Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Tender

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Bhabha Atomic Research Centre - BARC Tender

Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Building Construction
Opening Date28 Nov 2024
Closing Date8 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 1,53,90,740 



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Dismanteling plain cement concrete manually/by mechanical means carefully without damaging adjucent structures including disposal of debris within 200M lead as per direction of Engineer in charge.




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Dismanteling brick work in cement mortar carefully without damaging adjucent structures including stacking of materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within 100M lead as per direction of EIC.




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Dismantling brick bat coba cement based water proofing over roof and chajjas carefully without damaging adjacent structures including lowering and stacking of materials and dispoal of unserviceable materials within 200 m lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge




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Dismanteling of RCC works carefully manually without damaging adjucent structures including cutting of reinforcement including stacking of steel reinforcement bars and disposal of unserviceable materials within 100M lead as per direction of Engineer in charge.




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DISMANTLING DOORS, WINDOWS & CLEAR STOREY WINDOWS (Steel or wood or aluminium) including shutters & chowkhats (frames), Architraves, holdfasts etc. complete and stacking within 100 mts. lead.




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of area below 3 sq. m




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of area beyond 3 sq. m




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DISMANTLING OLD PLASTER OR SKIRTING carefully, raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 100M lead.




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Dismantling C.I pipes of following dia in shafts / open piping including taking out the pipes manually, breaking lead caulked joints, melting of lead, making into blocks including stacking of pipes within a lead of 200 m as per direction of Engineer-in-charge




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75 Dia C. I pipe




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100 Dia C. I pipe




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Dismantling G.I pipes of all diameter external work including excavation and refilling trenches after taking out pipes manually / by mechanical means including stacking of pipes within 100 m lead as per direction of EIC




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Earth work excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation, in all types of soil other than soft and hard rock, dressing the sides of foundation, ramming of bottom of foundations etc. including shoring and dewatering (if necessary) and refilling around foundations and plinth with selected excavated earth in layers of not more than 500 mm thick, each layer well rammed and consolidated including disposing the surplus earth within a distance of 200 m all as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. From 0.00 to 1.50 m depth from Average Ground Level




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Surface dressing of the ground including removing vegetation and in equalities not exceeding 15 cm deep and disposal of rubbish, lead up to 50 m in all kinds of soil complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Lead charges for lead Exceeding 4 KM not exceeding 5 KM, by mechanical transport including loading,unloading, stacking / levelling etc. etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-charge Note: The rates in respect of this Item is applicable for NET Quantities arrived at after making deduction for voids @ 20% in respect of Soil and 30% in respect of Debris from corresponding TRUCK Measurement.




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Debris beyond 4 Km but up to and including 5 km




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Soil beyond 4 Km but up to and including 5 km




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Supplying, Stacking and Laying of 230 mm thick Soling stones under Floor base including packing with smaller stone and compacting with Hand roller / Floor compactor including spreading and consolidation of blinding material, moorum etc. complete all as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing Rough Shahbad Stone of minimum 50 mm average thickness of size 600 X 600 mm (Approximate) over 150 mm thick (consolidated thickness) stone dust backing including setting in position in footpath to the required level and line Pointing with C.M 1:4 (using crushed sand). Joint shall be 20 to 25 mm wide including filling of joints with cement mortar and making grooves etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and laying 60 mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver block of M-30 grade made with strong vibratory compaction and approved size, shape, design and make laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of crushed sand, filling the joints with crushed sand etc. all complete as -per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Including disposing off old paver blocks froms site as directed by EIC.




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Removing and Relaying 60 mm thick cement concrete interlocking paver block with 50 mm thick compacted bed of crushed sand, filling the joints with crushed sand etc. all complete as -per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge




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Labour charges for DISMANTLING EXISTING SHAHBAD STONE PAVEMENT OR PAVER BLOCK PAVEMENT in footpaths, in Plinth Protection etc. carefully without damaging and re-laying the same over a bed of stone grit 150mm consolidated thickness, to proper slope, including cutting the edges to proper lines and sunk pointing with Cement mortar 1:3 with 15mm x 10mm groove cross wire and longitudinally and curing etc. complete. (Grit to be provided by the Contractor)




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Providing and laying (IPS Flooring) cement concrete flooring 1:2:4, using crushed sand 50 mm thick finished smooth to the required level, finishing with a floating coat of neat cement including cement slurry, curing, cleaning the surface neatly at the time of handing over the area complete as per specifications and drawings as directed by the Engineer in charge




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Providing , centering ,shuttering Form work using PVC film faced plywood to get a neat form finish surface for all types of structures including necessary strutting, proping, staging, supports etc and deshuttering the same after the specified time all as per drawings, specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. For Sub Structure




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Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) of grade M-30 using 20mm maximum size aggregates and crushed sand of approved quality including admixtures of approved brand and quality (plasticiser or super plasticiser) if required, including weigh batching, mechanical mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, consolidation, finishing, curing etc. complete but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement complete as per specifications up to Plinth Level.




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Providing Reinforcement Steel for reinforced cement concrete at all levels including supplying, preparation of bar bending schedules, cutting, bending, transporting, fixing, tieing in position with PVC coated G.I binding wire, all labour charges, cost of cover blocks in specified grade of concrete etc. complete as per specifications and drawings. Steel supplied by the contractor




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Using TMT bars of specified grades of all sizes. TMT bars to be supplied by the contractor confirming to IS:1786.




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Providing Structural steel work using angles, channels, joists and other sections, welded and / or bolted in built up sections for trusses, structural steel floors, frame works, monorails and other structures including supplying, cutting, welding, fabricating, hoisting, fixing in position, applying a priming coat of approved steel primer etc. complete all as per specifications, drawings and as directed by the Engineer in charge




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Up to and including 300 mm Joists, 350 mm channels, and below sections using materials confirming to IS:2062. All test reports to be provided along with the supply of the materials. Notes : 1. Structural steel confirming to IS 2062 shall be supplied.2. Welding weights, connections, bolts and nuts shall not be measured for payment but the cost of which shall be deemed to have been included in the rates.3. Welding Electrodes of specified suitable grade only shall be used. 4. Holes to be drilled only by Drilling machines and gas cutting of holes are not permitted.5. Rate inclusive of all consumables like GAS, welding electrodes and tools and tackles etc. Note : Tentative / suggested make for the guidance of bidder(s) : Welding electrodes of M/s. Advani Oerlicon / ESAB India & D&H or equivalent make




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Providing, supplying, cutting, welding, fabricating, hoisting and fixing in position structural steel members like trusses, purlins, posts etc. using MS hollow / circular / square / rectangular tubular sections including appling a coat of zinc chromate primer of approved make all as per specifications, drawings and as directed by the Engineer in charge. Notes : 1. Structural steel confirming to IS 2062 shall be supplied.2. Welding weights, connections, bolts and nuts shall not be measured for payment but the cost of which shall be deemed to have been included in the rates.3. Welding Electrodes of specified suitable grade only shall be used. 4. Holes to be drilled only by Drilling machines and gas cutting of holes are not permitted.5. Rate inclusive of all consumables like GAS, welding electrodes and tools and tackles etc. Note : Tentative / suggested make for the guidance of bidder(s) : Welding electrodes of M/s. Advani Oerlicon / ESAB India & D&H or equivalent make




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Providing and fixing Anchor Fastner 16 mm dia and 100 mm long of approved make including drilling in concrete as per requirement for fixing EPs or other structures all as specified by the manufacturer complete all as per specifications and drawings.




