Works Department Tender
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₹ 48,700Document Cost
₹ 6,000Tender Fee
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2024_EICCL_108724_2Tender No
SE (R and B) Angul-23/ 2024-25Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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6mm thick cement plaster (1:4) over R.C.C. surface finished smooth with proper slope after chipping, chiselling and cleaning the roof including hoisting, watering, curing, basic cost, conveyance, royalities of all materials and cost of all labour, T&P. required for the work etc. including labour cess but excluding GST complete
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Priming one coat with wall cement primer (water bound) to make an even finished surface in all floors and heights to wall surface of approved make and shade including sand papering, applying putty wherever necessary & cost of scaffolding, staging charges with cost, conveyance, taxes of all materials, cost of all labour,labour cess T&P etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying, fitting and fixing of False ceilling with Arm strong Silhouette main runner, cross tee, wall angle with fine fishered RH-99 board on 4 walls to be fixed by means of steel screw, PVC plug & the NRC 0.55 sound attenction 34 db Arm strong grid 2'-0''x2'-0'' suspended from ceilling including cost, conveyance, taxes of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the work complete in all respect as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying, fitting and fixing of Unplasticised Poly Vinyl chloride (UPVC) (FENSTA) / NCL VEKA Ltd) two track - two pannel sliding window shutter 60- series duly manufactured using UPVC reinforced profiles of 108 mm x 45mm x 2.5mm for outer frame & window sash of 39mm x 58mm x 2.5mm capable of mounting single glazing system, structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanised up to 50 microns of minimum thickness of 1.5mm prefabricated & welded through fusion welding the window frame shall be fitted with 6mm thick clear toughened glass of SAINT-GOBIN make duly fixed with EPDM weathering seal resistant and the system is to be installed using reinforced large coupler at the side using anchor fasteners silicon rubber sealant easy / glazing / deglazing at site etc. including basic cost and conveyance of all materials, accessories, labour charges, materials & product conforming to ASTM D 638-14 EN-477-95 and other applicable codes and standards as per specification and direction the Engineer-in-charge
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Supplying, fitting and fixing of Unplasticised Poly Vinyl chloride (UPVC) (FENSTA) / NCL VEKA Ltd) casement door shutter -60- series duly manufactured using UPVC reinforced profiles of 60mm x 55mm x 2.5mm for outer frame 102mm x 60mmx 2.25mm for casement door sash profile and 74mm x 60mm x 2.5mm mullion profile capable of mounting single glazing system, structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanised up to 50 microns of minimum thickness of 2.0mm prefabricated & welded through fusion welding the door sash shall be fitted with 12mm thick WPC board of Greenply make duly fixed with EPDM weathering seal resistant accesories like clipping locking system made of aluminium 1 no. per set sashes and the system is to be installed at the side using anchor fasteners silicon rubber sealant easy / glazing / deglazing at site etc. including basic cost and conveyance of all materials, accessories, labour charges, materials & product conforming to ASTM D 638-14 EN-477-95 and other applicable codes and standards as per specification and direction the Engineer-in-charge
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Supplying, fitting and fixing of Accoustical perforated wood panneling providing and supplying Mechtrix Nishabd wood wool panneling with squre edge made of fibre glass substrate 25mm thick etc complete but excluding GST complete as per requirement and any additional fittings as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in all floors
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Supplying, fitting and fixing ofAccoustical wall panneling providing and supplying of Mechtrix Nishabd Accoustical wall panneling with squre edge made of fibre glass substrate 25mm thick etc complete. but excluding GST complete as per requirement and any additional fittings as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in all floors
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Providing anti-termite treatment using approved quality of chemical emulsion, spraying the mixture uniformly by sprayer as pre-constructional anti termite treatment and creating a chemical barrier under and around the column pits, wall trenches, top surface of plinth filling, junction of walls & floors along with external perimeter of the building, expansion joints, surrounding the pipes and conducts etc. complete at the rate as directed by the manufacturer confirming to IS:6313 (Part-II) and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge including basic cost of all materials, labour, sundries, T&P. etc. including labour cess but excluding GST complete (The payments shallbe made on the basis of actual plinth area of the building at Ground Floor & vertical faces will not be measured for payment)
Note - The Contractor shall have to furnish 10 years Guarantee to maintain the anti-termite treated area / structure free from termite
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Dismanting of prestressed / reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 and above incluidng T&P. & scaffolding where ever necessary sorting the dismantled materials disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking the serviceable materials with all lifts & lead of 1000m. with all labour, T&P. machineries etc. including labour cess but excluding GST complete as per specification & direction of the Engineer-in-charge
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Dismentalling brick or stone masonary in lime or cement mortar under / above 3 mtr height including stacking the useful materials for re-use and removing the debries from site with all leads as directed by the Engineer-in-charge including all labour and T&P required for the work etc. including labour cess but excluding GST complete
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Dismantaing and removing doors, windows and ventilators including removals of frames, hinges, fastening and stacking the same for re-use after necessary repair and removing the debris with all leads as directed by the Engineer-in-charge including all labour, T&P including labour cess but excluding GST required for the work complete
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Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches in hard soil including dressing of sides and levelling the bed up to the required depth and depositing the excavated materials away from the work site within 50m initial lead & 1.5m initial lifts with sundries & T&P required for the work complete including cost of all labour,labour cess,T&P,sundries etc. as directed by the Engineer in charge.
