Indian Oil Corporation Limited Tender

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Indian Oil Corporation Limited - IOCL Tender

Pipe Line Project
Opening Date5 Dec 2024
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 5,45,26,651.04 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.



Conversion Of 14 In Open Cut Submerged Crossing Of Ctmpl Across Malattar River Into 14 In Hdd Crossing By Laying Pipeline Via Horizontal Directional Drilling,


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Conversion of 14 IN Open Cut Submerged Crossing of Chennai-Trichy-Madurai Pipeline (CTMPL) across Malattar River into 14 IN HDD Crossing by Laying Pipeline via Horizontal Directional Drilling, Hooking-Up with Existing CTMPL via Hot Tapping and Other Assoc
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Taking pipe from owner's stocking point with the help of suitable lifting arrangement (Hydra/ Crane) and putting on wooden slippers and bags etc. at testing area. Fitting/ Welding of pipes in desired length as per specification & direction with E-6010/E-7018 elect rodes, Welding of suitable blinds on open end of test pipe section, fitting of all attachments for filling of water, air bleeding, c alibrated pressure gauge installation, pressurisation machine etc. by providing all required material, instruments, pressure testing machine for succesful completion of hydrotesting of pipes. All safety precautions shall be taken and observed by the contractor thr oughout the work & testing. Testing shall be done at pressure as decided by owner (1.25 times of design pressure) during testing tim e for a period of four (4) hours / as decided by owner. After completion of the hydrotesting, pipes shall be cut and suitable machin ing shall be done to restore its original shape/ contour e.g. bevelling of open ends by grinding etc. In no case coated section shal l be damaged by the contractor the reason whatsoever. Subsequent upon hydrotesting and making pipes in original shape, contour etc., the pipes shall be stackedat locations desired in a safe manner on wooden slippers/sand bags etc after one coat of primer on uncoat ed pipe and with bevel protector at each end. Only pipes shall be supplied by owner to the contractor. All other machines, materials , blinds (16 MM MS Cap), instruments, fittings, labour, water etc. shall be arranged by the contractor for successful completion of the work. Date of hydrotesting, hydrotesting pressure, duration of testing, length of pipe, Grade & thickness of pipe shall be writt en by the contractor with synthetic enamel paint on pipe. The work shall be conducted in a best work manship manner and as per instr uction of EIC/Site Engineer.




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Sign Board of size 4 Feet x 3 Feet




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Supply & Installation




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Supply & Installation




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Supply & Installation




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HDD Works(TCP)-Non ITC items




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Measuring, recording and submitting the cathodic protection readings along the entire pipeline by repeated adjustments of the settin gs of the CPTR/CPPSM units etc as per specifications for achieving full/maximum protection of all the stretches as per the criteria of protection mentioned in the specifications. Measuring the relevant readings at the cathodic protection stations and "pipe to soi l potential" readings at all the test lead locations along the pipeline including the CP station parameters like current(AC/DC), vo ltage(AC/DC),circuit resistance,battery voltage/current etc.,preparing and submitting pipe to soil potential profile, graphs and ot her data pertaining to the cathodic protection of the pipeline,job complete in all respects as per specification and instructions o f Site Engineer / Engineer-in-Charge, including cost of all labour, instruments and services rendered.




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Magnesium Anode : Supply, Installation , testing and commisioning of Magnesium anode (minimum 5 Kg each) including its tail cable of size of 1c x 10 XLPE/ PVC insulated stranded copper cable of total length 10 meter including PVC cap, special back-fill mat erial ( filled in cotton sack) with sealing compound complete in all respect including its excavations, back filling etc. as per spe cifications and drawings. The work complete in all respect shall include supply of all labour , tools etc. and shall be carried out as per the directions of the EIC/ Site Engineer and as per AFC drawings.




