North Eastern Railway Tender

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North Eastern Railway - NER Tender

Civil And Construction
Opening Date29 Jan 2025
Closing Date24 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 29,69,18,379.06 



Provision Of Goods Pf, Approach Road Circularting Area Labour Shed, New Station Building And Associated Works At Maharajganj Station And Completion Of Lhs, Minor Bridge, Fob, P. P. Shelter, Linking Of Track And Other Leftover Works In Connection With Maharajganj -masrakh Section Of Varanasi Division Of N. E. Railway


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Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around buried type abutments, bridge gaps, trolley refuges, rain bunds if provided, platforms etc. with earth excavated from outside 4 railway boundary entirely arranged by the contractor at his own cost as per RDSO's latest guidelines and specifications and special condition of contract including all leads, royalty, lifts, ascents, descents, crossing of nallahs or any other obstructions. The rates shall include all dressing of bank to final profile, demarcation and setting out of profile, site clearance, removing of shrubs, roots of vegetations growth, heavy grass, benching of existing slope of old bank, all handling/re-handling. taxes, octroi and royalty etc. as a complete job. Cut trees shall be property of railways and to be deposited in the railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Special conditions of contract.




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Extra for mechanical compaction of earth/blanketing material filled in embankment 5 with contractor's rollers of suitable capacity, type and size to achieve specified density as per specification, testing as per IS codes incl. cost of water, T&P consumable material and all labour as a complete job. The work is to be executed as per Latest edition of "Guidelines for Earthwork in Railway Projects" issued by RDSO, Lucknow.




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Turfing with planted doob grass or any other grass as approved by the Engineer in 6 charge incl. all leads, lifts & descends, watering as required until properly rooted. Doob grass or any other grass to be arranged from pvt. Land (The rate shall be inclusive of all charges payable legally or other by the contractor in procuring doob grass roots and completing and finishing the work.




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Filling back already excavated earth including watering and ramming 150mm layers complete in foundation and formation. 8




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Supply of Local sand / pit sand/yamuna sand for filing purposes




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Prov. CC M-7.5(1:4:8) with 40 mm stone aggregate, coarse sand and cement in 1 foundation & flooring incl. bailing out or pumping of water and laying concrete under water if required, incl. supplying, fixing and removal of form work, with all cost incl. cost of labour, shuttering, moulds, T&P, plants, materials etc. complete with all lead, lift, ascend, descend, crossing of track, nallah, fencing, river etc. (Cement will be paid separately).




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Prov. CC M-10 (1:3:6) with 40 mm stone aggregate, coarse sand &cement in lean 2 concrete in foundation & flooring incl. bailing out or pumping of water and laying concrete under water if required, incl. supplying, fixing & removal of form work, incl. cost of labour, shuttering, moulds, T&P, materials etc. complete with all lead, lift, ascend, descend, crossing of track, nallah, fencing, river etc. complete job (Cement will be paid separately).




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Prov. CC/RCC M-15 in foundation, substructure and superstructure with stone 3 aggregate 20mm.gauge coarse sand, cement including laying concrete its consolidating, including curing with all lead, lift, ascend /descend, crossing of track, nallah, fencing etc. with all labour and materials complete as per approved plan & direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Cement and steel will be paid separately).




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Providing CC/RCC M-20 with stone aggregate 20mm gauge coarse sand, cement in 4 foundation, substructure & superstructure including supplying, fixing, removing of form work, curing as required with all lead, lift, ascend & descend, xing of track, nallah, river, fencing with all labour and material as per specification as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Cement and steel will be paid separately).




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Prov. CC/RCC M-25 with 20 mm crushed stone aggregate, coarse sand & cement in 5 foundation. substructure & super structure such as pier, abutment, wing wall, return wall, coping etc., incl. supplying, fixing & removal of form work, with all cost incl. cost of labour, shuttering, moulds, T & P, materials etc. with all lead, lift, ascend, descend, crossing of track, nallah, fencing, river etc. complete job (Cement and steel will be paid separately).




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Prov. CC/RCC M-30/35 with 20mm crushed stone aggregate, coarse sand & cement in box, bed block, ballast retainer etc. incl. supplying, fixing and removal of form work, with all cost incl. bailing out or pumping of water and laying concrete under water if required, incl. cost of labour, shuttering, moulds, T & P, plants, materials etc. complete with all lead, lift, ascend, descend, crossing of track, nallah, fencing, river etc. complete job (Cement and steel will be paid separately).




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Vacuum dewatering of all types & grade concrete by mechanical means including 7 draining out the sucked excess water from concrete & then finishing the surface smooth with mechanical trowelling with suitable equipment etc. complete. The methodology to be adopted will be as per user manual of dewatering & trawling machine and as directed by Engineer.




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Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material conforming to specifications, mixing in mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed material by tipper to 1 worksite, for all leads and lifts, spreading in uniform layers of specified thickness with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve desired density complete as per specifications and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. With material confirming to grade II(Size range 26.5 mm to 0.075mm) having CBR value-20




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Providing and applying tack coat (before BM and SDBC work) with bitumen emulsion 2 (MS) using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom and air compressor. As per MORT&H specification no. 503




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Providing and laying Bituminous macadum Grade-II 75 mm thick with 100-120 TPH hot mix plant producing an average out put 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregate( Dalla quarry) of 3 specified grading premixed with bituminous binder with Bitumen 60/70 grade, transported at site, laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction. asd per MORT&H specification 504




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Providing and laying Semi Dense Bituminous concrete Grade-II, 25 mm thick with 100- 120 TPH batch type HMP producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using approved crushed 4 aggregate ( Dalla quarry) of specified grading , premixed with bituminous binder(CRMB-55 grade) @ 5.00 percent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrstatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheel, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORT&H specification clause no. 508 complete in all respect.




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Dismantling cement concrete RCC Brick work in lime or Cement mortar & Stone Slab in 5 foundations, superstructure with all labour & materials including disposal of surplus materials with all lead, lift, descend, Crossing of track, nallah, river complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (i) Brick work.




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Dismantling cement concrete RCC Brick work in lime or Cement mortar & Stone Slab in 6 foundations, superstructure with all labour & materials including disposal of surplus materials with all lead, lift, descend, Crossing of track, nallah, river complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (ii) Lime Concrete/Cement Concrete.




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Dismantling cement concrete RCC Brick work in lime or Cement mortar & Stone Slab in 7 foundations, superstructure with all labour & materials including disposal of surplus materials with all lead, lift, descend, Crossing of track, nallah, river complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (iii) RCC.




