Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority Tender
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Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority Tender
Civil And Construction
Drainage Work
Opening Date8 Jun 2023
Closing Date21 Jun 2023
Tender AmountRefer Documents
₹ 6,96,000Document Cost
Refer DocumentsTender Fee
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Construction Of External Storm Water Drain
Scription for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user
Tender Id
2023_CMDAC_324417_1Bid Award Id
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Short Tender Notice No.6/23-24Tender Authority
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Note: Rate to include for extra earthwork including authorized working space as per IS 1200 and provision of slopes, space for scaffolding, shuttering, shoring, strutting etc., Additional excavation if required for execution shall not be paid separately. The contractor shall keep the foundations dewatered and also arrange to drain them off by suitable drains and other means and keep the work place free from flooding / water logging and fit for carrying on the work unhindered. The contractor shall give a methodology of shoring, methodology of execution of excavation work and methodology for dewatering for the approval of Engineer-in-charge. The Engineer-in-charge may suggest any improvements and the entire cost and related expenses for protective measures shall be covered in the quoted rates.
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In Hard Stiff clay, Stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders (SS20B)
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0 to 2m depth.
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2 to 3m depth
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3 to 4m depth
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Supplying and filling in foundations and the area wherever specified with 'approved material' good quality filling materials in plinths, area development etc. wherever specified in layers of not exceeding 150 mm thick including breaking clods, storing, transportation ,double handling, watering, compacting each layer with vibratory compactor and at un-accessible places with wooden/steel rammers to achieve 95% proctor density at optimum moisture content, all leads and lifts, bailing/ pumping out of water to keep site dry while backfilling complete as directed.
Rate to include materials, loading, unloading, transportation, plant and machinery, hire and fuel charges for tools and plants and other incidental charges, royalties, seignorage and taking statutory approvals as necessary to carry out the work as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Manufactured sand brought from outside
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Carting away surplus earth/excavated material/debris and like materials outside the site and disposing off the same to the outside the site or city limit as directed by the Engineer-in-charge for dumping of such material, including spreading etc., as per the norms by the local authorities. Rate to include materials, loading, unloading, transportation, plant and machinery, hire and fuel charges for tools and plants and other incidental charges, royalties, seignorage and taking statutory approvals as necessary to carry out the work as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (1 of cement : 4 of coarse manufactured sand : 8 of hard broken stone jelly) using coarse graded aggregate of 40 mm for leveling course under footing, steps, walls, raft, retaining wall, drains, kerb and median, platform etc. including all materials, labour charges, wastages , mixing, curing compaction, transportation, necessary lead and lifts etc. as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification as per IS 456-2000 and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing and Laying M 30 Design Mix for all reinforced cement concrete with minimum cement content conform to IS 456-2000 using ordinary Portland cement of grade 53 from approved manufacturer, manufactured sand, 20 mm and down graded size coarse aggregates, necessary approved admixtures as per requirement. works for Raft, Grade beam, Shear wall, RCC walls, Lift walls, Plinth beams, Column, footings, Grade slab, Roof slab & beam, Curved slab, beam, Column drops, Pergola, Staircase waist and landing slab lintel, Sunshades, parapet Cum drops, Steps, canopy, window boxing slab, Loft, fins, facia Planter box, binders, basement, retaining wall, machine foundation, elevation features and other similar structures etc..excluding necessary centering, shuttering and reinforcement which shall be measured and paid separately under relevant items. Rate to include all designing the mix, batching plant, mechanical mixing, transporting and placing at all levels, leads, lifts, tools & plants, fuels, all materials, labour charges, wastages , laying, pumping the concrete to all levels, providing sleeves / openings in RCC slabs, compaction by vibrator, curing etc. as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Basement and Plinth level
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Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position of steel Fe 500 grade Reinforcement for all RCC work with Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars (TMT) conforming to IS 1786 of latest version according to drawings and binding the reinforcement with 18 gauge double fold GI binding wire and providing Concrete / PVC cover blocks to maintain the cover as required. Rate to include all bending, tying grills, placing, transportation, lead & lifts, tools & plants, fuels, all materials, labour charges, wastages , laying at all levels, fixing in position, cost of cover blocks, etc. as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying and erecting centering for sides and soffits including supports and strutting up to 3.30 m height with all cross bracing for plane surfaces as detailed below, using mild steel sheets of 90 X 60 cm 10 gauge stiffened with MS angle of 25 X 25 X 3mm for boarding, laid over adjustable span & jacks and supported by 50mm dia pipes for general pipes scaffolding systems @ a spacing of 1.20m c/c and vertical connected at a height of 2.0m c/c including 'C' & 'U' clamps and base receiver cup at bottom for connecting pipes etc and removable systems etc.,
Rate to include all materials, labour charges, wastages , placing, transportation, lead & lifts, tools & plants, fuels, fixing in position at all levels, heights, masking tape in sheet joints, consumables, etc. as complete with all respects complying with relevant standard specification, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Reinforced cement concrete Column footing, plinth / grade beam, bed blocks, template surfaces, steps, piers, raft slab / beams and such other members
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Plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, beams, lintels, bed blocks, landing slab, waist slab, portico slab / beams and such other members
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Vertical surfaces - For all type of walls (any thickness) including, retaining wall, core walls, shear wall, parapet wall, fins, facia, kerb and median etc... for all floors & levels.