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Type A (With Ingress Protection IP:55)




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Supply and Installation of prefabricated CS corrosion coupon with 1 sq. cm bare metal with 2 numbers 4 sq. mm lead of minimum 10 m long lead in a sdistance of 0.5 m from the pipeline inclusive of cable & terminating the cable in the TLP terminal. The corrosion co uponf are to be installed with specified test lead points for which prior apporval to be obtained from owner. The item also incluse ds supply, installation, laying & termination of all CU cables of required length (as per site condition) and size as mentioned in t he standard drawing, toggle switch, cable glands and lugs etc. , complete in all respect as per the direction and specification deta iled in the documetn complete with all tools , takles & other necessary requirement for preparation of the coupon . The work complet e in all respect shall include supply of all the labours, tols etc. compete as per the direction of site engineer/engineer in charge .




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HDD Works (Hot Tapping)- Non ITC items




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"Mobilization of Equipments, Hot Tapping, stopple machine, sandwich valves, welding machine& consumables, cutter housing, stopple ho using, stopple head, stopple cutter, pilot drill, cutter holder, Lock O-Ring plus plugs, LOR plus plug holder, required skilled, sem iskilled, unskilled manpower, includung Supply and Delivery of hot tap & Line stopple fittings, Line Stopple Plug with scarfed ni pple / Lock O-Ring plus plugs, Hot Tap bypass fitting, Hot Tap Plug with Scarfed Nipple/Lock O-Ring, Buna N Sealing Elements, pre ssure equalization fittings, Lock O-Ring plus plugs, Sealing elements, guide bar, Blind Flanges, other tools, fixtures of required p ressure rating for 2 nos. hot tap, all accessories, gaskets, fasteners etc. required to complete the job, inline with enclosed Drawi ng, cleaning and removal of the coating if required, Installation of the cutter housing, carrying out Hot tapping, fabrication and c reation of temporary housing to housing bypass line of same size or one size lower pipe along with sandwich isolating valve at each end, stoppling, welding, radiography of weld joint etc. providing all assistance for Hot tapping, N2 testing,insertion of the stoppl e plug and blocking flow in the pipeline section, Fabrication and laying of bypass line, installation of gas bags, installation of LOR plus plug, testing, air bleeding and filling the section with product, Clearing the area, machines, tools & tackles etc., compl eting the work in all respect with all materials, consumables, tools, tackles, labour etc. to restore normal operation in line with specification of hot tapping given including all material complete under close supervision and as per the direction of the Site-Engi neer / Engineer-in-charge and as per specification. The rates are inclusive of all manpower, equipent, tools & tackles, consumable etc required to complete the job as per scope of work . The rates are exclusive of cold cutting of mainline & hookup work work which are included in the scope of service contractor as per scope of work."




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HDD Works (Civil) - Non ITC items




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HDD INSTALLATION (CARRIER PIPE WITH OFC DUCT, Note:-Payment for OFC conduit to be paid separately under ITC head): #Design, detailed engineering & installation of pipeline / pipeline & OFC conduit across rivers, NH, SH, Expressways, Railways, etc by HDD method. #C omplete work for the crossing (between the limits, as indicated in the approved drawings) including mobilization & de-mobilization a t site(s), supply of all materials as per the `Scope of Supply' and all consumables, equipment, manpower & other resources and arran ging the required land for site preparations and execution of, but not limited to, the following works in accordance with the specif ications, drawings and as per all provisions of the contract document and instructions of the Owner. #Interpretation of data of hydr ological / geo-technical surveys furnished by the Owner, carrying out fresh topographic survey of the rivers, NH, SH, Expressways, R ailways, etc & developing new profile drawing for the crossing location, carrying out additional surveys required for collecting dat a relevant to design and construction of the crossing, performing all engineering & design calculations, preparation of all necessar y construction drawings for approval of the Owner as per the provisions of contract document, preparation of detailed construction m ethod statement and design analysis. #Taking delivery and transportation of Owner-supplied 3LPE coated pipes to the work site from d esignated stockpile location, inspection of the coated pipes visually and/or with holiday detector for defects, including arranging all necessary intermediate storage area required thereof till the pipes are installed in permanent position. #Complete site preparat ion including arranging of required land, setting up of fabrication yard, preparation of temporary arrangement for pipeline stringin g, launching etc. #Carrying out repair of pipe defects, replacement in the case of non-repairable defects and repairing damages to p ipe coating including defects/ damages occurring during transportation and handling. #Pre-construction surveys and collection of all necessary data. #String preparation including repair of pipe and pipe coating defects, welding, non-destructive testing of welds in cluding 100% radiography (by X-ray), supply of films & all equipment and providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for e xamining radiographs, repair of defects in the.........Continued