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Supplying of filling sand in foundation and over areas including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing, labours, tools, taxes etc., all complete as per the specification and direction of Engineer-In-charge.
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Cement concrete of proportion (1:3:6) in foundation and floors using 4cm size clean hard black crusher broken granite stone metal of approved quality and from approved quarry including hoisting, lowering and laying concrete in layers not exceeding 15 cm. (6") thick to the required level ramming, watering, curing etc. complete including cost, conveyance, royalties of all materials with all labour and T&P required for the work etc. complete in all respect and as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing, lifting, hoisting and laying Reinforced cement concrete of M-20 grade as per approved designs and drawings having a minimum compressive strength (in work test) 250 Kg. / Square cm. in 15 cm. cubes at 28 days after mixing and test conducted in accordance with I.S. 516 using 12 mm. to 20 mm. size black hard crushed broken granite stone chips and screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, washed and cleaned ( 20mm. size chips not to exceeds 25 % ) to be mixed in concrete mixture with Portland slag cement (PSC) including hoisting, lowering, laying and compaction concrete by using vibrators, watering and curing for 28 days, centering and shuttering then after dismantling and removing debris from the work site and finishing the exposed surface smooth providing grooves or beads wherever necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T & P required of the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. But excluding cost and conveyance of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires and labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending etc. of M.S. rods or tor steel tying the grills and placing in proper position.
Column Base
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Plinth Band
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Column (GF)
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Lintel (GF)
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Roof Beam (GF)
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Roof Slab (GF)
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Cutting, straightening coiled or bent up M.S. Rod or tor steel of SAIL/ TATA / RINL (VIZAG) make including bending, binding, welding and joining if necessary and tying the grills and placing in position as required for R.C.C. Work and for providing fan hooks as required, hoisting, lowering, laying including cost, conveyances, taxes of M.S. Rod or tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge and labour required for the work for bending, binding and tying the grills in all floors (Linear measurement will be taken and quantity will be calculated basing on the standard weight of B.I.S. for M.S. Rods or tor steel only. Wastage if any, including weight of binding wire will not be considered for measurement) etc. complete as per specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. (GF)
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Fly Ash. brick masonry of size 25 cm. x 12 cm. x 8 cm. having crushing strength not less than 75 kg. Per Sqr. Cm. in cement mortar of mix (1:6) with approved grade cement and screened & washed sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) hours in water before use in Superstructure including splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering and similar such type of works, watering and curing etc. including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries, T&P required for the works etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge
Ground floor (GF)
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Providing 2.5cm thick Grading Concrete over roof slab with cement concrete (1:2:2) using 6mm size black hard granite crusher broken chips and screened & washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of slab including watering and curing with cost, conveyance, royalties of all materials with cost of all labour, labour cess and T&P required for the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge. (GF)
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Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:4) with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to R.C.C. work after closed deep chipping & slurry treatment including watering and curing, rounding of corners, providing grooves where ever necessary with cost, conveyance, royalties of all materials with cost of all labour,labour cess, T&P, and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge. (GF)
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Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:6) with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of walls in all heights after racking out joints including watering and curing, rounding of corners, providing grooves where ever necessary with cost, conveyance, royalties of all materials with cost of all labour,labour cess, T&P, and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge. (GF)
