Shoes Tenders
Shoes Tenders
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Description: Chain Without Shoes For Bulldozer Liebherr Pr 754
Closing Soon3 Mar 2025
Tender AmountBAM 7.2 K (USD 3.8 K)
Fire Service & Civil Defence Department Tender
Description: Leverage-19/2024-2025 Oxford Shoe
Closing Soon5 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Milj Styrelsen Tender
Description: With this project, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency wants to get an overview of regulatory compliance and the risks that Danish consumers run when they choose to buy children's fashion (clothing, shoes and accessories) via one of...
Closing Date14 Mar 2025
Tender AmountDKK 900 (USD 127)
Philippine National Oil Company - PNOC Tender
Manpower Supply
Details: Description I. Contract Duration: Multi-year Contract Important: Employee Wages And Benefits Must Be In Accordance With Philippine Labor Laws And Existing Social Insurance Issuances (sss, Pag-ibig, Philhealth, Etc.). The Contractor Must Provide The Necessary Equipment And Supplies To Carry Out The Tasks Outlined In The Agreement. The Contractor Shall Provide Drinking Water For Free For Their Employee. Ii. Scope Of Work A. The Contractor Shall Provide Manpower, Equipment And Consumables Necessary To Perform Janitorial, Grass Cutting And Other Custodial Services In Compliance With The Requirements Of Philippine National Oil Company (pnoc) As Specified In These Terms Of Reference. B. All Works Under This Terms Of Reference (tor) Shall Be Performed Under The Direction Of The Park Management Department Thru Its Authorized Representative Or Project Proponent. Work Performance Shall Be In Accordance With This Tor, Schedule Of Works And/or As Per Incorporated Reference Provided For By The Park Management Department. C. Estimated Quantities And The Works To Be Performed Are Described Herein. These Quantities Are Approximate And Are Provided As Information Only To Assist In The Preparation Of Proposals. They Are Not Guaranteed And The Actual Quantities May Be More Or Less Than Shown. However, Minimum Manpower Requirements Are Specified Herein. With Which, All Prospective Bidders Are Required To Visit The Work Site Prior To Submission Of Formal Bid To Determine Actual Site Condition And Verify Quantities Specified Under This Tor. Concerns And Clarification Shall Be Raised Prior To Submission Of Formal Bid. Any Necessary Variation After Submission Of Formal Bid Due To Undiscovered Site Condition Shall Not Be A Justification To Modify The Contract Or Request For Additional Payment. D. Monthly Coordination Meeting Is Scheduled Every 4th Wednesday Of The Month At 2:30 Pm. Aside From The Contractor’s Leadman/ Safety Officer, A Representative Duly Authorized By The Contractor’s Managing Head Or His Representative Is Mandated To Attend The Meeting. Rescheduling Of The Meeting Is Subject For Approval Of Park Management Department And Shall Be Requested A Week Prior To The Scheduled Monthly Meeting. Contractor’s Authorized Representative Must Be Submitted To Pnoc Proponent In Formal Writing. Iii. Location Of Work Works Covered By This Tor Shall Be Performed But Not Limited To The Industrial Park Common Areas And Jetty Port Facilities. Pnoc Will Provide Office For The Leadman/ Safety Officer And Tool Room/dressing Area For The Contractor. Power And Water Consumption Will Be Charged To Contractor. Housekeeping Is A Must For All Work Area. Security Of The Contractor’s Tool Room/dressing Room Area Provided By Pnoc Shall Be Their Own Responsibility, Any Damage To The Tool Room Or Loss Of Equipment/materials Shall Not Be The Responsibility Of Pnoc. Iv. Legal Requirements Compliance