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Providing and laying water proofing treatment in sunken portions of WCs, bath rooms etc. by appying cement slurry mixed with water proofing cement compound consisting of applying: (a) 1st layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 kg / sq.m mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.253 kg per sq.m. including injecting cemnt slurry. This layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours. (b) 2nd layer of slurry of cement @ 0.242 kg / sq.m mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.126 kg / sq.m. This layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed with water curing for 48 hours. The rate includes preparation of surface, treatment and sealing of all joints, corners, junctions of pipes and masonry with cement slurry. Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (using crushed sand) admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming to relevant IS and approved by Engineer-in-charge including mixing fibre at the rate of 125 grams per 50 kg of cement in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slury in bottom and all the sides of sunken portion. complete as directed by the Enginer-in-charge. The treatment to be tested for water tightness before filling the sunken areas. Note : Tentative / suggested make for the guidance of bidder(s) : Fibres of M/s. 'RECRON 3S' or equivalent make




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Providing CEMENT SAND MORTAR 1:3, screed 20 mm thick, mixed with WATERPROOFING COMPOUND 2% by weight of cement, spread over existing siporex bat coba surface finished smooth, curing, etc. complete for obtaining required slopes. Note : Tentative / suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : M/s. ACCOPROOF WATERPROOFING COMPOUND or equivalent make




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Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces, chajjas etc. consisting of flowing operations : (i) Injecting the top slab as required with cement and approved water proof compound solution to fill up all inherent holes, voids honey combs the concrete slab, setting "autoclaved aerated light weight block bats" coba in waterproof mortar with necessary gradient for easy flow of water & continue the treatment along the inner faces of parapet or other adjoining wall upto a height of 300 mm in the shape of vatas, finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (using river / crushed sand) admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming to IS 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge including mixing 'polyster fibre of approved make' at the rate of 125 grams per 50 kg of cement in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300 X 300 mm square, 3 mm deep (v) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of 2 weeks for curing and for final test. All above operations to be done in order and as directed and as specified by the Engineer-in-charge. 120 mm Average thickness for terraces using river sand / crushed sand




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Providing structural repairs in old damaged concrete structures / surfaces with approved Polymer with following operations 1) Removal of loose/Spalled or damaged concrete by chipping and cleaning the concrete surface and reinforcement steel with wire brush and with water 2) Cleaning the re bars with Acetone for complete rust removal and washing with water to make the surface clean. 3) Applying protective coat / bond coat using polymer and cement in the proportion of 1; 1.5 (1 part of polymer and 1.5 parts of cement in synthetic enamal paint like consistancy with brush 4) Reinstate the area with polymer modified mortar in layers of maximum 20 mm with the proportion of Cement 50 Kg : washed and dried river sand 87.50 kg ; silica sand 37.50 Kg. mixed with 10 litres of Polymer (or 1 Kg cement : 1.75 kg washed and dried river sand ; 0.75 Kg silica sand : 200 ml polymer)5) If thickness of repair exceeds 20mm , after every 20 mm thick repair, bond coat as per 2 above to be applied and further thick of repair to be continued for each layer. This work is inclusive of all materials, labour, complete all as directed at site using approved polymer suitable for structural repair shall be used), Note : Scaffolding will be paid seperately under relevant item.




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Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clear story openings and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position of required size and shape including sawing, jointing,making rebates for shutters, making grooves as shown in the drawings, finishing the surfaces to the required finish all as per specifications and drawings including necessary MS hold fasts 40 mm X 3 mm thick, 200 mm long / with coach screws including protective painting to the suface that will come in contact with walls, joining materials, labour etc. complete all as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Second class teak wood




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Labour charges only for retriving wooden door shutters from frames (Chowkhat) of various sizes ,modifying,taking out damaged ply from the doors, replacing/bonding 3mm thick marine ply with suitable synthetic resin ( payment for 3mm thick ply only shall be paid under relevent item of the schedule), including cost of fevicol, synthetic resin, tools, tackles, nails, screws etc. all complete and refixing the same after complete repairs,re-sizing & refixing fittings,fixtures such as tower bolts,aldrop, door handle ,baby latch, mortice locks, night latch,hinges etc.( shall be paid separately under relivent item of this tender schedule ) etc. all complete for shutters including minor repairs to chowkhats, architraves, etc. as per site conditions and as directed.




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Door frames with shutter of sizes up to 3 Sqm.( Single shutter )




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Door frames with shutter of sizes above 3 Sqm.( double shutter)




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Resizing of existing Aluminium door shutters.1. Existing aluminium framed swing doors shall make floor touch free (to increase bottom clearance) by resizing 2. The job is involved of dismantling existing shutter totally including accessories/fittings; cutting of aluminium section as required; reassembling. 3. Existing damaged/not reusable aluminium sections shall be replaced with new ones and the same will be measured under concerned items. 4. Providing and fixing of m.s. tie rods having suitable nutt/bolts system at both ends of shutter if need. 5. Reshaping and re-fixing of existing board panel/glass sheets as required; 6. Re-erecting and repositioning the shutter as earlier. 7. Re-fixing of all fittings such as pull/push handle; hydraulic door closer; hinges; locking arrangement; tower bolts; 8. Replacing the existing damaged rubber gasket lining and aluminium clips with new ones 9. The contractor shall be provided the sundry materials such as rubber gaskets; screws, ms tie rods, etc and no extra payment will be made for these. 10. If glass panels are broken during handling, the contractor shall replace the same at no extra cost. 11. Measurements: Each shutter a size of 900 mm x 2100 mm will be measured as one job.




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Providing and fixing 35 mm thick flush door shutters of approved make conforming to IS : 2202 non-decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with internal teak wood lipping 25mm wide and fixing with 4 Nos of 125 mm long Stainless steel Hinges with S.S. wood screws complete.




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Providing and fixing decorative high pressure 1.5 mm thick laminated sheet of plain / wood grain in gloss / matt/ suede finish with high density protective surface layer and reverse side of adhesive bonding quality conforming to IS:2046 Type S including cost of adhesive, labour etc. complete as directed




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Providing and fixing 50 X 20 mm wooden moulded beading to using 2nd class teak wood to door and window frames with iron screws, plugs and priming coat on unexposed surface complete




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Extra for providing vision panel not exceeding 0.1 SqM in all type of flush door including fixing 4 mm clear glass with necessary teak wood beadings complete all as per specifications and as per drawings.




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Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium doors, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc with PVC / Neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and directions of the Engineer-in-charge (Cost of snap beading shall be paid in basic item)




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With clear float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness




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With clear float glass panes of 5.00 mm thickness




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With frosted glass panes of 5.00 mm thickness




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With toughened float glass panes of 5.00 mm thickness




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With toughened float glass panes of 6.00 mm thickness




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Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand and manufacturer (conforming to relevant Indian Standard) for doors including cost of cutting floors as required, embedding in floors and cover plates with M.S pivot and single piece of M.S sheet outer box with slide plate etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge with brass cover plate




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Providing and fixing IS: 3564 marked aluminium die cast body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer of approved make with necessary accessories and screws etc. in wooden doors / steel doors with necessary bolts & nuts complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Repairing and refixing in position the existing damaged hydraulic door closer ( heavy duty No.3 ) involving following operations: I) Complete dismantling including removal of clamp bolt, main arm, top nut, ratchet, notch plate, removal of split oil, brass regulatory screws, spring etc. ii) Providing and fixing approved make ( Confirming to I.S.35640) bottle type door closer spring for heavy duty door closer No.3 brass regulatory spring No.1 Part No.1 machine oil ( approx. 100 ml.) etc. Note.:- 1) The door closer repaired and spares replaced are to be handed over to Maintenance Unit for accounts. 2) The Agency may inspect the condition of door closers in premises prior to quoting. 3) The repairing and spares replacement shall stand for guarantee of six months trouble free operation with replacement of spares if any, defect occurs the same shall be attended by the Contractor.




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Providing and fixing approved make 7 Lever Night latch including necessary screws etc in wooden doors complete all as directed at site .




