Assam Rifles Tender
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2024_ARMHA_814162_1Bid Award Id
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Tender No. 7 SECT/ENGR/2024-25/809Tender Authority
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Repair/ maint and periodical services to 04 Nos ORs transient family accn of HQ 7 Sect AR at Joraht
Repair/ maint and periodical services to 04 Nos ORs transient family accn of HQ 7 Sect AR at Joraht
BOQ Items
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Providing and fixing factory made P.V.C. door frame of size 50x47 mm with awall thickness of 5 mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet, mitred at corners and joined with 2 Nos of 150 mm long brackets of 15x15 mm M.S. square tube, the vertical door frame profiles to be reinforced with 19x19 mm M.S. square tube of 19 gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame. The door frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. screws of 65/100 mm size, complete as per manufacturer’s specification and direction of Engineer- in-Charge
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Providing and fixing factory made panel PVC door shutter consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19 mm x 19 mm for styles and 15x15 mm for top & bottom rails. M.S. frame shall have a coat of steel primers of approved make and manufacture. M.S. frame covered with 5 mm thick heat moulded PVC 'C' channel of size 30 mm thickness, 70 mm width out of which 50 mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered in 45 degree angle on both side forming styles and 5 mm thick, 95 mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered in 45 degree on the inner side to form top and bottom rail and 115 mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75 mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered on both sides to form lock rail. Top, bottom and lock rails shall be provided both side of the panel. 10 mm (5 mm x 2 ) thick, 20 mm wide cross PVC sheet be provided as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail, paneling of 5 mm thick both side PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded/ sealed to the styles & rails with 7 mm (5 mm+2 mm) thick x 15 mm wide PVC sheet beading on inner side, and joined together with solvent cement adhesive. An additional 5 mm thick PVC strip of 20 mm width is to be stuck on the interior side of the 'C' Channel using PVC solvent adhesive etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge, manufacturer's specification & drawing.
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Providing and fixing pressed steel door frames conforming to IS: 4351, manufactured from commercial mild steel sheet of 1.60 mm thickness, including hinges, jamb, lock jamb, bead and if required angle threshold of mild steel angle of section 50x25 mm, or base ties of 1.60 mm, pressed mild steel welded or rigidly fixed together by mechanical means, including M.S. pressed butt hinges 2.5 mm thick with mortar guards, lock strike-plate and shock absorbers as specified and applying a coat of approved steel primer after pre-treatment of the surface as directed by Engineer-in-charge: Fixing with adjustable lugs with split end tail to each jamb metre
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Providing and fixing factory made ISI marked steel glazed doors, windows and ventilators, side /top /centre hung, with beading and all members such as F7D,F4B, K11 B and K12 B etc. complete of standard rolled steel sections, joints mitred and flash butt welded and sash bars tenoned and riveted, including providing and fixing of hinges, pivots, including priming coat of approved steel primer, but excluding the cost of other fittings, complete all as per approved design, (sectional weight of only steel members shall be measured for payment). Fixing with 15x3 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cement concrete block 15x10x10 cm of C.C. 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
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Float glass panes 4 mm thick glass pane (weight not less than 10kg/sqm).
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Dismantling W.C. Pan of all sizes including disposal of dismantled materials i/c malba all complete as per directions of Engineer-in- Charge
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Providing and fixing PTMT bib cock of approved quality and colour.15mm nominal bore, 86 mm long, weighing not less than 88 gms
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Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. Internal work - Exposed on wall 15 mm nominal dia Pipes
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Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required: 17.1.1 White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral type foot rests
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Dismantling cement asbestos or other hard board ceiling or partition walls including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 metres lead.
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Providing and fixing 6 mm thick plain multipurpose fibercement board as per IS: 14862 (Hight pressure steam cured) with suitable screws for cement particle board in ceiling etc. complete (frame work to be paid seperatately). Incl GI snap grid frame work
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Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fast lugs or with dash fasteners of required dia & length (hold fast lugs or dash fastener shall be paid for separately). Kiln seasoned and chemically treated hollock wood cum
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Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) non-decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters: 35 mm thick including ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary screws
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Providing and fixing wire gauge shutters using galvanized M.S. wire gauge of average width of aperture 1.4 mm in both directions with wire of dia 0.63 mm, for doors, windows and clerestory windows with hinges and necessary screws :With ISI marked stainless steel butt hinges of required size Kiln seasoned and chemically treated hollock wood
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