All Works Shall Be Performed In Accordance To All Applicable Laws, Regulations, Codes Or Directives Such As, But Not Limited To The Labor Code Of The Philippines, Occupational Safety And Health Standards (osh Standards), Denr Regulations, Etc. Failure Of Pnoc To Specifically Identify Applicable Legal Requirement Shall Not Excuse The Contractor From Complying With The Legal Requirement/s. V. Safety Requirements A. The Contractor Shall Refer To The Osh Standards For All Its Compliance And To Ensure Safe Performance Of Works Required Under This Tor. Pnoc May Prescribed Implementation Of Safety Measures Pursuant To Pnoc’s Ims Policy But Should Not Be Less Than Required By The Osh Standards. B. Medical Report (drug Testing And Medical Certificate/fit To Work) Of All Personnel Indicating That They Are Fit To Work Must Be Submitted To Proponent Within Seven (7) Calendar Days After Receipt Of The “notice To Proceed”. Provision On Surprise Random Drug Testing To Be Done By Pnoc At The Expense/chargeable To Contractor. C. A Daily Toolbox Meeting Is Required To Be Conducted By The Leadman/ Safety Officer To Discuss Precautions In The Performance Of Assigned Works And Current Safety Issues. Minutes Of The Meetings, Ppe Inspection Report And Safe Man Hours Worked Report Shall Be Submitted With The Monthly Accomplishment Report. D. All Personnel/workers Must Wear Standard Basic Ppe At All Times In Their Respective Work Places. Listed Below Are Ppes Needed; • Hard Hat • Safety Goggles/spectacles, • Working Gloves • Face Shield • Apron (leather) • Reflective Vest • Rain Coat • Rain Boots (steel Toe) • Safety Shoes (steel Toe) • Uniforms (long Sleeve) E. Contractor Shall Abide By Pnoc-ip Permit To Work System (as Indicated In Occupational Safety And Health Manual) Prior To The Execution Of All Daily Activities. Only The Contractor Lead/safety Man Is Allowed To Fill Up The Permit To Work (ptw) Form. In The Absence Of The Lead/safety Man, No Activities Shall Commence For Both The Grass Cutters And Manual Laborers, Unless Otherwise An Alternate Lead/safety Man With Equivalent Credentials And Experience Will Be Provided By The Contractor. F. Non-compliance To Safety Requirement Shall Be Ground For Personnel Or Contract Suspension Or Termination Depending On The Gravity Of Non-compliance To Be Determined By Pnoc-ip Hsse Committee. Contractor Personnel Who Are Not Allowed To Perform Works Because Of Failure To Secure Pnoc-ip Permit To Work Due To Non-compliance Of Safety Requirements Shall Be Considered Not Chargeable To Pnoc. G. Pnoc-ip And Locators Properties Shall Not Be Damaged During The Performance Of Works Under This Tor. Service Contractor Shall Be Liable To Damages Incurred To Pnoc-ip Or Locators Properties Caused By Contractor Personnel. Vi. Manpower Requirements A. Regular Manpower Requirement These Regular Manpower Requirements Shall Be Deployed In The Industrial Park Within The Duration Of The Contract To Perform Works Specified In 9.0. The Following Are: 1. Leadman/ Safety Officer Quantity: 1 Work Hours: 8am To 5pm / Monday-friday 2. Janitor/utility Quantity: 1 Work Hours: 7am To 4pm / Monday-friday 3. Grass Cutters/ Power Reapers Quantity: 8 Work Hours: 8am To 5pm / Monday-friday 4. Manual Labor Workers Quantity: 3 Work Hours: 8am To 5pm / Monday-friday 5. Manual Labor Workers Quantity: 1 Work Hours: 7am To 4pm / Monday-friday Contractor Shall Screen The Resumes Of Applicants For The Required Manpower And Shall Submit To Pnoc Within Seven (7) Calendar Days Upon Contractor’s Receipt Of The “notice Of Award”. Final Interview Of The Contractor’s Applicants Shall Be Scheduled By Pnoc Management In Coordination With The Contractor.
