National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development Tender

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National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development - NABARD Tender

Opening Date3 Aug 2021
Closing Date25 Aug 2021
Tender Amount₹ 6,27,14,228 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.



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Providing and laying of Prime coat using Emulsion bitumen (SS1 Type) at the rate of 7Kg/10 Sqm. over the WMM surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 501, 502, 900




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Providing and laying of tack coat using Emulsion bitumen (RS1 Type) at the rate of 2.50 Kg./ 10 Sqm. over the Primed surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 501, 503, 900




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Providing and laying of Bituminous macadam of 50mm thickness which work shall consist of construction, in a single course of compacted crushed aggregates premixed with bituminous binder 60/70 grade bulk bitumen (VG 30) which will be procurred by the Contractor at the rate of 3.5 percent by weight of the total mix, to serve as base / binder couse, in accordance with the requirement of the specifications and in conformity with the drawing or as directed by the Engineer using approved CMP and paver finisher as per MORT& H Vth Revision 111, 112, 501, 504, 900




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Providing and laying 30 mm thick compacted Bituminous Concrete which shall consist of construction of a single course binder / wearing course on a previously prepared bituminous base to the requirements of the specification using 60/70 Grade bitumen (VG 30) as per MORT & H Vth Revision 111, 112, 501 507 900




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Collection and supply of carted earth including excavation, removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials necessary for the construction of road way in accordance with the specifications and the lines, grades and cross section shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer for making up low berms as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202, 301, 302, 303, 305, 900




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Dismantaling the existing Random Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar in the existing causeway / bridge ad clearing away from the work site and carefully stacking the usefull materials for reuse on the road side as directed by the departmental officer including all labour and incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202




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Dismantaling the Plain Cement Concrete Structure and removal and disposing of resulting materials and back filling the resulting trenches and pits etc. or as directed by the departmental officer including all labour and incidental charges etc., complete. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for DRESSING THE BED UPTO SILL LEVEL as per MORT&H Vth Revision 304.




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for FOUNDATION OF ABUTMENTS, WINGS AND PIERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 304.




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Earth work excavation in soft disintegrated rock soft rock not requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for FOUNDATION OF ABUTMENTS, PIERS AND WINGS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 304.




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENTS, WINGS & PERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for SUBSTRUCTURE OF ABUTMENT, WINGS & PIER (Below Sill level) as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for SUBSTRUCTURE OF ABUTMENT, WINGS & PIER (Above Sill level) as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for BED BLOCK cum DIRT WALL OVER ABUTMENTS AND PIERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200




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Providing and fixing 110mm dia PVC SEEPAGE PIPES of required length for abutment and returns including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for semisperical backfill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite stones at the periphery and labour charges for fixing etc., to drain of the backfill as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2700




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Providing and fixing KRAFT PAPER for full width of seating of deck slab and including cost and conveyance to worksite labour for fixing the same in correct position and all other incidental charges etc., complete. as per MORT&H 2600




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for DECK SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2300




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Providing filter media behind the abutments and wings using 53mm - 5.60mm metal to 600 mm thick and well packed with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall including cost and conveyance to worksite including all other incidental charges in accordance with the technical specification and as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2504 Cl.710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC: 78-2014




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Filling behind Abutments and Wings with clean gritty gravel including cost and conveyance of gravel to worksite, laying, handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum density including watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per Cl.710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC: 78-2014




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PROVIDING AND FIXING 20mm thick PVC EXPANSION JOINTS including cost and conveyance of expansion joints, Shalimar pad and joint sealants and fixing them in position etc., complete. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2600




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 Grade Nominal mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for BASE COURSE BELOW APPROACH SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1700, 2704




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for APPROACH SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1700, 2704




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design mix) using HBG graded of size metal 25mm, 12mm & 6mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work cost of premoulded expansion joint and fixing the same in position and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for wearing coat of 75mm uniform thickness over deck slab and approach slab as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2702.2




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M40 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for CRASH BARRIER 1500, 1600, 1700, 2703.3




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for CRASH BARRIER TYPE PARAPET as per MORT & H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700,1600, 2300




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PROVIDING AND FIXING OF GI DRAINAGE SPOUTS OF 100mm dia as per G.O.I drawing No.SD/205 with gratting arrangements at top as shown in the drawing using 12mm X 25mm flats for gratting arrangements and 100mm dia drainage spouts projecting atleast 300mm beyond the bottom of the deck slab including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and fixing them in position as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2705




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Supply and fixing of High quality of PVC Duct pipes of 160 mm dia 4 Kg/cm2 including cost and conveyance of pipes to the sie and fixing in position to proper grade and level, including labour charges for fixing and including all other incidental charges complete for providing utility services in footpaths.