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Hiring of JCB Machine (in good working condition) for leveling and dressing ground / 1 dismantling structures including disposal of debris through dumpers etc. with contractor's labour, JCB machine, machine operator, fuel, etc. The contractor shall arrange road permit for vehicle for all the States of operation, as per instructions of engineer in-charge and vehicle shall not be more than three years old. Payment shall be made for actual working hours at site.




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Hiring of Road Crane of 25 MT capacity including necessary fuel, oil and operator etc. 2 complete as directed by engineer in-charge. The contractor shall be responsible for arranging all types of permits required for movement of the Crane. Payment shall be made for actual working hours at site 3




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Stationing and manning of 250 MT capacity of road cranes at site and placing of precast RCC boxes during traffic block at desired locations during execution of work including fuel etc. complete for one set i.e. three numbers of 250 MT cranes. This includes bringing all the precast boxes 5 with all lead, lift & crossing of track, if any, from the precasting site to suitable nearby locations on either side of track for ease in placing the boxes during the traffic block. The contractor has to make all arrangement for fuel, labour, tools, plants, etc. for propping and minor maintenance at site. (The crane will remain at site for three days). Note:- If two no. 250 MT capacity crane is not provided by the contractor as per terms & condition, a penalty of Rs. 100000.00 per day will be levied and no payment will be made for inadequate arrangement by the contractor.




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Bringing of 250 MT capacity of road crane at site from depot including labour, fuel etc. complete job for one set i.e. Three numbers of 250 MT cranes.




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Stationing and manning of Poclains at site and excavation of earthwork from railway embankment druing traffic block including fuel etc. complete for one set i.e. two numbers of poclains 7 from either side at a time. This includes preparatory work of excavation in advance of block duly ensuring safety of running trains as well as filling back of excavated earth after the block etc. (The Poclains will remain at site for three days). Note:- If two no. Poclains is not provided by the contractor as per terms & condition penalty of Rs. 50000.00 per day will be levied and no payment will be made for inadequate arrangement by the contractor.




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Bringing of Poclains at work site from depot including labour, fuel etc. complete job for one set i.e. two numbers of poclains.




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Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rails, fitting & fastenings, pipes, 1 wooden logs, stones overpitching stone size, RCC/PCC beams / slabs etc. and all similar articles (each individual article or bundle being not more than 3.5 metres long in the longest direction) including picking up unloading and stacking. (i) Lead upto 50m.




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Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rails, fitting & fastenings, pipes, 2 wooden logs, stones overpitching stone size, RCC/PCC beams / slabs etc. and all similar articles (each individual article or bundle being not more than 3.5 metres long in the longest direction) including picking up unloading and stacking. (ii) Lead over 50m and upto 500m.




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Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rails, fitting & fastenings, pipes, 3 wooden logs, stones overpitching stone size, RCC/PCC beams / slabs etc. and all similar articles (each individual article or bundle being not more than 3.5 metres long in the longest direction) including picking up unloading and stacking. (iii) Lead over 500m and upto 10Km.




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Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rails, fitting & fastenings, pipes, 4 wooden logs, stones overpitching stone size, RCC/PCC beams / slabs etc. and all similar articles (each individual article or bundle being more than 3.5 metres long in the longest direction) including picking up unloading and stacking. (i) Lead upto 50m.




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Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rails, fitting & fastenings, pipes, 5 wooden logs, stones overpitching stone size, RCC/PCC beams / slabs etc. and all similar articles (each individual article or bundle being more than 3.5 metres long in the longest direction) including picking up unloading and stacking. (ii) Lead over 50m and uptp 500m.




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Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rails, fitting & fastenings, pipes, 6 wooden logs, stones overpitching stone size, RCC/PCC beams / slabs etc. and all similar articles (each individual article or bundle being more than 3.5 metres long in the longest direction) including picking up unloading and stacking. (iii) Lead over 500m and upto 10Km.




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Supplying, fitting, fixing & installing including boring of 40 mm dia hand tube well assembly India Mark II having total depth of 50 metres with the following components as per IS:9301 : i) Hand pump (single acting) India mark - II galvanised as per IS : 9301 - 90. ii) Brass strainer mesh type made of long slotted medium B class G.I. pipes with 80-mesh brass wire net wrapping around the erforated pipe and jacketed by 26 / 28 SWG brass perforated sheet. 40 mm dia (2 lengths of each 1.83 m connected with G.I. socket). iii) C.I. cylinder with G.M. parts India mark - II 65 mm dia x 0.45 m long as per IS: 9301 - 90. iv) G.I. casing pipe 100 mm dia medium quality ISI marked 18 m long. pipe 40 7 mm dia medium quality ISI marked 28.35 m long. vi) 32 mm dia G.I. pipe (riser) medium quality ISI marked 17 m long. vii) 12 mm dia bright bar electro galvanised connecting rod, 3.0 m long each as per IS : 9301 of length as required. viii) all accessories as per IS: 9301 -90 such as G.I. reducing socket 100 mm x 40 mm, C.I. plug cutter 40 mm, base plate, M.S. nuts & bolts etc. The work also includes priming, development and testing of the yield (which should be sufficient enough) for seven days with all labour, material, tools and plants complete. ix) 40 mm dia G.I. ISI marked medium quality hanging pipe to the extent of 17 m. x) all accessories such as C.I. plug cutter 40 mm, base plate, M.S. nuts & bolts etc. as required. The work also includes priming & development and testing of the yield (which should be sufficient enough) for seven days with cost of labour and material, all tools and plants complete in all respect.




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Providing 25mm thick C.C. 1:2:4 granolithic flooring with graded stone aggregate 6mm to 13mm size finished to smooth surface including curing with contractors own labour, plant & material etc. (Cement will be paid separately).




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Providing D.P.C. 1:2:4 - 40mm thick with 19mm stone chips laid in situ with two coat of 9 bitumen including contractor's own labour, materials, tools & plants excluding supply of cement & bitumen complete as per approved plan or directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Cement will be paid separately).




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Providing barricading with the help of fencing along the running track where the work is to be done in close vicinity of the track. The fencing shall be minimum 1.5m high with 2.2m wooden bally/bamboo post, 25cm girth (min) placed every 2.0m apart, embedded in cement concrete (1:2:4) blocks of size 0.23 x 0.23 x .23M and every 15th post (or nearer, if there is abrupt change of ground slope), last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end post on side only 10 and struts embedded in cement concrete (1:2:4) block size 0.23 x 0.23 x 0.23M, provided with 3 horizontal wooden/bamboo ballies of 15cm girth (min) fixed with G.I. staples/binding wire/nail driven into the posts including 2 bands (red and white) 300mm long shall be painted with water bound paints onthe ballies including horizontal members and two bands (100mm apart) of yellow reflective tape of width 50mm shall be pasted on top white band of vertical posts. The rate includes cost of all materials including cement. After execution of all works requiring safety fencing in particular stretch, the fencing shall be removed with the approval of the Engineer-in-charge and formation shall be repaired to is profile and released materials will be contractor's property.




