National Highways Authority Of India Tender

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National Highways Authority Of India - NHAI Tender

Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Opening Date7 Nov 2024
Closing Date28 Nov 2024
Tender Amount₹ 39,40,23,501 



Strengthening/ Bituminous Overlay Work And Routine Maintenace Including Incident Management Of Dogal Kalan To Pb/ Hr Border Section


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BOQ Items

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milling of Bituminous layer on SR




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Tack Coat on Bituminous Surfaces Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom.




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Main Carriagway




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Service road




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Tack Coat for DBM




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Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam Grading II Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam with higher capacity batch type HMP using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder VG- 40 @4.5 percent by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRT&H specification clause No. 505 complete in all respects.




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Bituminous Concrete Grading I on MCW Providing and laying bituminous concrete with higher capacity batch type hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.2 percent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORT&H specification clause No. 507 complete in all respects.




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Bituminous Concrete Grading -II on Service Road Providing and laying bituminous concrete with higher capacity batch type hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4 per cent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 507 complete in all respects




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Recovery for milled material:- Recovery shall be made for retrieved milled material at the rates specified herein ( i.e. @ 20% of rate quoted for item of BC). Note:- Material obtained from dismantling of existing bituminous layer has been calculated at approximate rate of the retrieved material as per theoretical calculation. The agency shall take away this material at the fixed rate @ 20% of quoted rate of BC. If actual material after dismantling is found on lesser side, no claim of agency on this score will be entertained and full recovery on the basis of quoted rate and quantity exhibited in the BOQ shall be made. The dismantled material can be used in any of the items for the work after modification (bringing it to required specifications) so as to fulfil requirements of MoRTH specification clause 519 and after approval from the employer. In case it is not possible to use this material on the work the agency can take away this material. However, recovery of material shall be made for the quantity exhibited in the BOQ and at the rates specified herein irrespective of the fact that material is used in the work or not. Bidder/Agency may visit site before quoting rates and make his assessment for the extent of retrieved material.




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milling of BC layer on MCW




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milling of BC layer on SR




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Dismantling of DLC Dismantling of DLC including T&P scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material. & staking the serviceable material with all lifts & lead of 100 mtr (By Mechanical Means)




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Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub- base (150 mm.) Construction of dry lean cement concrete Subbase over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site with transit mixer with lead up to 10 km., laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing




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Dismantling of PQC Dismantling of PQC including T&P scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material. & staking the serviceable material with all lifts & lead of 100 mtr (By Mechanical Means)




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PQC Construction (300 mm.) Construction of un-reinforced M-40 grade concrete pavement with dowel jointed over a prepared sub base with 43 grade OPC cement with Fly ash (subject to maximum 25% of cement content) of concrete, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a fully computerised batch mix plant as per approved mix design, transported to site in transit mixer with lead up to 10 km. laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per clause 602 of MORT&H 5th Revision.




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Granular Sub-Base (Table 400-1) Construction of granular sub-base by providing material as per grading-III ( Table 400-I of MORT&H 5th revision), mixing in amechanical mix plant at OMC, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per technical clause 401of MORT&H specifications




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Wet Mix Macadam Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per technical clause 406 of MORT&H specifications




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Moulded Shank Road Studs Supplying and fixing of single mould twin shank reflective road studs made out of poly carbonate/ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens or Glass Beeds capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face with retro reflectance and chromaticity values shall be as given in the detailed specifications and the product shall conform to ASTM D4280. The raised pavement marker shall also meet all the testing conditions of ASTM D4280 and fixed to the road surface using the adhesive. Two cylindrical Polymer Shanks of not less than 20 mm diameter and not less than 30 mm length shall be molded in the RPM body. The marker shall support a load of 13635 Kg tested in accordance with ASTM D4280. The marker shall withstand flexural strength of 909 kgf force in accordance with ASTM D4280. Marker lenses shall be moulded of Polycarbonate or methyl methecrylate conforming to ASTM D788. The supplier shall provide a 2 years warranty for satisfactory field performance as per clause 804.7.3 of MORT&H 5th revision specifications complete as per direction of engineer in-charge.