Closing Date11 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 4.5 Million (USD 78.7 K)
Municipality Of Argao, Cebu Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Details: Description The Bids & Awards Committee (bac) Of Municipality Of Argao, Cebu, Invites All Interested Suppliers/manufacturers/distributors/contractors/consultants To Apply For Eligibility And To Submit Bids For The Following: B.4(10) Miscellaneous Survey And Staking Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.00 L.s. 1.00 L.s. Miscellaneous Survey And Staking Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 L.s. As-stake Plan 1.00 L.s. As-stake Survey With Complete Surveying Instrument B. Manpower: C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.5 Project Billboard/signboard Quantity 2.00 Each Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 Each 2.00 Each B.5 Direct Cost: A. Materials: 32.00 Sq.ft. A. Tarpaulin (4' X 8') 42.00 Bd.ft. B. Lumber Coco 0.42 Kg C. Common Nails Assorted 1.00 Sheets D. Plywood Marine (1/4" X 4' X 8') B. Manpower: Number Of Days 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.7(2) Occupational Safety And Health Program Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 L.s. 1.00 L.s. Occupational Safety And Health Program Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1282.00 Man-days A. Safety Helmet 1282.00 Man-days B. Safety Shoes 1282.00 Man-days D. Safety Vest 1282.00 Man-days E. Working Gloves 384.60 Man-days F. Rain Coats 1282.00 Man-days G. Eye Goggles B. Manpower: Number Of Days 35.00 1.00 A. Safety Practitioner/officer (full Time) C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.9 Mobilization /demobilization Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 L.s. 1.00 L.s. Mobilization /demobilization Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Days 4.00 1.00 A. Cargo Truck/service Truck, All Models, 9-10mt, 270hp 4.00 1.00 B. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 100(1) Cleaning & Grubbing (with Stripping) Quantity 0.65 Ha Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.05 Ha 0.65 Ha Cleaning & Grubbing (with Stripping) Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 2.00 A. Dump Track (12 Yd3) 1.00 1.00 B. Payloader ( 1.50 M3) 1.00 1.00 C. Bulldozer, D^h Series Ii Psds/ Dd) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 102(4) Roadway Excavation (surplus Unclassified) Quantity 3,608.43 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 50 M3 3608.43 M3 Roadway Excavation (surplus Unclassified) Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Unskilled Labor C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Bulldozer, D6h Series Ii Psds/dd 1.00 1.00 B. Payloader (1.50 M3) 0.20 1.00 C. Payloader (1.50 M3) - At Disposal Area 1.00 2.00 D. Dump Truck (12 Yd3) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 104(1)b Embankment From Roadway Excavation Quantity 452.17 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 50.00 M3 452.17 M3 Embankment From Roadway Excavation Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours For Excavation Work: 0.83 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 0.83 2.00 B. Unskilled Labor Spreading And Compaction: 1.00 1.00 Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Unskilled Labor C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours For Excavation Work: 0.83 1.00 A. Bulldozer, D6h Series Ii Psds/dd 0.83 1.00 B. Payloader (1.50 M’) 0.83 2.00 C. Dump Truck (12 Yd’) Spreading And Compaction: 1.00 1.00 A. Motorized Road Grader (140 Hp), G710a 1.00 1.00 B. Vibratory Roller (10 Mt), Sd100dc 0.25 1.00 C. Water Truck/pump (16000 L) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 200.00 Aggregate Subbase Course Quantity 234.38 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 50 M3 234.38 M3 Aggregate Subbase Course Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.15 M3 A. Aggregate Subbase Course B. Manpower: (w/ 15% Shrinkage Factor) Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Unskilled Labor C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Motorized Road Grader (140 Hp), G710a 1.00 1.00 B. Vibratory Roller (10 Mt), Sd100dc 0.25 1.00 C. Water Truck/pump (16000 L) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax)
Closing Date12 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 1.9 Million (USD 34.4 K)
Municipality Of Argao, Cebu Tender
Manpower Supply
