Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Department Tender

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Karnataka, also known as Karunadu, is a state in the southwestern region of India. Karnataka was formed originally as Mysore State on 1st November 1956 and currently is the biggest state in south India. Its capital and largest city is Bengaluru. It covers an area of 191,791 km2 (74,051 sq mi) and is the sixth largest state by area comprising 31 districts. Karnataka is also a state of multiple languages; Kannada being the official and most widely spoken language in Karnataka. Other languages spoken in the state include Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava, Konkani and much more.Karnataka tenders are issued by the government of Karnataka, public & private sector organisations. The state government issues majority of the Karnataka tenders, which are for goods and services including construction, road and bridge construction, IT services, engineering services, medical services, educational services amongst many others. Bidassist is one of the largest eprocurement portals, which offers all government tenders from across the world in one place. Bidassist offers information on all Karnataka tenders and other state and authority tenders in no time. Bidassist is a platform where users can look for various Karnataka tenders as well as other tenders.

Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Department - RWSS Tender

Opening Date14 May 2021
Closing Date27 May 2021
Tender Amount₹ 1,89,13,424 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.


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Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of Design mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.70 cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with super plasticisers @ 3 liters confirming to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008 at machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated for all works in foundation for footings, pedastals, retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness ) including attached pilasters, columnspillars, posts, struts, buttresses, bed blocks,anchor blocks & plinths, RCC Raft of Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal balancing Tanks, Raft of Master Blancing Tank, Raft of IPS/IMP, Side wall and Top Dome for GLSR's, Pure water sump etc.. ., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing,complete but excluding cost of reinforcement etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing T.M.T steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) including for OHT & reservoier, cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Supplying, of DI flanged pipe confirming to 8329:2000 with latest amendments with cement morter lining (CML) with portland slag cement as per IS455:1989 with metallic zinc coating as per annex A of IS 8329 with finishing layer of Bituminous coating as per Annex C of IS8329 and flanges metallic zinc rich epoxy paint & Bituminous coating,laying true to line and hoisting in position and aligning to correct plumb including cost of jointing material,conveying to work spot etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Refilling the excavated stuff in layers not exceeding of 15 cms thick including watering and consoldation etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Fabrication supply, erection testing and commissioning of sliding type verticle gate consisting of skin plate, horizontal and verticle stiffeners seal seat sponge rubber seals lifting handels etc., with all accessories for vented dam/ field channel including cost of all materisls labour cutting, aligning , welding finishing, cleaning, aalying two coat of anti corrosive bituminous black paint cover a coat of zinc chromate red oxide primer paint seal fixing etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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GRAVITY MAIN FROM CANAL TO IMPOUNDING RESERVOIR : Earth work excavatoin for water Supply & Sanitary lines, Electrical conduits either in pits or pipe line trenches (upto 600mm Trench width) as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100 mm whevere necessary removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench, including backfilling the excavated earth to the extent required and utilising the remaining available excavated earth locally for the work. in the following strata classifications by Mechanical Means etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Supplying 355 mm dia PE80 (PN 6.0 / 6 Kg/cm2) HDPE pipes conforming to IS 4984:1995 with latest amendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destination and rolling, lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials by electrofusion welding, as per standerd procedure and guide lines including encasing the pipe around to a depth not less than 15cms with cleaned soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc., complete giving hydraulic test as per relevant IS Specification with all lead and lift including , testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings etc., complete (Contractor will make his own arrangement for procuring water for testing)Upto 110mm dia,Coils shall be used etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Supply and delivery of 350mm dia Resilient seated soft sealing Sluice Valves with body, bonnet of Ductile Iron of grade GGG50, wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM and seals of NBR and the valves should be of vacuum tight and 100% leak proof with face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/ DIN 3202 F4/F5. The stem sealing should be with Toroidal sealing rings (minimum 2 'O' rings). All the valves should be with electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside with pocket less body passage. The valves shall be supplied with suitable size galvanized bolts and nuts of required numbers as per relevant IS etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Giving hydraulic test for C.I. / R.C.C. / P.V.C. / H.D.P.E/ D.I /A.C. pipelines to the pressure equal to two times the working pressure including cost of supply of water above 200mm dia etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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VALVE CHAMBER 1 Nos:- Earthwork excavation by manual means for foundation of buildings, culverts, water supply and sanitary lines and electrical conduits etc, either in pits or in trenches 1.5m and above in width, in hard soil not exceeding 1.5 m. in depth including dressing the bottom and sides of pits and trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from edges of excavation with lead upto 50 m. including breaking of clods etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M 15 with cement @ 240kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.53cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation,plinth and cills, ncluding cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing and fixing 60x60cms M.S. inspection door with necessary M.S. frame made out of M.S. angle 50x50x6mm and M.S. shutters of 31.5mm or B.G.10 thick with hinges on top and locking arrangement, painting etc., complete (for RCC over head tank and G.L.S.R.) etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing T.M.T steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) including for OHT & reservoier, cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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THRUST BLOCK 3 Nos:- Earthwork excavation by manual means for foundation of buildings, culverts, water supply and sanitary lines and electrical conduits etc, either in pits or in trenches 1.5m and above in width, in hard soil not exceeding 1.5 m. in depth including dressing the bottom and sides of pits and trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from edges of excavation with lead upto 50 m. including breaking of clods etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M 10 with OPC cement @ 220kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.892cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.465cum machine mixed, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M 15 with cement @ 240kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.53cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation,plinth and cills, ncluding cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing T.M.T steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) including for OHT & reservoier, cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineryetc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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CONSTRUCTION OF RCC CHUTE AT IR : Earthwork in surface excavation in ordinary soil for levelling and lowering the ground manually (other than foundation of buildings, culverts, road drains and trenches of pipe lines and cables) and removing the excavated stuff to a distance not exceeding 50m and lift upto 1.5m, excavated surface levelled and neatly dressed, disposed earth to be levelled after breaking of clods and neatly dressed etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of Design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.460 cum, with super plasticisers @ 3 liters confirming to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,vibrated for all works in foundation for footings, pedastals, retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness ) including attached pilasters, columnspillars, posts, struts, buttresses, bed blocks,anchor blocks & plinths etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing T.M.T steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) including for OHT & reservoier, cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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IMPOUNDING RESERVOIR: Clearing thin jungle growth (more than 50 percent open space) including bushes up to 300 mm / parthenium and other weeds including burning of disposal off the same etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Removing stumps, tree roots, roots of bamboo clusters etc., up to 1.5 mtr girth including excavation, staking materials neatly and levelling the surface etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Excavation in all kind of soil including boulders up to 0.6 m diameter (0.133 cum) for canal, seating of embackment, filter drains . Catch water drains etc,. Including dressing bed and sides to required level and profile cost of all materials , machinery, labour placing the excavated soil neatly in dump area or for formation of service road / embankment as directed etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing and constructing 300 mm thick dry size stone Pitching using 200 to 250 mm size stone with pin headder @2 per sqm including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, laying to specified slope, wedging with chips, finishing etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M 15 with cement @ 240kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.53cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation,plinth and cills, ncluding cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing etc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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Providing T.M.T steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) including for OHT & reservoier, cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineryetc., complete as per specification, design and drawings including cost of all material, labour charges and hirecharges of machineries with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of work




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