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" Continuation of previous.......welds and re-testing etc. #Coating of the field joints of the pipe string to be installed by HDD method with DIRAX heat shrink sleeves of M/s Raychem's make, DDXTM Directional Drilling Kit of M/s Canusa or of any other approv ed make used for HDD crossings. #Repair of all coating damages in the pipe section to be laid by HDD method by full encirclement sl e eves using suitable cut sections of approved quality of heat shrink sleeves of M/s Raychem make, DDXTM Directional Drilling Kit of M /s Canusa or of any other approved make. #Fabrication of 89mm OD steel conduit with an inner duct of 40mm OD HDPE pipe for OFC (w her ever OFC has to be laid along with the carrier pipeline). #Supply & fixing of easy to install heat shrinkable duct end caps for HDPE conduit for OFC (wherever OFC has to be laid along with the carrier pipeline). #Carrying out air cleaning, gauge pigging and p re-in stallation hydrostatic testing of the complete pipeline string, as per the specifications, including repair of defects and ret esting etc. #Installation of the pipeline / pipeline and OFC conduit as a bundle crossing below the rivers, NH, SH, Expressways, Ra ilways, etc by single horizontal directional drilling operation to the correct profile as per the approved drawings. #Carrying out post-ins tallation hydrostatic testing of HDD pipe string (along with transition pipe section). #Carrying out post-installation coat ing surve y as per approved procedure. #Restoration, clean-up and disposal of drilling fluid, waste and all other surplus materials etc. #Tran sportation of surplus Owner-supplied pipes to the designated stockpile location of the Owner. #Preparation of as-built dr awings and other records etc. #All other works not specifically listed herein, but required as per specifications, drawings, provisi ons of the contract document, calculations and construction method statement, leading to successful completion of the works. Note:-T he Contractor shall have the option for installation of 89 mm OFC conduit as Bundled HDD installation along with the HDD inst allati on of carrier pipe OR as a separate HDD instalation. However, the payment and payment terms shall remain the same in both the cases. "




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14" in Rocky Soil




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Carrying out Calliper survey for ascertaining the internal geometry of the installed pipeline sections including mobilization/ demob ilization of pigging tools, tackles, consumables, accessories and personnel by contractor at work site including magnetic pig, elect ronic geometry pig, preparation and cleaning of the pipeline sections by running series of foam pigs for cleaning the line from debr is, water & making it dry for launching calliper pigs, running of magnetic pig for cleaning of ferrous residue, launching and receiv ing the electronic & standard calliper pigs, data retrieval, interpretation of data and submission of reports in the form acceptable to the Owner, rectification of defects observed from calliper survey (if HDD is executed by the same contractor), including supply of all labour, materials, equipment & instruments, calliper pigs, fabrication of launching & receiving barrels, all complete as per specifications and directions of Site Engineer / Engineer-in-Charge.







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Carrying out tieing-in and hook-up of the installed HDD sections including laying of transition piping upto 12 m for hook-up with ex isting Mainline on either side of HDD crossing including all excavation/ trenching in all kinds of soil including rock,transportatio n of coated pipe from owner's stackyard, cutting of pipe, pre-testing of pipe sections before hook-up, making field bends out of pre -tested pipes (pipes shall be supplied by Owner) to match the site requirement, welding, carrying out 100% radiography, field joint coating, holiday detection, repair of damaged coating, backfilling and making through the pipeline etc. complete in all respects as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.