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Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface: Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications conforming to MORTH specifications clause no. 803 and as per directions of the Engineer In-Charge




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Routine Maintenance including Incident Management (during construction as well as DLP Period)




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Maintenance of unpaved shoulders and slopes on both sides of carriageway till toe line of embankment including the shoulders of service road, if any. It includes removal of Rank Vegetation/weeds, blading/ grading at the required camber using motor grador, providing spot reconditioning, reconstruction and regravelling to repair specific erosion or other damages for restoring the eroded area to originally constructed cross-section on cuts and fills, slopes/ shoulders confirming to Technical Specifications clause no. 3002,3003. The work also includes disposal of surplus material outside ROW and addition of Selected soil confirming to Technical Specifications clause no. 305 brought from borrow areas located outside ROW and cleaning of dust/dirt from existing MBCB/ Guard rail etc. with water and detergent within ROW. It also includes routine maintenance such as cleaning/straightening of all types of road signs including Gantries, road stud and delinadors etc. and also removal of unauthorized boards within ROW including transportation to nearest suitable location complete in all respect with all lead and lifts as per para 6.8 'Performance Standard' of scope of work of IRC SP 84 2019 and as per direction of the Engineer in charge.




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Clearing road side/Median open lined/Pucca drains/ covered drains/piped drains/Box Culverts/Pipe Culvert including Manholes, gratings, channels and Galies etc. of all sizes and bring them to original shape, drainage capacity including disposal of sediments, extraneous debris and vegetation growth blocking the free flow from site to outside ROW with all leads and lifts complete in all respects as directed by the Engineer-In Charge and as per Additional Maintenance Standard Clause no. 6.12.2 (Frequency of cleaning will be be quarterly). The Job also includes disposal of excess material recovered from site including vegetation outside ROW with all leads and lifts complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer in charge and as per road maintanence Standard clause no.6.5 of IRC SP 95-2011.




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Carrying out proper cleaning of carriageways, footpaths, verges, expansion joints (for free moment), drainage spouts of bridge including removal and disposal of thrash, plastic, vegetation etc. from site outside ROW as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge (Frequency of cleaning will be two times in a year i.e. before and after monsoon) and disposing of the waste material at a suitable place outside ROW with vehicle tracking system within all leads and lifts complete in all respect and manually if required and as directed and approved in maintenance manual by the engineer incharge




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Carrying out proper cleaning and removing of dust/silt/trash/plastic/rubbish/ garbage/waste from the carriageway (unit length for total width of carriageway LHS+RHS including median width), footpaths, verges (including the verges of central median) by the mechanical means and from shoulders upto toe line of the embankment including side slopes manually aand disposing of the waste material at a suitable place outside ROW with vehicle tracking system with all leads and lifts complete in all respect and manually if required and as directed and approved in maintenance manual by the engineer incharge. Ceaning includes full width of carriageway and service road, if any, and confirming to para 6.10 of Scope of Work of Section 6 and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge.




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Plain/Reinforced cement concrete M-25 grade as per requirement and Technical Specifications conforming to MORTH technical specifications clause no. 1500, 1700 & 2200 and as per directions of the Engineer In-Charge with all leads and lifts complete in all respect.




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Providing and Installation of damaged Strip seal expansion joint catering to maximum horizontal movement upto 70 mm, complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorized representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for installation for Bridge as per clause 2600 of MoRTH specifications and directions of the Engineer In-Charge.




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Restoration of rain cuts with good quality earth obtained from borrow pits including compensation of earth, carriage, loading, unloading, clearing the loose soil, benching for 300mm width, laying in 250mm thick layers and compacting with plate compactor to restore the original alignment, levels and slopes as per technical clause 3002 of MORT&H specifications




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Sealing of crack/porus Concrete with epoxy grout by injection through nipples omplete as per drawings and Technical Specifications conforming to MORTH specifications no 2803 and as per directions of the Engineer In-Charge.