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Providing & laying non pressure NP-4 Class RCC pipe with collars, jointing with 1:2 Cement and ordinary sand mortar including testing of joints but excluding earthwork with all labaour and materials as a complete job. Cement for mortar will be paid separately 600mm dia.




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Providing & laying Marbonite Tiles (size 600 x 600 x 8.5mm) Jonson or similar make in flooring & wall laid on 19mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 & jointed with white cment slurry mixed with pigments to match shed of the tiles including cleaning etc. complete in all respect.




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Structural steel work in single section, fixed with or without connecting Plates, including cutting hoisting fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primar all complete




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Structural steel work, riveted bolted or welded in built up section, trusses and framed work including cutting hoisting fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primar all complete.




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Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. all complete Fixed to steel windows by welding.




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Fabricating, supplying & installing stainless steel railings for staircases, balconies, FOBs, Enquiry/Reservation complex etc., made of SS 304 grade stainless steel, laser cut / water jet cut (no shearing), polished with Automatic round/flat polishing machine to get a uniform hairline finish. All 4 parts shall be connected to each other with the help of prescribed size CNC made solid connectors, countersunk screws. Welding should be finished ensuring that no welding marks are visible and assembly is mounted on floor with the help of dash fasteners. Railings shall be fabricated as per approved drawings by engineer-in charge. Manufacturer shall submit maintenance manual and basic material test report for grade certification.




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Supplying & driving the cold twisted MS sheet piles generally 10mm and 10meter deep below formation level having interlocking design and taken out the same after launching with all 5 necessary vibrio hammers and other T&P required as a complete job. It includes all necessary labour and material, cost of all T&P, all leading, loading, transportation of the same with all toll taxes (To and Fro), GST and other applicable taxes as per extent rules, all ascent, descent, crossing of track, cost of all fuels and lubricants, the necessary arrangement of lighting, camping at site etc.




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Fabricating, supplying and erecting of fabricated height gauge by standard rolled steel 6 section as per approved drawing including all contractors labour, T&P, transportation observing safety precautions with one coat of metal primer and two coats of enamel paint of approved quality in alternate white and black strip in 300mm above ground level etc. complete job.




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Supplying and fixing super tech or similar single skin HI-RIB profiled sheeting 930- 1020mm cover width 28-32 mm crests @ 186-333 m c/c manufacture out of 0.45mm BMT (Base metal thickness) HI-tensile Galvalume/zincvalume steel. The sheets shall wide panes with 2-3 nos. stiffening 7 for effective water shedding and special made/female ends with full return legs on side laps for purling supports and anti capillary flute in side lap. The sheetes shall have a hot dip metallic zinc aluminum alloy coating (150 gms/ sqm zinc (45%) Alum (55%) coating mass total on both sides AZ-150 or equivalent as per (AS 1397-1993) minimum 550 Mpa yield strength with SMP coating (min silicon content 30%-50%) or super polyester XRW quality paint coat of approved colour.




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Carrying out soil investigation at site of LHS/Station building/Rake Handling, etc. for 1 bearing capacity and other parameters as per required depth as per the direction of Engineer-in- charge. The rate will include the cost of submitting of soil report in 03 copies with contractors own tools and equipment. The method of testing will be as per the direction of site engineer.




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Preparation of GAD of LHS/Station building/Rake Handling, etc. on AUTOCAD with all labour, material, equipment, taxes, etc. Complete job.




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Supply of unskilled labour for on ongoing works and maintaining progress of works and maintenance of p.way and any other work related to p.way, embankment, bridge etc. deemed suitable by engineer in charge.




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Supply of skilled labour for keeping watch on ongoing works, safety and patrolling of 2 track, survey, assisting p.way supervisors in day to day maintenance of track and related technical works like greasing and upkeep of fishplate, fittings SEJ, points, lifting booms etc. correction of alignment and unevenness of track, toe marking of earth fill or any other work related to p.way, embankment, bridge etc. deemed suitable by engineer in charge.




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Supply of skilled Clerk/Auto Cad operator/Computer Operator for work in office & drawing section.




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Brick work with common burnt Clay F.P.S.(non modular) (including cost of cement) bricks of class 7.5 in foundation and plinth in: Cement Mortar 1:4( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand).




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Brick work with common burnt Clay F.P.S.( non modular) (including cost of cement) bricks of class 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in: Cement Mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement :6 coarse sand). 1




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12 mm thick cement plaster of mix : 1:6 ( 1 cement :6 fine sand).




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Chequered terrazo tile 22mm thick with graded marble chips of size up to 6 mm in 1 floors, jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shades of tile including rubbing polishing complete on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4( 1 cement :4 coarse sand ): ordinary cement without any pigment.




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Providing and fixing 10 mm thick acid and /or alkali resistant tile of approved make and 1 colour using acid and/or alkali resistant mortar bedding and joints filled with acid and/or alkali resistant cement as per IS 4457, complete as per directions of engineer-in-charge. flooring on bed of 10 mm thick mortar 1:4(1 acid proof cement : 4 coarse sand).




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Providing and laying rectified glazed Ceramic floor tiles of size 300x300 mm or more( 1 thickness to be specified by manufacturer), of 1st quality confirming to IS: 15622 of approved make in colour White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4( 1 Cement :4 Coarse sand) joining with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/sqm including grouting of joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete.




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Kota stone slabs flooring over 20mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand). 25mm thick




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Providing and laying 60 mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver 1 block of M30 grade made by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction, of approved size, design and shape, laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand filling the joints with line sand etc all complete as per the directions of engineer-in- charge




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Any other item of works not included in above Schedule but based on CPWD DSR 2021.




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Any other item of works not included in above Schedule but based on NER/USSOR/2021 with all corrections up-to-date.




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Supply and using cement at work site : OPC OPC 43 Grade 2




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Supply and using cement at worksite : PPC.




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Supplying Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete. High yield strength deformed bars.




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Fabrication and supply of steel Structures of New Foot Over Bridge, P. P. Shelters and extension of existing Foot Over Bridge at Maharajganj & Basantpur in connection with construction of crossing station at Maharajganj & Basantpur in Maharajganj - Masrakh New Line section as per drawing including cost of tested raw steel section conforming to IS:2062 Grade A/B or better and its 1 transportation with contractor's own lobour, materials, tools & plants, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, welding electrodes, welding plants, compressors, drilling machines, gas cutting equipment etc. will all leads, lifts for fabrication with initial one cost of ready mixed paint zinc chromate priming to IS:104 followed by one coat of ready mixed paint red oxide zinc chrome priming paint to IS:2074 and one coat of paint Aluminum to IS:2339 of approved quality and all activities as per specification with Contractor's own arrangement for power supply and water consumption at site.




