Karnataka Power Corporation Limited Tender

Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited - KPCL Tender

Civil And Construction
Water Storage And Supply
Opening Date15 Mar 2022
Closing Date4 Apr 2022
Tender Amount₹ 15,03,66,248 



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Supply of good quality sand to the sectional store in colony area and stacking neatly including cost of transportation, loading & unloading charges etc., complete with all leads & lifts as directed by the Engineer in charge




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Supply of approved clean, stone hard aggregates of size 20 mm and down to the sectional store in colony area and stacking neatly including cost of transportation, loading & unloading charges etc., complete with all leads & lifts as directed by the Engineer in charge




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Supply of class designation 35 (non modular ground moulded burnt bricks to the sectional store in colony area and stacking neatly including cost of transportation, loading & unloading charges etc., complete with all leads & lifts as directed by the Engineer in charge




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Cutting of trees of different girths including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps roots stacking of serviceable materials earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges complete as per specifications. a) From 300mm to 600mm




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Cutting of trees of different girths including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps roots stacking of serviceable materials earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges complete as per specifications b).From 600mm to 900mm




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Cutting of trees of different girths including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps roots stacking of serviceable materials earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges complete as per specifications c).From 900mm to 1800mm




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Clearing of jungle, bushes, cutting trees upto 15cm girth including disposing off the material etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts. Thin Jungle (including parthenium growth)




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Clearing of jungle, bushes, cutting trees upto 15cm girth including disposing off the material etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts. Thin Jungle (including parthenium growth). b)Kodasalli




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Removing & cleaning spider nets, dust etc., on the walls, surfaces & sides & tops of all electrical panels & equipment pipe line wherever accessible, jewel filters surfaces, cable tracks, offices, stores etc., in different floors in co-ordination with Electrical wing ect., complete including cost all material, labour, transportation of labour and other T&Ps etc., complete as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Removing of earth from chocked hill said drains, road side drains, hauling over fallen muck debries including boulders and breaking any large rock fragment if necessary by deploying machineries including disposing of same in specified area or as directed by the engineer incharge and cleaning all cross drainage works for flow of rain water including cost of all materials, machinery, labours and all other ancillary operation etc complete., with all leads and lifts.




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KSRB 15-18.3: Providing and applying enamel metal paint one coat (excluding priming coat) on previously painted steel or other metal surface brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.




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Cleaning/sweeping of outer periphery like roads footpaths, kerb stones, terraces including removing grass dust, picking of racs & removal of cow dung debris etc., to the nearest garbage pit using suitable coconut broomstic,coir brushes, bamboo baskets, plastic buckets, trolley etc., complete with all lead & lifts as per the directions of the Engineer incharge.




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Sweeping of all the floors of buildings, corridors, staircase, wall cleaning including removing of dust and cobwebs on doors, windows, walls and disposing off the waste and debris etc including the cost of brooms,tools and plants and labour charges etc. complete with all lead & lifts as per the directions of the Engineer incharge.




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Swabbing of all the floors of buildings,corridors, staircase, wall cleaning including cleaning of doors, windows and disposing off the waste and debris etc including the cost of brooms,Phenyol,tools and plants and labour charges etc. with all lead & lifts as per the directions of the Engineer incharge.




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Cleaning of office floors, toilet floors, corridors, lobbies, partitions, storage units, furniture, electrical & electronic equipments, doors, windows, curtains, blinds etc., including cleaning of dust, etc., using suitable bombay broom stick, squezers / wipers/rubber brushes, mop sticks, coir brushes, bamboo baskets, plastic buckets, trolleys, wiping cloths, carry bags, etc.,removing the debris to the nearest garbage pit complete including cost of materials, labours complete as per specifications




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Cleaning of toilet blocks, urinals blocks, wash basin in all buildings including all the consumables like broom stick, brushes, bucket, Phenol, disinfectant liquids , detrgent, Napthalene balls etc., compete with all lead & lifts as per the directions of the Engineer incharge




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Operation of pumps to water supply system at NPH and attending minor repairs of pumps etc., including cost of all labours, transportation of labour and T&P etc., complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.




