Public Works Department Tender
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Public Works Department - PWD Tender
Opening Date12 Dec 2024
Closing Date27 Dec 2024
Tender Amount₹ 66,00,000
₹ 43,000Document Cost
Refer DocumentsTender Fee
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Tender Id
2024_PWD_510110_1Bid Award Id
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21/2024-25Tender Authority
Public Works Department ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Supplying and FILLING GRAVEL Supplying and filling in 'foundation and basement with filling crushed stone sand in layers of not more than 15cm.thick well rammed watered and compacted -1m3 etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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Refilling with excavated earth other than crushed stone sand with an initial head load of 100 mts. and depositing the earth as shown by the departmental officers in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, watered and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specification
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Cement Concrete 1:5:10 (One Cement, Five crushed stone sand and Ten hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for flooring including dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification
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Brickwork using Fly Ash bricks of size 230mmx110mmx70mm virtually the bricks shall be sound compact and uniform in shape free from visible cracks, warpage flaws and organic matter. The bricks shall be solid with frog on one of its bearing side. Class designation not less than 35 kg/sq. cm an average compressive strength in Cement Mortar 1:3 - (One Cement and three crushed stone sand) including neat finishing, curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications.-For Foundation and basement
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Brickwork using Fly Ash bricks of size 230mmx110mmx70mm virtually the bricks shall be sound compact and uniform in shape free from visible cracks, warpage flaws and organic matter. The bricks shall be solid with frog on one of its bearing side. Class designation not less than 35 kg/sq. cm an average compressive strength in Cement Mortar 1:5 - (One Cement and five crushed stone sand) including neat finishing, curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications.-For Foundation and basement
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Brickwork using Fly Ash bricks of size 230mmx110mmx70mm virtually the bricks shall be sound compact and uniform in shape free from visible cracks warpage flaws and organic matter. The bricks shall be solid with frog on one of its bearing side. Class designation not less than 35 kg/sq. cm an average compressive strength in Cement Mortar 1:6 - One Cement and six crushed stone sand - including neat finishing, curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications.
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For Super structure in Ground Floor
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For Super structure in First Floor
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For Super structure in Second Floor
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Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality Fly ash bricks of size 23x11x7cm in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) using hoop iron reinforcement if found necessary including curing etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers. (Hoop iron reinforcement will be measured and paid for separately)
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For Super structure in Ground Floor
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For Super structure in First Floor
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Damp proof course with Cement Mortar 1:4 (One Cement and Four crushed stone sand) 12mm thick mixed with best approved quality water proofing compound conforming to Indian Standard specification as specified by the departmental officers at 2% by weight of cement used, finishing and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification.
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Supplying and erecting steel centering including necessary supports for plane surfaces for Reinforced Cement Concrete works such as column footings, column pedestals, plinth beams, grade beams, staircase steps, etc. which require only nominal strutting using mild steel sheets of size 90cm x 60cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding, laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.5cm spaced at about 75cm centre to centre or at suitable intervals etc. complete in all floors complying with standard specifcation. (Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid)
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Supplying and Erecting, Steel Centering for sides and soffits including supports and strutting upto 3.29m height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using mild steel sheets of size 90cmX60cm and BG 10 gauge stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size 25mmX25mmX3mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cmX6.50cm spaced at about 90cm centre to centre and supported by Casurina props of 10cm to 13cm dia spaced at not less than 75cm centre to centre at sutiable intervals etc., complete in all floors as directed by the departmental officers complying with standard specifications. The payment for centering shall be made only after the concrete laid. The retrieved materials should be taken back by the contractor.-
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Plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, rectangular, square, Tee or Ell beam, lintels, bed blocks staircase waist slab, landing slab, landing beams, portico beams, portico slab etc.,
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For plane surfaces such as rectangular or square RCC columns, sunshades, top and bottom slab of RCC boxing, etc.
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Providing additional strutting to centering of RCC slabs of plain surface for every additional 1.0 metre height or part thereof but not less than 30 cm, over the initial 3.00 metre height from floor level using casurina props of 10cm to 13cm dia including cross bracing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the department officers.
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Providing and laying in position, standardised concrete Mix M.20 Grade in accordance with IS:456-2000, using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement content of 325 kg/m3 and maximum water cement ratio of 0.55, including admixture (plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5 cu.m.) 7730 kg. of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cu.m.) 5156 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.79 cu.m.) 7670 kg. of crushed stone sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requirements of IS standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of materials).