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Erection and launching of steel structures of New Foot Over Bridge, P. P. Shelter and extension of existing Foot Over Bridge at Maharajganj & Basantpur in connection with construction of crossing station at Maharajganj & Basantpur in Maharajganj - Masrakh New Line section, materials, 2 tools & plants, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, welding electrodes, welding plants, compressors, drilling machines, gas cutting equipment etc. including all leads, lifts, ascends , descends required for successful completion of the entire work, as directed by the Engineer and all activities as per specification with Contractor's own arrangement for scaffoldings, power supply, watchman and water consumption at site of erection. This also includes, the cost of crane, labour, fuel required for erection and launching of fabricated components of FOBs & P. P. Shelters as epr site condition.




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Painting of steel structures with one finishing coat of pain aluminum confirming to 3 IS:2339 of approved quality after touching up the primer coat where ever damaged during erection with one coat of Ready Mixed paint Zinc Chromate priming to IS:104 followed by one coat of Ready Mixed paint Red Odice Zinc Chrome priming paint to IS:2074 with contractors own paints, materials, tools, plants, consumables, scaffolding etc.




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Providing and laying blanketing materials of specifications as per RDSO guidelines for design /Construction of formation on Indian Railway track issued vide letter no. RS/G/108/Heavy Axle Load dated 26.10.2016, using well graded granular material having Cu>7, Cc between 1 and 3, fines (passing 75 microns) between 3% to 10%, minimum Soaked CBR value of 25 and compacted at 100% of MDD in layers of maximum 30 cm thickness in loose state using graders and compaction using vibratory compactors, top and side dressing to provide final formation as per designed profile. The 1 rate shall not include compaction, which shall be paid separately. NOTE: 1) If naturally availablematerials do not meet the laid down specifications, the blanket material has to be produced by mechanical process using mechanical crushing or mechanical blending method or combination of these two methods as given in the Appendix-C of RDSO Guidelines and Specifications for Design of Formation for Heavy Axle Load -2009. The rate for this item is inclusive of the production of material by mechanical process as per above mentioned RDSO guidelines and in case such mechanical process is not required to be used in providing and laying of blanketing material due to availability of natural blanketing material conforming to laid down specifications, the rate of this item shall be reduced by Rs. 250/- per cum. 2) The filter criteria and minimum EV2 Criteria as mentioned in the guidelines of 2009 is not applicable. 3) The rate shall include cost of all field and laboratory tests except CBR tests which will be paid vide separate BOQ item. 4) The Latest guidelines for Design / Construction of formation on Indian Railway track, issued vide RDSO lr. No. RS/G/108/Heavy axle load dated 26.10.2016 shall be adopted for this item. The basic instructions (other than those contained in the latest guidelines dated 26.10.2016) detailed in GE: G-1 of 2003 and GE:0014 of 2009 shall continue to apply. 2




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Conducting test for determination of California Bearing Ratio as per IS: 2720.




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Providing safety arrangement at site with help of flagman/safety personal with tools/ safety equipment like HS Flag, Banner Flag, HS lamp, Tail lamp etc. for protection of worksite as per IRPWM/G&SR for any works affecting the safety of running track, during block, caution or normal train working, for renewal of track, insertion/dismantling of point crossing, insertion/removal of sleepers, rails, fittings etc., putting/removal of ballast, transport of material in yard/ block section, crossing of track ( for heavy material and machinery), erection of structure/posts/ fencing near track, 1 launching/delaunching of girders/PF shed/LSH segments, Bridges etc., excavation near track, loading unloading of heavy material near track, pipeline/cable crossing, cess repair, motor trolly/material trolly working or any other work that requires track protection as per engineer in charge or his representative. Note:-Detonators, if required will be provided by Railway. 1 set will be paid for works in double line section (unidirectional movement of trains) if work is done in single line section (Bidirectional movement of trains) 2 sets will be paid for one job. If the duration of work will be up to one shift of 8 hrs. If the protection time required is more than that next shift will be counted as additional sets.




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Unloading of 60kg/52kg/90R.single rail/3 rail to 20 rail panels from all types of wagons in station yards/ block section in prescribed time, clearing infringements as directed by Engineer at site with contractor's labour, tools & plants etc. (i) Single rail.




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Unloading of 60kg/52kg/90R.single rail/3 rail to 20 rail panels from all types of wagons in station yards/ block section in prescribed time, clearing infringements as directed by Engineer at site with contractor's labour, tools & plants etc. (ii) 3 rail to rail panels.




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Crossing of running main line by 10 or 20 rail panels and shifting it from existing main line track to proposed main line track with contractor's labour, tools and plants under traffic block as per direction of engineer-in-charge.




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Cutting of 60 Kg/52 kg/90R 90/72 UTS rail with hexa-blade/rail cutting machine in station yard/block section complete as per track manual and direction of Engineer-In charge. Note:- No payment shall be made for incorrect cuts.




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Drilling 32mm/25mm dia. fish bolt holes and chamfering in 60Kg/52kg/90R rail in station yard/block section complete as per track manual and direction of Engineer in charge. Note:- No payment shall be made for incorrectly made holes.




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Cutting of 3 Rails panel/more than 13M Rails at site, in block section, yards with Gas cutting tools by contractor's own labour, T&P consumables etc. (including making of hole when ever required) complete as per directions of site Engineer.




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Gas cutting of rails (cutting of rail flange to make it check rail) with contractor's labour, tools & plants, etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.




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Collection of S/H Rails 60kg/52kg/90R Single Rails in different sections, stations, places 11 of any division of Railway from cess to nearest level Xing/loading point (Having motorable Road for Trailor) more than 100M and up to 1.60Km including loading/ unloading/leading and stacking including all lead, lift, descends/ascends xing of track etc. by contractor's own means.




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Loading of all types of PSC sleepers including PSC turnout sleepers etc. into contractor's own truck/trailer including lead upto 65 m & proper stacking by using road crane or any 12 other suitable mechanical device without damaging the PSC sleeper as per standard specification (Loading into contractor's vehicle will normally be done by sleeper plant and this item will be operated only in case of breakdown of factory's crane which will be certified by SE/Works/Sleeper Factory) or in case loading of sleeper is done from any other place.




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Unloading of PSC BG line sleeper from all type of wagon in block section/Yard with all 13 lead, lift descends ascends/xing of track and during block & clearing of adjacent track/ road to make safe running of trains & road vehicles as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (No extra payment will be made for shifting /stacking of sleeper involved).