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Miscellaneous Works
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Providing and fixing Heavy duty grating for trenches, drains and water collection sump etc., of various size od opening in drain trenches made out of galvanized steel and all as per manufacture's specification of approved make including necessary supports, suitable angle iron frames, grouting the supports using C.C 1:2:4 and finishing the surface neatly, welding the angle / Flat with consumables, Painting iron frame with 2 coats of Synthetic Enamel paint over a coat of Zinc phosphate primer etc. complete and all as directed. Note : Clear opening will be measured and paid for.
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Demolishing Reinforced cement concrete using deploying machineries, including disposal of material / debris and carting within the site etc. Rate shall include for cutting of reinforcement steel of any size and shape with necessary tools and plants, scaffolding, water and power charges, cleaning the surface etc., complete and as directed. The rate shall include for stacking neatly and handing over the reinforcement steel removed from the dismantled concrete.
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Demolishing Plain cement concrete by manually / mechanical means including disposal of material / debris and carting within the site etc., complete and as directed.
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Road Works
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Providing of Granular Sub base using Grade I materials of table 400 -1 of Morth with minimum CBR 30 spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mix in by palce method at OMC and compacting with Vibratory Roller to achieve the desired density including all labourcharges etc, complete as per technical specification and as directed by the departmental officers. Morth - Rev V No. 111,112,401,900
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Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to Wet mix macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage to mixed material by tipper to site laying in uniform layers with paver in sub base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achive the desired density complete as per clasue 406 of MORTH specifications.
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Providing and laying Prime coat of 7 kgs/10 sqm over the WMM surface treated with primer using 7 kgs of bituminous Emulsion (SS) for 10square meter area including cost of bituminous binder, including labour charges for applying the required quantity of bituminous binder as Prime coat manually etc., complete as per 502 of MORTH Rev-5 Specifications
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Providing and laying tack coat of 2.5 kgs/10 sqm over the WMM surface treated with binder using 2.5 kgs of bituminous Emulsion (RS) for 10square meter area including cost of bituminous binder, including labour charges for applying the required quantity of bituminous binder as tack coat manually etc., complete as per 503 of MORTH Rev-5 Specifications
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Providing and laying 150mm consolidated thick Dense Bituminous macadam using 0.40cum of 37.50-13.20mm,0.35cum of 13.20-2.36mm and 0.36cum of 2.36mm & below size IRC metal with 71.30kgs of VG30/VG40 bitumen for premixing per 10sqm including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to the required temperature and mixing the minimum required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 75mm with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and consolidated by 8-10 tonne Vibratory / Pneumatic Roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver to site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, Paver Finisher / 9m paver finisher, Vibratory / Pneumatic roller and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 505 of MORTH Rev-5 specifications.
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Providing and laying Bituminous concrete to 40mm thick using 0.13 cum of 19.00-9.50 mm graded metal and 0.17 cum of 9.50-2.36 mm graded metal and 0.26 cum of 2.36 mm & below metal with 45.27 kgs of 60/70 bitumen & 5.03Kg of Plastic waste (Total-50.30 kg) and for premixing per 10 sqm including cost and conveyance of all materials to C M P site, heating the bitumen and agregates to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20- 30 tonnes capacity conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix in required temperature for uniform thickness of 40mm / 30mm with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compaction by Vibratory roller to the required density etc., including labour charges for loading bitumen in to bitumen tank and metal to feeder unit,labour for attending to paver site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30t C M P with bitumen boiler,tipper trucks, paver finisher, Vibratory rollers and all other tools and plants required,including all other incidental charges etc.,complete using C M P clause 507 of MORTH Rev-5 specifications.
