Uttar Pradesh Projects Corporation Limited Tender
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Uttar Pradesh Projects Corporation Limited - UPPCL Tender
Civil And Construction
Bridge Construction
Opening Date10 Feb 2025
Closing Soon27 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 4,27,64,000
AI Insights
Class Of Bidder
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The class eligibility requirement to bid or participate in this tender is "B" and above, which means bidders must be registered as Class B or a higher class.
Technical Capacity
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The bidder is required to have prior work experience in similar works, which includes "Construction of Embankments with road, X Drainage works, R.C.C works in water bodies like Rivers, canals or construction of water retention/storage structures with retaining wall / R.C.C warped wall and cut-off walls approach road with production work etc". The bidder should have completed similar works with a value of:
- Three similar completed works costing not less than 40% of the estimated cost, - OR two similar completed works costing not less than 50% of the estimated cost, - OR one similar completed work costing not less than 80% of the estimated cost. The estimated cost of the work is Rs. 427.64 Lac, so the bidder should have completed similar works with a value of:
- 40% of Rs. 427.64 Lac = Rs. 171.05 Lac (for three similar works)
- 50% of Rs. 427.64 Lac = Rs. 213.82 Lac (for two similar works)
- 80% of Rs. 427.64 Lac = Rs. 342.11 Lac (for one similar work) For building works, the number of storey for the purpose of definition of similar work may be taken as under: - Up to four storey buildings: No binding - Five to ten storey buildings: Minimum one building of Five storeys, Completing balance construction work of one building (i/c structural work) minimum up to five storeys - Eleven to fifteen storey buildings: Minimum one building of Eight storeys, Completing balance construction work of one building (i/c structural work) minimum up to eight storeys The bidder should have completed similar works, including building work with a minimum of ten storeys or completing balance construction work of one building (including structural work) minimum up to ten storeys. Each basement, stilt constructed in the building shall be considered as a storey. The bidder should have experience in completing balance construction work of one building (including structural work) minimum up to ten storeys, or have completed a similar work with a minimum of one basement under one agreement. For any civil work other than building work, the bidder should have experience in a significant component of the work, which can be considered as the main component of the work. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work. The bidder should have completed similar works with a value that can be considered for assessing technical competence, but the monetary value of such works is not to be added for determining eligibility criteria. The bidding capacity of the contractor should be equal to or more than the work put to tender, calculated using the formula: Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx2.5]-B}, where A is the maximum turnover in construction works executed in any one year during the last seven years, N is the number of years prescribed for completion of work, and B is the value of existing commitments and ongoing works. The bidder should have had average annual financial turn over (gross) of minimum 30% of tendered cost in Civil/Electrical construction work during the last available three-year consecutive balance sheets. The bidder should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during available last five consecutive balance sheets. The bidding capacity of the contractor should be equal to or more than the estimated cost of the work put to tender. For similar work experience, the bidder should have completed works of similar nature, with specific requirements based on the number of storeys to be constructed in the proposed building. For example, for five to ten storey buildings, the bidder should have completed a minimum of one building of five storeys or completed balance construction work of one building (including structural work) up to five storeys. Similar requirements are specified for eleven to fifteen storey buildings (minimum one building of eight storeys) and more than fifteen storey buildings (minimum one building of ten storeys). Each basement or stilt constructed in the building is considered as a storey for this purpose. The bidder should furnish a list of all works of similar nature successfully completed during the last seven years, along with a list of projects under execution or awarded. Particulars of completed works and performance of the bidder should be authenticated/certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer/Project Manager or equivalent. No specific percentage of similar works completed is mentioned, but the bidder should have a minimum average annual financial turnover and should not have incurred losses in more than two years. The value of similar works completed is not explicitly mentioned, but the bidder's bidding capacity should be equal to or more than the estimated cost of the work put to tender. Certificates of Works Experience (Form ‘C’, ‘D’ ‘E’ & Copy of agreement along with form 26AS) are required, but specific details about the value and percentage of similar works completed are not mentioned.