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Maintenance of lawns/plants or Turfing of slopes (rough grassing) for a period of one year including watering etc complete as per specifications




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Supply at site of work well decayed farm yard manure, from any available source, approved by the engineer in charge including screening and stacking complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 308.2




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Supply of good quality ordinary earth to work site in garden area and stacking neatly including cost of transportation loading and un loading charges etc., complete with all leads and lifts as directed by engineer in charge




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Repotting of pots including removal of old soil, mixing, fresh soil with manure & organic matter, placing the mixture in the pots & planting the plants etc., excluding the cost of manure mixture & other materials




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Upkeeping and maintenance of inspection bungalow /Guest houses/ VIP Guest House including watch and ward, routine maintenance works like sweeping the area of all rooms, dining conference hall, stores, corridors, kitchen and open space around inspection bungalow /Guest houses/ VIP Guest House including upkeeping of garden, foutain , deploying cook for preparation of food timely et,.removing spider webs inside the inspection bungalow /Guest houses/ VIP Guest House and cleaning and washing of floors including all tiolets and bath rooms, doors, windows with brush/wet cloth dipped in phenyl/domex water etc., including duties like serving food and other services to the occupants during their visit with cost of all labour, supply of uniform two sets and one pair of shoes with socks per year to each room boy etc., complete and performing the work as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing commercial gas cylinder filling for cooking food at IB including transporting, placing at IB and fixing etc., including all taxes and labour etc., to maintain unintrupted food supply to the guests throughout the year as per direction of Engineer-incharge.




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Collecting garbage from each residential houses of colony including market area, office complex, shoping complex, IB/ VIP GH/ GH's etc., removal of accumulated garbage from road side dustbins in the colony area and proper bifurcation of waste as bio-degradable and non bio degradable and dumping the same in specified dump yard/ pit, & including cost of all materials, labours, T & P etc complete as per specifications directed by the Engineer in charge




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Collecting garbage from morning from each houses of colony including shopping complex, shops and offices, conveying to the garbage dump yard including cost of transportation by Truck (not less than 6cum capacity) and segregating the collected garbage into bio degradable and non bio degradable, disposing bio degradable waste in to vermicompost pits, spraying available soil and water over vermicompost pits for producing vermi-fertilizers, packing and storing vermi-fertilizers thus produced separately, segregating recyclable waste and storing into bins of segregation shed, arranging agency for scraping of recyclable materials at regular intervals, maintaining hygienic environment in segregation shed and vermicompost shed by daily cleaning of floor by water and soap including cost of labours, tools & plants and materials complete with all lead and lifts as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Manually doing laundry /cleaning the clothes/ upstoleris like bedsheet, curtains, towels etc and ironing after drying and storing them at Inspection bungalow




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KSRB 2-2 : Earthwork excavation by manual means for Foundation of buildings, water supply and sanitary lines and electrical conduits etc, either in pits or in trenches 1.5m and above in width, in soil not exceeding 1.5 m. in depth including dressing the bottom and sides of pits and trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from edges of excavation with lead upto 50 m. including breaking of clods complete as per specifications.KSRB 2-2.1: -do- in ordinary soil. No. KBS 2.1 (a) /2.3.5




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Disposal of dead animals including transportation by head load or by any other means outside colony area, digging pits for burrying, back filling the pits by available excavated earth, spraying the phenyl on dead animal and cleaning the area including cost of all labour, phenyl, T&P etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. a)Dead pet animals




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Disposal of dead animals including transportation by head load or by any other means outside colony area, digging pits for burrying, back filling the pits by available excavated earth, spraying the phenyl on dead animal and cleaning the area including cost of all labour, phenyl, T&P etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. b)Dead cattle




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Cleaning of road side drain including removal of grass, chocked earth, debris and other unserviceable material using required T& P disposing off removed materials as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc., including cost of labours, materials, HOM complete with all leads and lifts.




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Removing bee-hives from the structural steel members, walls, roofs, gates, dam faces etc., as per the directions.




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Removing bee-hives from the structural steel members, walls, roofs, gates, dam faces etc., as per the directions. b.Kodasalli




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Removal of accumulated garbage from dust bins in Colony & power house premises including loading in to the tipper, sweeping the surround area of dust bin, conveying and disposing garbage to notified dump yard., complete including cost of all labour, T&P, all lead & lifts etc., complete as directed by engineer incharge




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Spraying of k-othrine flow/eq adult mosquito control chemicals all around and inside the colony in both residential & non residential areas including, treatment plant, jackwell and temples including cost of materials, machineries, labours, with all lead and lifts as directed by Engineer In Charge




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Spraying of chemicals/insectisides with Temophous 50% & k-othrine flow/eq adult mosquito control chemicals all around and inside the colony in both residential & non residential areas including, treatment plant, jackwell and temples including cost of materials, machineries, labours, with all lead and lifts as directed by Engineer In Charge




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Supplying and fogging mosquito control chemicals all around and inside the colony in both residential & non residential areas including, treatment plant, jackwell and temples including cost of materials, machineries and labours with all lead and lifts as directed by Engineer In Charge




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KSRRB M3000-1. Restoration of rain cuts with soil, moorum, gravel or a mixture of these, clearing the loose soil, benching for 300 mm width, laying fresh material in layers not exceeding 250 mm and compacting with plate compactor or power rammers to restore the original alignment, levels and slopes including cost of materials, labour, HOM complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 3002




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Removing & disposing of fallen muck of all strata except hard rock on road side due to slip etc., under dry or wet condition including spreading, sectioning, forming if necessary etc., complete with all lead & lifts.