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Providing and fixing mortise lock KEY in outer side and in inside with a pair of lever SS 316 Grade Mortise Lock, Mortise handle, Pin cylinder Lock of approved make all as per specifications and drawings complete. Sample to be approved by the EIC.




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Providing and fixing mortice latch and lock of approved make with 6 levers and a pair of handles Inside opening LEFT / Right with necessary screws etc complete suitable for fixing in wooden / steel/ FRP/ doors as per specifications.




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Providing and fixing 4 Lever Mortice Lock of approved make suitable for aluminium sections




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Only repairing of lock of mortise / Knight / Neki or alumunim door lock including removal & refixing of locks with proper as per existing.




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Providing and fixing stainless steel tower bolts of size 250 X 12 mm of approved make with necessary screws etc.all as per specifications and as per drawings.




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Providing and fixing anodized aluminium tower bolts of size 200 X 12 mm ISI marked of approved make transparent or dyed to requried colour or shade with necessary screws etc.




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Providing and fixing stainless steel aldrops of size 300 X 14 mm of approved make with necessary screws, bolting from rear side complete as per specifications complete.




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Providing and fixing aluminium aldrops of size 250 X 16 mm ISI marked anodised transparent or dyed to requried colour or shade with necessary screws, bolting from rear side complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing pair of stainless steel "C" type door handles 10 mm dia, 250 mm long SS 304 grade solid rod , of specified size in steel doors/ wooden doors including screws / bolts etc. all as per drawings and specifications complete.




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Providing and fixing ALUMINIUM HANDLES 175mm LONG INNER GRIP 125mm WITH 12mm DIA ROD PLATE TYPE BOW HANDLES ISI marked of approved make, anodised transparent or dyed to req. colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete.




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Providing and fixing anodised aluminium baby latch of size 75 X 12 mm ISI marked of approved make transparent or dyed to requried colour or shade with necessary screws etc.




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Supplying, providing and fixing of mesh in existing wooden frame including supply of suitable size batten & headless nail. Note : Tentative / suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : M/s. Netlon mesh or equivalent make




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Supplying & fixing in position 50 mmX 8 gauge G.I. CRIMPNET welded to pipes with G.I pipe frame using M.S.flat beading of 40mmx8mm to hold CRIMPNET including cost of M.S flats, scaffolding all material & labour etc. complete as per specifications. Note : Area of CRIMPNET Mesh alone will be measured.




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Supplying,providing and fixing of S.S Mesh - (Mosquito net)- 0.50mm thick- 144 Apeture in Sq. Inch




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Making holes in RCC Slabs / chajjas / brickwork/granite for providing & fixing G.I. 100 / 80 mm Dia. spout/pipe along with filling concrete around the embedded pipe, finishing the damaged plaster with paint etc. making good complete and as directed by EIC.




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Providing and fixing approved make Lay in False Ceiling 600 x 600mm unperforated corrosion resistant aluminium magnesium alloy metal panel fixed in 24 mm 'T' Frame work of Module 600 x 600 mm. Panels shall be of size 575 mm x 575 mm of approved colour in 0.70 mm thick Aluminium Alloy 3105 with square edges. Tiles to be stove enamelled on a continuous application for pre-treatment. The coils to be go through 4 stages of pre treatment Three times of oven baked through conversion coating, priming and finish coat ensuring superior adhesion, high corrosion resistance and good colour stability. The coils to be painted on both sides after degreasing. Inside surface to have a primer of 5 microns and a coat of natural colour of 5 microns, exposed surface to have a primer of 5 microns, binder of 5 microns and a topcoat of approved colour 15 microns. Grid system for fixing ceiling tiles shall comprise of tees. The 24 mm main tee runers shall be suspended at an interval of 1200 mm centre to centre. The 24 mm cross tee runner shall be suspended at an interval of 600 mm centre to centre and further supported with 24 mm cross tee with inter locking arrangements to form a Grid of 600 mm x 600 mm. The main tee shall be supported by means of 4 mm G.I.rod from slab / roof. The suspension shall be provided at 1200 to 1500 mm centre to centre.provision for lights, diffusers etc to be made including extra supports wherever necessary. Measurements shall be as per actual area of false ceiling with out deductions for lights and diffusers. Note : Tentative / suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : M/s. Hunders Douglas or equivalent make




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Repairing of existing false ceiling to proper levels by providing, supplying and fixing supports by means of 4 mm G.I. Rod from slab / Roof / Truss / Purlins, etc. to false ceiling main TEE supports. The suspension shall be provided at 1200 mm centre to centre. including extra supports wherever necessary, removing and refixing of existing falseceiling boards / tiles / sheets and falseceiling if required. Measurements shall be as per actual area of False ceiling without deductions for lights, complete all as directed by the Engineer Incharge.




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Providing and fixing 25 mm S.S curtain rods of 1.25 mm thick with two brass brackets fixed with brass screws and wooden plugs etc. wherever necessary complete




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Providing and fixing in position suspended seamless false ceiling system using 12.50 mm thick moisture resistant plain gypsum board suspended ceiling, which includes CRP surface ribbed perimeter channels (having one flange of 20mm and another flange of 30mm and a web of 27mm) along the perimeter of ceiling, screw fixed to brick wall/partition with the help of nylon sleeves and screws, at 610mm centres. Then suspending CRP surface ribbed intermediate channels of size 45mm (with two flanges of 15mm each) from the soffit at 1220mm centres with CRP surface ribbed ceiling angle of width 25mmx10mm fixed to soffit with GI cleat and steel expansion fasteners. CRP surface ribbed Ceiling section of having web of 51.5mm and two flanges of 26mm each with lips of 10.5mm are then fixed to the intermediate channel with the help of connecting clip and in direction perpendicular to the channel at 457.5mm centres. Single layer of 12.5mm tapered edge (conforming to BS 1230 part 1) is then screw fixed to ceiling section with 25mm drywall screws at 230mm centres. Screw fixing is done mechanically either with screw driver or drilling machine with suitable attachment. Finally square and tapered edges of the boards are to be jointed and finished so as to have a flush look which includes filling and finishing with Gyproc jointing compound, Gyproc joint paper tape and two coats of drywall top coat. Note : Tentative / suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : GYPROC.MR of M/s. Saint Gobain or equivalent make make




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Providing and fixing aluminium hanging heavy quality floor door stopper of approved make ISI marked with twin rubber stoppers, anodised transparent or dyed to required. colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete.




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Providing and fixing IS:12817 marked stainless steel butt hinges of size 125 x 64 x 2.5 mm (heavy weight) of approved make with suitable stainless steel screws etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing 6 mm thick mirrors of size 600 x 450 mm of approved make with bevelled edges complete with 6 mm thick asbestos sheet back ground fixed to walls with C.P. brass screws and concealed washers complete. all as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge .




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Providing and fixing FRP door shutters flush door / panelled type with plain colour or wooden veneer finish of approved make, design & colour. made out of 1.5 mm thick FRP skin moulded over wooden frame work of 40 mm wide and required thickness wooden styles and minimum 100 mm wide lock rails and wooden blocks for door stoppers, tower bolts, baby latch, aldrop, handles etc. wherever required and core filled with Polyurethane Foam and fixing with 4 Nos 100 mm (ISI marked) stainless steel hinges with S.S. wood screws




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35 mm thick panelled door type of approved colours including the cost of 100 mm ISI marked heavy quality stainless steel butt hinges with necessary screws.




