Military Engineer Services Tender
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₹ 3,05,000Document Cost
₹ 2,000Tender Fee
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2024_MES_648144_3Bid Award Id
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CEAFU-21-2023-24Tender Authority
Military Engineer Services ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Demolition of cement concrete (unreinforced) of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for complete all as specified and directed by Engineer–in–Charge.
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Dismantling and removal of PUF panels of any description fitted to doors up to 8 meter in heights on the site complete as all specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note:- The work shall be executed at a height upto 8 meter on the site. Therefore this aspect shall be considered by the bidders before quoting the rate for the said item. The quoted rates are inclusive of necessary scaffolding and formwork required to execute the work. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained at the belated stage.
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S&F Pre–painted (powder coated) Galvalume aluminium zinc coating GI based semi corrugated steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of any colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering/ cladding to wall, fixed with self tapping screws complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer–in–Charge. Note:- The work shall be executed at a height upto 12 meter on the site. Therefore this aspect shall be considered by the bidders before quoting the rate for the said item. The quoted rates are inclusive of necessary scaffolding and formwork required to execute the work. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained at the belated stage.
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S&F roof trusses (framed) trussed, purlins, crane gantries, rails and fastenings and heavy brackets framing (beam, tee, angle, channel, I–section or flat sections) incl distance pieces, cleats etc complete all as specified and directed by Engineer–in–Charge. Note:- Welding fabrication and installation under this item shall be carried out at a height of approx 12 metre. Therefore this aspect shall be considered by the bidders before quoting the rate for the said item. The quoted rates are inclusive of necessary scaffolding and formwork required to execute the work. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained at the belated stage.
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M & L cement concrete work in pavement/ hardstanding (with thickness of concrete 25cm or less) of flexural strength 40 kg/ per square centimeter (Lower control limit) in field using minimum cement content as per design mix but not less than 400 kg of OPC cement per cubic metre with using crushed graded stone aggregates, combined grading of coursed and fine aggregate as per MORTH table 600-3 required as per design mix (as per IRC 5th revision) mixed with and including in base as specified alongwith use and waste of side formwork (Steel channel), spread, consolidation, finishing clean, cutting and belt without using extra cement and laid in bays with gradient and camber including compacted/ finished including brooming and cost of testing to establish quality control and cured with curing compound etc complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Note: (a) The cost of the curing compound, is deemed to be included in the quoted rate for this item. (b) Tenderers are requested to cater this aspect/activity, which shall deemed to included in the quoted rates for this item. No claim shall be tenable on this account at the belated stage.
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Material and labour for forming 12 mm thick expansion joints in 300 mm thick concrete, filled with preformed bitumenous filler and top 30mm primed and sealed with sealing compound grade 'B' complete all as specified and directed by Engineer–in–Charge. complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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M & L anodised aluminium frame for doors, windows, ventilators with one or more rebates including joining cleat for fixing, heavy duty aluminium hinges etc complete all as specified fixed with necessary screws on door or ventilator for openings in PUF cladding of design and section complete all as specified and directed by Engineer–in–Charge.
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M & L Anodised aluminium window and ventilator shutters, fixed type without sash bar., aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg/m including joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws etc complete all as specified and is directed by Engineer–in–Charge.
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Material and labour for 5.5 mm thick sheet glass Frosted/Tinted glass, ordinary quality & glazing with oil putty in squares of size not exceeding 0.5 sq.m in each pane complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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S & F Frosted/Tinted thick sheet glass 5.5 mm, ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty in square of size exceeding 0.50 sqm in each pane complete all as specified and directed by Engineer–in–Charge.
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Material & Labour for applying two or more coats of 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/litre and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, Alkali & fungal resistance, dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (Company Depot Tinted) with silicon additives @ 1.43 liter/ 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 liter /10 sq.m over new surfaces making & painted in camouflage pattern complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Note:- The work shall be executed at a height upto 12 meter on the site. Therefore this aspect shall be considered by the bidders before quoting the rate for the said item. The quoted rates are inclusive of necessary scaffolding and formwork required to execute the work. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained at the belated stage.
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M & L for preparation of old steel surfaece of any description over 10 cm in width or girth and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint.complete all as specified & as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Note:- The work shall be executed at a height upto 12 meter on the site. Therefore this aspect shall be considered by the bidders before quoting the rate for the said item. The quoted rates are inclusive of necessary scaffolding and formwork required to execute the work. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained at the belated stage.
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M & L for preparing dry concrete surface using proper scarifying equipment to remove any loose material, contaminations and laitence to provide a sound gripping surface including cleaning the entire floor area using a powerful industrial vaccum cleaner complete all as specified and directed by Engineer–in–Charge.
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M & L for providing Epoxy flooring of 7mm thick (average) over concrete floor comprises of following activities / work complete all as specified as per manufacturers instructions and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge:-
(a) Providing and applying a coat of epoxy resin based primer for concrete surface with sika floor 80@ 0.25 Kg/Sqm (b) Providing and applying chemical and abrasion resistant epoxy resin modified cementetous screed sika floor -82 Epocem with the following properties:- (i) Chemical Base: Modified epoxy resin solvent free low VOC (ii) Thermal Expansion Co- efficient = 17.5*10-6 per C (similar to concrete) accn EN 1770
(iii) Carbon dioxide diffusion co-efficent uCO2= 1782 acc klopfer / engelfried method.
(iv) Water vapur diffusion co - efficient uH2O =177 Acc DIN 52617
Water absorption co-efficient W = 0.06 kg/M2 x h.5 acc DIN 52617
(v) Compressive strength 55 N/mm2 IS 9162-1979
Flexural Strength 10N/mm2 IS 9162-1979 EN 13892-8
Bond strength 1.50 N/mm2 (100% concrete failure)
Mixed density : 2.25 Kg/Litre applied at a theoretical coverage rate of 11.25 Kg/m2 /5 mm
(c) Providing and applying 2mm thick epoxy, coloured, heavy duty high DFT coating sika floor 264 hc with following properties:-
(i) Low VOC solid content 100% by volume and weight compressive stength 50 N/mm2 EN 196-1
(ii) Flexural strength 20N/mm2 EN 196-1
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S & F 60 mm thick PUF sand witched panel with 0.5 mm thick pre coated galvalume sheets on both side including edges and at all ends of PUF Panel as in cladding to hanger door structure with necessary screws to hold the cladding complete all as specified and directed by Engineer–in–Charge.
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S & F 40mm thick PUF sand witched panel with 0.5 mm thick pre coated galvalume sheets on both side as in door shutters including mortice lock with handle of design and section with necessary screwes to hold the panel etc, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer–in–Charge.
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S&F as in repairs 50 mm thick and 300 mm wide sheet / gasket made of rubber or other synthetic material fixed with suitable aluminium beading and screwing to sliding door panel between overlap of the door to protect the hut from inside to outside and vice-versa complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-charge.