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#Laying of Owner-supplied pre-coated mild steel line pipes, including arranging all additional land/construction corridor, beyond Ow ner's ROW, required for Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction site, movement of construction equipment etc., re ceiving and taking over Owner-supplied materials, handling, transportation etc. from Owner's issue point to work site, stringing alo ng Right of Way (ROW)/ pipeline corridor, providing labour, equipment and supply of other inputs & materials/ consumables necessary to perform and complete the work in all respects in accordance with the contract including, but not limited to, the following works: #Taking delivery and transportation of Owner-supplied coated pipes to the work site from designated Stockpile location, inspection o f the coated pipes visually and with holiday detector for defects, arranging all necessary intermediate storage area required thereo f till the pipes are installed in permanent position;#Clearing and grading of ROW/ pipeline corridor, cutting of trees, vegetation e tc. including keeping record of trees cut, including de-watering etc.;#Stringing of pipes along ROW including providing straw bags/ soft padding below pipe;#Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover as per specification and to fit minimum bend radius, by excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil, including stripping top soil to a depth of 30cm to the full anticipated width of the d itch and storing this material separately along the ROW to allow re-depositing of the same on top of the backfilled ditch (in cultiv able and other areas specially designated by Owner);#Carrying out repair of pipe & coating defects for defects occurring after "taki ng over" of pipes from Owner, replacement in the case of non-repairable defects and repairing damages to pipe coating including defe cts/ damages occurring during transportation & handling;#Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X-Ray) of all field weld join ts as per Specifications and Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) and destructive testing of one weld joint as per specification and direction of Site Engineer, including providing Crawler type Automatic X-Ray machine and/ or external X-Ray machine and all other r equisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, d evelop, examine and interpret radiographs (by qualified and experienced Radiography Inspector), providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective, carryin g out re-radiography and other tests as required on repaired joints, etc.;#Carrying out coating of all field weld joints, by specifi ed coating insulators, including supply of approved joint coating materials, providing all equipment, materials and consumables nece ssary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's recommendation;#Carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level correspon ding .......Continued




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" Continuation of previous.... to coating type as per specifications, and repair of coating, if any;#Laying pipeline by open- cut method at crossings viz., cart-track, village road, metalled/ un-metalled roads, minor water courses (MWC) and restoration of th e site to original condition;#Lowering the pipeline in trench, tieing-in, backfilling with excavated earth and/or other suitable soi l (top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the ditch) as directed by Site-Engineer;#Carrying out a ir cleaning, gauge pigging and hydrostatic testing (to specified pressure) of the complete pipeline including providing pre-testing of designated sections as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision, labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re-testing after rectification etc. and cleaning the pipeline section after successful hydrotesting;#All tie-ins, including tieing-in with HDD section;#Obtaining work permits/ NOC from various authorit ies, having jurisdiction, before execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation of the authoritie s;#Final clean-up and restoration of ROW/ construction corridor, field bunds etc. and obtaining NOC from statutory authorities (as r equired), and obtaining NOC from respective landowners in respect of final restoration of their land etc., disposal of debris and re turning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, restoration of land, fac ilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction;#Preparation of As-Built drawing s, Pipe book and other records as per specifications etc.;#Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be s upplied by the Owner under the contract);#All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commiss ioning and completing the works in all respects as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charg e. Note: Liability of Owner to provide ROW to contractor shall be limited to the extent between the hook-up points with existing pipeli ne including for laying transition pipeline section. Additional space required by contractor beyond the above limits, including for access to site, shall be arranged by contractor at his own cost & initiative. Payment under this item shall be made only for the tra nsition pipe laid more than 12 m length on both sides. Transition Pipe laying upto 12 m length on both sides is included in the SOR item for Tie-In and Hook up."







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Collecting any oil and/or oil water mix accumulated in the pit after evacuation of product from the old pipeline section & transport ing the same in oil tankers to the nearest IOCL installation without any spillage, complete in all respect & as per the directions o f EIC / Site Engineer.




