Paradip Port Trust Tender
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Paradip Port Trust Tender
Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Opening Date21 Aug 2024
Closing Date10 Sep 2024
Tender Amount₹ 1,16,53,596
₹ 2,33,072Document Cost
₹ 5,000Tender Fee
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Tender Id
2024_MoS_822102_1Bid Award Id
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CE/R and B/Accts-11/24/270Tender Authority
Paradip Port Trust ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Earth work in excavation in all kinds of soil with initial lead & lift with dressing, leveling & compacting the foundation bed, breaking the clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm, disposing the material at a designated place and keeping the required quantities for back filling with cost of labour, T&P, tollage,transportation, loading at one end & unloading at other end, all taxes, excluding GST all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Saline Sand filling at required locations including watering & ramming in layer not exceeding 300mm. Including cost of all materials, labour,T&P, transportation charges, royalties, taxes, etc. all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge but excluding GST. NB: 10.00% voids will be deducted from actual measurment at site to achieve the payabe quantity.
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Providing & laying quarry dust of approved as sub-base in layers notexceeding 225mm thick each watering and compacting to the requireddensity in O.M.C with Vibratory Roller with supply of all material labourtransporation hire andrunningchargeofequipments, taxes , tollage ,royalties etc all complete but excluding GST as directed by EIC
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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of IRC Gr-I(90 mm to 45 mm ) size to water bound macadam specificationincluding spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling withvibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and camber,applying and brooming requisite and to fill up the interstices of coarseaggregate with Quarry dust , watering and compacting to the requireddensity as per clause 404 of MORTH specification for Road & Bridgeworks with supply of all material labour transporation hire and running charge of equipments, taxes , tollage , royalties etc allcomplete butexcluding GST as directed by EIC
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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of IRC Gr-III(53 mm to 22.4 mm ) size to water bound macadam specificationincluding spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling withvibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and camber,applying and brooming requisite and to fill up the interstices of coarseaggregate with Quarry dust , watering and compacting to the requireddensity as per clause 404 of MORTH specification for Road & Bridgeworks with supply of all material labour transporation hire and runningcharge of equipments, taxes , tollage , royalties etc all complete butexcluding GST as directed by EIC
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Providing and applying primer coat by emulsion pressure distributer with bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base includingbrooming of road surface and cleaning the forigh materials by using aircompressior before applying and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60kg/sqm with supply of all material labour transporation hire andrunning charge of equipments, taxes , tollage , royalties etc all completebut excluding GST as directed by EIC (for new road work)
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Providing and applying tack coat by emulsion pressure distributer withbitumen emulsion on prepared surface of bituminous/granular Baseincluding brooming of road surface and cleaning the forigh materials byusing air compressior before applying and spraying primer at the rateof 0.20 kg/sqm as per Clause 503 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works with supply of all material labour transporation hire and running charge of equipments, taxes ,
tollage , royalties etc all complete but excluding GST as directed by EIC(for new road work)
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Providing and laying 75 mm thick bituminous macadam with using1.06 cum of 40 mm and down C.B. chips for 10 Sqm area consuming 52.50 Kg of VG30 bitumen including heating bitumenin required temp conveying metal and chips from stacks feeding in bitumen mixture inrequired quantity to ensure thorough pre coating , applying tackcoat@9.80kg/10Sqm before laying the precoated mix conveying the precoated mix,layingt ograde and camber,compacted with PRR,brooming of dust from road surface before laying the bituminious macaddam all complete with supply of all material, labour transporation hire and running charge of equipments, taxes , tollage , royalties etc all complete but excluding GST as directed by EIC
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Providing & laying 20mm thick premix carpet using 0.27cum of 13.2mm to 5.6mm size crushed stone chipping and 14.60kg. penetration grade of bitumen for 10sqm including hand packing toproper camber andconsolidation with PRR including hire and runningcharges of PRR, hot mix plant, bitumen boilers and all other T & Particles as per specification including Supply of all material , labour ,T&P, hire and running charge of Equipments , taxes ,tollage etc allcomplete but excluding GST. as ditrected by EIC. (by using mini batching plant and bitumen boiler at site)
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Providing & laying 6mm thick precoated seal coat using 0.06 cum of6.7mm size chips as per sieve analysis and 6.8Kg of bitumen per10sqm. maintain propercamberandconsolidation with PRR includinghire and running charges of PRR, hot mix plant, bitumen boilers and allother T & P articles with supply of all material labour transporation hireand running charge of equipments, taxes , tollage , royalties etc allcomplete but excluding GST as directed by EIC (by using mini batchingplant and bitumen boiler at site)
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Blinding road surface with 6mm thick Quarry Dust over the finalsurface of bitumen with supplyofallmateriallabourtransporation hireand running charge of equipments, taxes , tollage , royalties etc allcomplete but excluding GST as directed by EIC
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Cleaning the existing black topped surface with removal of foreignmaterials with brooms or soft brushes and finally dusting with oldgunny bags and/or compressed air to receive bitumin tack coat withsupply of all material labour transporation hire and running charge ofequipments, taxes , tollage , royalties etc all complete but excludingGST as directed by EIC
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Scarifying bituminous road surface up to 50mm depth by mechanicalmeans and disposal of dismantled materials up toa leadof 1000metres or at identified location, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately including all labour, machineries, materials, T&P,taxes excluding GST, fuel, hire and running charges of all machineries etc. all complete as directed by Engineer-In-charge.