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M&L for preparation of previously untreated new description new steel surface of any description over 10 cm in width or girth and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of mordent solution primer, complete all as supecified & as directed by Engr-in-Chage. Note:- The work shall be executed at a height upto 12 meter on the site. Therefore this aspect shall be considered by the bidders before quoting the rate for the said item. The quoted rates are inclusive of necessary scaffolding and formwork required to execute the work. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained at the belated stage.
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Excavation in post holes(or similar holes) in hard/dense soil each n exc 0.5 cum, getting out, returning, filling in and ramming earth or broken rubble mixed with earth around, in layers not exceeding 25 cm. Complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Dismantling of old unserviceable central heating system including thermic fluid heaters (one working + one standby) , pipings, pumps, ducting, AHUs, grills, diffusers, control panels, LT panels etc. complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Taking down carefully smoke detectors/heat detectors/light fittings/ Response Indicators from the existing false ceiling , keeping in safe custody and refixing the same on the false ceiling with existing electric connections in the existing position complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Note : (i) All necessary accessories/wires/cables/false ceiling which have been damaged during taking down shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate of the bidder.
(ii) Serviceable light fittings, fire alarm detector/ sensor, cable shall be refixed at the existing position or at the position as per following details (Fire alarm detectors - 124 nos., response indicators - 16 nos., highbay lights- 98 nos.) & as directed and unserviceable light fittings shall be replaced with new ones and the same shall be measured and paid separately under respective item of BOQ all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Further, contractor shall install the Fire control panel with minor repair if required and fire sensors , multi sensors, hooter and conneted control wiring after completion of the work. No additional payment shall be paid for this work.
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Supply, Installation ,commissioning and testing of complete heating plant including boiler uniit, chimney complete with all accessories as per the following details:-
(A) Thermic Fluid Heaters 03 Nos. (2 Working +01 Standby) : Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of pressurised type 3 phase reverse flame horizontal / vertical smoke tube, Thermic fluid heaters (Three Nos) 2 Nos of working and 01 No stand by arrangement ,each of capacities 3,00,000 K Cal/Hr complete in all respect, with standard accessories to meet the required condition of Leh station with temp and humidity criteria for hangar complete in all respect with combustion chamber and equipment , automatic monoblock burner assy, fire tubes, control panel with sequence controller , photocell for frame failure , HT transfer combustion chamber and equipment automatic monoblock burner assy, fire tubes, control panel with sequence controller, photo cell for flame failure, HT transfer electrode blower assy, electrical panel, mounting frames, pressure gauge at inlet and outlet suitable operation on 50HZ three/single phase AC supply compete in all respect to maintain the inside temperature 20+/-2 degree celcius and RH = 50% +/- 10% when the outside temperature drops to (-25) degree celsius i.e Leh winter climatic conditions including following items of work. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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The boiler with minimum specifications should be as under :- (a) Heater unit:-Heat exchanger ,consisting of closely wound, helical concentric coils double jacketed arranged to give adequate no. of passes on flue gas side & made out of ERW tubes confirming to BS 3059 Pt-I suitable for high temperature all as per manufacturer design and of required head and capacity .
(b) Pressure jet burner:-Suitable for Diesel oil firing with stepless modulation mechanism all as per manufacturer design and of required head and capacity. (c) Combustion air fan with drive motor assembly all as per manufacturer design and of required head and capacity.
(d) Control Panel : Dust protected pre-wired unit mounted air cooled control panel housing a burner management system , switchgear consisting of contractors, overload relays, fuses and MCB etc.all as per manufacturer design and of required capacity. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
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(e) The boiler shall be installed in system of (2Working +1 Standby). (f) The tenderer should get the plant installed by any of the original equipment manufacturer with recommended makes of compatible components of items. (g)The cap of boiler has been designed for maintaining the inside temp of 20+/-2 degree celcius for an ambient temp dropping to -25 degree celcius.
(h)The boiler inner shell be made from carbon steel with dished ends (curved type) with thickness as per boiler design of OEM. (j)Outer shell be made from carbon steel with thickness as per boiler design of OEM. (k) Boiler tube shall be seamless MS tube for quality commensurate with the boiler requirement . (l) The front door shall be openable lined with high grade insulation and refactory (m)High efficient, low noise imported monoblock burner.
(n)The boiler shall be insulated with 50mm thick resin bonded fibre glass wool and cladded with 22 guage GI sheet (epoxy painted) or any other thermal insulation as per OEM design.
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(o)Pre wired control panel (made from 18 guage CRC sheet ) Main incomer, MCB in/out temperature controller (digital)fault indicating light for water high temp, burner trip,flue temp, with alarm, hour meter for maint schedule etc. (p) 1 set of oil piping from unit to burner . (q) It also includes suitable concrete foundation for Boiler as per the required site to support the boiler body above the ground surface made out of PCC (1:2 :4) B2 (Using 40mm graded crused stone aggregate) with necessary use & waster of form work including necessary flooring finish over sub grade complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
( B) FLUE GAS CHIIMNEY (01 Nos) Supply, installation of mild steel flue gas chimney to accomodate emission of simultaneous running of 02 Nos of Boilers each of cap 3.0 LakhsKcal/Hr made out of 3 mm thick mild steel sheet, minimum 3 mtr above the highest point of plant room as per manufacturer recommendations which ever is higher including connection to each boiler.
Note : - (a) The item shall be complete with the mounting/fixing arrangement all as specified by the boiler manufacturer including the dia of the exhaust flue Gas chimney as per the design and specificaton of the boiler installed-01 Nos.
(b) The Boilers / hot water generator shall be connected to the chimney.
(c) The portion of chimney inside the building shall be insulated with fiber glass insulation wool of density 24 Kg/Cum.The item shall be complete with mounting and fixing arrangement alongwith necessary PCC work complete all as specified and as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
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(C) Day Oil Storage Tank :- (03 Nos)
Supply , Installation,testing and commissioning of HSD oil day storage tank rectangular mild steel (Confirming to IS 2062) including construction of capacity of 1 cubic meter (volume of tank) complete with inlet, outlet, over flow drain and vent with flame arrestor. The tank shall be made out of 4mm thick mild steel sheet and will be provided with supports made out of 50mm dia medium grade pipe to keep tank base at minimum 2500 mm above finished floor level. The tank shalll be provided with level switches for on - off operaton of transfer pump. Extra high level and extra low level alarm shall be provided along with gauge indicator duly callibrated. Tank and structure shall be painted with synthetic enamel paint of approved colour over one coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed by Engr in Charge.
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(D) Glycol Expansion Tank :- (01 Nos) Supply and installation of overhead Glycol expansion tank of size (by volume) 1 cubic meter made out of 5 mm thick mild steel cylindrical tank complete covered with 13 mm closed cell elastometric insulation complete with removable lid, in/out/drain/overflows system mounting arrangement and making connections etc complete all as specified and directed. Note: The Glycol expansion tank should be at a staging of 5 meter height in plant room and cost of foundation and staging material i.e Angle iron/ steel/MS chequered pipe/flat/welding etc shall deemed to be included in the quoted rates by the bidder for this items.