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For Foundation and Basement
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For Super structure in Ground Floor
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For Super structure in First Floor
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For Super structure in Second Floor
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Cement Concrete 1:3:6 (One Cement, Three crushed stone sand and Six broken stone jelly) using 40mm size hard broken stone jelly for dummy columns, excluding cost of centering shuttering reinforcement grills and fabrication charges but including curing etc. complete. (Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:2:4 for slab to be extended upto top of splashing with pressed tiles and future extension rods to be embedded in CC 1:3:6 (One Cement, Three crushed stone sandand Six hard broken stone jelly). Dummy columns should be at least 1 metre height)
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Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Precast Reinforced Cement Concrete slabs of following thickness in RCC 1:2:4 (one cement, two crushed stone sand and four aggregates), using following HBGS jelly excluding cost of reinforcement steel in position but including cost of moulding charges, casting of slab, finishing, curing and fixing in position in all floors etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed. 50mm thick slab (using 20mm HBGS Jelly)
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Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild steel or Ribbed tor steel in all size for all RCC works as per the design given including cost of steel and binding wire in all floors etc., complete complying with standard specifications. (The contratctor will have to make his own arrangements for the supply of MS plain rod / RTS rod and binding wire)
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Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two crushed stone sand and four hard broken stone jelly) using 20mm jelly for wearing coat including laying, compacting, finishing and curing, etc., complete as per standard specificatins and as directed by the departmental officers
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Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no crushed stone sand to be used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and finished by beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern, keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the deparmental officers.
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For Superstructure in First floor
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For Superstructure in second floor
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For Superstructure in third floor
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Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 230mm x 230mm x 20mm approved quality set in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers
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Paving the floor with best quality Double charged Vertified Tiles of size 800 x 800 x 10mm of approved colour, shade and quality laid in cement mortar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone sand) 20mm thick in all floors and the top pointed with the white cement mixed same colour pigments etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make and brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works)
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Paving the floor with best approved quality fine polished Kota stone slabs of size below 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm with machine cut edges and matching marble slab not less than 100mm width other than Adanga Marbles as border laid over a cement mortar bed of 20mm thick using cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three crushed stone sand) fixing the slabs in true right angles with minimum possible width of joints and pointing the joints with white cement mixed with mathcing colouring pigments and polishing with floor polisher to a high degree of finish etc., The kota stone slabs and other materials to be used shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete as per standard speicification.
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Flooring with following ceramic tiles of size 305 x 305 x 6 mm laid over 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) base mortar over the existing slab / floor including cutting the tiles to the required size with special cutter wherever necessary, laying in position with 4mm Spacer, Pointing and filling the tile joint with epoxy grout with following specification. Surface preparation including cleaning the joint to be free from dust and loose particles. Providing masking tape on either side of the tile joint edges and providing sealing the tile gap with epoxy tile joint grout and finishing neatly and as directed by the departmental officers. The rate inclusive of cost of materials and labour, etc., complete.complying with standard specification. (The make and brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works)
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Dadooing ceramic tiles of size 300x600x10mm best approved quality, white / colour glazed tiles of following sizes set in Cement Mortar 1:2 (One Cement and Two crushed stone sand) 10mm thick and pointing the joints with white cement mixed with colouring pigments at the rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m. neatly in all floors, curing, etc., complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid tiles (Required shape and design) of 20mm thick of approved quality and colour laid in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone sand) 20mm thick and pointed with white cement mixed with colouring pigment at the rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m., curing, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The make and brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works)
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Providing Polymer Coating (Water Proof Coating) for sunken Portion of toilet with following specification and the surface shall be cleaned to remove all dust, foreign, matters lose materials or any other deposits of contamination by rubbing with wire brush. Slurry: Dry blend and polymer liquid blend shall be mixed into the desired ratio as per recommendation of the supplier. The mix shall be stirred throughly until no bubbles remain in the mix. Any lumps found in mix shall be removed. Apply first coat of polymer modified cementitious slurry by brush on wet cleaned surface. After drying, second coat shall be applied on the first coat as directed by the departmental officers etc. The rate inclusive of cost of materials and labour, etc., complete.
