Haryana Rural Roads And Infrastructure Development Agency Tender
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2022_HRRDA_118295_1Tender No
HR7-III-301Tender Authority
Haryana Rural Roads And Infrastructure Development Agency ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Construction of Embankment with soil of CBR 8% (for re-construction at RD Km. 6030 to 6230) with approved material obtained from borrow pits, including compensation of earth, with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of table 300-2, as per technical clause 305 of MORT&H specifications. (Based on HSR 17.6) Note:- In case the quantity of earth work calculated with NSL and finished level found to be less than 932.00 cum. Then actual quantity (less than 932.00 cum) will be paid. In case quantity worked out is more than 932.00 cum, then only 932.00 cum will be paid. Excess quantity shall be incidental to work and nothing extra will be paid. Further it shall be ensured that atleast 500 mm of sub grade with earth of CBR 8% shall be constructed at each location. Wherever any cutting of existing subgrade is required on this account excavation as well as handling and disposal of earthwork to accommodate minimum 500mm thick subgrade of minimum 8% CBR shall be carried out by the agency at his own cost. Nothing extra will be paid on this account. Before start of work, L-section shall be got approved from the employer with respect to GTS. However, typical X-section attached at section 5 of DNIT. Note: - No earth work will be allowed to be taken from PWD B&R/ ROW except for surplus earth after approval from Engineer. (HSR 17.6)
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Compaction of & preparation of sub grade including loosening, levelling of earth 225 mm thick top layer, rough dressing of soil, final dressing of earth to give level, camber, watering, rolling with road roller, compacting the bed to achieve minimum dry density as given in the Table 3000-2 as per technical clause 305 of MORT&H specifications (HSR 17.5.3)
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Preparation of berms including filling of Earth work, excavation and cutting of earth in all kind of soils including dressing the bank, side slope to given levels and templates after breaking of clouds, including the cost of rolling and watering all allowances for labour hardness wetness irrespective to all lead and lift and including Compensation for earth taken from private land, fields etc. and compacted to meet requirement of table 300-2 of MoRT&H specification clause No. 30 and to entire satisfaction of the Engineer of the work comfirming to PWD specification No. 6.2 and 6.3 and 3.2 and the other specification 1990 Ist edition. As per X-section. This item also includes E/W if required in sub grade for Widening and Shoulder. Earth used for sub grade, shoulder and berms should have minimum CBR 8%.. Note:- No earth work will be allowed to be taken from PWD B&R/ROW except for surplus earth after approval from Engineer.
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Providing & laying 150mm thick Granular Sub-Base consisting of filter layer confirming to Table 400.1 Grading-I of MoRD specification, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mix material to the site of work, spreading in uniform layer with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve desired density complete as per clause No. 401 of MoRD specification-2004. Note: - 1.Only crushed stone metal material should be used. No local earth sand shall be used. The material finer than 425 micron shall have zero Plasticity Index (PI). 2. Materials to be used and operations of manufacturing shall be approved by the engineer.
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Providing & laying 150 mm thick (Compacted) stone metal (G-III) 53 mm to 22.4 mm with gauge wearing coat to water bound macadam in layer of 75mm each using screening type 'B' compacting with three wheeled power rollers of 80-100 kN capacity or tandem or vibratory of 80-100kN static weight to achieve the desire density including lighting, guarding barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. as per clause no. 405 of MoRD specification for Rural Roads-2004) as per drawing and design directed by the Engineer complete in all respects. (N.S.) Note: - 1.Only crushed stone metal material should be used. No local earth/ natural occurring sand shall be used. The material finer than 425 micron shall have zero Plasticity Index (PI). 2. Materials to be used and operations of manufacturing shall be approved by the engineer.
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Providing and applying tack coat of VG 10 (80/100 grade) bitumen using bitumen @ 0.25 kg per sqm including clearing and blowing dust off the surface using a compressor and brroms (conforming to clause 503 of MORT&H specifications-2004) for PC. Instructions issued from time to time by MoRD regarding bitumen VG-10 will be followed strictly.