( E) Thermic Fluid ( Glycol) Makeup tank (01 Nos) Supply and installation of 2.0 cubic meter (by volume) capacity MS tank made out of 5 mm thick mild steel cylindrical/ rectangular with removable lid, in/out/drain/overflows system mounting arrangement making connections etc complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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(F)Transfer gear oil pump fuel (self priming):- 02 Nos (01 working + 01 standby) Supply installation testing and commissioning of self priming rotary gear transfer pumps of capacity 15 LPM at 10 Mtrs head for Kerosene or HSD oil complete with base mounting frame and PCC Foundation of required size as per site requirement including holding down bolts, coupling guard and TEFC flame proof motor of capacity 2 HP and other accessories required for commissioning etc complete all as specified and directed- (G) Glycol Based Water circulation pump for Boilers:- 02 Nos (1 Working + 01 Standby).
Supply, installing , testing and commissioning of pumping system consisting of horizontal suction and delivery pump sets having stainless steel impellers capable of delivering 30 LPS of thermic/ethylene glycol water against 25 meter head at outlet and complete as per specificattion. The system shall comprise of the following. Centrifugal pumps with minimum 75% efficeincy , 30 LPS delivery at 25 mtr head suitable for parallel operation speed 1500 RPM including prime mover squirrel cage inducttion motor with TEFC enclosure and suitable power to drive the pump efficiently with class F insulation , 1500 RPM synchronous speed, operating on 415 +10% volts, 3 Phase , 50 HZ AC supply. (02 working +01 Standby) complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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(i) Insulation of suitable thickness duly cladded by aluminium sheets off 0.5mm thickness and prroperly clamped to pumpset as per specifications required-01 Lot (ii) Mounting frame with antivibration pads for 03 Nos Pumpsets-01 Lot complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(ii) RCC cement concrete foundation for the pumping unit as per OEM specifications:-
Note : (i) Anything missed out above , but required for smooth operation of central heating system is deemed to be included in the quoted rate for this item. (ii) The capacity of pump given are minimum estimated , however on detailed calculation, if the capacity needs to be enhanced for achieving the desired conditions in the conditioned space of the hangers as brought at above. The same shall also deemed to be included in the quoted rate and accordingly contractor is advised to quote their rate. No Deviation order/Special rates /Star Rates or claims whatsover in this regard shall be admissible at the later stage.
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Bulk Oil Storage Tank
Design, supply , installation, testing and connecting with the system and commissioning of horizontal cylindrical bulk oil storage tank made out of mild steel including connecting to existing day oil storage tank of capacity 1 .0 cum ( cubic meter) by volume with the following paramaters.
(a) Storage capacity (Nominal) : 5.0 cum
(b) Shell thickness 5mm( minimum)
(c) End plate thickness: 6 mm (Minimum)
Note: Tank shall be complete with removable lid & locking arrangement manhole, lifting lug, vent pipe dip stick and inlet, outlet connections and return pipes complete all as per specifications including civil work for installation and staging. complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of MS pipes heavy duty for HSD lines confirming to IS 1239 (Part-I) 2004 including clamps, bends, reducers, flanges, nuts, bolts etc. Complete with all respects of following sizes. complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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MS pipes heavy duty for HSD lines of size 40mm dia bore (NB) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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MS pipes heavy duty for HSD lines of size 25mm dia bore (NB) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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S&F Brass ball valves (ISI marked) 40 mm dia bore high pressure with polythene float & flynut for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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S&F Brass ball valves (ISI marked) 25 mm dia bore high pressure with polythene float & flynut for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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S & F Non return valves (ISI marked) made of gun metal of size 25 mm dia bore. for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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S & F Y strainer (ISI marked) made of gun metal of size 25 mm dia bore for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supplying and filling of (THERMIC FLUID/ GLYCOL CHARGE) mono ethylene glycol/thermic fluid concentrate alongwith the necessary additives and inhibitor as per IS- 5759- 2006 in cognition and sealed in barrels. The freezing temperature shall be below (-) 25 degree centigrade, all specified. However the mode of payment and operations involved for this item shall be as under:- Notes:-
(a) Mono ethylene Glycol/ Thermic Fluid in concentrated form shall only be measured and paid under this item. (b) Material and labour for filling including first filling required for operation of CHS plant (c) Any other additives and inhibitors as per the requirement laid down in relevant IS shall also deemed to be included in quoted rates for this item.
(d) Empty barrels shall be the property of the MES. (e) Material and labour for mixing ,filling, prepraton of thermic fluid to get total quantity of mixture including first filling requiured for operation of CHS plant and network having 70% quantity of thermic fluid charge available at site and 30% of mono ethylene glycol supplied as above to attain the freezing temperature of mixture as below (-) 25 degress centigrade. The quoted rates shall be deemed to include the above activity work. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
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(f) The water for prepration of mixture will be supplied by MES without any extra charges for this item (only). The water shall be supplied at a point decided by GE and quoted rates shall be deemed to include for transportation of same from take off point. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
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Hot glycol based Circuit Piping Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of "C" class mild steel hot water piping conforming to IS: 1239 (Part-I) 2004 with all necessary fittings like bends, tees, reducers, flanges, supports and duly insulated with fiber glass wool insulation with suitable per given below. The joints shall be sealed with 50 mm X 1 mm thick self adhesive tape complete as per specifications for the following size of pipes complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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"C" class mild steel hot water piping conforming to IS: 1239 (Part-I) 2004 with all necessary fittings for pipe of size 80 mm (NB) dia bore with 50 mm thick fiber glass insulation. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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"C" class mild steel hot water piping conforming to IS: 1239 (Part-I) 2004 with all necessary fittings for pipe of size 50 mm (NB) dia bore with 50 mm thick fiber glass insulation. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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"C" class mild steel hot water piping conforming to IS: 1239 (Part-I) 2004 with all necessary fittings for pipe of size 25 mm (NB) dia bore with 50 mm thick fiber glass insulation. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Note: (a) Pipe outside/inside the building shall have cladding of 0.5 mm thick aluminium sheets over 50 mm fiber glass insulation and as per specification.
(b) Pipe inside the building shall be covered with woven fibre glass fabric of 50 mm thickness (140 Grams/Sq.Mtr.) and coated with fire rated vapor barrier preferably epoxy resin or acrylic compound complete as per manufacture specification.
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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following PN-1.6 valves, (ISI marked), strainers gauges in the water piping duly insulated to the same specifications as the connecting piping and adequately supported as per specification and drawings . The water circuit with all fittings and insulation with cladding as per the drawings and specifications for the following sizes of valves. Complete all as specified as per manufacture specification and as per directed of Engineer-in-Charge.