Details: Description The Bids & Awards Committee (bac) Of Municipality Of Argao, Cebu, Invites All Interested Suppliers/manufacturers/distributors/contractors/consultants To Apply For Eligibility And To Submit Bids For The Following: B.9 Mobilization /demobilization Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.00 L.s. 1.00 L.s. Mobilization /demobilization Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 6.00 Low Bed Trailer Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.5 Project Billboard/signboard Quantity 1.00 Each Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 2.00 Each 1.00 Each B.5 Direct Cost: A. Materials: 32.00 Sq. Ft. A. Tarpaulin (4' X 8') 37.00 Bdft B. Lumber Coco 1.00 Kg C. Common Nails Assorted 1.00 Pc D. Plywood Marine (3/16" X 4' X 8') B. Manpower: Number Of Days 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.7(2) Occupational Safety And Health Program Quantity 1.00 Ls Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 Ls 1.00 Ls B.7(2) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 3890.48 Man-days A. Safety Helmet 3265.00 Man-days B. Safety Shoes 3308.00 Man-days C. Safety Vest 3268.00 Man-days D. Working Gloves 28.00 Man-days F. Eye Goggles B. Manpower: Number Of Days 3.00 1.00 A. Safety Practitioner/officer (part Time) 15.00 1.00 B. First Aider C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 102(2)b Roadway Excavation (surplus Common) Quantity 68.80 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 80.00 M3 68.80 M3 Roadway Excavation (surplus Common) Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Bulldozer, D6h Series Ii Psds/dd 1.00 1.00 B. Payloader (1.50 M3) 0.30 1.00 C. Payloader (1.50 M3) At Disposal Site 1.00 3.00 D. Dump Truck (12 Yd2) 1.00 1.00 E. Backhoe (0.80 M3) Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 Skilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 201.00 Aggregate Base Course Quantity 68.80 M³ Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 50.00 M³ 68.80 M³ Aggregate Base Course Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 Motorized Road Grader (140hp) G170a 1.00 1.00 Vibrator Roller (10 Mt) Sd 100dc 0.25 1.00 Water Truck/pump (16000l) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 311(1) A1 Pcc Pavement (plain) -conventional Method, 150mm Thk Quantity 1,376.00 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 107.33 M2 1376.00 M2 Pcc Pavement (plain) -conventional Method, 150mm Thk Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.39 Kg Reinforcing Steel Bar 0.29 L Curing Compound 0.12 L Asphalt Sealant 0.46 M Steel Form (rentals) 0.11 M³ Sand 0.20 M³ Gravel 1.90 Bag Cement 0.00 Pc Concrete Saw (diamond Blade 14" Ø) 0.01 M Pipe Sleeve, 1" Ø 0.01 L Grease/tar B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 4.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 12.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 4.00 Transit Mixer (5 M3) 1.00 2.00 Concrete Vibrator 1.00 1.00 Concrete Batch Plant 1.00 1.00 Payloader (1.5m3) 1.00 1.00 Concrete Screeder (5 Hp) 1.00 1.00 Water Truck/pump (16000l) 1.00 1.00 Concrete Saw (7.5 Hp) , 14" Blade Ø 0.10 1.00 Bar Cutter, Single Phase Minor Tools (5% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax)
Closing Date12 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 3.1 Million (USD 55.2 K)
North East Frontier Railway - NFR Tender
Description: CATEGORY: Iron Lashing Safety Chain Detailed description as per item 1
of the attached specification document , Stretcher portable
Washable Waterproof Detailed descrption as per item 2 of
the attached specificaion document , Safety Shoe for P. Man
and Steel toes As per IS 15298 Part -2 2011-iso 20345-2004
Some of the reputed branded are Bata, Liberty Action Etc ,
Rain Coat Make-Duckback or Similar Superio Size M, L, XL,
AND XXL , Manufacturing and supply of Fird Aid Box painted
Detailed descrption as per item 5 of the attached
specificaion document
Closing Date10 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Municipality Of Argao, Cebu Tender
Manpower Supply
Details: Description The Bids & Awards Committee (bac) Of Municipality Of Argao, Cebu, Invites All Interested Suppliers/manufacturers/distributors/contractors/consultants To Apply For Eligibility And To Submit Bids For The Following: B.9 Mobilization /demobilization Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.00 Ls 1.00 L.s. Mobilization /demobilization Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 15.00 A. Backhoe (0.80 Mᶾ) 1.00 15.00 B. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.5 Project Billboard/signboard Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 Ls 1.00 L.s. Project Billboard/signboard Direct Cost: A. Materials: 64.00 Sq.ft. A. Tarpaulin (4' X 8') 37.00 Bd.ft. B. Lumber Coco 1.00 Kg C. Common Nails Assorted 2.00 Sheets D. Plywood Marine (1/4" X 4' X 8') B. Manpower: Number Of Days 4.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 4.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 4.