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Maintenance of median and the existing as well as replanted shrubs (with a density of 333 plants per km.) by basin making, weeding- hoeing, cleaning, watering , mixing good earth and manure, leveling and dressing of median, uprooting and removal of weeds, cutting grass, disposal of all muck within all leads and lifts outside ROW regularly to keep the median clean and plantation in healthy and good condition. The job also includes the cleaning and removal of spilled over earth from median to main carriageway in the portion adjacent to the kerbs all along the median complete in all respect and as per direction of engineer in charge and as per provision given in MORTH Specification and IRC. The operation of maintenance in addition to above will also cover and include the following activies:- (a) Watering of each plant as and when required depending upon the climatic conditions of all localities/ region/ season/ strictly as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. The main requirement is to keep the plants/ shrubs in healthy, good and surviving conditions. The caualty/ damage to any plant shrubs during the maintenance period will be entire responsibility of the contractor and the contractor shall replace the dead and damaged plants and shrubs at his own cost with new plants of the same species, varities , age and size etc. (b) Replacement of dead, damaged plants from the Median and Avenue by healthy and well developed plant of similar species, varieties, age and size etc. within 10 days of occurrence of casualty as noticed/ reported or as directed by the Engineer.




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Supplying and planting permanent shrubs (From the shrubs species given in Annexure B of IRC SP 21: 2009 except Kaner) in prepared pits and watering complete in all aspect as per specification given in IRC SP 21: 2009 (with a density of 333 plants per km.) and directions of the Engineer-In-Charge. Including digging of pits in all kinds of soil & refilling the same, with the excavated earth mixed with well decayed farm yard manure @ 30% of pit volume and insecticide for termite control pit size (0.60 m x0.60 m x 0.60 m ) complete in all respect as per directions of Engineer in-charge.




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Painting two or more coats with synthetic enamel paints in all shades on old wood work or metallic or plastered or concrete surface to give an even shade including rubbing down old paint.




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Painting one coat with ready mixed paint on metallic surfaces in all shades on old steel or iron works.




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Providing, fitting and fixing mild steel railing complete as per drawing and Technical Specification




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Reinforced cement concrete M-15 grade ordinary kilometer stone of standard design as per IRC 8-1980 fixing in position including painting and printing etc. complete as per technical clause 804 of MORT&H specifications.




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Reinforced cement concrete M-15 grade boundary pillars of standard design as per IRC 25-1967 fixing in position including painting and printing etc. complete as per technical clause 806 of MORT&H specifications.




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Cautionary sign board 900x900x900mm triangular as per IRC 67- 2012 with high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012 fixed over 4mm thick aluminum Composite material (ACM) sheeting having aluminum skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminum alloy rivets @ 200 mm c/c to back support frame of 25x25x3mm angle iron supported on a square hollow steel section post 60x60x3.2mm conforming to IS 4923 without cost of definition plate firmly fixed to ground in foundation concrete M-25 of size 0.45x0.45x0.75m for vertical post complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retro reflective sheeting & a certified copy of test reports from an independent test laboratory conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67-2012 . (a) Using high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting Type XI as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012




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Mandatory sign board 900mm circular as per IRC 67- 2012 with high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 – 09 and as per IRC 67 – 2012. Fixed over 4mm thick aluminium Composite material (ACM) sheeting having aluminium skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminium alloy rivets @ 200 mm c/c to back support frame of 25x25x3mm angle iron supported on a square hollow steel section post 60x60x3.2mm conforming to IS 4923 without cost of definition plate firmly fixed to ground in foundation concrete M-25 of size 0.45x0.45x0.60m for vertical post complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retro reflective sheeting & a certified copy of test reports from an independent test laboratory conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67-2012 . (a) Using high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting Type XI as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012