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Supply and fabrication of Steel Grade Fe- 500 required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule including cost of steel, cost of fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the bars straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, hoisting and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification upto 16mm dia & Above 16mm dia as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1600




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Supply and fabrication of Steel Grade Fe- 240 required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule including cost of steel, cost of fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the bars straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, hoisting and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification upto 16mm dia & Above 16mm dia as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1600




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Dismantaling the existing Random Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar in the existing causeway / bridge ad clearing away from the work site and carefully stacking the usefull materials for reuse on the road side as directed by the departmental officer including all labour and incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202




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Dismantaling the Plain Cement Concrete Structure and removal and disposing of resulting materials and back filling the resulting trenches and pits etc. or as directed by the departmental officer including all labour and incidental charges etc., complete. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for DRESSING THE BED UPTO SILL LEVEL as per MORT&H Vth Revision 304.




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for FOUNDATION OF ABUTMENTS, WINGS AND PIERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 304.




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Earth work excavation in soft disintegrated rock soft rock not requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for FOUNDATION OF ABUTMENTS, PIERS AND WINGS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 304.




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENTS, WINGS & PERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for SUBSTRUCTURE OF ABUTMENT, WINGS & PIER (Below Sill level) as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for SUBSTRUCTURE OF ABUTMENT, WINGS & PIER (Above Sill level) as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for BED BLOCK cum DIRT WALL OVER ABUTMENTS AND PIERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200




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Providing and fixing 110mm dia PVC SEEPAGE PIPES of required length for abutment and returns including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for semisperical backfill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite stones at the periphery and labour charges for fixing etc., to drain of the backfill as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2700




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Providing and fixing KRAFT PAPER for full width of seating of deck slab and including cost and conveyance to worksite labour for fixing the same in correct position and all other incidental charges etc., complete. as per MORT&H 2600




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for DECK SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2300




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Providing filter media behind the abutments and wings using 53mm - 5.60mm metal to 600 mm thick and well packed with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall including cost and conveyance to worksite including all other incidental charges in accordance with the technical specification and as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2504 Cl.710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC: 78-2014




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Filling behind Abutments and Wings with clean gritty gravel including cost and conveyance of gravel to worksite, laying, handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum density including watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per Cl.710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC: 78-2014




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PROVIDING AND FIXING 20mm thick PVC EXPANSION JOINTS including cost and conveyance of expansion joints, Shalimar pad and joint sealants and fixing them in position etc., complete. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2600




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 Grade Nominal mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for BASE COURSE BELOW APPROACH SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1700, 2704




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for APPROACH SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1700, 2704




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design mix) using HBG graded of size metal 25mm, 12mm & 6mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work cost of premoulded expansion joint and fixing the same in position and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for wearing coat of 75mm uniform thickness over deck slab and approach slab as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2702.2




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M40 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for CRASH BARRIER 1500, 1600, 1700, 2703.3




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 Grade (Nominal mix 1:2:4) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for CRASH BARRIER TYPE PARAPET as per MORT & H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700,1600, 2300




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PROVIDING AND FIXING OF GI DRAINAGE SPOUTS OF 100mm dia as per G.O.I drawing No.SD/205 with gratting arrangements at top as shown in the drawing using 12mm X 25mm flats for gratting arrangements and 100mm dia drainage spouts projecting atleast 300mm beyond the bottom of the deck slab including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and fixing them in position as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2705




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Supply and fixing of High quality of PVC Duct pipes of 160 mm dia 4 Kg/cm2 including cost and conveyance of pipes to the sie and fixing in position to proper grade and level, including labour charges for fixing and including all other incidental charges complete for providing utility services in footpaths.




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Supply and fabrication of Steel Grade Fe- 500 required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule including cost of steel, cost of fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the bars straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, hoisting and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification upto 16mm dia & Above 16mm dia as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1600




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Supply and fabrication of Steel Grade Fe- 240 required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule including cost of steel, cost of fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the bars straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, hoisting and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification upto 16mm dia & Above 16mm dia as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1600




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Collection and supply of carted earth with an average lead of 5 KM including excavation, removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials necessary for the construction of road way in accordance with the specifications and the lines, grades and cross section shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer with 97% compaction for formation of embankment as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202, 301, 302, 303, 305, 900




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Providing and laying granular Sub-base as per table No.400-1/400-2 and Grading V of MORT&H Revision V with and any other Granular Material or a combination those of for required thick to give a CBR of 30 on prepared sub-grade in accordance with the requirements of the specification as per MORT&H Vth 111, 112, 401, 900




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Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggreegate to Wet mix macadam specification including pre-mixing the materials with water at OMC in base mix plant (pug mill ) carriage of mixed materials by tipper to site and laying in uniform layers in sub-base/base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 406, 900




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Providing and laying of Prime coat using Emulsion bitumen at the rate of 7Kg/10 Sqm. over the WMM surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 501, 502, 900




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Providing and laying of tack coat using Emulsion bitumen at the rate of 2.50 /10Sqm over the Prime coat surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 501, 503, 900