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Butterfly valve of size 80 mm dia bore. complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Check Valve of size 80 mm dia bore. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Check Valve of size 50 mm dia bore. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Y-Strainer of size 80 mm dia bore. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Balancing Valve of size 80 mm dia bore. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, Installing, testing and commissioning of Three-Way Modulating Valve complete control for AHUs comprising of a set of 3- way modulating proportional linear type valve 80 mm dia for AHUs having manual override facility with Proportionate thermostat including wiring for interconnection with 1.5 copper conductor multicore armoured cable suitable for Heating /Cooling complete as per specifications and as required. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of AIR HANDLING UNITS/AIR WASHER UNIT a factory built floor mounted water double skin type Air Handling Units/AIR WASHER UNIT of Capacity minimum 25000 CFM made of 25mm thick panels consisting of G.I. Casing of thickness 0.8 mm outside layer and 0.8 mm inside layer with polyurethane foam (PUF) insulation factory injected between them by injection moulding machine, complete with blower suitable for static pressure as detailed below, Humidifier for maintaining the desired relative humidity of heating space, cooling coil section with mechanically bonded aluminium finned copper tubes ( tube thickness not less than 0.5 mm ) cooling coil, filter section with pre filter 90% efficiency and down to 10 micron, direct drive package with flame proof TEFC drive motor suitable for 415+10% volts, 50 Hz, 3 phase, A.C. supply, drain connections, with stainless steel drain pan duly insulated , and necessary vibration isolation arrangement etc. complete all as per specifications and drawings of following capacities. AHU 6 ROW COIL, FILTER BANK1-MERV 7, FILTER BANK2- MERV 14, 25000 CFM SUPPLY AIR FAN, STATIC PRESSURE OF FAN 65 MM OF WG at Outlet complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note:- The capacity of AHU given are minimum estimated, however on detailed calculation if the capacity needs to be enhanced for achieving the desired climating condition mentioned in the contract, is deemed to be included in the quoted rate and accordingly contractor is advised to quote their rate.
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Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of AIR HANDLING UNITS/AIR WASHER UNIT factory built floor mounted water double skin type Air Handling Units/AIR WASHER UNIT of Capacity minimum 5000 CFM suitable for outdoor application made of 25mm thick panels consisting of G.I. Casing of thickness 0.8 mm outside layer and 0.8 mm inside layer with polyurethane foam (PUF) insulation factory injected between them by injection moulding machine, complete with blower suitable for static pressure as detailed below, Humidifier for maintaining the desired relative humidity of heating space, cooling coil section with mechanically bonded aluminium finned copper tubes ( tube thickness not less than 0.5 mm ) cooling coil, filter section with pre filter 90% efficiency and down to 10 micron, direct drive package with flame proof TEFC drive motor suitable for 415+10% volts, 50 Hz, 3 phase, A.C. supply, drain connections, with stainless steel drain pan duly insulated , and necessary vibration isolation arrangement etc. complete as per specifications and drawings of following capacities.
6 ROW COIL, FILTER BANK1-MERV 7, FILTER BANK2- MERV 14, 5000 CFM SUPPLY AIR FAN, STATIC PRESSURE OF FAN 65 MM OF WG at Outlet. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
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Note:- The capacity of AHU given are minimum estimated, however on detailed calculation if the capacity needs to be enhanced for achieving the desired climating condition mentioned in the contract, the same shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate and accordingly contractor is advised to quote their rate. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. No claims whatsover shall be entertained on this aspect at the later stage.
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Supply, installation and testing of ducting work on Site fabricated with GI sheet metal ducts as per IS: 655 and IS:277 in accordance with the approved shop drawings and as required by the specifications for the following sizes / thickness. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Ducting work on Site fabricated with GI sheet metal ducts as per IS: 655 and IS:277 of size 20 Gauge thickness complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Ducting work on Site fabricated with GI sheet metal ducts as per IS: 655 and IS:277 of size 18 Gauge thickness complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(i) The contractor has to get duct layout drawings approved from Accepting officer before executing the duct work . (ii) The duct height shall not exceed 4.0 meter from FFL to avoid any stratrification of heated air to ensure uniform distribution of heated air in the conditioned space .(iii) The cost of mounting and installation of ducts at designated height includes cost of suspenders, supports,clamps ,fasteners etc the same shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rates .(iv) The quantities of ducts specified are tentative and can vary according to the duct layout submitted and approved and shall be paid accordingly to the acutal executed quantity and as per above quoted rate. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Duct insulation fire retardant nitrile insulation material of thickness 19 mm of thermal conductivity as per specification (Joint shall be sealed with self adhesive tape) including aluminum clading sheet wrapped all around of 5mm thickness minimum complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Duct insulation internal fire retardant nitrile insulation material of thickness 13 mm of thermal conductivity as per specification (Joint shall be sealed with self adhesive tape) from inside the duct near AHU to damp the vibrations and to make the duct sound proof. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, installation, testing and balancing of Air Grilles / diffusers powder coated Extruded Aluminium supply air Grilles/Diffusers with volume control dampers in accordance with the approved shop drawings and specifications. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, installation, testing and balancing of Fresh Air Intake/Exhaust Air Louvers Powder coated/Anodized extruded aluminium construction inlet air louvers with bird screen and volume damper for fresh air as per specifications and atleast 50 mm deep made of GI construction.The blades shall be inclined at 45 degree on a 40 mm blade pitch to minimize water ingress complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of Fire Dampers (of size suitable for as in design size of supply air duct as required on the site) as in supply air ducts / main branch and return air path as & where required of required sizes including control wiring. The spring return action shall be built mechanism and not externally mounted. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, testing and commissioning of MAIN LT PANEL of outdoor type free standing infront operated fully compartmentalized extendable on both sides outdoor weather & dust vermin proof L.T. Panel board suitable for 3 Phase 4 wire, 415 Volts, 50 Hz, AC supply system housed with incoming and outgoing feeders, bus bars, change over switches, interconnections etc , factory fabricated with indoor cubicle type totally enclosed .The Panels must be design and verified as per the IS/IEC 61439-01 & 2 with complete type test certificates for conformance to IS / IEC 61439 -1 and 2, with 65 KA 1 sec along with MCCB mounted in switch boards with aluminium bus bars as mandatory as conformed to IEC 61641 with internal arc containment fault level of 65 KA/03 Sec and shall be suiatbale for Seismeic Zone III/IV Zone including the type test conducted at ERDA/CPRI for seismic test.. All MCCBs panel should be single Tier for easy cable termination.Cable termination space should be adequate to safely gland and terminate AL/CU cables for the given current ratings with Form B seperation for Incoming MCCB feeders and For Outgoing MCCB feeders complete comprises of following items complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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The Switch board cubicles shall have steel frame work enclosed on all sides and top by CRCA sheet steel of Minimum 2.00 mm thickness.The panel shall have integral base frame of 100 mm ISMC base channel.removeable undrilled gland plates shall be fitted for bottom cable entry. (i) INCOMING : a) MCCB , Four pole, 400 Amps Icu =36 KA at 415 volts with micrprocessor release with adjustable over load setting Ir = (0.8 to 1.0) x In,Ics = 100 % Icu Class II front face with positive break indication with double break contacts, Standard extended rotary handle,Spreaders, Phase barrier etc-01 Nos b) Bus Bar TPN electrolytic Aluminium extensible type as main bus bars of minimum 600 A capacity (As per capacity of corresponding incoming / Bus couplers), and auxilliary bus bars of suitable capacity with heat shrunk coloured sleeves and i/c SMC bus bars supports at required intervals complete for cross section, size supports & their spacing etc. for withstanding fault level of 36kA .