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Supplying and fixing in position best approved BIS quality PVC Rainwater Downfall pipes of 160mm dia having working pressure of 4kg/cm2 including cost of PVC pipe, with necessary shoes, bends, nails, teakwood plugs, screws etc, and fixing of cast iron gratings of required dia metre and special clamps at junction of parapet and the RCC roof slab including finshing neatly etc., complete. The rate shall be inclusive of cost of removable cast iron gratings. The size of teak wood plugs to be used shall be 150mm x 25mm in front and 200mm x 75mm in rear and all other sides to a depth of 100mm. The PVC pipe shall be fixed with teakwood plugs by means of "U" Clamps using brass screws. Special types of "U" clamp at the centre of the pipeline shall be fixed in addition to those for more than 3 metre pipe length complying with standard specifications.-One Floors
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Solid PVC door shutters using 19 Gauge 19mm MS square tubes for styles and outer frames. 15mm MS square tubes for top, lock and bottom rails. The steel tubes shall be covered with 5mm thick solid PVC sheets. Shutter using 5mm thick solid PVC sheets for panelling shall rigidly fixed in position including necessary furniture and fittings. The over all size of styles shall be 50mm x 30mm. The over all size of top rail, Lock rail and bottom rail shall be 75mm x 30mm. The over all size of frames shall be 50mm x 45mm, with suitable rabate for housing the shutter. (Solid Panel PVC Door with frame)
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Fabricating, Supplying and fixing in position of steel sheeted windows (Two Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size 46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990. Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames. Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in position firmly. 2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm MS flats are revetted to the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adjustable stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lengt 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the shutter at two place equivalent from each from top and bottom of the shutter. An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete
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Fabricating, Supplying and fixing in position of steel sheeted windows (Three Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size 46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990. Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames. Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in position firmly. 2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm MS flats are revetted to the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adjustable stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of length 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the shutter at two place equivalent from each from top and bottom of the shutter. An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete
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Supplying and fixing in position Glazed steel ventilator with Side/Central hung shutters( Two Leaves) frames and made shutter frame made out of steel section conforming to IS 7452 /1990.The outer frame made out of z section (F7D) of size 33 x22 x3 mm conforming to IS 7452/1990.The mullions are made out of (F4B) section of size 46x25x3 mm and conforming to IS7452/1990.The shutters are individual and each of them can be operated separately. Sash bars are made of T section (T2) of size 25 x 22 x 3mm 2 nos of sturdy hinges and one number of handle cum latch of special type are fixed are each openable shutter with suitable opening in left for its easy operation, one member of adjustable strings with fixing brackets of sufficient length are provided for each shutter 4 nos of 40 x 40 x 3 mm angle hold fast 230mm length are welded with the frame at appropriate point M.S Square bars of 12 mm dia is welded to the inner face of the ventilator at equal intervals not exceeding 10 cm spacing 3mm pin headed glass is used for Glazing with good quality and fixed with 15 x 12 mm teak wood beadings with screws for fixing .The shutters are to open outside. All the section are given with one coat of red oxide primer etc. complete complying with standard specification. The sample of materials and fittings shall be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work. ( The rate shall inclusive of cost all materials labour charges one coat of primer, weld charges, including cost of welding electrodes, transportation to site work, loading, unloading and incidental charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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Manufacturing supplying and fixing of steel door with the following specification MS angels of size 40x40x6mm are used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32 x 6mm M.S flat is provided at required intervals in the shutter frame. 18-gauge C.R. sheet laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32 x 6mm M.S. flat sandwitching the C.R. sheet in between additional stiffeners with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter, 3nos. of hinges in case of single leaf and 6nos. of hinges in double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos. of holdfasts 120 mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frames of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at the top and the other at the bottom are provided 1no. Aldrop is provided incase of double leaf door at lock rail section in the door in single leaf door, one more aldrop is provided in the inner lock rail section of the door One rotaing locking arrangements for the inner side of the door and additional provision for locking arrangements for lock is provided on the rear side of the door at an appropriate place. Incase of double leaf door M.S.Flat 32 x 3mm at 1.1Kg/m is provided on the one shutter t conceal the gap between the two an appropriate place in the door. A tie bar is provided at the bottom of the frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation and fixing. All members are given a coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all materials, labour charges, transportation to site of work, loading, un loading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.