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Spreading of BG PSC line sleepers already transported/unloaded vide items above including further carriage and rehandling as required for placing in the slopes/along newly constructed 14 bank at uniform spacing of 1660/1540 nos. sleepers per km. for patch doubling in section as per direction of Engineer-in charge incld. all lead, lift, descends, crossing of track and observance of necessary safety contractor's own labour tools and plants and consumables etc. including loading/ unloading complete job in block sections.




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Placing BG PSC sleepers from slope/ side or any other place of embankment to leveled and compacted bed of ballast/blanketing material at specified spacing and correct alignment with all leads, lifts, descends, xing of track and other obstructions etc. in block section.




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Spreading ballast from the stacks (available along the bank) uniformly on new formation/track including all lead, lift, crossing of track as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (i) Lead up to 100m




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Spreading ballast from the stacks (available along the bank) uniformly on new 17 formation/track including all lead, lift, crossing of track as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (ii) Lead beyond 100m & up to 1 km.




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Unloading track ballast from all type of wagons in block section/station yards in block time and clearing infringement and site for further unloading as directed by Engineer with contractor's labour, tools, plants etc. with all leads, lifts, descents, Xing of track etc.




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Removing the clean ballast from dismantled track and stacking on the cess and spreading in BG track linked on shifted as per BG LWR ballast profile with contractor's labour machinery, tools & plants including all lead and lift complete as per Engineer at site.




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Salvaging the old caked ballast from existing dismantled track with contractor's labour, tools & plants including all lead & lift complete. The item mainly includes taking out ballast completely 24 by digging up to formation level screening the same on 20mm square mess screens preparation of stacking grounds & stacking the screened ballast in stacks on the new formation as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note:- Putting & spreading of ballast into track will be paid separately vide items above.




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Fabricating, notching, bending, drilling, fixing, linking & jointing both guard rails 52kg/90R on bridges as directed by Engineer-in-charge.




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Laying 60kg/52kg. Railway switch expansion joints (SEJ) on special PSC sleepers as per RDSO drawing No.T-4165/ 4160/ 5478/5586/5748 at the required locations with contractors labours and tools inclusive of all lead and lift complete. The items mainly includes laying SEJ, special PSC 30 sleepers to correct spacing over compacted ballast bed, laying of stock rail and tongue rail (two pairs) providing the fittings and fastening, fabricating supplying and fixing two angle spacers bringing it to desired level and longitudinal profile correcting, gauge, cross level, spacing and squaring of sleeper and packing dressing the ballast oiling greasing the tongue rails and stock rails etc. or any other item required as per directive of Engineer at site.




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Assembling/linking & laying 52kg.BG Fan shaped points and crossing on PSC Layout as per drawing/specification including leading of materials from stacks/PWI's store, cutting rails, drilling holes, Jim crowing of rails, as required fixing stretcher bars & spring setting device, two round of through packing, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating & greasing of rail joints, fish 31 plates, fish bolts, rails fishing surface of joints elastic rail clips with contractors oil grease graphite etc. as per direction of Engineer in charge. (a) 1 in 12. Note:-(i) 75% of the payment will be made after the assembly is completed and laid. Balance 25% will be paid after completion of all other activities as per item (ii) Fitting and fastenings required for points xing shall be made available at Maharajganj stations. Switch assembling, Rails for lead, turn out sleeper check rails, CMS xing shall be made available at same station yard. For leading above materials from mentioned location to desired site of work, no extra payment shall be made.




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Assembling/linking & laying 52kg.BG Fan shaped points and crossing on PSC Layout as per drawing/specification including leading of materials from stacks/PWI's store, cutting rails, drilling holes, Jim crowing of rails, as required fixing stretcher bars & spring setting device, two round of through packing, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating & greasing of rail joints, fish 32 plates, fish bolts, rails fishing surface of joints elastic rail clips with contractors oil grease graphite etc. as per direction of Engineer in charge. (b) 1 in 8.5. Note:-(i) 75% of the payment will be made after the assembly is completed and laid. Balance 25% will be paid after completion of all other activities as per item (ii) Fitting and fastenings required for points xing shall be made available at Maharajganj station. Switch assembling, Rails for lead, turn out sleeper check rails, CMS xing shall be made available at same station yard. For leading above materials from mentioned location to desired site of work, no extra payment shall be made.




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Assembling/linking & laying 52kg.BG Fan shaped points and crossing on PSC Layout as per drawing/specification including leading of materials from stacks/PWI's store, cutting rails, drilling holes, Jim crowing of rails, as required fixing stretcher bars & spring setting device, two round of through packing, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating & greasing of rail joints, fish 33 plates, fish bolts, rails fishing surface of joints elastic rail clips with contractors oil grease graphite etc. as per direction of Engineer in charge. (c) D.S. Note:-(i) 75% of the payment will be made after the assembly is completed and laid. Balance 25% will be paid after completion of all other activities as per item (ii) Fitting and fastenings required for points xing shall be made available at Maharajganj station. Switch assembling, Rails for lead, turn out sleeper check rails, CMS xing shall be made available at same station yard. For leading above materials from mentioned location to desired site of work, no extra payment shall be made.




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Insertion of PSC turn out sleepers under traffic manually and dismantling of B.G. track during traffic block, linking and lying 60Kg/52Kg./90R B.G. point & crossing on already inserted PSC sleepers as per drawing/ specification including leading of materials from stacks/ P.W.I stores in the yard prior to traffic block, cutting rails, drilling holes, Jim crowing of rails as required and digging of track ballast and preparing required ballast bed for laying of turn out, fixing stretcher bar and spring liver, with Katcha packing etc. to make track fit for 20 KMPH including, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of rail joints, fish plate, fish bolts, rails, fishing surface of joints, elastic rail clips with contractor's oil grease graphite etc. as per direction of engineer in charge. OR Assembling of complete fan shaped B.G. 60Kg/52Kg/90R turn out from stock joint to back of crossing 34 out side the track at suitable site on cess (as directed by Engineer in charge ) as per drawing/specification with complete fitting. This will include all leading of PSC sleepers, new rails and switches in the yard to site of assembling crossing the track under protection etc. cutting drilling and bending of rails. This assembled fan shaped turn out shall be laid in track with railway T-28 point & crossing laying machine in a traffic block. During the block existing B.G. track including D.S. is to be dismantled and digging of track ballast up to required depth and preparing of required ballast bed for laying of turn out to be done, fixing stretcher bar and spring liver, with Katcha packing etc. to make track fit for 20 KMPH including, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of rail joints, fish plate, fish bolts, rails, fishing surface of joints, elastic rail clips with contractor's oil. Assistance to be given to T-28 machine by the contractor for bringing the assembled fan shaped turn out to site and during its laying including aligning, leveling, gauging, spacing of sleeper with complete fittings and giving Katcha packing etc. to make the track fit for 20 KMPH to be done by the contractor before removal of block including boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of Rail-joints, fish-plates, fish-bolts, rails finishing surfaces of joints. (a) 1 in 12.