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Design, detailed engineering, installation of OFC conduit at specified minimum depth across River/ water bodies (canal/ drain/ nalla , marshy area etc.)/ Highway (NH/SH/Expressways) /Railways/ congested areas etc. by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method: # Complete work for the crossing (between the limits, as indicated in the approved drawings) including mobilisation & de-mobilisation at site(s), supply of all materials as per the `Scope of Supply' and all consumables, equipment, manpower & other resources and arra nging the required land for site preparations and execution of, but not limited to, the following works in accordance with the speci fications, drawings and as per all provisions of the contract document and instructions of the Owner; # Interpretation of data of hy drological / geo-technical surveys furnished by the Owner (if any), carrying out fresh topographic survey of the crossing location & developing new profile drawing for the crossing location, carrying out additional surveys required for collecting data relevant to design and construction of the crossing, performing all engineering & design calculations, preparation of all necessary construction drawings for approval of the Owner as per the provisions of contract document, preparation of detailed construction method statemen t and design analysis; # Complete site preparation including arranging of additional required land beyond ROW provided by Owner, set ting up of fabrication yard, preparation of temporary arrangement for pipe stringing, launching etc.; # Pre-construction surveys and collection of all necessary data related to site, underground utilities etc.; # Fabrication of 89mm OD steel conduit with an inner duct of 40mm OD HDPE pipe for OFC, # Supply & fixing of easy to install heat shrinkable duct end caps for HDPE conduit for OFC; # Ca rrying out air cleaning of the complete pipeline string; # Installation of the OFC conduit below theRiver/ water bodies (canal/ drai n/ nalla, marshy area etc.)/ Highway (NH/SH/Expressways) /Railways/ congested areas etc. by single horizontal directional drilling o peration to the correct profile as per the approved drawings in different soil stata at site. # Restoration, clean-up and disposal o f drilling fluid, waste and all other surplus materials etc.; # Transportation of surplus Owner-supplied OFC cable/materials to the to the Owner's designated storage location; # Preparation of As-built drawings and other records etc.; # All other works not specifi cally listed herein, but required as per specifications, drawings, provisions of the contract document, calculations and constructio n method statement, leading to successful completion of the works;




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"Laying of Owner-supplied pre-coated mild steel line pipes, including arranging all additional land/construction corridor, beyond Ow ner's ROU/ROW, required for Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction site, movement of construction equipment etc. , receiving and taking over Owner-supplied materials, handling, transportation etc. from Owner's issue point to work site, stringing along Right of Way (ROW)/ pipeline corridor, providing labour, equipment and supply of other inputs & materials/ consumables neces sary to perform and complete the work in all respects in accordance with the contract including, but not limited to, the following w orks:- - Taking delivery of pre-coated/ bare pipes from the designated stockpile location (loading of pipes onto pipe trailors placed insid e stockpile by mainline contractor shall be done by Owner's authorized agency), including placing of pipe trailors for taking delive ry of pipes from designated stockpile, carrying out holiday detection and verification of pipes at the time of taking delivery), tra nsportation of pipes to ROW/ work site/ Contractor's storage location etc., - Clearing and grading of ROW/ pipeline corridor, cutting of trees, vegetation etc. including keeping record of trees cut, including de-watering etc., - Stringing of pipes along ROW including providing straw bags/ soft padding below pipe (in Rocky areas requiring blasting for prepar ation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Eng ineer-in-Charge), - Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover as per specification and to fit minimum bend radius, by excavation in all ki nds of terrain & soil, including stripping top soil to a depth of 30cm to the full anticipated width of the ditch and storing this m aterial separately along the ROW to allow re-depositing of the same on top of the backfilled ditch (in cultivable and other areas sp ecially designated by Owner), - Carrying out repair of pipe & coating defects for defects occurring after ""taking over"" of pipes from Owner, replacement in the case of non-repairable defects and repairing damages to pipe coating including defects/ damages occurring during transportation & ha ndling, - Aligning, bending, lining up, cutting and beveling (as required) of pipes for field adjustments, welding (manual / semi-automatic / automatic), physical inspection of all weld joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld-joints f ound defective, .... continuation in next line"




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14" OD




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"Supplying, providing and filling fine sand in trenches in stretches other than normal soil and hard rock / boulder stretch (includi ng additional 150mm deep trenching) around mainline pipe for providing a minimum padding thickness of 150 mm on top as well as at bo ttom of the mainline pipe for the complete specified trench width NOTE: (i) Item to be operated under specific instructions from Engineer-in-Charge (ii) Cost of additional depth of 150mm trenching for this item shall be included in this item itself"







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"Carrying out tieing-in and hook-up of mainline pipe with the HDD sections of pipeline (executed by other agency) (Optional) on eith er side of the HDD pipe section , including excavation/ trenching in all kinds of soil including rock, cutting of pipe, making field bends out of pre-tested pipes to match the site requirement, welding, carrying out 100% radiography, field joint coating, holiday d etection, repair of damaged coating, backfilling and making through the pipeline etc. complete in all respects. Note: This item shall be operated under specific instructions of Engineer-in-Charge."