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Single leaf
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Double leaves
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Supplying and fixing in position steel balustrades using 20mm square rods spaced at 150mm centre to centre so that the two balustrades in each step shall be placed centrally and the top of balustrades connected with the hand rails (cost of hand rail shall be measured and paid separately) by means of MS flats of size 40mm x 6mm in the groove 40mm x 6mm provided at the bottom of hand rail; the bottom of balustrades shall be fixed on to the top of step concrete. An additional MS flat of size 50mm x 6mm shall be provided at the centre of balustrades connecting all square rods to the entire length including cost of square rods, flat and applying one coat of red oxide primer to the iron surfaces, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying and fixing 40mm dia GI pipe for staircase hand rail including labour charges for cutting, welding and fixing with MS flats (excluding cost of flat), etc., as directed by the departmental officers
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Supplying, and fixing M.S. GRILLS for open courtyard grill, grill work to doors, windows and ventilators etc, using necessary flats for inner and outer members which should be fixed or welded to masonry or column including necessary dismantling or making holes and redoing the same to original condition as directed by the departmenta officers inclusive of cost of providing one coat of best quality red oxide primer completre complying with standard specifications.
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Supplying and fixing fine polished cuddapah slab of 38/40mm thickness for cup-board arrangements including laying to correct alignment with necessary cement mortar and black powder etc, complete complying with standard specification and as direct.25mm thick
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Providing Cup-board Shutter with frame using termite / water proof plywood of 19mm thick over which laminated sheet of 0.8mm thick fixed inside the shutter and 1mm thick fixed in the outside of the shutter using fevicol along with necessary furniture fittings, such as, hydralic hinges, tower bolt, handles, multi purpose locks etc., as directed by the Departmental Officers. The design pattern, water proof plywood, laminate sheet and other materials should be got approved from the Executive Engineer befoe use on work.
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Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five P.sand), 12mm thick mixed with Bonding agent Cebex112, Zydex -Zycrete 2X or other Equalent compound conforming to BIS at 200ml of One cement bag (50kg) for increased workability and air entrainment used finishing in all floors including curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Special ceiling plastering and finishing the exposed surface of all RCC items of work such as slabs, beams, sunshades, facia, canopy slab, staircase waist slab, landing slab etc., with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three P.Sand) 10mm thick mixed with Bonding agent Cebex112, Zydex -Zycrete 2X or other Equalent compound conforming to BIS at 200ml of One cement bag (50kg) for increased workability and air entrainment used finishing including hacking the surfaces, providing cement mortar nosing, beading for sunshades, staircases, steps, landing slabs and curing, etc., in all floors complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers
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Plastering the surface of walls with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One cement and Three P.sand), 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to BIS at 2% by weight of cement and with Bonding agent Cebex112, Zydex -Zycrete 2X or other Equalent compound conforming to BIS at 200ml of One cement bag (50kg) for increased workability and air entrainment used finishing in all floors including curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying and applying of two coats of putty of 3mm thick over the exposed RCC surface of ceiling including finishing the joints smoothly with grinding machine and the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned out of dust and scrubbing. The surface shall then be allowed to dry for atleast 48 hours. It shall then bel sand papered (waterproof abrasive sheet) to give a smooth and even surface. Any unevenness shall be made good by applying 1st coat of putty mixed with water on the entire surface including filling up the undulations and applying 2nd coat of putty after 6 hours of 1st coat of putty and then sand papering (waterproof abrasive sheet) the same after it is dry and finishing the surface smoothly, etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the Departmental Officers. [The rates are inclusive of hire charges for grinding machine with wheel, cost of sand paper (waterproof abrasive sheet), cost of putty blade, labour charges for grinding the joints and sand papering, two coats of putty, scrapping the putty area to level the surface smooth, etc., complete]. The putty should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work.
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Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed plastic emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour over a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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Painting the wall two coats with approved weather proof Exterior Emulsion paint over one primer coat of over cement plastered wall surface ect., complete complying with standard specification.
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Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.)
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Supplying, laying and jointing 25mm dia CPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg. / of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the following dia including cutting, threading and fixing CPVC specials using CPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall with teak wood plugs, CPVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges, etc., complete complying with standard specifications. The CPVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works.