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Providing and fixing 25 mm thick Colour PVC Integral Foam Sheet door shutters flush door of approved colour, of approved make or equivalent, design, colour and fixing with 4 Nos 100 mm (ISI marked) stainless steel hinges, Fixing of Stoppers, tower bolts, baby latch, aldrop, handles etc.wherever required with S.S. screws (Stopper, Tower bolt, Baby latch, Aldrop, Handels etc Shall be supplied by department) etc. complete as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note : The door should satisy the following technical parameters as under: 1. Density : 0.475 to 0.55 g/cc, 2. Hardness (Shore 'D'): min. 55, 3. Water absorption : max. 1 %, 4. Tensile strength : min. 13 MPa, 5. Elongation : min. 15 %, 6. Flextural Strength min. 30 MPa, 7. Compressive Strength at 10% Deformation : min. 3 MPa, 8. Vicat Softening Temperature: more than 75 Deg Celcius 9. Flammability: classification B : S3 : D0 (to be tested as per NF EN 13501-1 standard)




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Providing, supplying & fixing Venetian Vertical Blinds with all accessories and fabricating to required sizes etc. as per approved design and approved Fabric complete all as directed by the Engineer In Charge.




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Providing , supplying and fixing Velvet curtains including fabric and accessories necessary for fixing of curtain as per approved fixing arrangement. Fabricating curtains to required design, pattern, sizes etc as per approved design and approved Fabric 100% cotton of width around 142cm (56") of weight 450 GSMcomplete all as directed by the Project Engineer. Note : Tentative / suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : M/s. Om Pile Pvt. Ltd. or equivalent make




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Providing and fixing 40 / 42 mm thick Aluminium Flush Door Shutter consisting of 2 mm thick colour anodized Aluminium Sheets (15 micron), 37 mm wide Aluminium frame work inside filled with glass wool 50 mm thick compressed to 37 mm including all furniture fittings, 4 Nos SS Heavy duty hinges of size 125 mm with SS Screws, Godrej make 6 lever mortise lock with handles, 1 No 250 X 12 mm long Aluminium tower bolt including vision panel with glass as per drawings complete manufactured by approved manufacturer complete as per approved fabrication drawings as directed by the EIC




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Providing and fixing anodized aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections / Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS 733 and IS 1285 fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips or with expansion hold fastners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides with required PVC / neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically whereever required including cleat angle, aluminium snap beading for glazing / panelling, C.P brass / stainless screws all complete as per drawings and and directions of Engineer-in-charge including providing and fixing hinges / pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of PVC / neoprene gasket required filling the gaps using silicon grout sealent etc. (fittings glazing and panelling shall be paid for separately) Notes : 1) The rates for aluminium is inclusive of all fastners required for fabrication and fixing in the walls. 2) All joints shall be of mittered Joints 3) A long M.S rod threaded at both ends to be provided in all aluminium door shutters in Top & bottom Horizontal members internally connecting Vertical members and fixed with M.S washers & nuts. 4) Only Aluminium members alone shall be measured and paid for.




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Anodised Aluminium sections (Minimum anodizing thickness of 15 micron)




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Extra for colour anodizing




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Providng and fixing Aluminium Grill 10 mm thick "of approved make of required design and pattern in natural Silver anodising of min 15 Micronswith a opening size of 60mm x 45mm and Minimum weight of 4.12 Kg/ Sq.M including providing anfd fixing Suitable 'F' / 'H' section outer frame and mullion fixing with screws complete all as per specifications and as directed at site by the Engineer-in-charge. Aluminium alloy shall be of 6063-T6 with yield strength of minimum 6.5 kg/ Note : Tentative / suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : Model No. DG- 202 of M/s. DECO GRILLE or equivalnet make




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Extra for providing Aluminium Grill 10 mm thick with colour anodised by the manufacturer (Champagne, black, Bronze, Gold colours) complete all as per specifications and as directed at site by the Engineer-in-charge




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Filling the gap between aluminium frame & adjacent RCC / Brick work / Stone work by providing weather silicon sealant over backer rod of approved quality as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge complete Up to 5 mm depth and 5 mm width




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Dismantling Aluminium / Gypsum partitions, doors, windows, fixed glazing and false ceiling including disposal of unserviceable surplus material and stacking of serviceable materials within 100 m lead as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing stainless steel (SS 304 Grade) 255x19 mm adjustable friction windows stays of approved quality with necessary stainless steel screws to the side hung windows as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing approved quality and shape locks cum handle of approved make for sliding shutters. Note : Tentative / suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : M/s. Star lock or equivalnet make




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Providing and fixing approved quality stain less steel body roller wheels of approved make for sliding shutters




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Supplying & providing 3mm thick Marine ply of approved make for replacing / bonding including cost of tranportation and suitable bonding material and as directed by EIC.




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Providing and fixing WATER PROOF MARINE PLY of approved make , the rates are exclusive screws, washers etc complete providing and fixing hard wood leaping around board in walls etc. By using 12 mm thick water proof marine ply.




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Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed floor tiles of minimum 300 - 600 mm long and 300 - 600 mm wide and thickness not less than 6 mm conforming to IS 15622 of approved make in all colours and shades as approved by Engineer-in-charge over a bed of 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (using crushed sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry including pointing with white cement based Tile grout of approved make and matching shade complete as per patterns, drawings and specifications complete as directed by the Enginner-in-charge




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Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS 15622 of approved make. shade and colour of size ranging from 300 - 600 mm long and 300 mm - 600 mm wide and thickness not less than 6 mm as approved by Engineer-in-charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (using crushed sand), setting the tiles in cement slurry and pointing the joints with matching colour Tile grout of approved make of matching shade including using PVC tile trim in the exposed corners, complete as per drawings, patterns and specifications complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and laying minimum 25 mm thick uniform shade Kotah stone flooring over 20 mm thick (Avearge) base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing in minimum three levels to obtain mirror polish complete with base cement mortar 1:4 (using crushed sand) all as per specifications, patterns and drawings complete.




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Providing and constructing brick work in cement mortar using Standard bricks of approved quality / class, make / brand in super structure above plinth up to Floor-II level in all shapes and sizes including curing, raking out joints complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Brickwork in super structure with standard bricks in C.M 1:4 using crushed Sand




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Providing and constructing Random Rubble masonry using approved Rubble stone in foundation and plinth in C.M 1:6 (using crushed sand) including raking out joints or simultaneous flush pointing below ground level / plinth level, curing etc. complete as per drawings and specifications.




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Providing Raised and cut pointing on stone with cement moratr 1:3 using crushed sand as per specifications and as directed at site by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing 20 mm thick External plastering in two coats under layer 12 mm thick with C.M 1:4 (using crushed sand) finished with a top layer 8 mm thick in C. M 1:3 (using crushed sand) including approved water proofing compound @ 2% by weight of cement or as per manufacturer's specifications, sieving of sand to required fineness, scaffolding up to 10 metres height, finishing, curing etc. complete as per specifications. and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing 20 mm thick water proof plastering in cement mortar 1:3 (using crushed sand) finsihed smooth with a floating coat of neat cement including approved water proofing compound added @ 2% by weight of cement or as per manufacturer's specifications, sieving of sand to required fineness, preparation of surface, scaffolding at all heights, curing all as per specifications, drawings and as directed at site.




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Providing 15 mm thick Internal plastering in C.M without cement punning 1:4 (using crushed sand) finished smooth, including sieving of sand to required fineness, preparation of the surface, scaffolding, curing all as per specifications, drawings and as directed at site complete.




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Providing 20 mm thick plastering using Ready mix external plastering compound of approved make for external faces of brickwork / concrete surfaces including preparation of the surface, curing, cleaning scaffolding up to 10 metres height complete.all as per specifications including forming drip moulds wherever necessary and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and laying in position cement concrete of 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 crushed sand, 4 graded stone aggregate of nominal size 20 mm) / M-15 with min cement content 320 Kg/m3 including consolidation, finishing, curing etc. complete as per specification and drawings but excluding the cost of Formwork shuttering, centering and steel reinforcement at all Levels




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Providing and laying in position CEMENT CONCRETE OF 1:3:6 (1 cement, 3 crushed sand, 6 graded stone aggregate of maximum size 20mm) / M-10 with min cement content 220 Kg/m3 including consolidation, finishing, curing etc. complete as per specificationsand drawings but excluding the cost of Form work shuttering, centering Complete at all levels.