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Insertion of PSC turn out sleepers under traffic manually and dismantling of B.G. track during traffic block, linking and lying 60Kg/52Kg./90R B.G. point & crossing on already inserted PSC sleepers as per drawing/ specification including leading of materials from stacks/ P.W.I stores in the yard prior to traffic block, cutting rails, drilling holes, Jim crowing of rails as required and digging of track ballast and preparing required ballast bed for laying of turn out, fixing stretcher bar and spring liver, with Katcha packing etc. to make track fit for 20 KMPH including, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of rail joints, fish plate, fish bolts, rails, fishing surface of joints, elastic rail clips with contractor's oil grease graphite etc. as per direction of engineer in charge. OR Assembling of complete fan shaped B.G. 60Kg/52Kg/90R turn out from stock joint to back of crossing out side the track at suitable site on cess (as directed by Engineer in charge ) as per 35 drawing/specification with complete fitting. This will include all leading of PSC sleepers, new rails and switches in the yard to site of assembling crossing the track under protection etc. cutting drilling and bending of rails. This assembled fan shaped turn out shall be laid in track with railway T-28 point & crossing laying machine in a traffic block. During the block existing B.G. track including D.S. is to be dismantled and digging of track ballast up to required depth and preparing of required ballast bed for laying of turn out to be done, fixing stretcher bar and spring liver, with Katcha packing etc. to make track fit for 20 KMPH including, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of rail joints, fish plate, fish bolts, rails, fishing surface of joints, elastic rail clips with contractor's oil. Assistance to be given to T-28 machine by the contractor for bringing the assembled fan shaped turn out to site and during its laying including aligning, leveling, gauging, spacing of sleeper with complete fittings and giving Katcha packing etc. to make the track fit for 20 KMPH to be done by the contractor before removal of block including boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of Rail-joints, fish-plates, fish-bolts, rails finishing surfaces of joints. (b) 1 in 8.5.




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Insertion of PSC turn out sleepers under traffic manually and dismantling of B.G. track during traffic block, linking and lying 60Kg/52Kg./90R B.G. point & crossing on already inserted PSC sleepers as per drawing/ specification including leading of materials from stacks/ P.W.I stores in the yard prior to traffic block, cutting rails, drilling holes, Jim crowing of rails as required and digging of track ballast and preparing required ballast bed for laying of turn out, fixing stretcher bar and spring liver, with Katcha packing etc. to make track fit for 20 KMPH including, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of rail joints, fish plate, fish bolts, rails, fishing surface of joints, elastic rail clips with contractor's oil grease graphite etc. as per direction of engineer in charge. OR Assembling of complete fan shaped B.G. 60Kg/52Kg/90R turn out from stock joint to back of crossing out side the track at suitable site on cess (as directed by Engineer in charge ) as per drawing/specification with complete fitting. This will include all leading of PSC sleepers, new rails and switches in the yard to site of assembling crossing the track under protection etc. cutting drilling and bending of rails. This assembled fan shaped turn out shall be laid in track with railway T-28 point & crossing laying machine in a traffic block. During the block existing B.G. track including D.S. is to be dismantled and digging of track ballast up to required depth and preparing of required ballast bed for laying of turn out to be done, fixing stretcher bar and spring liver, with Katcha packing etc. to make track fit for 20 KMPH including, boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of rail joints, fish plate, fish bolts, rails, fishing surface of joints, elastic rail clips with contractor's oil. Assistance to be given to T-28 machine by the contractor for bringing the assembled fan shaped turn out to site and during its laying including aligning, leveling, gauging, spacing of sleeper with complete fittings and giving Katcha packing etc. to make the track fit for 20 KMPH to be done by the contractor before removal of block including boxing and dressing of ballast to profile, lubricating and greasing of Rail-joints, fish-plates, fish-bolts, rails finishing surfaces of joints. (c) D.S.




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Cutting high cess/formation on either side of track in the yards approaches of level crossings/girder bridges/points & crossing making drains in yard as required and dumping excavated earth as directed by Engineer-in charge including all lift, crossing of track and lead up to 100mtrs.




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Manufacturing, painting and erecting BG dead ends in the station yards as per drawing and direction of Engineer- in charge (Rails and fittings will be supplied from PWI's store at the BTT/DEOS station and will be carted without extra payment).




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Painting exterior surface with three coats including one base coat of contractor enamel 42 paint of approved colour and make as directed by Engineer-in charge and letter writing. Note:- If letter of higher than 25mm size are required to be done. Rate will be increased proportionally to their height. (a) Painting 3 coats.




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Painting exterior surface with three coats including one base coat of contractor enamel 43 paint of approved colour and make as directed by Engineer-in charge and letter writing. Note:- If letter of higher than 25mm size are required to be done. Rate will be increased proportionally to their height. (b) Letter writing of 25mm size.




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Manufacturing and fixing tie bar/rail post on cess or other places near track to indicate BG rail level alignment, Rail post for LWR, SEJ movement at location indicated by Engineer-in-charge. Rail posts. Note:-Tie bar/Rails will be issued at PWI store which will have to be cut to length as decided by Engineer-in charge and transported to site at contractor's cost. Rail post shall be suitably grouted in concrete as directed by Engineer- in charge.




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Manufacturing, fabricating and erecting in position whistle board, curve board SEJ board, Creep post shunting limit board, curve marker post & Rail fencing etc. (Rail steel section, steel cement required for the work shall be supplied by the Railway. free of cost at Railway station.




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Leading of PSC line sleepers from stacks made at level crossings/in station yards along the embankment or on cess for each BG track with all lead, lift, descends, ascends in yard & up to home signal.




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Removal of ERC & steel/GFN liners in new laid rail panel/track, cleaning of rust & scales of ERC, steel liners & MCI inserts/wire brush/scrapper/Sand Empery paper etc. supply & provision of 48 anticorrosive treatment by the application of grefited grease grade zero confirming to IS:408-1981 under side of liner & corresponding area of rail foot and MCI inserts with ERCs as laid down instructions of IRPWM and after proper greasing of steel/GFN liners and ERCs re-fixing on proper place and seat under the supervision of site in charge. Note: The item will be operated as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge either before CRS inspection or before handing over of the track.




