Water Resources Department Tender
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₹ 78,300Document Cost
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2024_CEMIB_106134_4Bid Award Id
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OIIPCRA-BAL/W2-01/2024-25(1)Tender Authority
Water Resources Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Filling in foundation & plinth with sand well watered and rammed in layers of 23.5cm thick including cost, conveyance of materials and supply of all labour, taxes as per prvailing norm and T&P, dewatering if required for the work etc. complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
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Cement concrete M 15 grade with crushed granite 20mm down graded coarse aggregate of approved quality mixing by concrete mixer including hoisting, lowering & laying concrete in position to proper slope and level & compacting by vibrator in layers not exceeding 0.15m depth & finishing the exposed surface smooth including watering, curing for required period including cost, conveyance, royalty all materials labour, T & P materials required for this item including hire and running charges of machineries complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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RCC M 20 grade with crushed granite 20mm down graded coarse aggregate of approved quality mixing by concrete mixer including hoisting, lowering & laying concrete in position to proper slope and level & compacting by vibrator in layers not exceeding 0.15m depth & finishing the exposed surface smooth including watering, curing for required period including cost, conveyance, royalty all materials labour, T & P materials required for this item including hire and running charges of machineries complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying, fitting and placing uncoated HYSD bar reinforcenment in position as per approved design & specification including cost, conveyance, royalty of binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge and M.S. Rods complete in all respect with supply of all labour and T&P required for the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing rigid shuttering with the box type steel shuttering plates with keys for intermediate construction joints in rafts of weirs, barrages, and dam blocks including cost of materials,labour ,T&P etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing rigid smooth centering and shuttering for mass concrete in foundations and plinth bands including cost of materials,labour ,T&P etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Filling the foundation and plinth with excavated earth including watering and ramming properly,with cost of all labour, t&p reqd. for the item complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing CNS layer duly compacted of approved drawing and technical specifications including cost of materials,labour ,T&P etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Excavation of any approved type of soil from borrow area by mechanical means loading into and transportation by mechanical means and unloading the soil with all leads and lifts and delifts on properly prepaired surface including spreading and levelling the earth in 22.50 cum layers in dam and dyke for all heights including royality of earth etc as specification and direction of the engineer-in charge (Measurment should be taken in finished leval section and 12.5 volume will be deducted towards settlement of earth in filling section).
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Ramming or rolling earth work with light H.R.R in embankment in layers not exceeding 0.30m including watering with all materials labour, T & P required for this item complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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R.S dry packing in apron and revetments & slopes of dam and dyke with h.g stone 15 to 30 cm size of approved quality including filling the interstices with small stone to proper slope and level with cost, conveyance, rayality and other taxes of all materials , labour and T&P required for the item complete as directed by the Engineer in charge. (1/6 voids volume will be deducted from the quantity)
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Supplying, Laying and fixing 150mm dia RCC hume pipes of approved quality for outlets including cost, conveyance of pipes to the work site with cost of all other materials and supply of all labour and T&P required for the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Earth work in hard soil with all leads and lifts including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5 cm to 7cm , laying in layers not exceeding 0.30m in depth etc completed as per the direction of Engineer in charge.
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Fine dressing & turfing the slopes of the dam or dyke including filling of rain cuts and slopes with selected earth duly compacted and trimmed to required profile and turfing with approved quality of compact dub grass including collection and supply of the same from approved site including loading & unloading, conveyance charges royalty of all materials with all leads, lifts & delifts as per the approved drawing, specification including mobilization & demobilization including supplying of all machineries & equipments and their running, maintenance charges, inclusive of materials and labour required the work, supervision charges, cost of watering & making arrangement for survival of grass till its growth etc. completed as directed by Engineer-in-Incharge (Measurement will be taken after full survival of grass turf)
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