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Providing 16 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:6) with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of walls in all heights after racking out joints including watering and curing, rounding of corners, providing grooves where ever necessary with cost, conveyance, royalties of all materials with cost of all labour,labour cess, T&P, and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge. (GF)
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Supplying, fitting and fixing of vitrified tile of size 600x600mm in dado & skirting on 12mm thick bed of cement mortar (1:3) jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigments using white cement in grating to match the shade of the tile etc. including basic cost, conveyance, royalties of all materials and labour, T&P required for the work etc. including labour cess but excluding GST complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge (GF)
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Providing Vitrified tile flooring using vitrified tiles having thickness of min 10mm conforming to IS 13755 of 600x600 (homogeneous) of premium quality (JOHNSON / SOMANY/ KAJARIA/ RAK) in floors, treads on steps and landings on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar of mix (1:4) laid in proper slope and gradient with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and fixing with neat white cement slurry,grouting the joints with neat white cement slurry mixed with required quantities of pigments of approved make to match the shades of the vitrified tile if required , watering and curing for 21 days, including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour,Labour cess , sundries, T&P required for the work, complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (GF)
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Providing and fixing Fixed Ventilators of approved make to be fabricated from roll formed sections made of pre painted steel (base steel as per IS-53 of 0.6 mm thick "D" quality, galvanised as per IS-277 with zinc of 120 Gm/Sqm) with paint specification being with primer of 5-7 microns and finished paint with polyster paint (Black/Pearl white/Chocolate Brown) of 12-16 microns alongwith the alkyd backer at the back of 5-7 microns and the sizes of outer frame being of 46x52mm and with all vertical and horizontal mullions are of 46x70mm and fixed beadings are of 18x25mm. Accessories/gaskets are to be used as per the manufacturers supply and specification like handle being made of high grade aluminium powder ccoated and with nylon receiver and gasket will be made of EPDM. All corner brackets are to be made of CRCA with zinc phosphating. The mullion caps and louvered clips should be dglass filled nylon. The sections are to be cut to length, metre joined with corner bracet and frames are fixed to the concrete / masonary walls by means of self expanding screws and plain glass to be using 5mm plain glass including cost of all materials, labours, cess but excluding GST complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
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Providing fitting and fixing in proper position factory made wooden polymer composite (WPC) door having waterproof, termite & borer Proof, no rotting, swell & crack proof, bend & warp resistant properties of size 62 mm x 100 mm (dimension torelance 5 mm, subjected to approval of the EIC, no extra payment will be made for diiference in sizes) conforming to relevant IS specifications, of approved design and drawing fitted to the masonary/ concrete wall with anchor bolts of required size including cost of all materials, labour, conveyance, taxes, T&P etc. including labour cess but excluding GST complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Make:- Ecoste/ Century Ply / equivalent
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Painting two coats with plastic emulsion paint in all floors and heights to wall surface of approved make and shade including sand papering, applying putty wherever necessary & cost of scaffolding, staging charges with cost, conveyance, cost of all labour,labour cess, T&P etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
(Make: Asian/ Berger/ Dulux/ ICI or equivalent make duly approved by Engineer-in-charge) (GF)
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Painting two coats with approved anti-fungal weather seal paints (ISI) of approved colour, shade on wall surface over a coat of wall primer(ISI) water bound including sand papering, polishing the surface, cost, conveyances of all materials and cost of all labour,labour cess with T&P etc, complete as per specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. (GF)
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Painting two coat with approved synthetic enamel paint to new iron work over a coat of Red oxide primer including cost, conveyances, royalties, taxes of all materials and cost of all labour with T&P required for the work etc. complete as per specification & direction of Engineer in charge.
(Make-Asian/ Berger/ Dulux/ ICI or equivalent make duly approved by Engineer-in-charge). (GF)
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