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Laying/Insertion of Glued joint (60 kg/52kg. Rail/90R) on PSC/Wooden sleepers cutting of rails and drilling of holes chamfering etc. it also included transporting of released rails to depot with all lead and lift and crossing of track.




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Extra for greasing of liners after cleaning the same with wire brushes and emery paper 50 specially cleaning of any debris or rusted material with the application of '0' graphite grease conforming to IS 408-1981 with all contractor's labour tools and lift etc. complete job under the supervision of Rly's representative and as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Extra for sealling of each liner by application of Zero grade graphite grease confirming to IS:408-1981 with contractor's material, labour, tools & plants, etc. in running/non running track a complete job as directed by Engineer-in-charge. If grease graphite supply by the railway an amount of Rs. 2.25 will be deducted in the given rates of this item.




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First through packing of points & crossing on all type of sleepers including correcting 53 all track parameters, gauge, cross levels alignment, tightening of fittings as per IRPWM and satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. Note : If tamping machine not provided then through packing of T/out may be done further for safe running of traffic. (a) 1 in 12.




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First through packing of points & crossing on all type of sleepers including correcting 54 all track parameters, gauge, cross levels alignment, tightening of fittings as per IRPWM and satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. Note : If tamping machine not provided then through packing of T/out may be done further for safe running of traffic. (b) 1 in 8.5.




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Second through packing of points & crossing on all type of sleepers including 55 correcting all track parameters, gauge, cross levels alignment, tightening of fittings as per IRPWM and satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. Note : If tamping machine not provided then through packing of T/out may be done further for safe running of traffic. (a) 1 in 12.




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Second through packing of points & crossing on all type of sleepers including 56 correcting all track parameters, gauge, cross levels alignment, tightening of fittings as per IRPWM and satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. Note : If tamping machine not provided then through packing of T/out may be done further for safe running of traffic. (b) 1 in 8.5.




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Each round double tamping/packing of PRC/PSC Turnout sleepers (Point & xing) by Track Tamping machine (Unimat) to make the track fit as per relevant CE circular. The rate included 57 cost of diesel and leading of the same to the site required for track machine if required by TTM staff Two (02) nos. labour daily on each machine will be provided by the contractor free of cost as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note-Suitable track tamping machine along with operator will be provided free of cost by Railway. (i) 1 in 12.




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Each round double tamping/packing of PRC/PSC Turnout sleepers (Point & xing) by Track Tamping machine (Unimat) to make the track fit as per relevant CE circular. The rate included 58 cost of diesel and leading of the same to the site required for track machine if required by TTM staff Two (02) nos. labour daily on each machine will be provided by the contractor free of cost as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note-Suitable track tamping machine along with operator will be provided free of cost by Railway. (ii) 1 in 8.5.




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Each round double tamping/packing of PRC/PSC Turnout sleepers (Point & xing) by Track Tamping machine (Unimat) to make the track fit as per relevant CE circular. The rate included 59 cost of diesel and leading of the same to the site required for track machine if required by TTM staff Two (02) nos. labour daily on each machine will be provided by the contractor free of cost as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note-Suitable track tamping machine along with operator will be provided free of cost by Railway. (iii) DS.




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Leading of PSC Turn out sleeper already unloaded on level crossing and other locations on either side of yards to site of work or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (a) 1:12.




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Leading of PSC Turn out sleeper already unloaded on level crossing and other locations on either side of yards to site of work or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (b) 1:8.5.




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Providing and fixing of fouling mark for newly linked point and xing in yards. The 64 contractor (including) will arrange all consumable materials fixing with all lead, lift, xing of track, labour, T&P etc. for completing the job in accordance with IRPWM (Painting & writing will paid separately).




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Painting of 60/52 kg. Rail inside, outside track on rail bottom, web, foot and finishing plane as per requirement with Red Oxide/Zinc chromate primer to IS : 2074 of Burger/Nerolac/Asian make or any equivalent make, including surface preparation i.e. cleaning etc.




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Painting one coat of bituminous solution to IS : 158 Bituminous to IRS-p-301996 inside, 66 outside track on rail bottom, web, foot and finishing plane as per requirement as per the direction of engineer-in-charge.




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Manufacturing carting & fixing Hectometer post on top of formation as per approved Plan with contractor's tool, labour material reinforcement cement Complete as per specified intervals or as per directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Extracting jammed seized ERC including greasing by IS 408 grade grease from RDSO approved source. The rate is all inclusive of tools-plants, consumables, etc.




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Carting of all types of rails (new & second hand)/girders /switches, steel items by 1 contractor's road vehicle including collection upto 100m, loading, leading, unloading & stacking after sorting all type/categories of materials with all lead, lifts & crossing of track as per the direction of site Engineer. (i) Upto 10 Km.




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Carting of all types of rails (new & second hand)/girders /switches, steel items by 2 contractor's road vehicle including collection upto 100m, loading, leading, unloading & stacking after sorting all type/categories of materials with all lead, lifts & crossing of track as per the direction of site Engineer. (ii) Lead beyond 10Km up to 15km.




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Carting of all types of rails (new & second hand)/girders /switches, steel items by 3 contractor's road vehicle including collection upto 100m, loading, leading, unloading & stacking after sorting all type/categories of materials with all lead, lifts & crossing of track as per the direction of site Engineer. (iii) Lead beyond 15Km up to 30Km.




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Carting of all types of rails (new & second hand)/girders /switches, steel items by 4 contractor's road vehicle including collection upto 100m, loading, leading, unloading & stacking after sorting all type/categories of materials with all lead, lifts & crossing of track as per the direction of site Engineer. (iv) Lead beyond 30Km up to 50Km.




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Carting of all types of rails (new & second hand)/girders /switches, steel items by 5 contractor's road vehicle including collection upto 100m, loading, leading, unloading & stacking after sorting all type/categories of materials with all lead, lifts & crossing of track as per the direction of site Engineer. (v) Lead beyond 50Km up to 100Km.




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Carting of all types of rails (new & second hand)/girders /switches, steel items by 6 contractor's road vehicle including collection upto 100m, loading, leading, unloading & stacking after sorting all type/categories of materials with all lead, lifts & crossing of track as per the direction of site Engineer. (vi) Lead beyond 100Km up to 120Km.




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Carting of all types of rails (new & second hand)/girders /switches, steel items by 7 contractor's road vehicle including collection upto 100m, loading, leading, unloading & stacking after sorting all type/categories of materials with all lead, lifts & crossing of track as per the direction of site Engineer. (vii) Lead beyond 120Km up to 150Km.