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Bituminous macadam of 50mm thickness which work shall consist of construction, in a single course of compacted crushed aggregates premixed with bituminous binder 60/70 grade bulk bitumen which will be procurred by the Contractor at the rate of 3.5 percent by weight of the total mix, to serve as base / binder couse, in accordance with the requirement of the specifications and in conformity with the drawing or as directed by the Engineer using approved CMP and paver finisher as per MORT& H Vth Revision 111, 112, 501, 504, 900




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Providing and laying 30mm thick compacted Bituminous Concrete which shall consist of construction of a single course binder / wearing course on a previously prepared bituminous base to the requirements of the specification using 60/70 Grade bitumen using approved CMP and paver finisher. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 501, 507, 509




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Collection and supply of carted earth with an average lead of 5 KM including excavation, removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials necessary for the construction of road way in accordance with the specifications and the lines, grades and cross section shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer with 100% compaction for formation of embankment as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202, 301, 302, 303, 305, 900




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Supplying fixing and hoisting of NP3 Class 1000mm inner dia R.C.C Pipes to suit the respective diametre of pipes confirming to IS Specifications 458 to various diametre of pipes including cost of Pipes inclusive of all taxes, loading, unloading conveyance and delivery at road site as directed by the departmental officers, including all other incidental charges etc, complete for as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2900




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Dismantaling the existing Random Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar in the existing causeway / bridge ad clearing away from the work site and carefully stacking the usefull materials for reuse on the road side as directed by the departmental officer including all labour and incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202




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Dismantaling the Plain Cement Concrete Structure and removal and disposing of resulting materials and back filling the resulting trenches and pits etc. or as directed by the departmental officer including all labour and incidental charges etc., complete. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 111, 112, 202




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for DRESSING THE BED UPTO SILL LEVEL as per MORT&H Vth Revision 304.




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for FOUNDATION OF ABUTMENTS, WINGS AND PIERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 304.




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENTS, WINGS & PERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for SUBSTRUCTURE OF ABUTMENT, WINGS & PIER (Below Sill level) as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade (Nominal mix 1:1:.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for SUBSTRUCTURE OF ABUTMENT, WINGS & PIER (Above Sill level) as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for BED BLOCK cum DIRT WALL OVER ABUTMENTS AND PIERS as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200




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Providing and fixing 110mm dia PVC SEEPAGE PIPES of required length for abutment and returns including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for semisperical backfill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite stones at the periphery and labour charges for fixing etc., to drain of the backfill as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2700




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Providing and fixing KRAFT PAPER for full width of seating of deck slab and including cost and conveyance to worksite labour for fixing the same in correct position and all other incidental charges etc., complete. as per MORT&H 2600




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design Mix) using HBG graded metal 20mm and 12mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for DECK SLAB as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2300




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Filling behind Abutments and Wings with clean gritty gravel including cost and conveyance of gravel to worksite, laying, handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum density including watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per Cl.710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC: 78-2014




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PROVIDING AND FIXING 20mm thick PVC EXPANSION JOINTS including cost and conveyance of expansion joints, Shalimar pad and joint sealants and fixing them in position etc., complete. as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2600




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 (Design mix) using HBG graded of size metal 25mm, 12mm & 6mm ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work cost of premoulded expansion joint and fixing the same in position and centering labour charges for compacting, curing, including all incidental charges etc., complete for wearing coat of 75mm uniform thickness over deck slab and approach slab as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1500, 1600, 1700, 2702.2




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PROVIDING AND FIXING OF GI DRAINAGE SPOUTS OF 100mm dia as per G.O.I drawing No.SD/205 with gratting arrangements at top as shown in the drawing using 12mm X 25mm flats for gratting arrangements and 100mm dia drainage spouts projecting atleast 300mm beyond the bottom of the deck slab including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and fixing them in position as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete as per MORT&H Vth Revision 2705




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Supply and fabrication of Steel Grade Fe- 500 required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule including cost of steel, cost of fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the bars straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, hoisting and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification upto 16mm dia & Above 16mm dia as per MORT&H Vth Revision 1000, 1600




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20 B including cost of all labour materials, tools equipments and all incidental charges and sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal of all logs, stumps and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification for FOUNDATION OF CULVERT as per MORT H Vth Revision 304




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade Nominal mix (1:1.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for FOUNDATION OF BODY WALL (Below Sill level) as per MORTH V 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100.




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Vibrated cement concrete M20 Grade Nominal mix (1:1.5:3) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges, compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specification for FOUNDATION OF BODY WALL (Above Sill level) as per MORTH V 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100.




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Providing and fixing 110mm dia PVC SEEPAGE PIPES of required length for abutment and returns including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for semisperical backfill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite stones at the periphery and labour charges for fixing etc., to drain of the backfill as per MORTH V 2700




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Calculation of SubTotal, GST and Total carried out by system automatically




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Sub Total Amount for above all items (excluding GST)




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GST 12% for above SubTotal Amount




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Total in Figures (SubTotal + GST)




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