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Providng and fixing at and near ground level precast cement concrete 1:2:4 in kerbs, edgings etc. as per approved patterns and setting in position with C.M 1:3 (using crushed sand) including consolidation, curing, cost of required centering, shuttering, finishing smooth with 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (using crushed sand) on exposed surfaces complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Including disposing off old Kerb stones froms site as directed by EIC.




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Providing SFMC Micro concrete for strengthening of structural members including mixing, pouring, curing as per manufacturer specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Using 100% SFMC




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Cuddapah stone slab over Kitchen Platform etc. using 25 mm to 30 mm thick machine cut double machine polished slabs in single piece upto a maximum length of 1.80 metres laid over 20 mm thick cement mortar bedding 1:4 finished to proper levels, cured etc. complete.




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DISMANTLING KERB STONE carefully without damaging the stone, including removal of earth, base PCC etc. and refixing the same in line and level on newly laid base PCC 1:3:6 and pointing the exposed faces in cement mortar 1:3, curing etc. complete as directed by the Engineer in charge. The rate shall also include charges for disposal of unserviceable materials within 50m lead. The base PCC laid shall be paid separately under relevant item.




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Providing, supplying and laying pre polished granite slab flooring / dado / Wall cladding with min. 15 mm thick granite slabs over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (using crushed sand) laid and placed with grey cement slurry including filling the joints with matching white cement based tile grout complete all as per specifications and drawings.




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Using approved black shade




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Extra for providing edge moulding to 15 to 17 mm thick Granite Slab counters, Vanitis etc. including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish et. Complete as per design approved by Engineer-in-charge.




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Repairing of bibs tap/pillar tap/stop cock etc. by changing with the spindle, new washers etc. as per site requirement & directed by Engineer-In-Charge.




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Providing and Fixing CP brass 100 mm dia shower rose with Shower arm of Specified make as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge complete




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Providing and fixing 15 mm n.b. C.P Brass open stop cock of Heavy Quality as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing C.P brass bib cock of heavy quality as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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15 mm dia bib cock




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15 mm dia bib cock self closing




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Providing and fixing 15 mm C.P brass 2 in 1 bib cock and Angle cock combination of Heavy Quality as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing 15 mm C.P brass pillar cock of heavy Quality as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Supplying C.P. Brass Foot operated Valve along with Swan neck Pillar Tap and two No PVC connectors of approx. 0.90 m length each, of approved make and approved sample with necessary approved stainless-steel screw complete as per specifications and as directed by the Project Engineer, including transportation charges and delivery at site work, all taxes as applicable




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Providing, supplying, fixing in position, under floors or in walls centrifugally cast iron pipes including required specials like bends, tees, 'Y' collars, cowl etc for soil, waste and ventilation pipes conforming to IS.3989 or Cast Iron hubless pipes confirming to IS 15905 of approved make including cost of jointing with spun yarn and molten lead of specified quantity, caulking the joints, including testing of pipes, painting with primer, fixing at walls with necessary approved type of clamps and brackets complete all as per drawings and specifications and as directed at site.




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75 mm dia centrifugally cast (spun) iron socketed pipe as per IS:3989 using 0.90 kg lead / joint or Cast Iron hubless pipes confirming to IS 15905




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100 mm dia centrifugally cast (spun) iron socketed pipe as per IS:3989 using 1.00 kg lead / joint or Cast Iron hubless pipes confirming to IS 15905




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Supplying and fixing Cast Iron Man hole or Cast Iron Steps cover of approved make and weight as specified in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer in charge.




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Providing and fixing cast iron nahani trap / floor trap of 100 mm inlet and 75 mm outlet, (weighing 5.80 Kg each), jointing with lead with the connection pipes, placing as per the drawings, embedding in cement concrete 1:2: 4 and making circular hole up to floor level using 110 mm O/D PVC pipes of 6 Kg / pressure and fixing 1 No 125 mm dia C. P brass grating , complete all as specifications and drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing brass ball cock of approved make of following sizes with arm rod and Plastic Ball floats complete as per specifications and as directed by EIC.




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15mm/20 mm dia.




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50 mm dia




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Providing & fixing in position heavy pattern screw down gun metal gate valve with handles and wheels of approved make including testing for 10Kg/cm2 pressure with clean and potable water with a minimum testing duration of two hours per specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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15 mm n.b.




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20 mm n.b.




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40 mm n.b.




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50 mm n.b.




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Providing , Laying , jointing, fixing and testing Heavy quality (C-Class) Galvanised Iron pipes and ISI marked fittings like, tees, elbows, bends, unions, nipples,reducers etc. as required for the work, including testing the pipes and fittings for 10.00 Kg / Sq.Cm hydralic pressure with a minimum period of two hours duration with clean water, including cutting , threading, jointing with hemp yarn, white lead, jointing Teflon tape, exposed / concealed by chasing walls and making good by filling with concrete 1:3:6, complete all as per specifications and drawings, including two coats of anti corrosive bitumastic paint for all concealed lines / two coats of synthetic enamel paint for all exposed lines all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Pipes with ISI marked C-Class heavy quality pipes of approved make.




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15 mm dia G.I pipe




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20 mm dia G.I pipe




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40 mm dia G.I pipe




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50 mm dia G.I pipe




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Removing existing, damaged non workable sanitary pipe fittings/ water supply fitting & replacing with new approved fittings as per site requirement & and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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32 mm dia flexible PVC ( semi-rigid) waste pipe




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40 mm dia flexible PVC (semi-rigid) waste pipe




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Flush handles for flushing tank of approved make & of required type. Note : Tentative / Suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : Flush tank of M/s. slimeline make or equivalent make




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Washers of flushing system for low/ high level flush tank




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Providing and fixing 125 mm dia. S.S./ C.I. Nahani trap Jali as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing wall mixer 3-in-1 system with provision for both telephonic shower and overhead shower, including 115 mm long bend pipe, connecting legs and wall flange (without hand and overhead shower) complete set of approved make& model including removal of old mixersystem and depositing at unit stores etc. as directed by EIC




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Replacing inner fittings such as syphon for flushing water of required type Flush tank Note : Tentative / Suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : Flush tank of M/s. slimeline or champion make or equivalent make




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Providing & fixing approved type heavy duty liquid SOAP DISPENSER / SS Soap Dish etc. fixed to wall with C.P. brass screws, & screwed on to wooden rawl plugs etc. complete. Note : Tentative / Suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) - M/s PERK / ESSCO or equivalent make




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Providing and fixing stainless steel TOILET PAPER HOLDER recessed type of approved make and type with S.S screws as directed by the Engineer-in-charge complete.




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Providing and fixing C.P brass towel rail/rod of approved make 600 mm long complete fixed to walls with 30 mm CP brass screws with concealed fitting arrangement/ brackets all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and fixing Indian water closet (Orissa pan) of approved make with 100 mm China ware P or S trap, One no. 10 litre High level or low level white PVC flushing cistern with flush pipe & bend with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS:7231, PVC 15 mm Inlet connection with all fittings and fixtures complete including all connection, embedding in position commissioning, cleaning etc. all as per drawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm




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Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back half stall urinal size 580 x 380 x350 mm / 610 mm Aquaseal model of approved make with approved make 32mm C.P flush value with standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders, 32mm urinal waste coupling with dome grating and clamp etc. including making G.I water line connection complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge Notes : 1. Only G.I. pipes will be paid under relevant Item. 2. For fixing flush valve 32 mm G.I water line provision to be made which will be paid under relevant Item .




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Single half stall Urinal with C.P. brass flush Valve.