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Informatory sign board 800x600mm rectangular as per IRC 67- 2012 with high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 – 09 and as per IRC 67 – 2012. fixed over 4mm thick aluminium Composite material (ACM) sheeting having aluminium skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminium alloy rivets @ 200 mm c/c to back support frame of 25x25x3mm angle iron supported on a square hollow steel section post 60x60x3.2mm conforming to IS 4923 without cost of definition plate firmly fixed to ground in foundation concrete M-25 of size 0.45x0.45x0.60m for vertical post complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retro reflective sheeting & a certified copy of test reports from an independent test laboratory conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67-2012 . (a) Using high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting Type XI as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012




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Advance Direction sign board 1200x1800mm rectangular as per IRC 67- 2012 with high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 – 09 and as per IRC 67 – 2012. fixed over 4mm thick Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) sheeting having aluminium skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminium alloy rivets @ 200 mm c/c to back support frame of 25x25x3mm angle iron supported on two square hollow steel section post 60x60x3.2mm conforming to IS 4923 firmly fixed to ground in foundation concrete M-25 of size 0.60x0.60x0.75m for vertical post complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retro reflective sheeting & a certified copy of test reports from an independent test laboratory conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67-2012 . (d) Using high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting Type XI as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012




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Hazard Marker sign board 300x900mm rectangular as per IRC 67- 2012 with highintensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 09 and IRC 672012, fixed over 4mm thick Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) sheeting having skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminium alloy rivets @ 200 mm c/c to back support frame of 25x25x3mm angle iron supported on a square hollow steelsection post 60x60x3.2mm conforming to IS 4923 firmly fixed to ground including foundation concrete M-25 of size 0.45x0.45x0.60m for vertical post complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications. (a) Using high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting Type XI as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012




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Provided & Fixing Two Way Hazard Marker sign board 450x900mm rectangular as per IRC 67- 2012 with retro reflective high intensity Microprismatic grade Sheeting fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet with 25x25x3mm angle iron supported on a square mild steel section post 60x60x6 mm conforming to IS 4923 firmly fixed to ground including foundation concrete M-25 of size 0.45x0.45x0.60m for vertical post complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications




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Direction/Diversion Plate 900x300mm rectangular as per IRC 67- 2012 with high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 – 09 and as per IRC 67 – 2012. specifications. fixed over 4mm thick Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) sheeting having aluminium skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminium alloy rivets @ 200 mm c/c to backsupport frame fixed in position complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retro reflective sheeting & a certifiedcopy of test reports from an independent test laboratory conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67- 2012 .. a Using high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting Type XI as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012




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Overhead sign board 6000x1500mm cantilever type single sided as per IRC67-2012 with high intensity Micro prismatic grade retro reflective Sheeting as per ASTMD 4956–09 and as per IRC 67–2012 fixed over 4mm thick Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) sheeting having aluminium skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminium alloy rivets @ 200mmc/c to back support frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron supported on designed single support system of MS pipe and plates in the form of a cantilever type truss made with 350NB pipe @ 50kg per mtr as vertical support, 50NB pipe @ 4.50kg per mtr and 40NB pipe @ 3.61kg per mtr for truss including base plates, gusset plates, designed RCC foundation for fixing inground complete as per clause 802 ofMORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retroreflective sheeting & a certified copy of test reports from an independent test laboratory conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67 2012 . (a) Using high intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflectiveSheeting TypeXI as per ASTMD4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012




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Providing and erecting overhead signs with a corrosion resistant 2mm thick aluminium alloy sheet reflectorised with high intensity retro-reflective sheeting of encapsulated lense type with vertical and lateral clearance given in clause 802.2 and 802.3 and installed as per clause 802.7 over a designed support system of aluminium alloy or galvanised steel trestles and trusses of sections and type as per structural design requirements and approved plans & as per IRC :67