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Taking delivery and transportation of bare pipes from owner's stockpile, transportation, unloading the pipes at manufacturer's work s and fabrication of Long Radius (R=6D) Hot pulled induction bends having tangent length of approximately 1000m at both ends as per specification and delivery of hot pulled bends to site including visual examination, manual U.T. on the entire weld seam, bevelling of ends as per API 5L, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engi neer-in-Charge.







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Providing & making bank protection works using Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Ga bion Boxes as per IS-16014:2012, MORTH Clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of +/- 2%), Zinc+10% Al alloy+PVC coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and sha ll have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2/3.2mm (ID/OD ), supplied @ 3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, including providing wooden/ steel pegs as required for supporting the protection, specifications and directions of the Site engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge.




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HDD Works Telecom- ITC items




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Supply of 40 mm OD HDPE pipe as per tender specifications




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Supply of OFC Jointing kits as per tender specifications for 24F




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Supply of full range (upto 8 feet) RF iD Disk type Electronic Markers as per tender specifications




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Supply of pre-fabricated printed KM markers for OFC & HDPE as per tender specifications




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Supply of Joint pit markers for OFC joint locations as per tender specifications




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Supply of pre-fabricated RCC (1:1.5:3) Joint Box with lid as per tender specifications




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Installation of OFC jointing kits as per drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge/ Site Engineer




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Installation of RF iD type Electronic Markers as per tender specifications. The job includes configuration & programming of the Elec tronic markers to write information data as per directions of Engineer-in-charge/ Site Engineer.




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Installation of pre-fabricated printed KM markers for OFC & HDPE as per tender specifications, drawings and directions of Engineer-in-charge/ Site Engineer




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Installation of OFC Joint pit markers at every joint location as per specifications, drawings and directions of Engineer-in-charge/ Site Engineer




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Installation of pre-fabricated RCC (1:1.5:3) Joint Box with lid as per tender specifications, drawings and directions of Engineer-i n-charge/ Site Engineer.




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Supply of 89 mm OD, Schedule 80, API 5L Grade-B/ ASTM A106 Gr.B MS pipe for Optical Fibre Cable conduit as per tender specifications




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Taking delivery from Owner's Store, loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 1 drum (4 KM) unarmoured Optical fibre c able (OFC) to respective HDD crossing locations, pre laying testing of the cable drum for each fibre and maintaining the OTDR traces.




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Blowing of OFC through laid HDPE, post installation testing of OFC for each fibre for drum laid & maintaining OTDR traces as per the scope, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge/ Site Engineer




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Installation of RCC Transition pit/ Joint pit at HDD crossings as per specifications, drawings and directions of Engineer-in-charge / Site Engineer




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ML-SERVICE Trenching for laying of HDPE in Independent trench Excavation in unpaved areas of earth in work




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Installation of Transition Pits at building entry points as per tender specifications, drawings and 