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Providing and fixing white vitreous china European type Water Closet with 'P' or 'S' Trap with solid seat and lid of approved make, 10 litre low level white PVC flushing cistern with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS:7231, flush bend, fixing EWC with C.P brass screws, 15 mm PVC heavy quality inlet connection of 450 mm long, including testing , commissioning & cleaning etc. complete all as per drawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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E.W.C. pan in White colour with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid.




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Providing and fixing PVC low level / high level flushing cistern 10 litre capacity of approved make in white colour with flush pipe with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS:7231, with all fittings and fixtures etc. complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and fixing Brass 15 mm C.P auto shut urinal flush cock of approved make and quality as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note : Tentative / Suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) - Presstomatic series auto shut urinal flush cock of M/s. Jaquar make or equivalent make




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Providing and fixing viterious China wash basin of approved make and colour with C.I. brackets, 15 m C.P. brass pillar tap of approved make,15 mm x 600mm long PVC Inlet connection, 32 mm heavy quality C.P. brass waste coupling of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and testing complete all as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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White vitreous China wash basin size 550 x 400 mm/ 550 x 420 mm and equivalent sizes with single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap




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White vitreous China counter top / counter below wash basin size 560 x 410 mm / 560 x 450 mm with single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap (OVAL / ROUND Models)




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Providing & supplying of Pick-up light Non-AC vehicle of M/s. Mahindra & Mahindra Bolero Neo or equivalent make on hiring basis for the use of Site Engineer for 6 days a week from 8:00 am to 20:00 pm for carrying out day-to day official movement within Mumbai and BARC or Visit to EHPPL Kalyan, EBC, Kharghar for site visit purpose as assigned and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (12Hrs. a day or 1200 km min per month as per certification of Engineer-in-Charge). Conditions: 1. The Vehicle shall be used by Departmental Engineers and departmental staff only. Since the departmental staffs are expected to use the vehicle on 6 days a week , the vehicle shall be kept free on Sundays and necessary maintenance may be undertaken. 2. The make and Model of the vehicle should be of year 2016 or later (with BS-IV norms ) for a minimum run of 12Hrs. a day or 1200 Kms per month. 3. The above rates shall be inclusive of cost of supply of Pick-light Non-AC vehicle, Fuel, wages of Drivers and other consumables etc. 4. The actual usage shall be reckoned from the Headquarter at BARC North Gate and end there itself during official use. 5. The Reporting time as instructed by EIC shall be considered for the billing / measurement / payment. 6. Break Down Hours as per actuals and Lunch break (30 min.) timings shall not be considered for payment. 7. Fraction of hours shall be rounded off to nearest half an hour at the time of preparing the Running / final bills. 8. BARC being a restricted place, the driver should have good credentials and should have a. valid Police Verification / Clearance Certificate (PVC), b. driving license, c. Name & address & Telephone No. of the driver including proof. They should be in a position to understand Hindi / English / local language. 9. The contractor should required to submit Registration Certificate of the vehicle , Comprehensive Insurance Policy and Road Tax receipts of the vehicle. The contractor should required to deploy same vehicle on day-to-day basis. 10. The make and model of the vehicle should not be more than 8 years old, roadworthy with all valid documents. 11. The vehicle shall be maintained in good running condition with good upholstery, fitness, good tyres and shall commensurate with the image of BARC. The tyres of the vehicles shall be replaced periodically for safe and incident-free driving. 12. The vehicle should be free from all sorts of defects and will be subjected to inspection by a representative of BARC whose decision shall be final and binding as regards suitability of that particular vehicle. 13. The vehicle should be a transport vehicle and preferably in white colour with a board "ON GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DUTY". 14. The cost of POL, maintenance and servicing of vehicle including replacement of parts, payment to the driver, Motor Vehicle taxes, comprehensive insurance, etc. shall be payable by the Contractor and BARC shall have no liability on these accounts. 15. The driver of the vehicle shall maintain Log book supplied by BARC and is required to obtain the signature of the user whenever the vehicle is used. 16. The cost of damages to any Government movable/immovable property in and around the site shall be entirely borne by the Contractor. 17. The rates are inclusive of all taxes if any, but excluding Goods & Service taxes (GST). 18. The contractor shall arrange adequate insurance coverage for his personnel. Department shall not be responsible for any liability arising out of any accident / injury caused to the driver while executing the job. 19. The contractor shall follow minimum wages act and other rules of Government of Maharashtra. 20. No revision of price shall be entertained during the period of contract. 21. In case of absence of Driver/vehicle for entire week, a compensation of Rs. 3000 /- per week, for not providing the service, will be levied on the contractor for that week. The Contractor should have one spare driver having valid PVC for replacement in case of emergency, sickness etc. of the regular Drivers. 22. In the event of breakdown of vehicle, alternative vehicle should be provided immediately. In case of failure to provide alternative vehicle within 2 hours, BARC would hire a vehicle on daily basis and the expenditure would be debited to your account besides imposing penalty of Rs. 500/- per day. 23. In case of absence of vehicle even for a day, proportionate payment towards a day will be deducted from monthly bill besides imposing a penalty of Rs. 500/-per day. 24. The charges for Extra KM over and above 1200 KM is fixed to Rs. 7.00 (Rupees Seven only) per KM.




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Providing and fixing solid plastic seat of approved make and colour suitable to existing EWC with lid including CP brass / SS bolts, screws etc. for pedestal type W.C. pan complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing heavy quality C.P .brass waste coupling of following dia for wash basin and sink, of approved make, size and quality all as directed complete




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C.P Brass Waste coupling 32 mm Dia of approved make Half threaded or Full threaded as per requirement.




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C.P Brass Waste coupling 38 mm Dia of approved make Half threaded or Full threaded as per requirement.




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Providing and fixing 15 mm C.P brass urinal spreader size with 1/2" BSP thread and shapes, weighing not less than 60 gm of approved make and type.




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Providing and fixing 15 mm PVC inlet connection suitable for hot and cold water 600 mm long with nuts and washers complete for wash basins/ Urinals etc. with all necessary acessories complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing heavy quality health faucet with 1.50 metres long flexible hose (hand shower) of approved make with wall brackets and type as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing, supplying and fixing JET spray with 1.00 metre long flexible tube connection in European / Anglo Indian closet under seat cover fixtures complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing 15 mm C.P brass tube 600 mm long with nuts and washers complete for wash basins / urinals with all necessary acessories complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and fixing heavy quality CP brass bottle trap 31 / 32 mm of approved make single piece moulded with height of 270mm, effective length of tail pipe 260 mm from the centre of the waste coupling 77 mm breadth with 25 mm minimum water seal,of approved make for wash basins / urinal etc all as per specifications and directed by the Engineer in charge.




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REPAINTING OF OLD PAINTED SURFACES with two coats of paint with premium plastic emulsion paint/ synthetic enamel paint of approved make to give an even shade over a coat of approved cement primer including preparing the surfaces, including removal of old paint, scraping if any, sand papering, entirely filling with acrylic wall putty and other cracks with repair mortar as required, including scaffolding & cleaning, cost of all materials, labour, all as per drawing, specifications and as directed by E-I-C. Note : Tentative / Suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) - M/s Roffe - Crack Seal/Repair mortar or equivalent make




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Using PLASTIC EMULSION paint On plastered surface




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Using SYNTHETIC ENAMEL paint On Wood/steel surfaces




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Providing and applying white cement based wall putty of approved make over concrete or Plastered surface up to 3 mm thick to get uniform surface free from undulation including cleaning complete all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Removing white or colour wash, distemper, external paint by scrapping and sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches etc. complete all as directed at site including scaffolding, cleaning of the areas.