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P.C.C(1:3:6) of using 20 mm. & down C.B.G chips of approved quality infoundation & plinth including mixing hosting, laying to proper level &slope compacting, curing, watering charges etc. complete including cost& supply of all materials, labour, T&P, taxes, etc. complete but excluding cost of GST as directed by Engineer-in-charge
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Cement concrete (1:1.5:3) using 12mm to 20mm size C.B.G. chipsforall floors, foundation & plinth etc. of approved quality mixing,hoisting,laying, compacting, curing with cost and supply ofallmaterials, labour,T&P, taxes, tollage, royalties, etc. all complete but excluding GST as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing rigid smooth leak proof centering & shuttering made of steel/ply, plank of approved quality for R.C.C. structures and deshuttering and removing the same after due period with supply of all materials, labour, T&P, taxes, royalties, tollage, etc. all complete but excluding GST as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
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R.C.C. foundation and footing bases of columns mass concrete & precast
slab etc.
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RCC wall & fins
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Supply Tor/TMT steel manufacturedbySAIL/TISCON/VIGAC Steel of Fe-500 confirming to IS-1786 including cutting, straightening, bending,binding & placing the grills in position for RCC works binding the grillswith binding wire of 18 to 20 gauge including supply of steel, labour,materials, transportation charges, T&P, taxes, etc. all complete butexcluding GST as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. (NB: Nopayment shall be made for extra weight than theoretical co-efficient).
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Cutting the shrubs, bushes, cleaning, removing & disposing the debrisesaway from the site by Private Vehicles with all leads and lifts including levelling, dressing the ground with supply of all labour, T&P, taxesexcluding GST, hire and running charges of vehicles including fuel,consumables, tollage etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge.
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Brick work in Fly Ash Bricks of size 25cm x 12cm x 8cm having crushingstrength not less than 75 Kg/Cm² to 99Kg/Cm² with C.M (1:6) includingsplay/cutting, racking out the joints curing, hoisting, staging at anyheight with cost and supply of all materials, labour, T&P, taxes,royalties, transportation charges, curing, testing charges etc. allcomplete but excluding cost of GST as per direction of Engineer-incharge
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16 MM thick Cement plaster with cement mortar (1:6) proportion,over brick work including racking out the joints, finished smooth to theexposed surface, ounding the corners wherever found necessaryincluding cost & supply of all materials, labour, T&P, staging,scaffolding, watering, curing, taxes, tollage, royalties, etc. complete but excluding cost of GST as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
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Supplying fitting fixing of chequred tiles as apporved by EIC (premimum Quality )in floors , treads or steps and landing on 25mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:1 (1cement : 1 sand) jointed with neat cement slury mixed with pigment to match the shades of the tiles including rubbing and polishing complete including supply of all labourmaterial taxes tollage etc all complete but excluding GST as perdirection of Engineer in charge.
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Supplying, fitting and fixing of M.S. grill gate with cost, conveyance,taxes of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the complete in all respect etc all complete as per the direction of Engineer -in-charge
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Supplying ,fitting,fixing of Heavy Duty G.I pipe including ,cutting,fabricating,laying proper position as per site requirement with supply of all labour,material,T&P,scaffolding etc.allcomplete as per direction of engineer in charge but excluding GST
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Supplying ,Fitting Fixing of Hexagonal Shape plastic Wire mesh to the G.I febricated Structure with supply of all lobour,T&P.Scaffolding etc,all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Exterior painting two coats to wall surface with acrylic based weathercoat paint of approved quality & shade having resistance to Fungus,Fading, including scraping, cleaning, brushing, washing the old paint, asand when required, removing the flakes applying uniformly two coatsincluding cost and supply of all materials, labour, T&P, taxes,transportation, staging, scaffolding, etc. complete but excluding cost of
GST as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Painting two coats with approved quality & shade enamel paint onnew iron work over one coat of red oxide primer including scraping,cleaning, the old paint surface sand papering, filling the holes with waxputty etc. all complete including cost and supply of all materials, labour,T&P, all taxes, transportation charges, staging, scaffolding, etc. all
complete but excluding cost of GST as per direction of Engineer-incharge
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