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.7(2) Occupational Safety And Health Program Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 L.s. 1.00 L.s. Occupational Safety And Health Program Direct Cost: A. Materials: Ppe 2769.00 Man-days A. Safety Helmet 2769.00 Man-days B. Safety Shoes 2769.00 Man-days C. Working Gloves 1.00 Set E. First Aid Kit B. Manpower: Number Of Days 15.00 1.00 A. Safety Practitioner/officer (part Time) C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 800(1) Clearing And Grubbing Quantity 720.00 M² Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 500.00 M² 720.00 M² Clearing And Grubbing Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.00 0 0 B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B.unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 2.00 A. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) 1.00 1.00 B.payloader (1.50 Mᶾ) 1.00 1.00 C.bulldozer (155 Hp), D65a-8 "note: Assumed Hauling Distance Is 3 Km. If Actual Hauling Distance Is Shorter Or Longer Than 3 Km, The Time Of Dump Truck Will Be Adjusted Accordingly Based On The Hauling Cycle Analysis. Based On Assumed 150 Mm Cut All Throughout. A Corresponding Adjustment In The Output Shall Be Computed Based On The Actual Field Requirements ." Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 803(1)a Structure Excavation (common Soil) Quantity 14.68 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 20.00 M3 14.68 M3 Structure Excavation (common Soil) Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Backhoe (0.80 Mᶾ) 1.00 2.00 B. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 804(1)a Embankment From Structure Excavation Quantity 14.68 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 9.84 M3 14.68 M3 Embankment From Structure Excavation Direct Cost: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 0.75 A. Plate Compactor (5 Hp) 1.00 0.75 B. Backhoe (0.80 M3) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 804(1) Embankment Quantity 72.00 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 9.84 M3 72.00 M3 Embankment Direct Cost: A. Material: 1.25 Cu.m Embankment Materials (with 25% Shrinkage Factor) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.75 1.00 A. Plate Compactor (5 Hp) 0.75 1.00 B. Backhoe (0.80 M3) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 804(4) Gravel Bedding Quantity 44.79 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.20 M3 44.79 M3 Gravel Bedding Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 M3 A. Gravel Bedding (g1)(w/5% Shrinkage Factor) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 8.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.50 1.00 A. Plate Compactor (5 Hp) 0.00 0.00 Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c2 " Structural Concrete (footing)" Quantity 4.64 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.36 M3 4.64 M3 " Structural Concrete (footing)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 4.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c3 " Structural Concrete (wall Footing)" Quantity 4.32 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.36 M3 4.32 M3 " Structural Concrete (wall Footing) " Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 4.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c4 " Structural Concrete (columns)" Quantity 5.39 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.36 M3 5.39 M3 " Structural Concrete (columns)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 4.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c6 " Structural Concrete (ground Floor Slab)" Quantity 1.08 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.357 M3 1.08 M3 " Structural Concrete (ground Floor Slab)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c7 " Structural Concrete (concrete Bench)" Quantity 7.50 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.357 M3 7.50 M3 " Structural Concrete (concrete Bench)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 902(1) " Reinforcing Steel Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Grade-40" Quantity 1,742.08 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 143.44 Kg 1742.08 Kg " Reinforcing Steel Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Grade-40" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Kg A. Deformed Reinforcing Steel - G40 0.02 Kg B. #16galvanized Iron Wire C. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 12.