FII/4,5 at Chennithottam in 11KV Mamoottukadai Feeder due to fallen Coconut tree over HT/LT line under Kuzhithurai section. 26.Replacement of 1 No detoriated 40 Feet RSJ pole at locFII/6 in Kamaraj Nager SSIII/100 KVA under Kaliyakkavilai section.2 7.Replacement of 2 No detoriated 40 Feet RSJ pole at loc FI/1,2 in Kalachanthai SS/100 KVA under Kaliyakkavilai section. 28.Replacement of 2 No detoriated 40 Feet RSJ pole at loc CWSS # 85,86 in11 Kv Athencode CWSS # under Kaliyakkavilai section. 29.Estimate for strengthening of conductor in HT line change ACSR 7/2.59 into ACSR 7/4.09 at loc HT 15 to Chittar dam and 1 No ABS providing at annaimugam # under Kaliyal Section. 30Estimate for low voltage at Kappikattu Vilai area of Kappikattu Vilai SS/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kuzhithurai Section. 31.Estimate for separation of Substationat EE office area of Substation SS/100KVA by providing 1 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under Kuzhithurai Section. 32. Estimate for strengthening of conductor in HT line change ACSR 7/3.35 into ACSR 7/4.09 at loc Masuthi SS/63KVA to Neduncode SSII/100KVA and 1 No ABS providing at Kaliyakkavilai # under Kaliyakkavilai Section. 33.Estimate for low voltage at Padanthalumoodu area of Padanthalumoodu SS/100KVA by providing 2 no additional 11KV/433/25 KVA DT under kaliyakkavilai Section. 34.Estimate for pole dashing of 1 no 8 Mts PSC pole damaged loc at Veliyathukonam SS/100 KVA under PTC Section. 35. DCW estimate for shifting of 1 No 36 Feet RSJ pole at Loc 10 in Urumankuzhi SS /100 KVA 11 KV Palugal # under Kannumamoodu Section. 36. DCW estimate for shifting of 1 No 36 Feet RSJ pole at Loc FII/4 in Reliance SS /63 KVA 11 KV puliyoorsalai # under Kannumamoodu Section.37.Replacement of 1 no damaged RSJ pole at loc FI/7 in Krishana Puram SS /100KVA in Puliyoorsalai # under Kannumamoodu Section in Kuzhithurai Division of Kanyakumari Electricity Distribution Circle.
Closing Date15 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited - TANGEDCO Tender
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
Details: Works Contract for the execution of 1)Improvement estimate for replacement of deteriorated 6no 8mtr PSC pole at loc FI/19, 20&49 and FII/2,4&5 in Simon Nagar SS II 250 KVA under Asaripallam Section.2)Improvement estimate for replacement of deteriorated 5no 8mtr PSC pole at various locations under Asaripallam Section. 3)Eos to 1no LTCT SC to The Principal Commissioner of Income Tax at Door No.329 in Guest House SS I 500 KVA and proposed 1no 250 KVA DT under Asaripallam Section. 4)Eos to 1no TYSY to Tmy.Ramani Kannan under Asaripallam Section. 5)Improvement estimate for replacement of 6nos damaged 8mts PSC pole at loc.FI/10 in TKM SS V & FII/1 in TKM SS VIII, FI/10 in Pambanvilai SS I, FII/12 in Thoppoor SS II, FII/12,13 in Ottayalkudy under Asaripallam Section. 6)Improvement estimate for replacement of 7nos damaged 8mts PSC pole at loc.FI/8,9 in Thoppoor SS IV, FII/14,15 in Vembanoor SS VII, FI/13 in Paruthivilai Channelkarai SS under Asaripallam Section.7)Improvement estimate for replacement of deteriorated 4no 9mtr PSC pole at loc. FII/2 in Thammathukonam SS IV & FI/9 in Asaripallam SS I, FI/7 in Charlespuram SS I, FI/2 in Vembanoor SS IV under Asaripallam Section. 8)Improvement estimate for replacement of deteriorated 6no 8mtr PSc in various locations under Asaripallam section.9)Improvement estimate for strengthening of conddctor from ACSR 7/2.11 to AAAC 7/2.50 at Keezhaperuvilai SS 250KVA under Parvathipuram Section. 10)Improvement estimate for replacement of aged conductor from ACSR 7/2.11 to AAAC 7/2.50 at Kottavilai SS 250 KVA under Parvathipuram Section. 11)Estimate proposed for 1no 63KVA DT to avoid overloading of North Kannakurichi SS 100 KVA in KV Kallukatti Feeder under Rajakamangalam Section. 12)Estimate for proposed 1nos Erumbukadu SS 25KVA DT under Rajakamangalam Section. 13)Estimate for proposed 2nos 25KVA DT to avoid overloading of Sreekrishnapuram SS II 100 KVA in Kallukatti Feeder under Rajakamangalam Section. 14)Eos to 11No Additional Street light SC no:R6-952 of The President, Village Panchayat, Melasankarankuzhi in Pambanvilai under Asaripallam Section. 15)Eos to 13Nos new street light SC to The President, Village Panchayat, Melasankarankuzhi in Pambanvilai under Asaripallam Section. 