(c). Metering Section - Suitable rated Digital Ammeter in amps-01 No along with resin type CTs as per design ratio with necessary CT shorting link- 03 Nos , digital volt meter in Volts- 01 No , RYB indicating Lamps-03 Nos , Suitable Load mangaer to have a parameters like KW,KWH,KVA,A,V,PF,KVAR,Active and Reactive component of the power - 1 No . complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(ii) OUTGOING : (a) MCCB, Four pole, 160 Amps, Icu =16 KA at 415 volts with thermal magnetic release - 01 No with adjustable over load setting Ir = (0.8 to 1.0) x In,Ics = 100 % Icu and fixed magnetic setting and Class II front face with positive break indication with double break contacts, Standard extended rotary handle,Spreaders, Phase barrier etc. (For AHU Panel 1 serving 3 AHUs)
(b) MCCB Four pole 125 Amps Icu =16 KA at 415 volts with thermal magnetic release - 01 No (O/G) with adjustable over load setting Ir = (0.8 to 1.0) x In,Ics = 100 % Icu and fixed magnetic setting and Class II front face with positive break indication with double break contacts, Standard extended rotary handle,Spreaders, Phase barrier etc. (For AHU Panel 2 serving 2 AHUs) (c) MCCB Four pole 63 Amps Icu =16 KA at 415 volts with thermal magnetic release - 04 No (3 w+01 S/By) with adjustable over load setting Ir = (0.8 to 1.0) x In,Ics = 100 % Icu and fixed magnetic setting and Class II front face with positive break indication with double break contacts, Standard extended rotary handle,Spreaders, Phase barrier etc. (For 3 Nos Boilers Panel) complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(d) MPCB 3.2- 6.3 A TP with thermal and magnetic release 415 volts 50 Hz with breaking cap of 100 KA with indicating lamp : On-Trip-Stop with suitable Ammeter along with necesary CTs etc- 02 Nos ( For Gear Pumps) (e) DOL Starter complete with 4 Pole contractor along with OLR in S.S Enclosure suitable upto 2 HP Motor with relay range of 2.4 to 4.0 Amp for Diesel Pump- 0 2 Nos (All starter should be complete in all respect with TDR ,O/L, S/C and Phase sequence corrector relay etc complete in all respect and as specified ). (For Gear Pumps)
(f) MPCB 6.3 - 10 A TP with thermal and magnetic release 415 volts 50 Hz with breaking cap of 100 KA with indicating lamp : On-Trip-Stop with suitable Ammeter along with necesary CTs etc- 03 Nos (for hot water Circulation Pumps).
(g) ASD (Automatic Star Delta) Starter suitable upto 7.5 HP Motor with 4 Pole contactors ,OLR and electronic star delta timer in S.S enclosure with relay range of 5.5 to 8 Amps for AHUs -03 Nos(All starter should be complete in all respect with TDR ,O/L, S/C and Phase sequence corrector relay etc complete all as specified) for 3 Nos Hot water circulation pumps. Complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(i) Main Aluminum busbars with 0.8Amps/sqmm current density & all internal wiring with copper FRLS wires and connections.
(ii) Earthing all components, frame etc. to a common internal earth bar.
(iii) Painting all sheet metal works support structure etc.
(iv) All accessories & supporting structure (Hot Dip Galvanised).
(v) All Load Managers to have parameters like KW, KWH, KVA, A, V, PF, KVAR, Active & Reactive component of power as specified in the schematic.
(vi)The panel shall be with Galvanized MS mounting base frame & the height shall not exceed more than 2100mm.
(vii) The panel shall be prewired, ready for External Cable termination.
(viii) All Gland Plate's shall be 3 mm thick removable type.
(ix) All the CT's shall be cast resin type, with necessary CT shorting link.
(x) The panel shall be in convenient sections suitable for transportation, erection & have sufficient space for Incoming & Outgoing cable terminations.
(xi) The panel Incomers/Outgoings shall have Potential free Contact. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(xii) 3 mm thick acrylic sheet shall be provided on the top of all outgoing termination sections, for protection against live terminals.
(xiii) All the panel Incomers & Outgoings shall be tagged with aluminum anodized engraved name plates (Detailed tag of the feeders will be given during the final approval of panel drawings)
(xiv) Vendor shall arrange to configure / check / set all the meters once the panel is completely installed & in operation at site.
(xv) Complete Digital / Electronic interlocking should be provided in the panel for sequence operation of the system to ensure proper safety (xvi) Suitable sufficient arrangement of LEDs light and provision of blower fans should be provided in the panel. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, testing and commissioning of Indoor type free standing infront operated fully compartmentalized extendable on both sides indoor type weather & dust vermin proof L.T. Panel board suitable for 3 Phase 4 wire, 415 Volts, 50 Hz, AC supply system housed with incoming and outgoing feeders, bus bars, change over switches, interconnections etc , factory fabricated with indoor cubicle type totally enclosed .The Panels must be design and verified as per the IS/IEC 61439-01 & 2 with complete type test certificates for conformance to IS / IEC 61439 -1 and 2, with 65 KA 1 sec along with MCCB mounted in switch boards with aluminium bus bars as mandatory as conformed to IEC 61641 with internal arc containment fault level of 65 KA/03 Sec and shall be suiatbale for Seismeic Zone III/IV Zone including the type test conducted at ERDA/CPRI for seismic test.. All MCCBs panel should be single Tier for easy cable termination.Cable termination space should be adequate to safely gland and terminate AL/CU cables for the given current ratings with Form B seperation for Incoming MCCB feeders and For Outgoing MCCB feeders. The Switch board cubicles shall have steel frame work enclosed on all sides and top by CRCA sheet steel of Minimum 2.00 mm thickness.The panel shall have integral base frame of 100 mm ISMC base channel.removeable undrilled gland plates shall be fitted for bottom cable entry. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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1.Incoming:- (a) MCCB, Four pole, 160 Amps, Icu =16 KA at 415 volts with thermal magnetic release - 01 No with adjustable over load setting Ir = (0.8 to 1.0) x In,Ics = 100 % Icu and fixed magnetic setting and Class II front face with positive break indication with double break contacts, Standard extended rotary handle,Spreaders, Phase barrier etc. (b) Bus Bar TPN electrolytic Aluminium extensible type as main bus bars of minimum 300 A capacity (As per capacity of corresponding incoming / Bus couplers), and auxilliary bus bars of suitable capacity with heat shrunk coloured sleeves and i/c SMC bus bars supports at required intervals complete for cross section, size supports & their spacing etc. for withstanding fault level of 36kA .