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Supplying CPVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water supply arrangements , Since the labour for cutting, threading / pasting, sundries have already been included under pipe line item of works, no separate provision for fixing CPVC specials needs to be allowed(both in internal and external water supply arrangements
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25 mm dia CPVC Elbow
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25 mm dia CPVC TEE
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25 mm dia CPVC Union
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25 mm dia UPVC Nipple
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Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg. / of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using UPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall with teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges, etc., complete complying with standard specifications. The PVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works.Internal Water Supply Arrangements using UPVC pipes and UPVC specials
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25 mm dia UPVC Pipe
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32 mm dia UPVC Pipe
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40 mm dia UPVC Pipe
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50 mm dia UPVC Pipe
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Supplying UPVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water supply arrangements (both in internal and external water supply arrangements
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25 mm dia union
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32 mm dia union
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40 mm dia union
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50 mm dia union
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25 mm dia Elbow
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32 mm dia Elbow
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40 mm dia Elbow
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50 mm dia Elbow
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25 mm dia Tee
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32 mm dia Tee
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40 mm dia Tee
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50 mm dia Tee
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32 x 25 mm dia Reducer
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25 x 20 mm dia Reducer
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20 x 15 mm dia Reducer
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Supplying and fixing in position first quality and approved variety of Gun metal Gate Valve with BIS make of the following dia including cost of shellac, thread balls, etc., complete complying with standard specifications (for both internal and external water supply arrangements). The valves to be used on work shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work.
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25 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve
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32 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve
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40 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve
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50 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve
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Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 x 440mm colour glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand with "P" or "S" trap conforming to BIS with sand cushion and forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime concrete 1:2:5 (One lime, Two sand and Five brick jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the top to the required slope and including giving necessary connection to PVC pipes (including the cost of 110mm dia PVC pipe for a length of 600mm) by dismantling brick masonry wall / reinforced cement concrete roof / floor slab and making good the dismantled portion to the original condition with leakages etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The water closet should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works).
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Supplying and fixing in position white / colour glazed European Water Closet of best quality and approved make with 100 mm "P" or "S" trap connecting with CI pipe of 100mm dia / PVC pipe of 110mm dia, double flapped rigid PVC black seat and seat cover with CP brass hinges including cost of white cement, cement for packing, spun yarn, teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc., including supplying and fixing 10 litres capacity PVC flushing tank with a pair of CI brackets, etc., complete with all fittings such as 15mm brass ball valve with polythene float with brass handle, union, coupling connected by means of 40mm white PVC flush hand using Indian adopter joint including all internal fittings.....such as 15mm brass connections, 15mm GM wheel valve, 15mm brass nipple (2 Nos.), 15mm nylon connection, TW plugs, screws and also giving necessary connection to the PVC pipe including cost of 600mm length of 110mm dia PVC pipe and painting the CI brackets with 2 coats of approved paint over one coat of red oxide primer, dismantling the masonry and re-doing the dismantled masonry to original condition etc. complete complying with standard specifications. (The EWC and flushing tank wiht all accessories should be got approved by the Executive Enginer before use on works)
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Supply and fixing in position of best Indian make white / colour glazed earthernware lipped mouth flat back urinal of best quality and approved make of size 430mm x 260mm x 350mm with GI pipe, 32mm dia bell mouth PVC connection and waste pipe, 15mm dia GI pipe of required length, 15mm dia GM wheel valve, 15mm dia brass nipple 2 Nos., and fixing the urinals in position with necessary TW plugs, clamps, screws, etc., including dismantling masnory and re-doing the same to the original condition, etc., including painting the pipe with two coats of best quality approved synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer and checked without any leakage etc. complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The urinal should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.)
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Supplying and fixing in position best quality and approved make Indian made white / colour glazed earthernware wash hand basin of size 550 x 400mm (without pedestal) with a pair of cast iron brackets, including cost 15mm dia brass CP pillar tap, 32mm dia "B" class GI waste pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm dia GM wheel valve, 15mm brass nipple, 15mm dia nylone connection, 32mm dia CP brass waste coupling including fixing of wash basin using CI brackets on to the wall in position with TW plugs and screws, rubber washers, white lead and giving necessary water supply connection and painting the brackets with two coat of painting over a priming coat of anti-corrosive paint including testing for leakages etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying and fixing of Granite Sink of size 600 x 600 x 250mm including cost of 32mm dia CP waste coupling, 32mm dia PVC waste pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm dia brass nipple including fixing the sink in position and testing for leakages etc., complete complying with standard specifications excluding CI brackets. [The sink and specials should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works]
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Supplying and fixing in position Indian make bevelled edge mirror of approved quality and brand PVC / Fibre Glass framed 600 x 450 x 5.5mm thick mirror, shelf type with hard board backing of approved colour fixed with brass screws, rawl plug, etc., complete complying with standard specification
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Supplying and fixing best approved best quality brass CP soap tray of size 150 x 150mm including cost of teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc., complete complying with standard specifications.