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Mobilisation of rotary drilling and boring equipment as required to complete the work within the stipulated time schedule including mobilisation of necessary associated machineries and accessories etc. Rate shall include for supply of equipment at site including transportation, loading and unloading of the equipment's and required skilled personnel, erection of the equipment at required locations for boring of hole to the specified depth and size, shifting of rig to the required BH location for boring and demobilization of the equipment's and machineries after completion of boring works, clear or demobilize the equipment's from the site after completion of the entire work. Note: Please indicate the number of rigs being planned for mobilization at site for completion of the boring work (Nos as per drawing) within the stipulated time period
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Boring and Drilling of Hole using rotary drilling rig in any kind of soils including medium /soft rocks up to refusal strata to a depth as given below and to a size of 150 mm dia to N ≤ 100 with conducting all kinds of tests including Standard penetration tests confirming to IS, but without Core recovery.
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Up to 10 Mtr. depth from existing natural ground level.
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Depth from 10 Mtr. to 15 Mtr.
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Depth from 15 Mtr. to 20 Mtr and Below.
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Boring and Drilling in Rock layers / Hard strata as given below using Nx size TC/diamond bit with core recovery. (5 m drilling in Weathered / Medium and 3 m in Hard rock )
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I) 5 M In Weathered / Medium rock (N≥100) covering the below requisites
a) Grain size of gravel
b) Sand
c) Silt & Clay
d) Recovery e) Shear strength of rock at each depth
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II) 3 M In Hard rock / Medium rock covering the below requisites
a) Core Recovery at each depth
b) Rock Quality Designation at each depth
c) UCS d) Point load index
e) Shear strength value at each depth
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Conducting and submitting the following laboratory tests: a) Sieve analysis, b) Liquid limit, Plastic limit and Plasticity index, c) Bulk density and moisture content, d) Hydrometer analysis, e) Specific gravity of soil, f) Differential free swell index, g) Consolidation test h) Triaxial/direct shear test, i) unconfined compressive strength, j) Coefficient of friction between soil and concrete surface, j) Rate of water percolation in soil k) Tensile strength test or Bracelian Test Including the other tests specified in the technical specification etc. on the sample explored from the Bore hole. Rate shall include for collecting the samples, analyse the samples, preparation of test reports and submission of the same with observations as part of the Main report.
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Note : Soil samples shall be collected from the Boreholes as many required for testing of the above tests, while boring the hole. It is the responsibility of Soil Investigation agency to assess the required no & qty of disturbed and un-disturbed samples of required dia and long including protecting and packing the samples in the air tight container etc. Assessment of the each test from the above lists required for analysis is also the responsibility of Soil Investigation agency confirming to IS. As per the technical specification all the tests to be conducted for the tests for all bores.
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Carrying out chemical analysis of soil / water sample for sulphates, chlorides & pH including recommendation for type of cement, grade of concrete and steel and special measures required to be taken from durability considerations including collecting the samples in bore hole and prepare and submit the test report with observations as part of the Main report confirming to IS.
For all bores
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Conducting compressive strength test, water absorption specific gravity & porosity of rock core samples recovered In weathered rock (N≥100) and In hard rock of the bore hole including specimen preparation, arranging and submitting rock core samples in core box to the required dia and length. Rate shall include for analyse the samples, preparation of test reports and submission of the same with observation as part of the Main report.
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Conducting standard penetration test (SPT) and Vane shear test with in the bore holes at least one undisturbed sample of not less than 100 mm diameter shall be collected from every cohesive soil / cohesion less soils layers at 1.5 meters interval.
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Conducting soil investigation at the proposed building in the locations as marked in the tender drawing and submitting the reports comprising the following details of laboratory tests results, field tests results, foundation recommendations, sub grade recommendations, site earth retaining system recommendations, other recommendations and details as mentioned in the detailed technical specification and BOQ through 4 sets of hard copies reports, 2 sets of soft copies in CD format and full length video coverage of collecting samples, total in-situ testing, lab test procedures and other tests specified in technical specification. The final report and recommendations of the soil investigation are to be approved by either Anna University or IIT or SERC at the decision of CMDA. The quoted rate is including of all discussions, technical interaction with the approving agency, clarifying any doubts, conducting any re-test, additional test that may be required as decided by CMDA or approving agency. The quoted rate is including collection of samples, in-situ testing procedure and lab testing procedures should be done as specified in the relevant IS code, Technical specification and BOQ.
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Conducting and submitting the following test of Soil resistivity to design the earthing system for electrical works.
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Plate Load test - Conducting the plate load test at a depth desirable depth (at the strata where the recommended foundation rest) below Natural Ground Level including necessary excavation. The test procedure and results shall be carried out as per IS 1888 - Latest Version. Test shall be carried out using 450 mm square plate or according to IS and the load shall be applied using hydraulic jacks. The load settlement curves shall be presented accurately. The minimum number of load increments shall be 10 T/Sqm confirming to IS. The maximum loading intensity is expected to correspond to 25 mm settlement or failure load whichever is earlier. No water shall be added externally in the test done and complete the test.
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