(c). Metering Section - Suitable rated Digital Ammeter in amps-01 No along with resin type CTs as per design ratio with necessary CT shorting link- 03 Nos , digital volt meter in Volts- 01 No , RYB indicating Lamps-03 Nos , Suitable Load mangaer to have a parameters like KW,KWH,KVA,A,V,PF,KVAR,Active and Reactive componentof the power - 1 No, complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(a) MPCB 14-20 A TP with thermal and magnetic release 415 volts 50 Hz with breaking cap of 100 KA with indicating lamp : On-Trip-Stop with suitable Ammeter along with necesary CTs etc- 03 Nos ( 2 Nos working 0+ S/By) for 2 Nos of AHU (b) ASD (Automatic Star Delta) Starter suitable upto 20 HP Motor with 4 Pole contactors ,OLR and electronic star delta timer in S.S enclosure with relay range of 5.5 to 8.8 Amps for Hot water Circulation Pump -02 Nos (All starter should be complete in all respect with TDR ,O/L, S/C and Phase sequence corrector relay etc completein all respect and specified )
(c) MPCB 11 - 20 A TP with thermal and magnetic release 415 volts 50 Hz with breaking cap of 100 KA with indicating lamp : On-Trip-Stop with suitable Ammeter along with necesary CTs etc- 02 Nos ( 01 Working+01 Stand By) for AHU of 5000 CFM - 02 No (d) DOL Starter complete with 4 Pole contractor along with OLR in S.S Enclosure suitable upto 7.5 HP Motor with relay range of 11.0 to 18.0 Amp for AHU- 0 1 Nos (All starter should be complete in all respect with TDR ,O/L, S/C and Phase sequence corrector relay etc complete in all respect and as specified ). complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
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(i) Main Aluminum busbars with 0.8Amps/sqmm current density & all internal wiring with copper FRLS wires and connections.
(ii) Earthing all components, frame etc. to a common internal earth bar.
(iii) Painting all sheet metal works support structure etc.
(iv) All accessories & supporting structure (Hot Dip Galvanised).
(v) All Load Managers to have parameters like KW, KWH, KVA, A, V, PF, KVAR, Active & Reactive component of power as specified in the schematic.
(vi)The panel shall be with Galvanized MS mounting base frame & the height shall not exceed more than 2100mm.
(vii) The panel shall be prewired, ready for External Cable termination.
(viii) All Gland Plate's shall be 3 mm thick removable type.
(ix) All the CT's shall be cast resin type, with necessary CT shorting link.
(x) The panel shall be in convenient sections suitable for transportation, erection & have sufficient space for Incoming & Outgoing cable terminations.
(xi) The panel Incomers/Outgoings shall have Potential free Contact. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(xii) 3 mm thick acrylic sheet shall be provided on the top of all outgoing termination sections, for protection against live terminals.
(xiii) All the panel Incomers & Outgoings shall be tagged with aluminum anodized engraved name plates (Detailed tag of the feeders will be given during the final approval of panel drawings)
(xiv) Vendor shall arrange to configure / check / set all the meters once the panel is completely installed & in operation at site.
(xv) Complete Digital / Electronic interlocking should be provided in the panel for sequence operation of the system to ensure proper safety (xvi) Suitable sufficient arrangement of LEDs light and provision of blower fans should be provided in the panel. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, testing and commissioning of Indoor type free standing infront operated fully compartmentalized extendable on both sides Indoor weather & dust vermin proof L.T. Panel board suitable for 3 Phase 4 wire, 415 Volts, 50 Hz, AC supply system housed with incoming and outgoing feeders, bus bars, change over switches, interconnections etc , factory fabricated with indoor cubicle type totally enclosed .The Panels must be design and verified as per the IS/IEC 61439-01 & 2 with complete type test certificates for conformance to IS / IEC 61439 -1 and 2, with 65 KA 1 sec along with MCCB mounted in switch boards with aluminium bus bars as mandatory as conformed to IEC 61641 with internal arc containment fault level of 65 KA/03 Sec and shall be suiatbale for Seismeic Zone III/IV Zone including the type test conducted at ERDA/CPRI for seismic test. All MCCBs panel should be single Tier for easy cable termination.Cable termination space should be adequate to safely gland and terminate AL/CU cables for the given current ratings with Form B seperation for Incoming MCCB feeders and For Outgoing MCCB feeders. The Switch board cubicles shall have steel frame work enclosed on all sides and top by CRCA sheet steel of Minimum 2.00 mm thickness.The panel shall have integral base frame of 100 MM ISMC base channel.removeable undrilled gland plates shall be fitted for bottom cable entry. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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1.Incoming:- (a) MCCB Four pole 125 Amps Icu =16 KA at 415 volts with thermal magnetic release - 01 No (I/G) .It should be with adjustable over load setting Ir = (0.8 to 1.0) x In,Ics = 100 % Icu and fixed magnetic setting Class II front face with positive break indication with double break contacts, Standard extended rotary handle,Spreaders, Phase barrier etc. (b) Bus Bar TPN electrolytic Aluminium extensible type as main bus bars of minimum 300 A capacity (As per capacity of corresponding incoming / Bus couplers), and auxilliary bus bars of suitable capacity with heat shrunk coloured sleeves and i/c SMC bus bars supports at required intervals complete for cross section, size supports & their spacing etc. for withstanding fault level of 36kA .
(c). Metering Section - Suitable rated Digital Ammeter in amps-01 No along with resin type CTs as per design ratio with necessary CT shorting link- 03 Nos , digital volt meter in Volts- 01 No , RYB indicating Lamps-03 Nos , Suitable Load mangaer to have a parameters like KW,KWH,KVA,A,V,PF,KVAR,Active and Reactive componentof the power - 1 No . complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(a) MPCB 14-20 A TP with thermal and magnetic release 415 volts 50 Hz with breaking cap of 100 KA with indicating lamp : On-Trip-Stop with suitable Ammeter along with necesary CTs etc- 03 Nos ( 2 Nos working + 01 Stand By) for 2 Nos of AHU (b) ASD (Automatic Star Delta) Starter suitable upto 20 HP Motor with 4 Pole contactors ,OLR and electronic star delta timer in S.S enclosure with relay range of 5.5 to 8.8 Amps for Hot water Circulation Pump -02 Nos (All starter should be complete in all respect with TDR ,O/L, S/C and Phase sequence corrector relay etc completein all respect and specified. Note:
(i) Main Aluminum busbars with 0.8Amps/sqmm current density & all internal wiring with copper FRLS wires and connections.
(ii) Earthing all components, frame etc. to a common internal earth bar.
(iii) Painting all sheet metal works support structure etc.
(iv) All accessories & supporting structure (Hot Dip Galvanised).