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Providing and laying 30 mm bituminous concrete with 100-120 TPH batch type hot mix plant producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder VG - 30 @ 5.4% per cent including waste plastic material to the extent of 7% of bitumen by weight of total mix with proper arrangement for addition of plastic waste at proper stage of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem roller to achieve the desired compaction complete as per technical clause 507 of MORTH specifications. (HSR 17.31.4) Note: - If bitumen required is this account more than 5.4% as per job mix formula no extra payment will be made, extra bitumen required will be considered as incidental to work. II - Before carrying out bituminous work, coating & stripping of bitumen aggregate mix is to be performed in accordance with IS - 6241. If coating and stripping of bitumen aggregate mix is less than 95%., anti-stripping agent will be used by contractor. The anti - stripping agent should conform to the requirement as stipulated in IS 14982:2017. The cost so incurred will be considered as incidental to work and nothing extra shall be payable. The type and brand of anti- stripping agent along with procedure shall be approved by SE-in-charge in writing before start of work. A proper record of results be maintained and same shall be submitted along with bills by the contractor. III - Where there is only BC on existing black top, cracks shall be sealed as MoRT&H specification 5th revision clause No. 3004.3, which may consists of (i) Fog seal/ or (ii) crack filling and or (iii) patch work repair as required at site in accordance with clause No. 3004.3.2, 3004.3.3 and 3004.2 of MoRT&H specification 5th revision respectively. Proper measurement and consumption shall be entered in MB for cracks sealed but no payment on this account shall be made as crack filling is incidental to work.
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Removal of existing CC Block pavement including transporting and stacking usable block along road side and dispose unusable blocks outside PWD land or as desired by Engineer. (HSR 17.67)
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Relaying of existing of C.C. Blocks over 25mm thick sand underneath and filling joints with sand on existing base as per Technical specification Clause 1503 of MoRD specification for Rural roads 2004.
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Providing and Laying 80 mm thick ISI marked lnterlocking Paver Blocks conforming to IS 15658:2006 / IRC SP 63: 2004 of all shapes and colours in design mix cement M 40 over the bed of 30 mm thick fine sand complete in all respect. (HSR 17.69.2)
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Manufacturing, Laying of table vibrator cement concrete blocks of size 0.450mm x 0.300mm x 0.150mm of cement concrete (C.C.) M-30 grade and spreading 25mm thick sand underneath and filling joints with sand on existing base as per Technical specification Clause 1503 of MoRD specification for Rural roads 2004.
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Demolishing cement concrete 1:2:4 or leaner mix (i/c equivalent design mix) by mechanical means including disposal of material within any lead as per direction of Engineer - in - charge. (HSR 5.23.2)
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Construction of 100mm dry lean cement concrete Sub-base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15: 1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing, as per clause 601 of MORT&H specifications. (HSR 17.44) Note: - Minimum cement content for this item will be 150 kg. per cum of concrete as per approved job mix formula. If the cement content is more than 150 kg/ cum, then the extra cement will be incidental to work and nothing shall be payable on this account.
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Construction of 200 mm un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400 kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing. Note: - Minimum cement content for this item will be 440 kg. per cum of concrete as per approved job mix formula. If the cement content is more than 440 kg/ cum, then the extra cement will be incidental to work and nothing shall be payable on this account.
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Providing & fixing Reinforced cement concrete M-25 grade precast 5th kilometer stone of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc complete as per technical clause 804 of MORTH Specifications. (HSR 34.27.1)
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Providing & fixing Reinforced cement concrete M-25 grade precast ordinary kilometer stone of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc complete as per technical clause 804 of MORTH Specifications. (HSR 34.27.2)
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Providing & fixing Reinforced cement concrete M-25 grade precast 200 meter stone of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including painting and printing etc complete as per technical clause 804 of MORTH Specifications. (HSR 34.27.4)
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Providing & fixing Reinforced cement concrete M 15 grade boundary pillars of standard design as per IRC:25-1967, fixed in position including finishing and lettering but excluding painting. (HSR 34.28) Note: - In case of soft ground, a proper foundation may be provided as per approved design. In case foundation is required to be provided, the items of excavation and foundation concrete are required to be measured and paid separately.