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HDD INSTALLATION (CARRIER PIPE WITH OFC DUCT, Note:-Payment for Carrier pipe to be paid separately under Non-ITC head): #Design, det ailed engineering & installation of pipeline / pipeline & OFC conduit across rivers, NH, SH, Expressways, Railways, etc by HDD metho d. #Complete work for the crossing (between the limits, as indicated in the approved drawings) including mobilization & de-mobilizat ion at site(s), supply of all materials as per the `Scope of Supply' and all consumables, equipment, manpower & other resources and arranging the required land for site preparations and execution of, but not limited to, the following works in accordance with the s pecifications, drawings and as per all provisions of the contract document and instructions of the Owner. #Interpretation of data of hydrological / geo-technical surveys furnished by the Owner, carrying out fresh topographic survey of the rivers, NH, SH, Expresswa ys, Railways, etc & developing new profile drawing for the crossing location, carrying out additional surveys required for collectin g data relevant to design and construction of the crossing, performing all engineering & design calculations, preparation of all nec essary construction drawings for approval of the Owner as per the provisions of contract document, preparation of detailed construct ion method statement and design analysis. #Taking delivery and transportation of Owner-supplied 3LPE coated pipes to the work site f rom designated stockpile location, inspection of the coated pipes visually and/or with holiday detector for defects, including arran ging all necessary intermediate storage area required thereof till the pipes are installed in permanent position. #Complete site pre paration including arranging of required land, setting up of fabrication yard, preparation of temporary arrangement for pipeline str inging, launching etc. #Carrying out repair of pipe defects, replacement in the case of non-repairable defects and repairing damages to pipe coating including defects/ damages occurring during transportation and handling. #Pre-construction surveys and collection o f all necessary data. #String preparation including repair of pipe and pipe coating defects, welding, non-destructive testing of wel ds including 100% radiography (by X-ray), supply of films & all equipment and providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs, repair of defects in the.........Continued




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" Continuation of previous.......welds and re-testing etc. #Coating of the field joints of the pipe string to be installed by HDD method with DIRAX heat shrink sleeves of M/s Raychem's make, DDXTM Directional Drilling Kit of M/s Canusa or of any other approv ed make used for HDD crossings. #Repair of all coating damages in the pipe section to be laid by HDD method by full encirclement sl e eves using suitable cut sections of approved quality of heat shrink sleeves of M/s Raychem make, DDXTM Directional Drilling Kit of M /s Canusa or of any other approved make. #Fabrication of 89mm OD steel conduit with an inner duct of 40mm OD HDPE pipe for OFC (w her ever OFC has to be laid along with the carrier pipeline). #Supply & fixing of easy to install heat shrinkable duct end caps for HDPE conduit for OFC (wherever OFC has to be laid along with the carrier pipeline). #Carrying out air cleaning, gauge pigging and p re-in stallation hydrostatic testing of the complete pipeline string, as per the specifications, including repair of defects and ret esting etc. #Installation of the pipeline / pipeline and OFC conduit as a bundle crossing below the rivers, NH, SH, Expressways, Ra ilways, etc by single horizontal directional drilling operation to the correct profile as per the approved drawings. #Carrying out post-ins tallation hydrostatic testing of HDD pipe string (along with transition pipe section). #Carrying out post-installation coat ing surve y as per approved procedure. #Restoration, clean-up and disposal of drilling fluid, waste and all other surplus materials etc. #Tran sportation of surplus Owner-supplied pipes to the designated stockpile location of the Owner. #Preparation of as-built dr awings and other records etc. #All other works not specifically listed herein, but required as per specifications, drawings, provisi ons of the contract document, calculations and construction method statement, leading to successful completion of the works. Note:-T he Contractor shall have the option for installation of 89 mm OFC conduit as Bundled HDD installation along with the HDD inst allati on of carrier pipe OR as a separate HDD instalation. However, the payment and payment terms shall remain the same in both the cases. "




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Installation of OFC Conduit OFC in Rocky (complete in all respect)




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Pipe and Product Retrival works




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Fixing of temporary header / facility at both ends of the old/new pipeline section, inserting the bi-di pig and carrying out product evacuation by nitrogen purging, as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge including supply of all labour, materials, equipments, instruments, pigs, barrels etc. Complete in all respects.




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Retrieval of cross country mild steel pipeline section by excavation up to bottom level of pipe which is normally at 1.5 to 2 m depth, by cutting at every 10 to 12 meters by suitable safe method as approved by EIC / Site Engineer (pipe to be cut near to old girth weld of pipe and at some places cutting may be required at lesser length as per site requirement), removal of pipes from trench, loading, unloading and transportation to owner's installation with all labours, vehicles, tools and tackles, equipment as directed by EIC / Site Engineer including backfilling of excavated trench with excavated earth along with additional appropriate quantity of soil (to be arranged by the contractor) after removal of pipe, compacting the backfilled earth and restoring to original level and condition of 14" pipe




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