Military Engineer Services Tender
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2019_MES_287167_2Bid Award Id
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8348/UMR/E8Tender Authority
Military Engineer Services ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Material and Labour for 7.5 cm thick (compacted thickness) WBM, using old stone aggregates from screening item here-in-before, spread, rolled and consolidated to gradient and camber required complete all as specified
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Materials and labour for repairs to pothholes, not exceeding 1.00 Sqm each including sweeping free from dust and mud or water, scoring sunken surfaces in roads etc cutting around edges to at least 25mm in depth and making good by filling in screened & graded road metal, watering well ramming (including supply of road metal) making good by applying tack coat @ 5 kg per 10 sqm, putting in premixed bituminous macadam, well rammed and sealed with binder @ 9.8 Kg per 10 Sqm, blinded with 0.09 Cum of stone chipping 6.3 mm size and again well rammed (including supply of premixed macadam, binder and chippings) depth of pothholes exceeding 30mm.
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Material and Labour for Premix bituminous, macadam having binder content (paving bitumen grade VG-20) of 4% by weight of total mix laid/rolled and compacted to required gradient and camber (consolidated thickness 75mm or less) etc compelte all as specified and directed
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Material and Labour for preparing unsurfaced water bound macadam surfaces by brushing with wire brushes for removing caked mud etc, sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the cleaned surface with gunny bags/compressed air to remove all loose dirt etc and applying evenly a priming/tack coat with bituminous primer at 10 kg per 10 sq mtr using paving bitumen grade VG-10.
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Material and Labour for preparing black top surfaces by brushing with wire brushes for removing caked mud etc, sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the cleaned surface with gunny bags/compressed air to remove all loose dirt etc and applying evenly a priming / tack coat with bituminous primer at 5 kg per 10 sqm using paving bitumen grade VG-10.
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Material and labour for providing bituminous premixed carpet using with automatic mechanical paver, 40mm consolidated thicnkess, with 0.54 cum of stone chippings mixed with 29.2 kg of paving bitumen binder, rolled and compacted to required camber and gradient etc complete all as specified and directed
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Material and Labour Liquid seal coat, applying evenly binder (paving bitumen grade VG-20) @ 9.8 kg per 10 sqm binding with 4mm size stone chippings @ 0.09 cum per 10 sqm and rolled to a uniform smooth surface complete
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Providing and fixing Glow studs of minimum size 100x100 and 20 mm thick made of heavy duty body shall be moulded ASA (Acrylic styrene Acryloretrite ) or HIP (High impact polystyrene) or ABS having electronically welded micro-prismatic lens with abrasion resistant coating as approved by Engineer in charge. The glow stud shall support a load of 13635 kg tested in accordance with ASTM D 4280. The slope of retro-reflective surface shall be 35 (+/-5) degrees to base. The reflective panels on both sides with at least 12cm of reflective area up each side. The luminance intensity should be as per the specification and shall be tested as described in ASTM I : 809 as recommended in BS: 873 part 4 : 1973. The studs shall be fixed to the Road surface using the adhesive conforming to IS, as per procedure recommended by the manufacturer complete and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. MAKE : 3M/AVERY DENNISONA/VARGO/DARK EYE.
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Material and labour for painting lines,dashes,arrows, letters, etc. on roads using thermo plastic road marking paint 2.5mm uniform thickness finished with glass beads (MORTH Grade) white or yellow colour, not exceeding 100 mm wide with the help of road marking machine including cleaning the surface throughly and removing all dirts dust complete all as specified and directed.
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