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Providing & fixing Hazard Marker sign board 300x900mm rectangular as per IRC 67- 2012 with retro reflective Sheeting Class B as per ASTM D 4956 09 and IRC 67 2012, fixed over 4mm thick Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) sheeting having skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminum alloy rivets @ 200 mm c/c to back support frame of 25x25x3mm angle iron supported on a square hollow steel section post 60x60x3.2mm conforming to IS 4923 firmly fixed to ground including foundation concrete M-25 of size 0.45x0.45x0.60m for vertical post complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retro reflective sheeting & a certified copy of test reports from an independent test laboratory including three year outdoor weathering test report for sheeting tested in India condition conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67- 2012. (HSR 34.19.1)
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Providing & fixing Cautionary sign board as per IRC 67- 2012 with using retro reflective Sheeting Class B as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012 fixed over 4mm thick aluminum Composite material (ACM) sheeting having aluminums skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminum alloy rivets @ 200 mm c/c to back support frame of 25x25x3mm angle iron supported on a square hollow steel section post 60x60x3.2mm conforming to IS 4923 without cost of definition plate firmly fixed to ground in foundation concrete M-25 of size 0.45x0.45x0.75m for vertical post complete as per clause 801 of MORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retro reflective sheeting & a certified copy of test reports including three year outdoor weathering test report for sheeting tested in India condition from an independent test laboratory conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67-2012. (i) 900 mm EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE (HSR 34.4.2)
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600 mm Circular (HSR 34.7.2)
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800 mm x 600 mm Rectangular (HSR 34.8.2)
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600 mm x 450 mm Rectangular (HSR 34.9.2)
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900 mm High Octagon
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Providing and fixing Logo Board of PMGSY size 600×600mm diamond shape with 1 plate of size 900×250 mm made of 60 gauge sheet over frame of angle iron 25×5×3 as per PMGSY specifications & drawing, painted with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and colour. All sections of framed posts and steel will be painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing Clause 1701 and Annexure 1700.1
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Providing and fixing of typical PMGSY informatory sign board with logo as per MoRD specification and drawing. Three MS plates of 1.6mm thick, top and middle plate duly welded with S flat iron 25mmX5mm size on back on edges,25mmX25mmX5mm. The angle iron frame of the lower most plate and flat iron frame of middle plate will be welded to 2 nos,.75mmX75mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade blocks of 450mmX450mmX600mm below ground level. The top most diamond plate will be welded to middle plate by 47mmX47mm of 12 SWG steel plate tube . All MS will be stove enamelded on both sides. Lettering and printing arrows, border etc. will painted with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and colour. All sections of framed posts and steel tube will be painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing Clause 1701 and Annexure 1700.0.
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Providing and fixing steel plate/ steel tube citizen informatory sign boards as prescribed by NRRDA (with two information plates of 750mm x 980mm size each) & other specifications conforming to the MoRD specification 2004; all inclusive, including excavation, concrete etc. Will supply warranty for sheeting Clause 801.3.11.
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Providing and fixing of typical PMGSY informatory sign board with logo as per MoRD specification and drawing. Three MS plates of 1.6mm thick, top and middle plate duly welded with MS flat iron 25mmX5mm size on back on edges. The lower plate will be welded with MS angle iron frame of 25mmX25mmX5mm. The angle iron frame of the the lower most plate and flat iron frme of middle plate will be welded to 2 nos,.75mmX75mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade blocks of 450mmX450mmX600mm, 600mm below ground level. The top most diamond plate will be welded to middle plate by 47mmX47mm of 12 SWG steel plate tube . All MS will be stove enamelded on both sides. Lettering and printing arrows, border etc. will painted with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and colour. All sections of framed posts and steel tube will be painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing Clause 1701 and Annexure 1700.1.