₹ 8,56,000Document Cost
₹ 17,700Tender Fee
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Tender Id
2025_UPPRC_1004623_1Tender No
93/PCL/GM/Zone-6/Noida/2024-25 Dt 10.02.2025Tender Authority
Uttar Pradesh Projects Corporation Limited ViewPurchaser Address
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Construction of Road and Retaining Wall for approach road of newly constructed bridge (A1 abutment) in the upstream of Dehradun-Ambala road Xing road in Saharanpur.
BOQ Items
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Earth work in silt clearance including removal of slush and lethel including disposal upto 15 km lead & lift T&P etc complete as directed by Engineer in charge
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1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)
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Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the
following grades of concrete.Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum
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Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the
following grades of concrete.Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum Above plinth level
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Centering and shuttering for RCC work including all cost of material. Labour, T&P etc. complete.
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Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more
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Filling good carted earth in layer by ramming and watering including lead upto 50m and lift upto 1.5m.
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Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader / tractor mounted appropriate equipment on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with smooth wheel roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401
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Providing laying spereading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in uniform layers with paver in subbase/base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density.
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Providing and applying primer coat with SS1 grade bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70 kg/sqm using mechanical means.
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Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen VG-10 using bitumen pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom.
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Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam with higher capacity batch type HMP using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.0 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 505 complete in all respects. (Grade-I)
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Providing and laying bituminous cocnrete with 100-120 TPH batch type HMP producing and average output of 75 Tonne per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.40 percent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver fixisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specificiation clause No. 509 complete in all respects.
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Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:1½:3 (1 Cement: 1½ coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)
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Supply of 8 SWG G.I. Wire Crate size 3.0×1.50×1.0 m with 15×15 cm square mesh at site / nos
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Laying/Filling Boulder 20 to 40 Kg. in wire crate i/c all cost Labour, T&P etc. complete but including cost of boulder.
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Metal Beam Crash Barrier:Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete as per clause 810 of MOR&TH
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Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge 10mm
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Hiring of pumpset of capacity 4000 Liters per hours for Dewatering in river Paondhoi (In Foundation ) including all cost of material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work.
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Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C. pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete
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Demolishing lime concrete manually/ by mechanical means and disposal
of material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer- in-charge
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Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including
stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material
within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
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dismantling doors, windows and clerestory windows (steel or wood)
shutter including chowkhats, architrave, holdfasts etc. complete and
stacking within 50 metres lead
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Disposal of building rubbish / malba / similar unserviceable, dismantled
or waste materials by mechanical means, including loading, transporting,
unloading to approved municipal dumping ground or as approved by
Engineer-in-charge, beyond 50 m initial lead, for all leads including all
lifts involved.
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Providing and erecting 2.00 metre high temporary barricading at site; each panel of size 2.50 m x2.00 m made of 40x40x6 mm angle iron or 50x50x3mm hollow MS tube posts/horizontal members/bracings covered with 1.63mm thick MS sheet. The sheet shall be fixed with 30x5 mm MS flat by suitable welding/riveting. The panels shall be made so that gap of 50cm above the ground is available making overall height as 2.5 m. MS channel ISLC 75 @ 5.70 kg/m, 50 cm long shall be provided at the bottom having oval shaped holes of size 50x25 mm at both ends with 50 cm long MS angle 40x40x6 mm bracing. Suitable arrangement shall be made to fix the
barricading to avoid from overturning by providing 250 mm long expansion fasteners at both ends. The work shall be executed as per drawing/direction
of Engineer-in-Charge which includes writing and painting, arrangement for traffic diversion such as traffic signals during construction at site for
day and night, glow lamps, reflective signs, marking, flags, caution tape as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The barricading provided shall be
retained in position at site continuously including shifting of barricading from one location to another location as many times as required during the
execution of the entire work till its completion. Rate include its maintenance for damages, painting, all incidentals, labour materials, equipments and
works required to execute the job. The barricading shall not be removed without prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge. (Note :- One time payment shall be made for providing barricading from start of work till completion of work including shifting. The barricading provided shall remain to be the property of the contractor on completionof the work).
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