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Supplying and fixing approved best quality brass CP towel rail 600mm long and 20mm dia with brackets of same materials including cost of teak wood plugs and CP screws, etc., complete complying with standard specifications.
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Supplying and fixing in position CP shower rose with CP stop cock arrangement of size 15mm dia inlet and 100mm outlet to the pipe line with necessary cutting, threading and jointing using shellac etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers
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Supplying and fixing in position 15mm dia brass CP screw down tap / Pillar tap (heavy duty) of approved make conforming to BIS specifications and quality including cost of shellac, thread, etc., complete complying with standard specification and including cutting and threading wherever necessary. (Taps should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on the works)
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Supplying and fixing in position best quality PVC soil / waste pipes of various dia having 6 kg / pressure BIS mark and providing leak proof joints using PVC adhesives including fixing to the wall with special PVC / MS clamp, teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc., and making connection to all sanitary fittings, dismantling masonry / RCC works wherever found necessary and making the good dismantled portion to the original condition, including testing for any leakages, etc., complete complying with standard specifications. (The PVC pipes should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works). The rate for earth work excavation will be measured and paid separately in the cases where the pipe lines are proposed to laid below ground level
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75mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe
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110mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe
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160mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe
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Supplying and fixing in position PVC specials of the following dia and types of approved quality confirming to BIS and providing leak proof joints including fixing to the walls and giving connection to the PVC soil stacks, dismantling the masonry or RCC works and re-doing the dismantled portion to original condition etc., complete complying with standard specifications. (The PVC specials should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works).
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75mm dia PVC Elbow
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75mm dia PVC Tee
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75mm dia PVC Tee with single door
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75mm dia PVC Bend
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110mm dia PVC Elbow
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110mm dia PVC Tee
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110mm dia PVC Tee with single door
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110mm dia PVC Bend
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Supplying and fixing position PVC Nahani Trap / Floor Trap of the 100 x 75mm with PVC gratings sizes with best stainless steel gratings of approved brand and quality, fixed over a bed of brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 (One part of lime, two part of sand and five part of 40mm gauge brick jelly) and finished with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement, Three sand) including dismantling masonry works wherever found necessary and making good the dismantled portions to the original condition and giving connection to the PVC pipes, etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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Supplying and erecting 1 H.P monoblock with ISI mark with necessary accessories (motor should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use onworks) complete complying with standard specification.
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Supplying and erecting 1000lit PVC tank with ISI mark with necessary accessories (motor should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works) complete complying with standard specification.
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Supply and fixing of windows Screens using superior quality of cloth as Specified by the departmental officers including cost of cloth, labour charges for stitching charges to the required size and shape with necessary hooks, cutting and top Stainless steel rods of ornamental design, fixing with necessary plugs and screws etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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Preconstruction Antitermite treatment for the Construction of building all chemicals as per standard specification including labour charges for preparing the area for treatment spraying chemicals and other incidental charges et., complete. The rate follwing four stages including breaking the termite mounds making holes with cowbras and pouring chemicals etc., complete as per IS 6313 - 1981 and as directed by the depatrmental officers etc., complete including cost of chemicals labour transport storing etc., The termite chemicals should have 0.5% concentration for entire operation
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White washing two coats wth freshly burnt white shell lime in all floors including cost of lime, blue powder fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding charges, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed.
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Painting the old wall Surface two coats with approved weather proof Exterior Emulsion paint over one primer coat of over cement plastered wall surface ect., complete complying with standard specification.
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Painting old wood work with two finishing coats of synthetic enamel ready mixed paint of approved quality and colour over one coat priming coat in all floors including the cost of primer etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.)
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Painting Old iron works Two Coats such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide priming coat in all floors including cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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