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KSRB 15.10.1 : Providing white washing to new wall surface in two coats with lime of approved quality, to give an even shade including cost of materials, labours, complete as per sepcifications.




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Maintenance such as general cleaning sweeping,washing if neceessary and removing the dust, debris, garbage, cobweb, leaves from NPH premises roads, shoulder, walls, gates,kerb stones,ODY areaa etc and conveying & disposing off to the notified dump yard outside the power house premises etc., complete including cost all material, labour, transportation of labour and other T&Ps etc., complete as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Maintaining IB TV's and all its accessories including D2H service and recharge, remotes and its cells, stabilisers etc., including labour cost and all taxes to maintain unintrupted TV service to the IB throughout the year as per direction of Engineer-incharge.




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Cutting of overhanging branches of road side trees obstructing the safe movement of bus/trucks or other machinery on NPH Ghat road etc., complete with all lead and lifts




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Loading and Unloading of Stone Boulder / Stone aggregates /Sand/ Kanker / Moorum. Placing tipper at loading point, loading with front end loader,dumping, turning for return trip, excluding time for haulage and return trip complete as per specifications.




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Cleaning and formation of new fire lines to width of 3 Mtrs heaping and burning. In areas having thin/spare growth etc,. including cost of labours conveyence charges and T&P etc,. Complete. as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Carrying out the operation of Domestic Water Supply Pumps & Equipments, operation of clarifier bridge, putting the alum, bleaching powder, sodium carbonate into water daily and backwashing the filter media twice in a week including watch & ward of water treatment plant round the clock on shift basis in three shifts of 8 hours duration each in a day at WATER TREATMENT PLANT and JACKWELL, Day-to-day distribution of potable water to colony & Office complex and distribution of raw water to garden and garage etc twice in a day , Day-to-day maintenance of water supply scheme to Offices & colony including maintenance of main lines which includes excavation for removal of damaged pipes, replacing the pipes with new one including cutting, threading, rejoining with collars, refilling the pipe line trenches, removal of damaged pipes from the walls of quarters including boring in walls, removing the damaged portion of pipes, rethreading, reconnecting with new pipes/collars etc., as per site condition, redoing the damaged wall portion, assisting any other maintenance work like pumps, valves etc., in water treatment plant, Jackwell, including cost of all labours,transportation, lead & lift, T & P, and safety shoes. cost of all labours, T & P etc., complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.




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Carrying out the operation of Domestic Water Supply Pumps & Equipments, operation of clarifier bridge, putting the alum, bleaching powder, sodium carbonate into water daily and backwashing the filter media twice in a week including watch & ward of water treatment plant round the clock on shift basis in three shifts of 8 hours duration each in a day at WATER TREATMENT PLANT and JACKWELL, Day-to-day distribution of potable water to colony & Office complex and distribution of raw water to garden and garage etc twice in a day , Day-to-day maintenance of water supply scheme to Offices & colony including maintenance of main lines which includes excavation for removal of damaged pipes, replacing the pipes with new one including cutting, threading, rejoining with collars, refilling the pipe line trenches, removal of damaged pipes from the walls of quarters including boring in walls, removing the damaged portion of pipes, rethreading, reconnecting with new pipes/collars etc., as per site condition, redoing the damaged wall portion, assisting any other maintenance work like pumps, valves etc., in water treatment plant, Jackwell, including cost of all labours,transportation, lead & lift, T & P, uniform and safety shoes complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. cost of all labours, T & P etc., complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. b)For hidkal colony




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Cleaning of ground level water tank & RCC over head tank including scraping the inside surface, cleaning with wire brush, bleaching powder, flushing etc., complete as directed including removal of parthenium around the tanks upto 2 m, making pathways to tanks by removal of parthenium etc., complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge




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Removing the damaged CI pipe line of 225 to 300 mm dia including excavation of trenches, dismantling of specials, jointing materials, taking out pipes from trenches, rolling, loading conveying and unloading, laying metal pipes line true to line level and perfect linking at joints, including loading, conveying, unloading rolling and lowering the pipes into trenches, providing assistance by deploying heavy mazdoors for jointing pipes, refilling the excavated trenches with available earth from trench excavation in layers of 15 cm thickness and ramming to the desired compaction after completion of entire repair works including disposing off the surplus materials with 1 Km lead and all lifts.




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Maintainence of Water supply equipments such as footvalves, Airvalves, Gate valve & Other Components in rising & gravity main from Jackwell site to Ambikanagar water tanks including cleaning, lubrication, replacements, repairs etc., complete as directed by Engineer in charge.