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Providing and painting walls with (TWO coats) of approved shade of high build protective , elastomeric water proof exterior grade paint of approved make of required shade, minimium dry film thickness of 250 microns acheived in two or more coats / as per manudacturer's specifications including preparation of the surfaces by scrapping / wire brush , scaffolding complete. Primer coat will be with approved make with water in ratio of 1:2 and 2 coats of finishing coat without water all as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Notes:- 1) This item includes the MS double tubular scaffolding system using H-frames.2) All the existing cracks in Plaster of walls / ceiling shall be got repaired / filling hair cracks with flexible sealent which is compatible with respective make of elastomeric coating and other cracks with repair mortar before commencing the work. 3) There is no multiplying factor for measurements in case of painting sand faced and Rough cast Plaster surfaces 4) Contractor shall provide Safety Belts& helmets to all his workmen working on scaffolding.




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Providing and applying French spirit polishing One coat on old work including preparation of the surfaces, sand papering complete. as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Providing & Applying SEAMLESS ACRYLIC BASED CHEMICAL WATERPROOFING SYSTEM with minimum 1 mm DFT (Dry Film Thickness) including surface preparation as per general notes, primer coat, reinforcing membrane (minimum 45 GSM) and multiple layers of chemical coat (2 to 3 coats as per manufacture specification), removing the existing damaged water proofing treatment, if any, all complete as per the manufacturers specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, using Damp Proof all conforming to the following technical specifications or standard to satisfy the site requirements. Chemical properties: (i) Physical/chemical parameters such as specific gravity, solid contents, Tensile strength, viscosity etc. shall be tested as per relevant test method of IS/ASTM/DIN and shall conform to the approved manufactures product and specification. (ii) Elogation: 100% minimum (iii)UV Resistant: Continuous 500 hrs (min) as per ASTM D4587. Note : Tentative / suggested make for guidance of bidder(s) : M/s. Smartcare Damp Proof of M/s. Asian Paints




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Over terrace slab, top of water tank and parapet etc. at all levels.




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Providing and fixing double tubular scaffolding system using H- frames with cup lock type on the exterior side upto seven story height made with 40 mm dia M.S. tube 1.5 m centre to centre horizontal and vertical tubes joining with cup and lock system with M.S. tubes, M.S. tube challies, M.S clamps and M.S staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc. and maintaining it in a serviceable condition for the required duration as approved and removing it thereafter. The scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners, connection with building etc. wherever required for inspection of work at required locations with essential safety features for the workmen etc. complete as per directions and as approved by the Engineer -in - charge. The elevational area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purposes. The payment shall be made once irrespective of duration of scaffolding .




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Cleaning thoroughly the existing service shafts / behind RCC jalli / gents & ladies toilet at all floors including cleaning throughly the existing cast iron soil and rain water pipes of all wastes, removing rags, loose material, cob webs, cloth pieces , broken concrete pieces and all deleterios materials including lift and lead charges, cost of all tools, tackles, plants, accessories etc. all complete and as directed by the E-in-C.




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Cleaning and removal of sewage/drainage wastes, muck etc. from horizontal, inclined & vertical C.I./PVC/lines of all dia. ( burried/exposed) ,secondary traps, Sewage inspection chambers, manhole chamber and all other drainage/ sewage disposal facilities from centralised chambers including all the external sewage / drainage lines of TSH, NBH, HBNI etc. building and its surrounding premises including all the sewage / drainage lines around and inside canteen connecting to centralised collection/ pumpimg sump mechanically/ manually as desired and directed by department including cost of labour,tools,tackles,plants, machines,transportation all complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer in charge. Note. :- Water shall be supplied free of cost & the contractor has to make their own arrangements for the hose, pumps etc. for the flushing of all the chambers, open drains and coonecting sewage / rain water pipe lines to the chambers including trolly for disposal of garbage.




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Opening of nahani trap and removing nahani trap jalli and cleaning the complete trap system and refixing the same with white cement etc. and as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Opening of bottle trap from its joint and cleaning the complete trap system and refitting,refixing same to sinks,wash basins etc. and as directed by EIC ( Note:- If bottle trap is found in unused condition it will be supplied by department at free of cost).




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Cleaning and removal chokages of sewarage wastes,muck,frozen sewage cakes etc. from EWC/IWC/AIWC manually, including cost of labour tools, trooly of sewage muck for disposal of designated place, all complete in all respect and as directed.




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Providing and fixing GLAZED VITRIFIED FLOOR TILES in floor and dado of approved make in different sizes conforming to IS 15622 in all colours and shades in Glossy or Matt or satin finish laid over a bed of minimum 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (using Crushed sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry including grouting with the joints with white cement based Tile Grout of approved make and matching shade complete as per patterns, drawings and specifications complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Using Tiles of size 600 X 600 mm




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Providing and Fixing HOMOGENEOUS 2 mm THICK PVC SHEET / TILE IN FLOORING AND SKIRTING of approved make in approved pattern on a smooth and damp proof base using rubber based adhesive of approved quality and manufacturer including, levelling small undulations with plasterof paris if required , rolling with light wooden roller weighing about 5 kg all complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge in approved colour and shade




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Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material within 100 m lead complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge For thickness of tiles above 10 mm and up to 25 mm




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Supplying, providing and fixing STAINLESS STEEL-304 D-HANDLES of approved make (MATT FINISH) OF LENGTH - 300mm, DIAMETER-25mm, suitable S.S. fange , S.S. cap and thickness 16 Guage thickness to brick Walls, R.C.C. surface, Wooden doors etc. including drilling, S.S. Screws of 30mm long ( 6 Nos for each handle) ,cost of labour, tools, tackles ,wooden gutties, plants, transportaion, scaffolding etc. all complete as per site requirement and as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Providing and fixing CHLORINATED PVC (CPVC) PIPES of approved make having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply (as ASTM Standard 2846 & SDR - 11 Grade) including all CPVC Plain & Brass threaded fittings, fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with CPVC Solvent cement & testing the joints complete all as per specifications, drawings and as directed by the Project Engineer.




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15 mm outer dia CPVC pipe (External) / open




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20 mm outer dia CPVC pipe (External) / open




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25 mm outer dia CPVC pipe (External) / open




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32 mm outer dia CPVC pipe (External) / open




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40 mm outer dia CPVC pipe (External) / open




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50 mm outer dia CPVC pipe (External) / open




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Providing and fixing precoated Galvalume Roofing profile sheets of approved size, shape and pitch up to and including single length of 12.00 met. The sheet shall be fixed using self drilling / self tapping screws of size (5.5 X 55 mm) with EPDM seal or with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8 mm diameter with bitumen and G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead complete upto any pitch in horizontal / vertical or curved surfaces excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape wherever required as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Galvalume sheet roofing 0.50 mm Thickness in Single sheet




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Carrying out Civil Engineering works like surveying & leveling, checking of formwork fabrication, reinforcement fabrication as per drawings, witnessing sample retrieval & testing for various construction materials, ensuring concrete ingredient ratio at batching plant and pouring of appropriate grade of concrete in plain and reinforced concrete works, ensuring proper mixing of approved ingredients & waterproofing admixtures for mortars and brickwork, plaster, flooring & waterproofing works and other civil & PH works including supervision of construction safety as per BARC specifications & relevant documentation, compiling, binding and preparation of tender documents & Agreements overall as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note : (1) Each Job shall be carried out by one qualified Degree holder Civil Engineer with 2 (Two) years experience or Diploma holder with 5 (Five) years experience (Licentiate in Civil/Construction Engineering / Technology) conducted by Board of Technical Examinations / University / Autonomous Govt. / Govt. recognized recognized Polytechnic/ Institute. (2) Deployment: The contractor shall deploy one Engineer for each job for minimum 26 working days per month for minimum 8 ½ hours per day with 30 minutes of break, in General (Ist / IInd) or on Round the clock shift including Saturdays, Sundays & holidays whenever necessary as per the discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge during the contract period. In case of emergency works like continuous pouring of concrete or shutdown/maintainance work, the Engineer will have to stay longer occasionally as per the instruction of the Engineer in-charge. No additional payment will be made on this account. (3) Period of work: The contractor shall carry out number of Jobs per month as per requirement at site for the period mentioned in NIT. (4) Mode of measurement : Measurement will be per job basis. A single job shall be carried out by deploying one Engineer exclusively for the particular job. (5) Engineer should be engaged after scrutiny by EIC of CSS, BARC and approved by Competent authority and the deployed Engineer will report to BARC Engineer/ EIC. (6) The minimum notice period before change of engineer is 1 (one) month; failing which a compensation, for not providing technical support, of Rs. 1,915/- per day of shortfall in notice period will be levied on the contractor.