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PVC pipe for structures: Providing, Laying , fixing & jointing of P.V.C. Pipes as per ISI-4985 (ISI marked with the prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge) along the Trenches and laying the same in Trenches to correct alignment and gradients, cutting, jointing and testing complete as per specifications. xxii. 110mm o/d PVC pipe of 4 Kgf. / sqcm




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Providing and fixing of Standard Metal Delineator as per IRC 79:2019 consisting of retro reflective area in white color using full cube corner micro prismatic non-metallic retro reflective sheeting on each side conforming with IRC 67 2012 and meeting the coefficient of retro reflection values as per ASTM D 4956 Type XI table specification. The delineator shall be painted with only black color powder coat of minimum 40 microns thickness, on top of which retro reflective sheeting only in white colour shall be pasted on both sides. The structure shall have height not less than 800 mm above the ground, width not less than 100 mm and shall extend not more than 300mm below the ground while being installed. The delineator shall have grooves across the length to make the reflective sheets vandal-proof. The delineator is meant for application on gaps in median, traffic islands, dangerous bends, roundabouts, narrow bridges etc. or as desired by site engineer.The rate quoted is for the complete job as per drawing and direction of Engineer.




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Construction of new RCC drain of average depth 1.5m and width 1.5 m with minimum side wall thickness as 200 mm and Base slab thickness as 200 mm with M-20 RCC Grade concrete mechanically mxed and vibrated including reinforcemet steel, shuttering of required shape and size, excavation and backfilling of earth including all leads and lifts and Technical Specifications conforming to MORTH specifications clause no. 1500, 1700 & 2200 and as per directions of the Engineer In-Charge with all leads and lifts complete in all respect. The item also include PCC conforming to MORTH specifications clause no. 1500, 1700 & 2200




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Providing, lowering in trenches to correct gradient and alignment, jointing with tyton rubber joint and cutting of reinforced cement concrete spigot and socketed pipes and specials with rubber ring ISI marekd as per IS code IS 458-2003 into trenches for all depths and laying out the same to correct alignment, gradients, levels etc. cutting of concrete beds and joints holes, supporting the pipes and specials in correct position in a suitable rigid manner while the same are being jointed and until the surrounding benchings, haunches and envelopes are completed. The pipes shall rest on the beds at all joints through their lengths and fixing of rubber ring, facing, testing the pipes for leakage and making good the same leakage and all defects to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge including all cartage etc.R.C.C. Pipe NP -4 800mm i/d pipe




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Construction and laying, cast in situ Cement Concrete kerb in M -20 Grade with Kerb laying machine and matching with the existing kerb section complete including dismantling and disposal of existing damaged broken kerbs as per Technical Specifications clause no. 408 for Kerbs. The job includes jointing of adjacent Kerbs and carrying out pointing as per existing pattern complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications conforming to MORTH specifications clause no. 409 and as per directions of the Engineer In-Charge




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"W" Type Metal Beam Crash Barrier Single Sided (a) Providing & erecting "W" type metal beam crash barrier single sided comprising of 3mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail 70cm above road or ground level fixed on channel vertical post 150x75x5mm spaced 2mtr centre to centre 1.80mtr high, 1.1mtr below road or ground level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanized by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 & IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150x75x5mm, 330mm long fixed firmly into ground with vertical hydraulic self driving machine for vertical post complete as per approved drawings and technical clause IRC: 119-2015.




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Providing and Installation of GI standared pole of 100 mm dia primer painted with set of light in polycarbonate housing 300mm dia with LED's retrofit (Amber Colour), Solar power system including series of solar panel, battery, charger etc. Complete in all respect and as per MORTH specifications and directions of Engineer in charge. The item include costing of Foundation work in complete aspect also and maintenance/replacement of all items till Defect Lialbility Period