16)Eos to 13Nos new street light SC to The President, Village Panchayat, Melasankarankuzhi in Pambanvilai SS I 100KVA under Asaripallam Section. 17)Eos to 16nos new street light sc to The President, Village Panchayat, Melasankarankuzhi in Thoppoor SS I 100KVA under Asaripallam Section. 18)Eos to 7nos additional street light SC NO:R7-474 of The President, Village Panchayat, Melasankarankuzhi in Thoppoor SS IV 100KVA under Asaripallam Section. 19)Eos to 4nos additional street light SC NO:V7-123 of The President, Village Panchayat, Melasankarankuzhi in Vembanoor SS I 100KVA under Asaripallam Section. 20)Eos to 4nos additional street light SC NO:V2-323 of The President, Village Panchayat, Kelasankarankuzhi in Parappuvilai SS I 100KVA under Asaripallam Section. 21)Eos to 7nos additional street light SC NO:R8-631 of The President, Village Panchayat, Melasankarankuzhi in Pambanvilai SS VI 100KVA under Asaripallam Section. 22)Eos to 7nos additional street light SC NO:R2-529 of The President, Village Panchayat, Melasankarankuzhi in Pambanvilai SS VI 100KVA under Asaripallam Section. 23)Eos to 3nos additional street light SC NO:R6-951 of The President, Village Panchayat, Kelasankarankuzhi in Parappuvilai Chanelkarai SS III 100KVA under Asaripallam Section. 24)Eos to 6nos additional street light SC NO:V2-838 of The President, Village Panchayat, Kelasankarankuzhi in Vembanoor SS VIII 100KVA under Asaripallam Section.25)Eos to 1no non domestic to M/S Amzes trading Private limited under parvathipuram Section. 26)Eos to 1no new street light of 8 loc in Iswarya Garden to The Commissioner, Nagercoil Corporation under PVM Section. 27)Eos to 1no new street light of 7 loc in Iswarya garden to The Commissioner, Nagercoil Corporation under PVM Section. 28)Eos to 1no new st.light of 5 locs in Antony Street to The Commissioner, Nagercoil Corporation under PVM Section. 29)Eos to 1no new st.light of 4 loc in Thendral Nagar to The Commissioner, Nagercoil Corporation under PVM Section. 30)Eos to 1no Sc connection to Vijaya Chandra Suthakar under PVM Section.31)Improvement estimate for replacement of aged conductor from ACSR 7/2.11 to AAAC 7/2.50 at Vimal Nager SS 250KVA under PVM Section. 32)DCW estimate for 1no 9mtr PSC pole as per request of Thiru.Ganapathy at Kattayvilai under PVM Section. 33)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 9mtr RCC pole as per request of Thiru.Kuttalam at Ramavarmpuram under PVM Section. 34)DCW estimate as per request to Thiru Freedahelan under PVM Section.35)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 8mtr PSC as per the request of Tmy.Geetha under PVM Section. 36)DCW estimate fro shifting of 1no 9mtr PSC pole as per request of Thiru.Rajan at Pallivilai under PVM Section. 37)DCW estimate for deviation of LT line as per request of Tmy.Kasal Inba Lyla at Elathaiyadi under PVM Section. 38)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 9mtr RCC pole as per request of Thiru.Chandran at Pallivilai under PVM Section. 39)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 8mtr PSC as per the request of Tmy.Sobana Kumari under PVM Section. 40)Eos to 1no TYSY to Thiru.Edwin Jose at lake view colony under PVM Section. 41)Eos to 1no TYSY to Thiru.Suresh Raj at Ulavurkonam under PVM Section.42)Eos to 1no ND PAL SC 114-012-1493, The Correspondent, The Pineer School MS Road under PVM Section. 43)DCW estimate as per request to Thiru Commissioner under PVM Section. 44)DCW estimate as per request to Thiru Agens Sooriya Raja under PVM Section. 45)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 8mtr PSC pole as per request of Thiru.Vijaya Kumar under PVM Section. 46)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 8mtr PSC pole as per request of Thiru.SelvaRaj Christopher under PVM Section. 47)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 9mtr and 1no 8mtr PSC pole and deviation of HT line as per request of Thiru.M.Thurai Pandian at Iswrya Garden under Parvathpuram Section. 48)DCW estimate for shifting of LT line as per request of The President VP, ward 6 Kaniyakulam under PVM Section. 49)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 9mtr PSC pole Thiru.Selvan at Kesavathiruppapuram under PVM section. 