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.50 1.00 A. Bar Cutter 0.50 1.00 B. Bar Bender Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 903 (2) Formworks And Falseworks Quantity 84.00 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 3.24 M2 84.00 M2 Formworks And Falseworks Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.35 Pcs A. Ordinary Plywood - 3 Uses 7.19 Bd Ft B. Good Lumber - 3 Use 0.21 Kg C. Assorted Common Wire Nail D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Installation 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Removal 0.41 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 0.41 6.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1046.00 100 Mm Chb Non Load Bearinglload Bearing (including Reinforcing Steel) Quantity 103.20 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 3.83 M2 103.20 M2 100 Mm Chb Non Load Bearinglload Bearing (including Reinforcing Steel) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 13.00 Pc A. 100 Mm Thk Chb (non-load Bearing) 13.00 Pc B.150mm Thk. Chb(non Load Bearing) 0.53 Bag C. Cement 0.04 Cu.m D.sand 3.24 Kg E. Reinforcing Steel 0.05 Kg F. #16 Tie Wire B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 5.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1027(1) Cement Plaster Finish Quantity 206.40 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 7.13 M2 206.40 M2 Cement Plaster Finish Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.33 Bag A. Cement 0.03 Cu.m B. Sand B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 6.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (2)b Metal Structure( 2 Seater Seesaw With Double Swing Set,2 Sets Playground Climber) Quantity 1,131.30 Kgs Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 85.00 Kg 1131.30 Kg Metal Structure( 2 Seater Seesaw With Double Swing Set,2 Sets Playground Climber) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Kg A.structural Steel 0.01 Kg M. Acetylene 0.02 Kg N. Oxygen 0.02 Kg O. Welding Rod P. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Fabrication 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer - Erection 0.49 3.00 Skilled Labore 0.49 3.00 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.75 1.00 A. Welding Machine 0.25 1.00 B. Cutting Outfit 0.49 1.00 C.truck Mounted Crane(20-25meters) Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (3)b Metal Structure (stair) Quantity 552.12 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 85.00 Kg 552.12 Kg Metal Structure (stair) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Length/s A. Structural Steel 0.01 Tank H. Acetylene 0.02 Tank I. Oxygen 0.02 Box J. Welding Rod K. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Erection 0.49 3.00 A. Skilled Labore 0.49 3.00 B.unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.75 1.00 A. Welding Machine 0.25 1.00 B. Cutting Outfit 0.49 1.00 C.truck Mounted Crane(20-25meters) Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047(3)a Metal Structure Accessories Quantity 198.00 Each Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 85.00 Kg 198.00 Kg Metal Structure Accessories Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M A. Anchor Bolt (0.95kg Per 1 Pc - 600mm Anchor Bolt) 1.00 Pc B. Anchor Bolt (0.47kg Per 1 Pc - 300mm Anchor Bolt) C. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1014.00 Prepainted Metal Sheets (hi Rib Roofing, Long Span, 0.427 Mm Thk.) Quantity 9.90 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 2.769 M2 9.90 M2 Prepainted Metal Sheets (hi Rib Roofing, Long Span, 0.427 Mm Thk.) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M A. Prepainted Metal Sheets (rib Type, Long Span, 0.427mm Thk. 10.00 Pc B. Tek Screw B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1013(2)a1 Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory Quantity 8.00 M Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 11.800 M 8.00 M Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 M A. Gi Plain Sheets, Ga. 18x12' (0.701mmx2.44mm) 19.00 Pc B. Blind Rivets C. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1038(1) " Reflective Insulation" Quantity 9.60 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 5.560 M2 9.60 M2 " Reflective Insulation" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M2 A. Reflective Insulation B. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(1) 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board On Metal Frame Walling Quantity 9.60 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.243 M2 9.60 M2 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board On Metal Frame Walling Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 Sq.m A. 