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Providing and Fixing of Flexible Median Markers as per IRC 79:2019 which shall be made of combination of tough, high impact resistant molded thermoplastic body along with florescent yellow color retro-reflective type XI sheeting with minimum exposed reflective area 285 square mm and with rebound property. The reflective sheeting should confirm to Type XI Florescent Yellow sheeting as per IRC 67 2012 and ASTM D4956- 11. The flexible median marker shall have overall height of minimum 180 mm, body thickness of minimum 2mm and shank depth of minimum 30mm. The retro-reflective sheeting shall be on both sides of the Flexible Median Marker and shall be edge protected with no exposed edges which will prevent edge lifting, vandalism, sheeting damage, etc. The edge of sheeting should not come out easily by putting nails, sharp objects etc. The logo of the manufacturer shall be embossed on either side of the body. The product design has to with stand all natural impacts and should not get damaged if any pedestrian stamp on top of it intentionally or unintentionally. The product should bend up to 90 degree on both sides without breakage or damage.




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Minor repair of damaged Single faced W-Beam metal crash barrier made out of members. Job includes repair of old damaged member and neatly refixing the old member in all respects including straightening of members, as directed by Engineer in charge including Fasteners and fixing etc complete in all aspect as per specification given in IRC 119-2015.




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Supply and erection of PVC insulated PVC sheathed (3 core) round flexiblewire with copper conductor (FR) cable(ISI marked) confirm to IS:694/1990 leftbare in pipe or casing of suitable sizecomplete in all respect as desired by the Engineer-in-charge:- . Overall size (48/0.20mm), 3Core




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Electric Light Panels 100 A,4P MCCB (25 KA) with thermal based protection incomer. 100 A,4P contactor with astro timer. Metering & Indication: 1 Set of Digital Load Manager and 100/5A, CL-1, 10VA CT. 1 Set of phase indicating lamps with control MCBs. Bus Bar: 150A, 25KA,TP+N Al. Bus Bar of suitable length (Neutral shall be fully rated). Outgoings: 63 A 4P MCB : 2 nos. 40 A 4P MCB: 10 Nos : and Contactor control through Astro-timer, control circuit along with 'ON' & ;OFF' switches in the feeder pillar : 1 Set.. s per approval and direction of engineer in charge.




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Supply and erection of MCB (miniature circuit breaker) 240/415 V in the existing distribution board including making necessary connections as per approval and direction of engineer in charge. Complete in all respect. (32 Amp. Single Pole)




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Supply and erection of Galvanized Steel Octagonal Pole (Sheet thickness 3mm) designed to withstand wind speed 169km/hour of suitable length (Raw material confiming to IS-5986 (FE-510), BSEN-10025S-355J or ASTM-572A (GR-50)) and thickness of galvanization (70mm thick) conforming toIS:2629/ IS:2633/ IS:4759, BSEN-ISO-1461-1991 OR ASTM-A123/A123M-02. The pole shall be in single piece hot dip galvanized and shall be tapered towards the top. The bottom section shall have openable slot with exterior surface door & shall have suitable locking arrangement for housing three phase 4wire cable connection, bakelite sheet, MCB, loop in and out arrangment for incoming/ outgoing cables. There shall be suitable arrangement for earthing. Rigid Base plate of suitable size and thickness shall be welded inside and outside at the bottom of pole with provision for fixing 4 foundation bolts. The octagonal pole shall be bolted on a pre- cast foundation with a set of four foundation bolts for greater rigidity. The foundation shall be erected over cement concrete M20 with steel of given size as per design of original pole manufacturer to fixed up to a required planting depth below ground level as required:-Galvanized Octagonal Pole Overall Length 10 metre (Sheet thickness 3mm), Top dia.(A/F) 70mm and bottom dia. (A/F) 175mm, Foundation size below G/L 600mm x 600mm x 1800mm, 4Nos. Foundation Bolts size 24mm dia., Length≥750mm with Base Plate Dimensions 275mm x 275mm x16mm Thick including foundation and other civil work in all respect along with two way bracket and earthing work in all respect.. The pole if at all required will be changed as per the satifaction of Engineer in Charge.