(v) All Load Managers to have parameters like KW, KWH, KVA, A, V, PF, KVAR, Active & Reactive component of power as specified in the schematic.
(vi)The panel shall be with Galvanized MS mounting base frame & the height shall not exceed more than 2100mm. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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(vii) The panel shall be prewired, ready for External Cable termination.
(viii) All Gland Plate's shall be 3 mm thick removable type.
(ix) All the CT's shall be cast resin type, with necessary CT shorting link.
(x) The panel shall be in convenient sections suitable for transportation, erection & have sufficient space for Incoming & Outgoing cable terminations.
(xi) The panel Incomers/Outgoings shall have Potential free Contact.
(xii) 3 mm thick acrylic sheet shall be provided on the top of all outgoing termination sections, for protection against live terminals.
(xiii) All the panel Incomers & Outgoings shall be tagged with aluminum anodized engraved name plates (Detailed tag of the feeders will be given during the final approval of panel drawings)
(xiv) Vendor shall arrange to configure / check / set all the meters once the panel is completely installed & in operation at site.
(xv) Complete Digital / Electronic interlocking should be provided in the panel for sequence operation of the system to ensure proper safety (xvi) Suitable sufficient arrangement of LEDs light and provision of blower fans should be provided in the panel. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply, installation testing and commissioning of power cabling complete cable work using XLPE insulated PVC sheathed steel tape/ wire armoured underground copper conductor cables of following sizes for electric supply from main panel in AC plant room to various loads including Supplying and making end termination with brass double compression glands and copper lugs including interconnections from starters to motors on existing cable trays/supports as required as per specifications complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Power cabling complete cable work using XLPE insulated PVC sheathed steel tape/ wire armoured underground copper conductor cables of copper armoured cable ( ISI marked) of size 25 sqmm, 4 core complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Power cabling complete cable work using XLPE insulated PVC sheathed steel tape/ wire armoured underground copper conductor cables of copper armoured cable ( ISI marked) of size 10 sqmm, 3 core complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Power cabling complete cable work using XLPE insulated PVC sheathed steel tape/ wire armoured underground copper conductor cables of copper armoured cable ( ISI marked) of size 4 sqmm, 3 core complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Control Cabling complete cable work using PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper control cables of size 1.5 sqmm, 6 core to various equipment including interconnections from electric supply to equipments on existing cable trays / supports as required including end termination on both sides as per specifications and as required., complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Fabrication and installation of Cable Tray of following size of perforated GI (Hot dip galvanised) cable tray, including horizontal and vertical bends reducers, tees, cross members & cable tray cover for protection of cable and other accessories as required and duly suspended from the ceiling with MS suspenders including painted with 2 coats of synthetic cnemal paint over a coat of red oxide primor required. Complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Galvanised Iron cable tray of size 300 mm wide x 100mm height x 1.6 mm thick. Complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Galvanised Iron cable tray of size 150 mm wide x 100mm height x 1.6 mm thick. Complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Material & Labour for Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60 cm x 60 cm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground, (Earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr deep below ground level) with top edge of plate not less than 1.5 mtr below normal ground level, connected to and including 32mm x 6 mm GI earth strip by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanized standard iron or steel all as specified or indicated in electrical plate no 3 of MES Part-I, including testing on completion including the material and labour of the following:
(a) Excavation and earth work for drilling hole for electrode in any type of soil.
(b) PCC pit in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1. (Using 20mm graded crused stone aggregate). (c) Precast RCC cover with suitable handle 40 mm thick in PCC 1:2:4 type B-1, (Using 20mm graded crused stone aggregate). reinforced with welded steel wire fabric weighing not less than 1.87 Kg/Sqm. (d) Funnel with watering pipe of GI 20 mm nominal bore medium grade and copper lugs etc all as specified. (e) 40 mm nominal bore light grade GI protection pipe 5 mtr long for protection of earthing lead from mechanical injury or tempering. (e) Requisite quantity of common salt and charcoal.
(f) Testing of earthing complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Notes: (i) On testing after completion of earthing, if the desired earth resistance is not less than 5 ohm obtained, the earthing will be re-done by the contractor at his own risk and cost to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.The unit rate includes GI pipe up to 7.5m for protection of earth lead.
(ii) If there is a requirement of grid Earthings to achieve the desired earth resistance, as directed by Eng-in-charge, then inter connecting of different earthings shall be done at no Extra cost complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing & fixing GI strip of size 25mm x 4mm on surface or in recesses for earth connections etc as required on the site. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing & fixing GI strip of size 32mm x 6mm on surface or in recesses for earth connections etc as required on the site. complete to all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply and fixing of MCCB incommer Distribution Board ( Vertical Load line DB) double Door made out of CRCA mild steel sheet surface with insulated material like polyester or with epoxy powder coating and IP 43 & IK 09 protection, surface mounting, VTPN 04 way, 240 volts with bus bar rating 200 Amps, dust and vermin proof suitable for incorporation of MCB’s and isolators etc and making all necessary connections complete all as directed. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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S&F MCCB Four pole 63 Amps Icu =16 KA at 415 volts with thermal magnetic release - 01 No (O/G) .It should be with adjustable over load setting Ir = (0.8 to 1.0) x In,Ics = 100 % Icu and Class II front face with positive break indication with double break contacts, Standard extended rotary handle,Spreaders, Phase barrier etc. Complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply and fixing MCB TPN 32 Amp, 415V ,10KA, 'C' curve of 4 poles and current carrying capacity in the DB complete with connection testing and commissioning complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
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Supply and fixing Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) SPN 32 Amp rating 240V, 10KA 'C' curve of following poles and current carrying capacity in the MCB DB complete with connection testing and commissioning, complete all as specifed and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply and fixing Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) SP 240V, 10 KA 'C' curve of current carrying capacity 5 to 32 AMP, in the MCB DB Complete with connection testing and commissioning. complete all as specifed and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply & Fixing of galvanised Steel water tubing of light grade of size 80mm dia bore as laid in trenches or fixed to wall/pole for cable protection, complete all as specifed and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Material and labour for Point wiring using FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed /multi stranded copper conductor cable of size 1.5 sqmm including 1.5 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed copper conductor as earth wire drawn through and including stove enamelled steel conduit (ISI Marked) of appropriate size including all fittings viz tees, bends, junctions box of 1100 volts grade including sheet steel/GI terminal box of adequate size having thickness not less than 2.0mm thick including 3mm thick bakelite sheet cover for mounting of switch/socket etc connecting earth including cutting groove for concealed wiring (if, required on the site) making good to disturbed surface of wall/floor with cement mortar and finishes to match existing including connection of cable with MCBs or bus bar shall be done through proper size copper/brass thimble etc (conduit shall be fixed on surface of ceiling with necessary saddles where concealing of conduit is not feasible) (With proper colour code will be used for wiring as per the electrical rule), for one light point controlled by one way 6 Amp/10Amp switch single pole, 240 volts complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
(Note : Switch/bell push/fan regulator etc shall be measured and paid separately under respective items.)