50)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no 8mtr PSC pole as per request of The President. VP Kaniyakulam under PVM Section. 51)Estimate for 1no TYSY SC to Thiru.Maria Jose at SS Nagar Under PVM Section. 52)Estimate for 1no TYSY SC to Thiru.Jegan Under PVM Section. 53)Eos to 1no TYSY SC to Tmy.Jemila Rani at Balaji Nagar under PVM Section. 54)Estimate for 1no TYSY SC to Thiru.Prabhu Under PVM Section. 55)DCW estimate for rectification of Nagammal Mill SS/25KVA Distribution Transformer Structure 1no 9mtr PSC pole and 1no 8mtr PSC pole due to dashing of Private vehicle TN 74AV4777 on 09.05.24 undder Parvathipuram Section. 56)Improvement estimate for strengthening of condductor from ACSR 7/2.11 to AAAC 7/2.50 at Keezhaperuvilai SS 250KVA under Parvathipuram Section. 57)Improvement estimate for replacement of aged conductor from ACSR 7/2.11 to AAAC 7/2.50 at Kottavilai SS 250 KVA under Parvathipuram. Section. 58)Eos to 1no TYSY SC to Thiru.Anand at Goldden Nager under Parvathipuram Section. 59)Eos to 1no TYSY SC to Thiru.Gopalakrishnan at Kaniyakulam under Parvathipuram Section.60)Eos to 1no IIIA1 S to Thiru.Tamil Sekvan at Railway Nagar, Pallivilai under Parvathipuram Section. 61)DCW estimate for shifting of 2nos 8mtr PSC pole and 1no fabricated pole 36 feet at loc no A,D,E in Rajeev Gandhi SS 100KVA as per request of Thiru.Jacob Parama Sigamony near Franklin Hospital under Parvathipuram Section. 62)Natural calamity to be replacement of 10 nos 8mtr PSC poles and line materials with ACSR 7/2.59 sq mm & 2nos 8m PSC stud pole at Pillayarvilai SS II 100 KVA DT due to fal on coconut tree under Rajakkamangalam Section.63)Natural calamity estimate for the replacement of damaged 4nos 8mtr PSC pole at loc no :FI/16,17 of Vadalivilai SS I 100KVA and loc no: FI/42,44 of Poochivilagam Ss I 100 KVA due to fallan of Coconut tree over LT line under Eathamozhy Section. 64) Natural Callamity estimate for the replacement of damaged 5nos 8mtr PSC pole at Loc no FII/22,23,24,26,30 in Amachiyarvilai SS II 63KVA due to fallen of coconut tree over LT Line under Eathamozhy Section. 65)DCW estimate to S.Kalanvathi, Kayankulam under PVM Section. 66) DCW estimate for Freeda Helen Dom under Parvathipuram Section. 67)DCW estimate for deviation of LT at loc noc A to D in Kayamkulam SS Ii 100KVA as per the request of Thiru.Siddhuvar Near four way road under Parvathypuram Section. 68)Eos to 1no TYSY SC to Tmy.P.W.Jebamalar at SS Nagar under PVM Section. 69)Natural Calamity estimate for the replacement of damaged 1no double pole ABSwitch near Panchayat Office of 11 KV kaliyankadu feeder under Parvathipuram Section. 70)Natural calamity estimate for replacement of damaged 1no 9mtr PSC pole at loc no:FI/4 of Peruvilai SS II 100KVA due to heavy rain on 16/10/2023 under Parvathypuram Section. 71)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no RSJ 36" at loc ETY-298 and dismantling of LT 8mtr PSC pole at loc FII-5 as per the request of the Assistant Engineer, Highways, Nagercoil in the Road widening at Eathamozhy main road at Eathamozhy SS IV 250 KVA in Eathamozhy Feeder under Eathamozhy Section. 72)Estimate for new street light service connection in kumarapuram area as per the request of the Executive Officer, Aralvaimozhy TP under Aralvaimozhy Section. 73) Eos to 1No Tariff V new LTCT service to Tmy.Viaishnavathi Kaliyankadu under Parvathipuram Section. 74)Eos to 1no Tariff III B service to Thiru.Robin Xavier at Chanthavilai Road under Thovalai Section. 75) Capital estimate for mew street light service connection IIA in Sc No.125-003-1815 as per request of The commissioner, Nagercoil Corporation at poochivilagam SS II 63KVA under Eathamozhy Section. 76)Capital estimate for mew street light service connection IIA in Sc No.125-003- as per request of The commissioner, Nagercoil Corporation at poochivilagam SS I 100KVA under Eathamozhy Section. 77) Capital estimate for mew street light service connection IIA in Sc No.125-002-380 as per request of The commissioner, Nagercoil Corporation at poochivilagam SS II 63KVA under Eathamozhy Section. 78) Eos to 1no IIIA indl new service connection to Thiru.Nivas at Melasoorankudy proposed new 25KVA DT under Eathamozhy Kanyakumari Electricity Distribution Circle.
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
9151-9160 of 9153 archived Tenders