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Dismantling and Supply & erection of Minimum 250 Watt Street Light, System Efficacy greater than equal to 135 LPW, CCT, 5700K , CRI70,SDCM5,Power Factor 0.95,THD10%,Safe Operating Voltage- 140-270V AC,Driver Type- Constant current, Integral, Isolated driver,Built in Surge Protection- 4KV + External 10KV,IP66 & IK07,Toughened Glass with UV Resistant, IK 07 Impact safe glass,Type II lens used for better distribution,Individual lens design is used to reduce light loss due to interference and increase overall distribution.Make - Panasonic , Philips(Signify), Ligthing Technology, Trilux, Wipro, Havells, Surya,Bajaj.The LED Fixture Driver Should have following features:Serviceable, Constant Current, Isolated DriverShort-Circuit, Reverse Polarity & Over Voltage protection in Driver. Helps better reliability of the product.Driver can withstand high voltage up to 440V AC for 8 hrs.LED driver efficiency 85%.Design life of the components 5 years isolated Driver design to separate input & output section to provide rugged surge reliability.The Housing of Luminare Shold have below features: Non-corrosive high-pressure die-cast aluminum to with stand extreme environments. It has corrosion resistant powder coating with . Pressure die cast aluminum housing with aerodynamic heat sink designed for better Heat Dissipation to maintain the Junction temp of LED below Threshold. 105 Deg.Separate Physical compartment for LED and Driver compartment - for ease of maintenance Silicone gasket is used of optimum shore hardness in order to give guaranteed IP Protection.Flexible Mounting design in order to accommodate varied diameter of pipes. B)Earthing to be done , wiring to be changed as per site requirement at actuals and as per approval of Engineer in Charge. Lux Required Uniform 40 (min) Lux.




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Supply and erection of Double Walled Corrugated (DWC) HDPE pipe to be laid below ground level including excavation placing the pipe in position and back filling with excavated soil etc. of the required size:-




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Double Walled Corrugated HDPE Pipe 50/38mm (Outer/ Inner dia.)




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Double Walled Corrugated HDPE Pipe 63/51mm (Outer/ Inner dia.)




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Supply & Erection/Replacement of Fautly cable (as per site Condition)undergroung,loose in pipe or trenches which has to be don in all respect upto up to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge of the work.




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16 Sqmm. 4 Core cable (Armoured)




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25 Sqmm. 4 Core cable (Armoured)




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Recovery of the old material removed per new fixture.




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Providing Crane of adequate capacity (minimum 20 MT ) at each Toll plaza location with all necessary equipment so that it can reach the site of incident within 30 minutes of call and clear the disabled/accidental vehicles . It shall also be fitted with a GPS based Vehicle Tracking system to monitor its movement on 24 hours X 7 days of a week basis. The work shall be done as per directions of the Engineer In-Charge.




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Providing, running and maintaining Route patrol vehicle, which shall continuously patrol the highway in a stretch and shall remain in contact with the control room at the toll PLaza on a real time basis. The patrol shall render assistance to users in distress and disabled vehicles through own intervention or by calling for assistance from control room , crane operators or ambulance as required . The patrol shall promptly clear the road of any obstructions, where the it take times to be cleared, the section shall be cordoned off by placing as per IRC SP 84 2019




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Providing Ambulance as per para 6.4 of scope of work and para 6.8 'Performance Standard' of scope of work and specification mentioned under Annexure D as mentioned in clause 12.11 of IRC SP 84 2019 and as per directions of the Engineer-In-Charge. Ambulance should be provided which 24*7 availability of para medical staff & sufficient medical consumables




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Dewatering Pump 10 HP including operator and disel for miscellanous works.




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Total Estimated Cost




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Bidder to quote single rate as tender premium % above or discount below the total estimated cost mentioned above.




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I/We hereby agree to execute the above work on the tender premium or discount quoted here on the total estimated cost mentioned above. I/we understand that filling of both cells meant for premium or discount at a time will render my/our bid as non responsive.




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Bid price in Rs.




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