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Material and labour for Point wiring using FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed /multi stranded copper conductor cable of size 2.5 sqmm including 2.5 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed copper conductor as earth wire drawn through and including stove enamelled steel conduit (ISI Marked) of appropriate size including all fittings viz tees, bends, junctions box of 1100 volts grade including sheet steel/GI terminal box of adequate size having thickness not less than 2.0mm thick including 3mm thick bakelite sheet cover for mounting of switch/socket etc connecting earth including cutting groove for concealed wiring(if, required on the site) making good to disturbed surface of wall/floor with cement mortar and finishes to match existing including connection of cable with MCBs or bus bar shall be done through proper size copper/brass thimble etc (conduit shall be fixed on surface of ceiling with necessary saddles where concealing of conduit is not feasible) (With proper colour code will be used for wiring as per the electrical rule), for 15 Amps flame proof socket, 240 volts complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
(Note : Switch/bell push/fan regulator etc shall be measured and paid separately under respective items.)
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S&F Switch flame proof rotary type with termination box in LM6, 16 Amps, single pole 250 volts. complete all specifed and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Material and labour for Submain wiring with 2 run of single core, 2x2.5 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated and unsheathed, multi stranded copper conductor cable 1100 volts FRLS (using colour code as per IS) with and including 1 x 2.5 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated and unsheathed copper conductor multistranded cable (using colour code as per IS) connected to common earth point and connected to earth dolly drawn through and Including steel conduit of 25mm bore dia size, heavy grade (ISI marked) with and including all accessories Complete all as specified as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note : Two runs of single core cable with one run of earth cable and conduit with necessary accessories shall be measured as one RM.
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Description complete as per item ser No 62 here in above but using PVC casing & caping. Complete all as specifed and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Description complete as per item ser No 62 here in above but using 04 Sqmm wire. complete all as specifed and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Description complete as per item ser No 62 here in above but using 04 Sqmm wire in PVC casing & caping. complete all as specifed and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply,laying,jointing and testing, fixing to wall using clamps/pole/floor or in air or passing through pipes /ducts / road/path/drain, laid in trenches, 1100 volts grade heavy duty electric cable XLPE insulated,screened ,PVC bedded, galvanised steel wire or wire armoured with electric power cable 1100 volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 150 sqmm, 3.5 core (ISI marked) (confirming to IS - 7098 Part-1) and its latest amendments complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Supply,laying,jointing and testing, fixing to wall using clamps/pole/floor or in air or passing through pipes /ducts / road/path/drain, laid in trenches, 1100 volts grade heavy duty electric cable XLPE insulated,screened ,PVC bedded, galvanised steel wire or wire armoured with electric power cable 1100 volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 95 sqmm, 3.5 core (ISI marked) ( confirming to IS - 7098 Part-1) and its latest amendments complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Excavation in trenches in hard/dense soil not exceeding 1.5 meter wide and not exceeding 1.5 metre in depth for laying of cables and getting out of excavated material complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Material and labour for good quality dry sand cushioning to under ground electric cable on layer of 8 cm thick before laying the cable and second layer of 15 cm thick after laying the cable all as specified in clase 19.75 of MES Schedule part-I (2009) Note : Sand shall be fined sand as specifed and punned thickness shall be measured Complete all as specified as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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M&L for un-reinforced precast cement concrete cable cover, of class LV, type 1, flat of size 250mm x 150mm x 40 mm for cable protection complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Returning, filling in, including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm thick each, excavated soil in trenches after the cables have been laid and tested complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Removing excavated soil to a distance not exceeding 50 meter and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.50 meter above the starting point complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply ,Installation,testing and commissioning of the following accessories for remote operation of leaves of existing hanger motorised door from both ends inculding control system,wire/cable motors,gear mechanism,safety arrangement for motoriszed operation etc.The arrangement shall include the following accessories apart from other accessories required for smooth and efficient operation of the hanger doors complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) 3 Phase squirrel cage induction motor ,1450 rpm,50 HZ of power 3 HP(min)-01No.
(ii) Gear box to ensure door movement of speed 8 to 10 mpm as part of drive transmission between motor and drive wheel-01 Job.
(iii) Control Panel to be mounted at the extreme end of the door opening inside the hanger building to ensure electric operation of master leaf of the hanger door.
(a) The operator shall keep the open or close by pressing push button to provide the arrangement to automatically open/close the door through the the control power cut on/ off throuh limit switches.
(b) An emergency STOP button (STAY-PUT-TYPE) shall also be provided on the control panel.
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(c) The door control panel shall be provided with a flashing light with annuciation during closing/opening of the door. (d) In case of power failure the doors to be operated manually by disengaging in the gear box.
(e) All necessary arrangements for movement of the door including gear box, cable for electric supply to motor, travelling copper cable ( 4 Sqmm x 4Core) including provision of hanging arrangement and control panel incl control wiring and any other arrangement/ accessories required for functioning of motorized sliding doors and as directed above to be deemed to be included in the quoted rates.
(f) The contractor is advised to visit the site and see the arrangment of hanger door leaves so that proper design of motorized operated door system can be done at their end.
(g) The lumpsum quoted rate is deemed to include all arrangement /equipments for satisafctorily operations including safety arrangenment and shall include three years maintenance for satisfactory operations.
(h) The lumpsum quoated rate is deemed to include taking down of the old motor, gear box, control pannel etc and all other accessories and shifting to the store yard of MES for the safe custody all as directed by engineer in charge. complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Suppy & Fixing of Fire Alarm Sounders / Sirens Electronic type horizontal single stage continous normal operation for atleast 50 minutes with sound level 65 DB to 120 DB measured at 1.5 Mtr with sound output variation of + 5 DB, upto 1000 metre range complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Suppy & Fixing of Fire Detectors/ sensor Complying with and type certified to EN - 45 Addressable type multisensor detector with heat and smoke combination with base with self built intelligence as per IS: 11360 complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Suppy & Fixing of annunciating device, Addressable manual call point resettable type complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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S&F Switch flame proof rotary type with termination box in LM6, 06 Amps, single pole 250 volts. Complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Supply and fixing LED light fitting of size 1x120 Watt, flameproof, CMRI certified recommended for gas/ vapor group of IIA & IIIB, Zone 1 & 2 and with IP-65 protection alongwith die cast aluminum housing with heat resistant toughened glass, with LED tube light fixtures driver, holders, connector etc. Complete with all accessories prewired and including connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable with suitable size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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Taking down carefully and shifting of voltage stabilizer complete in new elect panel room after carefully disconnecting the electric cables for re-use complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge.
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Note: The schedule of credit in Pdf format has been attached with tender and amount of credit schedule i.e. Rs 5,66,041.00 shall be deducted from the total quoted amount of BOQ to arrive at the contract sum.
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