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Repair / rectification of sanitary pipe lines / fittings, such as clearing chokedup pipes including necessary excavation, removing of silt, slush, sludge etc., from pipe and replacement / refixing, jointing pipes, refilling the trenches etc., complete with all leads & lifts as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Repair / rectification of Damged UGD inspection chambers/Valve chambers/ Manholes and sanitary pipe lines / fittings, including conveyance of materials from sectional stores to work site, cost of all labour, T & P etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge




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Maintainance of Sewage treatment plant like pumping of sewage water from pumping station located at colony to treatment plant, pumping of sewage sludge from clarifiers to sldge beds, operation and servicing & maintainance of motors, pumps and gear boxes at regular intervels, lubricating of motors, pumps and gear box, carrying out the minor repairs, adding chlorine to treated sewage water etc. complete with all lead and lifts as directed by Engineer in charge a) For sewage treatement Plant at colony




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Maintainance of Sewage treatment plant like pumping of sewage water from pumping station located at colony to treatment plant, pumping of sewage sludge from clarifiers to sldge beds, operation and servicing & maintainance of motors, pumps and gear boxes at regular intervels, lubricating of motors, pumps and gear box, carrying out the minor repairs, adding chlorine to treated sewage water etc. complete with all lead and lifts as directed by Engineer in charge b)For sewage treatement Plant 1& 2 at Ambikanagar colony




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Removal of the sludge collected various units of STP & pumping stations and depositing the same to the designated dump yard and cleaning the tank as directed by Engineer in-charge with all leads and lifts etc., complete




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Cleaning of weep holes by removing weeds, soil, dust & other materials in & around the weep holes by using scraper neatly to full depth as directed etc., complete with all leads & lifts. .




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Cleaning upstream and downstream faces of the dam including removing grass / bush growth, nest, set mortar lumps by brushing,disposing off the waste materialsetc., complete with all leads and lifts.




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Cleaning upstream and downstream faces of the dam including removing grass / bush growth, nest, set mortar lumps by brushing,disposing off the waste materialsetc., complete with all leads and lifts. b.Kodasalli dam




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Cleaning of drainage gallery, adit, instrumentation galleries etc., including chiselling/scraping leached lime deposits, cleaning floor by brushing, disposing off the waste materials etc., complete with all leads and lifts.




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Cleaning of drainage gallery, adit, instrumentation galleries etc., including chiselling/scraping leached lime deposits, cleaning floor by brushing, disposing off the waste materials etc., complete with all leads and lifts. b)Kodasalli dam




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Collecting, conveying including cutting to the required size wooden logs, bamboos, bushes and other floating materials from the U/S side of the reservoir area and conveying the same by boat or other means to the banks and neatly stacking the same including the hire charges of boat, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts .




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Collecting, conveying including cutting to the required size wooden logs, bamboos, bushes and other floating materials from the U/S side of the reservoir area and conveying the same by boat or other means to the banks and neatly stacking the same including the hire charges of boat, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts . b)Kodasalli Dam




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Collecting hydrological data such as water level, rainfall, seepage details, carrying instruments into all floors of drainage gallery, recording the values, removing packers and refixing etc., and recording the same in the register periodically, communicating to division office whenever required etc., and also assisting in any other miscellenious maintenance works as directed by engineer-in charge.




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Removing silt and slush from dewatering pit, draft tube, tail race pond, cooling towers etc., by mechanical means/ manually including multiple handling wherever necessary and stacking etc., complete with all lead and all lifts.




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Cleaning dam parapet with oxalic acid and water including wire brushing, washing, cost of all materials etc., complete.




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Removing packers from drainage holes, cleaning the packers, holes and refixing the packers as directed by the engineer in charge.




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Cleaning the Earthen dam u/s and d/s revetments/ pitching surface, longitudinal drains including removal of debris, vegetation and disposing of the waste materials as directed with all leads & lifts including cost of labour and T&P materials required for cleaning etc., complete.




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Maintenace of Fire Line: Cleaning existing fire lines and fire tracing to a width of 12m heaping and burning. Cleaning existing fire lines & fire tracing to a width of 3 m heaping & burning. - In areas having thin jungle growth. ii) In areas having thin / sparse growth




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Providing and carrying out watch & ward of fire in Kappthagudda on daily basis (Min. 4 No. of Labours) from 1st January to 15th June




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Supply of loudspeaker during flood monitoring works




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Cleaning of blocked culverts by removing wooden logs, bamboo bushes, up-rooted trees etc., with all lead and lifts and as per directions of engineer in charge.




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Cleaning of all pathways at various locations, removal of plants, bushes, around the rock out crops, boulders and structures, keeping all drains etc., in hill slope from Syke's point to NPH complete with all lead & lifts.




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