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Providing & fixing Overhead sign board 3050x1525mm cantilever type single sided using retro reflective Sheeting Type XI as per ASTM D 4956 09 and as per IRC 67-2012 with retro reflective Sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 - 09 and as per IRC 67 - 2012 fixed over 4mm thick aluminum Composite material (ACM) sheeting having aluminum skin thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 mm on both sided and fixing the same with suitable size aluminum alloy rivets@ 200 mm c/c to back support frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron supported on designed single support system of MS pipe and plates in the form of a cantilever type truss made with 350NB pipe @50kgper metre as vertical support, 50NB pipe @ 4.50kg per metre and 40NB pipe @ 3.61 kg per metre for truss including base plates, gusset plates, designed RCC foundation for fixing in ground complete as per clause 802 of MORT&H specifications. Supplier shall provide a warranty as per clause 6.9 of IRC 67-2012 for retro reflective sheeting & a certified copy of test reports from an independent test laboratory including three year outdoor weathering test report for sheeting tested in India condition conforming to clause 6.7 of IRC 67-2012 .
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Providing & marking center line / side line 2.5 mm thick (minimum) with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorising glass beads on Bituminous surface providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including Reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes. Note:- Before start of work the contractor shall give brand , batch no. , manufacturing date of the material to be used along with a photocopy of bill duly signed by the contractor and get approved the same from Engineer-In-Charge before use. (Based on HSR 34.26)
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Pavement marker (Cat eyes)Molded shank raised pavement marker made polycarbonate and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face and shall support a lad of 16000 Kg tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280 Type H. The height, width and length shall not exceed 50mm and 100mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 Sqcm on each side and the slope to the base shall 35+/-5 degree.The strength of detachment of the intrgrated cyclindrical shanks(of diameter not less than 19+/-2mm and height no less than 30+/-2mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500 kg .Fixing will be drilling without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive as per manufacturer’s recommendation(of reputed make such as 3M etc.)
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Earth work in excavation in foundations of structure as per drawing and technical specification, clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, and disposal with all lead and lift, dressing of side and bottom and back filling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per clause No. 305 of MoRD specification Rural Roads-2004
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12mm thick Plastering with cement mortar (1:3) on brick work in sub-structure as per Technical Specifications. (HSR 11.5.2)
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Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - 1 :4: 8 ( 1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-Ill) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) (HSR 6.1.6)
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Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - CC 1 :2: 4 ( 1 Cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-Ill) : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) (HSR 6.1.2)
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Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement- CC 1 :1.5: 3 ( 1 Cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone-Ill) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) (HSR 6.14.1)
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Brick work with common burnt clay non-modular bricks of class designation 10.5 in foundation and plinth in: Cement mortar 1:4. (HSR 7.21.1)
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Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for - Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform (HSR 6.30.3)
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Steel reinforcement Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of Grade Fe-500 D or more for R.C.C. work, where not included in the complete rate of RCC, including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position, binding, wastage, overlaps, welded joints, spacer bars, chairs, stays, hangers and annealed steel wire etc. complete in all respect above plinth level. Note:- Reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks, if any, separately for different diameters as actually used in work , excluding overlaps. Wastage, overlaps, couplings, welded joints, spacer bars, chairs, stays, hangers and annealed steel wire or other methods of binding & placing shall not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the rates for reinforcement. (HSR 6.33.6)
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Recovery items: The rates quoted against recovery items will not be included in the total amount rather it will be deducted while calculating financial statement of the agency. Material obtained from dismantling of existing brick work, bituminous layer and granular layers have been calculated taking assumption that 80% of theoretical material will be retrieved. The dismantled material can used in any of the item for the work after modification (bringing it to required specifications) after approval from employer. In case it is not possible to use this material on the work, the agency can take away this material. This material can be taken away by the agency at the price quoted by the agency but minimum price to be quoted is limited to reserve price as fixed and mentioned as under :- (i) Granular Material @ Rs. 783.00 per Cum. Note:- All quantities of the above materials have been worked out on the basis of theoretical quantities laid on this road. However, agency may visit site before quoting rates and assess the extent of retrieved material. There shall be no measurement after actual dismantling and if material after dismantling is found on lesser side, no claim of agency on this score will be entertained and full recovery on the basis of quoted rate and quantity exhibited in the BOQ shall be made. The reserve rates are minimum rates to be used as base for quoting purchase rate by the agency. No rates below the reserve price will be entertained and reserve price will be considered for all purposes in case the agency quotes lesser that reserve price.
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