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CARRYING OUT MANUAL MISC. CARPENTRY / PLUMBING JOBS like minor repairs, fixing fitting and fixtures etc. as and when required and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge Note: 1. Labours shall bring necessary carpentary / plumbing tools. 2) Payment shall be made as per the Log book duly approved by the Enginner in charge. 3) The log book shall consist of the day-to-day attendance of complaints/ work assigned and the time taken to attend each activity. The total time of 8 hrs. shall be considered as ONE manday. 4) Contrator shall arrange necessary Police Verification Certificate for the workers engaged for the work. General Notes: 1)The contractor shall deploy minimum TWO numbers of skilled labour (one plumber & one carpenter) on daily basis, except only on Republic day, May day, Independence day, sundays but needs to attend any emergency complaint any time of 365/366 days of the year covered during the period of contract Their working hours are 8.30, with a lunch break of half-an-hour,as per the discretion of the Engineer-In-Charge, 2) Penal recovery of Rs. 500 per person per day shall be imposed for their absence. During absence, a similar& suitable person can be replaced by contractor, with the prior permission of EIC. 3)The contractor & his authorised supervisor shall be available on their registered mobiles and respond to calls from Dept. Site Engineer@ 24x7 on all 365/366 days of the contract. 4) The contractor shall submit the samples of all the materials to be used in the work for prior approval of EIC, before carrying out any work.




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SKILLED CARPENTER (CARPENTRY WORKS) with valid Police Verification Certificate for entire contract period.




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SKILLED PLUMBER (WATER & DRAINAGE WORKS) with valid Police Verification Certificate for entire contract period.




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Removing of silt, dry leaves, murrum, small Bolders etc. completely from the bed of open nallah, drains, open rubble pitched drains, canals & disposing the removed earthwithin a lead of 50 mtr during monsoon period.The rates are including removing of green wild creepers etc. silt thickness upto 100 mm thick and upto 3.00 M depth.




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230 to 749 mm wide at bottom




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750 to 2000 mm wide at bottom




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Lead charges for removal of soil deposited from stalling ponds and other areas of BARC by mech.transport for lead or mentioned below incl. loading, unloading , stacking, levelling etc. Note: The rate forabove item is applicable for the net quantity arrived at after making deductions for voids @ 20% in respect of Soil and @ 30% in respect of Debris from the truck measurement for payment.




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Lead exceeding 3 km but not exceeding 4 Kms.




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Cleaning of existing storm water chamber of varying depth at various locations by removing the silt,leaves, small storms earth etc. earthwithin a lead of 50 mtr during monsoon period including labour required for removing and replacing RCC/ C.I Covers at storm water chamber. (Maximum plan area of upto 1SqM.)




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Supplying man power along with necessary pans, spades, shavels pickaxe, punjas, ropes, smallspecial spade raincoats etc. minimum two number of labour per day upto maximum any numberof labour as and when decided by Project Engineer to work for eight hours per day or monsoonperiod to carry out the cleaning of choked drains grating grills/hume pipes /footpath byremoving the dry leaves, silt etc. and also carry out seasonable departmental work allotted by Project Engineer from time to time.




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Removing silt, dry leaves, grass etc.completely from the watertable upto 600 mm wide during the entire monsoon period and transporting the removed silt/earth, leaves, grass etc with in a lead of 50 mtr.




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Cleaning of dry leaves, dust, silt, scarp materials, vegetation, bushes, fungus, algae, green wildcreepers and like other loose materials such as brick bats, metal etc. from flat/slope roofs, rain water gutter, parapet, chajjas, catwalks and cleaning the rain water down take pipes, water spout pipes at all heights etc. and as directed by the Project Engineer during the entire monsoon period. The rates including cost of polythene bags. The collected debrises shall not be thrown from terrace. The collected debrises shall be kept at one place for further transportation to dumping yard.




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Cleaning of Drains during Monsoon period from the bed of drains of flowing water at full bottom width at various locations and depth upto 3 mtr from the Ground level by removing silt, wild vegetation green/ dry, creepers from the sides of drains if any for smooth flow of water including disposing the removed materials within a lead of 50 mtr. & as directed by Project Engineer.




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Cleaning of existing storm water Hume Pipe lines of Different Diameters / Pipe culverts mentioned below and at all locations such as road, berms/ lawns, burried inside the building which are partly or fully filled with silt, small boulders, dry leaves, grass, etc. by disposing the removed debris within a lead of 50 mtrs and as directed by the Project Engineer.




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Upto 450 mm Dia.




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Above 450 mm Dia




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Clearing Jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth up to 30 cm measured at a height of 1m above ground level and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 m / outside the periphery of the area cleared as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Cleaning of manholes /Inspection chambers of Canteen and toilets, sewage line carefully by mechanical means/ or with tools complete all as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Pipe in between chambers will not be measured. The rates are inclusive removing muck, solids and disposing the same beyond 2 km distance. Pumping arrangement for water is to be made by contractor at his own cost. The rates are inclusive pumping.




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Labour charges for cleaning of existing gully trap, chambers and stoneware pipes upto Inspection chambers and CI pipes from Nahani trap to gullytrap. The rates are inclusive removing and refixing C.I. cover of chambers.




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Carrying out Civil Engineering works like surveying & leveling, checking of form work fabrication, reinforcement fabrication as per drawings, witnessing sample retrieval & testing for various construction materials, ensuring concrete ingredient ratio at batching plant and pouring of appropriate grade of concrete in plain and reinforced concrete works, ensuring proper mixing of approved ingredients & waterproofing admixtures for mortars and brickwork, plaster, flooring & waterproofing works, and other civil & PH works including supervision of construction safety as per BARC specifications & relevant documentation, compiling, binding and preparation of tender documents & Agreements overall as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Notes : (1) Each Job shall be carried out by one qualified Technician having minimum SSC with Trade certificate in Masonary/Plumber/Carpenter/Painter Trade of not less than one year duration from ITI/Government Recognised Vocational Training Institute or experienced Technician retired from Government service. (2) Deployment: The contractor shall deploy one Technician for each job as Single Day work for 6 working days per week for minimum 8 ½ hours per day with 30 minutes of break, in General (Ist / IInd) or on Round the clock shift including Saturdays, Sundays & holidays whenever necessary as per the discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge during the contract period. In case of emergency works like continuous pouring of concrete or shutdown/maintainance work, the Technician will have to stay longer occasionally as per the instruction of the Engineer in-charge. No additional payment will be made on this account. (3) Period of work: The contractor shall carry out number of Jobs per day as directed by Engineer-in -Charge. (4) Mode of measurement : Measurement will be per job basis per day. A single job shall be carried out by deploying one Technician exclusively for the particular job. (5) The Technician should be engaged after scrutiny by EIC of CSS, BARC and approved by Competent authority and the deployed Technician will report to BARC Engineer/ EIC. (6) The minimum notice period before change of technician is 1 (One) month; failing which a compensation, for not providing technical support, of Rs. 1,206/- per day of shortfall in notice period will be levied on the contractor.




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