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Carting of all types of rails (new & second hand)/girders /switches, steel items by 8 contractor's road vehicle including collection upto 100m, loading, leading, unloading & stacking after sorting all type/categories of materials with all lead, lifts & crossing of track as per the direction of site Engineer. (viii) Extra for each 5 Km lead or part thereof beyond 150 Km. (upto 50 lead)




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Spreading of 90R/52kg. Rail S.H./New rail (Free Rail/SWP/10 Rail/20 Rail panel) unloaded from vehicles, Railway wagons/BFRs through diplorry /other means by contractor on either side of track evenly in block section/station yard with his own labour, tools & plants, consumable etc. complete as per direction of site Engineer with lead of: Up to 1 Km.




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Transporting of released materials from station yard to the PWI's store/prescribed 12 locations including sorting, removing fastenings from sleepers and stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately at prescribed locations including all leads, lifts, descends, crossing of track and other obstruction etc. as directed by Engineer in charge. Rails




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Transporting of released materials from station yard to the PWI's store/prescribed 13 locations including sorting, removing fastenings from sleepers and stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately at prescribed locations including all leads, lifts, descends, crossing of track and other obstruction etc. as directed by Engineer in charge. Fittgs/CST-9 sleepers.




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Transporting of released materials from station yard to the PWI's store/prescribed 14 locations including sorting, removing fastenings from sleepers and stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately at prescribed locations including all leads, lifts, descends, crossing of track and other obstruction etc. as directed by Engineer in charge. Wooden sleepers (all types).




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Carting of all types of sleepers (except PSC sleepers), P.Way fittings, cement bags and 15 misc. materials other than Rails, switches, check Rail from different stations of Railway to PWI's store as per directions of site Engineer including all charges of loading, unloading and stacking with lead varying from:- Km.10 to Km.15




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Carting of all types of sleepers (except PSC sleepers), P.Way fittings, cement bags and 16 misc. materials other than Rails, switches, check Rail from different stations of Railway to PWI's store as per directions of site Engineer including all charges of loading, unloading and stacking with lead varying from:- Beyond Km.15 to Km.30




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Carting of all types of sleepers (except PSC sleepers), P.Way fittings, cement bags and 17 misc. materials other than Rails, switches, check Rail from different stations of Railway to PWI's store as per directions of site Engineer including all charges of loading, unloading and stacking with lead varying from:- Beyond Km.30 to Km.60




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Carting of all types of sleepers (except PSC sleepers), P.Way fittings, cement bags and 18 misc. materials other than Rails, switches, check Rail from different stations of Railway to PWI's store as per directions of site Engineer including all charges of loading, unloading and stacking with lead varying from:- Beyond Km.60 to Km.100




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level 19 Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octroi, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Up to 25 Km.




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level 20 Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octori, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Beyond 25 Km upto 50 Km.




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level 21 Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octori, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Beyond 50 Km upto 75 Km.




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level 22 Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octori, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Beyond 75 Km upto 100 Km.




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level 23 Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octori, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Beyond 100 Km upto 150 Km.




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level 24 Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octori, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Beyond 150 Km upto 200 Km.




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level 25 Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octori, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Beyond 200 Km upto 250 Km.




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level 26 Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octori, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Beyond 250 Km upto 300 Km.




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Leading of all type of PSC sleepers including Fan shape points & crossings, SEJ, Level Crossing sleepers etc. from sleeper factory/various places by road vehicle/Trailor including unloading 27 at destination such as various level crossings etc. including all labours, tools and plants, machinery, transportation, octori, local taxes, all lift, ascends/descends handling, re-handling and crossing of the track or any other obstructions as per direction of site Engineer. Above 300 Km for every 25 Km lead or part thereof.




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Carting of ballast from ballast stacks/cess to various stations/block section between in 28 to contractor's vehicles, loading, leading and unloading of the same on location near to the required location in yard/block section keeping in view of safety of track and Road as per direction of Engineer- in charge:- Beyond 1 Km. up to 10 Kms.




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Carting of ballast from ballast stacks/cess to various stations/block section between in 29 to contractor's vehicles, loading, leading and unloading of the same on location near to the required location in yard/block section keeping in view of safety of track and Road as per direction of Engineer- in charge:- Beyond 10 Km. up to 20 Kms.




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Carting of ballast from ballast stacks/cess to various stations/block section between in 30 to contractor's vehicles, loading, leading and unloading of the same on location near to the required location in yard/block section keeping in view of safety of track and Road as per direction of Engineer- in charge:- Beyond 20 Km. up to 30 Kms.




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Carting of ballast from ballast stacks/cess to various stations/block section between in 31 to contractor's vehicles, loading, leading and unloading of the same on location near to the required location in yard/block section keeping in view of safety of track and Road as per direction of Engineer- in charge:- Beyond 30 Km. up to 40 Kms.




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Pre-tamping and Post tamping work as per relevant CE/Circular for packing on PRC/PSC Turn Out sleeper by Track tamping machine to make the track fit for raising speed as per IRPWM.




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Pre-tamping and Post tamping work as per relevant CE/Circular for packing on PRC track by Track tamping machine (CSM) to make the track fit for raising speed as per IRPWM.




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Supplying of consumable of required grade & quantity which can be used in TTM Machine as per satisfaction of TTM staff. Diesel Oil.




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Supplying of consumable of required grade & quantity which can be used in TTM Machine as per satisfaction of TTM staff. Lube Oil.




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Supplying of consumable of required grade & quantity which can be used in TTM Machine as per satisfaction of TTM staff. Grease.




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Supplying of consumable of required grade & quantity which can be used in TTM Machine as per satisfaction of TTM staff. Gear Oil.




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Supplying of consumable of required grade & quantity which can be used in TTM Machine as per satisfaction of TTM staff. Reconditioning of tamping tools with specified electrodes as per direction of TTM in-charge.




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Supplying and stacking of nominal size machine crushed stone track ballast from Dala/Billi range conforming to RDSO's specification of June/16 with upto date correction slips and other 1 connected works along the track at different locations as decided by Engineer-in-charge including all taxes, royalty, and other leviable by local, State and Central authority including carriage with all lead & lift, ascent, descent, crossing of track, nallah etc. rehandling if any and stacking as per instruction of Railways representative with contractor's labour, tools and plants etc. complete. Cost of ballast including royalty, loading with GST.




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Supplying and stacking of nominal size machine crushed stone track ballast from Dala/Billi range conforming to RDSO's specification of June/16 with upto date correction slips and other 2 connected works along the track at different locations as decided by Engineer-in-charge including all taxes, royalty, and other leviable by local, State and Central authority including carriage with all lead & lift, ascent, descent, crossing of track, nallah etc. rehandling if any and stacking as per instruction of Railways representative with contractor's labour, tools and plants etc. complete. Cartage of ballast.




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