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board 1.13 Pc B. Metal Furring 0.36 Pc C. Carrying Channel 1.00 Pc D. Hanger Bars/rods 6.00 Pc E. Channel Clip 0.24 Pc F. Wall Angle 14.00 Pc G. Rivets 4.00 Pc G. 1" Metal Screw B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1100(10) Conduit Works, Boxes And Fittings Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Conduit Works, Boxes And Fittings Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Length A. 25 Mm Ø X 3.00 M Rsc Pipe 80.00 Length B. 15 Mm Ø X 3.00 Mm Pvc Pipes 10.00 Pcs C. 15mm Ø Pvc Coupling 30.00 Pcs D. 15mm Ø Pvc Elbow 25.00 Pcs E. Utility Box 30.00 Pcs F. Junction Box 1.00 Pcs G. 25mm Ø Entrance Cap 0.00 0 H. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 47.39 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 47.39 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 47.39 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1101(33) Wires And Wiring Devices Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Wires And Wiring Devices Direct Cost: A. Materials: 220.00 M A.3.5 Mm2 Electric Wire Thhn 160.00 M B.5.5 Mm2 Electric Wire Thhn 25.00 M C. 8.00 Mm2 Electric Wire (thhn) 4.00 Set E. Two-gang Switch 16.00 Set G. Duplex Convenience Outlet H. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 28.05 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 28.05 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 28.05 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1102(1) Panel Board With Main Breaker/branches, 3 Wires, 1 Neutral, 50 Amp - 200 Amp Quantity 1.00 Set Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Set 1.00 Set Panel Board With Main Breaker/branches, 3 Wires, 1 Neutral, 50 Amp - 200 Amp Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Set A. Panel Board With Main Breaker And 8 Branches 50 Amp - 200 Amp 1.00 Pcs B. 60 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 2.00 Pcs B. 30 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 2.00 Pcs B. 20 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 2.00 Pcs B. 15 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 0.00 0 B. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 5.50 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 5.50 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 5.50 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1103(1) Lighting Fixtures Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Lighting Fixtures Direct Cost: A. Materials: 10.00 Set A. 1-18 Watts Downlight/pinlight,recessed Type 1.00 Units B. Emergency Lamp (twin Head) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 29.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 29.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 29.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1032(1)b Painting Works (wood Painting) Quantity 210.80 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.890 M2 210.80 M2 Painting Works (wood Painting) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.05 Gal A. Glazzing Putty 0.04 Gal B. Flat Wall Enamel 0.04 Gal C. Enamel Quick Dry 0.25 I D. Paint Thinner 0.01 Pint E. Tinting Color (optional) F. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1032(1)c Painting Works (metal Painting) Quantity 92.44 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 2.000 M2 92.44 M2 Painting Works (metal Painting) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.05 Gal A. Red Oxide Primer 0.10 Gal B. Enamel Paint 0.25 L C. Paint Thinner 0.00 0 D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(17) Carpentry & Joinery ( Wooden Balluster) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery ( Wooden Balluster) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 227.50 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber(210 Pcs 6.5"x1/2"x4ft) 20.00 Kg B. Assorted Cwnails D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 6.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(18) Carpentry & Joinery ( Roof Framing) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery ( Roof Framing) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 172.00 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber (43 Pcs 2"x4"x6ft) 68.00 Bd.ft B. Good Lumber (34 Pcs 2'x2"x6ft) 12.00 Kg B. Assorted Cwnails 0.00 0 D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(19) Carpentry & Joinery (wood Column) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery (wood Column) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 907.20 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber (21 Pcs 6"x6"x12ft) D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(20) Carpentry & Joinery (beam) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery (beam) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 96.00 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber (10 Pcs 4"x4"x6ft) B. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(21) Carpentry & Joinery (wood Slab ) Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Carpentry & Joinery (wood Slab ) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 142.50 Bd.ft A. Good Lumber (25 Pcs 1"x9.5"x6ft) 15.00 Kg B.assorted Cwnails D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 25.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 25.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 25.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1000(2) Wood Preservative Quantity 20.00 L Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 3.000 L 20.00 L Wood Preservative Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 L A. Termite Control (solignum) 0.00 0 D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 20.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 20.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 20.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1027(3) Concrete Pavers Quantity 49.50 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.500 M2 49.50 M2 Concrete Pavers Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.33 Bag A. Portland Cement 0.03 Cu.m B. Sand 1.00 Sq.m C. Decorative Stone D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 5.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) A.1 Playground Wall Climbing Quantity 1.00 Lot Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Lot 1.00 Lot Playground Wall Climbing Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Lot A. Plastic Climbing Grip With Expansion Bolt , Safety Belt& Harness ,steel Pulley Wire Rope Ring Rail Wheel Traction Pulley Lifting Bearing Pulley, Climbing Rope(100 Meters) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 56.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 56.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 56.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) A.2 Playground Amenities Quantity 1.00 Lot Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Lot 1.00 Lot Playground Amenities Direct Cost: A. Materials: 10.00 Meter/s A. Cable Wire Rope 10.60 Meter/s B. Abaca Rope 25.20 Meter/s B. Chain D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 40.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 40.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 40.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) A.3 Perimeter Fence Quantity 1.00 Lot Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Lot 1.00 Lot Perimeter Fence Direct Cost: A. Materials: 30.00 Rolls A. Interlink Wire(4") 4feet D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 40.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 40.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 40.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax)
Closing Date12 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 3.3 Million (USD 57.5 K)
Bureau Of Fisheries And Aquatic Resources Tender
Aerospace and Defence
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: Description No. "item Description (item Name & Technical Specifications)" Qty. Unit Approved Budget For The Contract (abc) 1 Drone 1 Set 49999 Aircraft - Takeoff Weight: <249g - Dimensions: 145x90x62mm (folded); 171x245x62mm (unfolded) - Diagonal Length: 247mm - Max Ascent Speed: 5 M/s - Max Descent Speed:3.5-5 M/s - Max Speed: 16 M/s - Max Service Ceiling Above Sea Level: 4,000 M - Up To 38 Minutes Of Flight Time - Up To 36mph Flight Speed - Up To 18-20km Flight Distance - Can Withstands Up To 24mph Winds Camera - Sensor: 1/1.3" Cmos - Pixel: 12mp (48mp With Quad Bayer) - Lens: Fov: 82.1°, 35mm Format Equivalent: 24 Mm, Aperture: F/1.7, Focus: 1 M To ∞ - Iso Range: 100-6400 (video), 100-3200 (photo) - Shutter Speed: 1/8000 To 2 Seconds - Photo Modes: Single Shot, Interval (2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 S) - Video Modes: 4k (3840×2160) 24/25/30/48/50/60 Fps, 2.7k (2720×1530) 24/25/30/48/50/60 Fps, Fhd (1920×1080) 24/25/30/48/50/60/120 Fps - Max Video Bitrate: 150 Mbps " - Supported File Systems: Fat32 (≤32 Gb), Exfat (>32 Gb) Photo: Jpeg, Dng (raw); Video: Mp4, Mov (mpeg-4 Avc/h.264, Hevc/h.265)" Gimbal - Controllable Range: Pitch: -135° To +80°, Roll: ±45°, Yaw: ±100° - Stabilization: 3-axis (pitch, Roll, Yaw) - Mechanical Range: Pitch: -135° To +45°, Roll: ±100°, Yaw: ±50° Remote Controller: -supported Mobile Device Size: 160×6.5×8.5 Mm To 180×86×10 Mm (length×width×thickness) - Charging: 5v/1.2a - Transmission System: Ocusync 3.0 - Max Transmission Distance: 12 Km (fcc), 6 Km (ce/srrc/mic) - Latency: 120-130 Ms Accessories: - (3) Intelligent Flight Batteries, Charging Hub, 30w Usb-c Charger - (3) Sets Of Propellers Drone Hard Case 1 Piece 1935 - Type: Hard Case, Shoulder Straps - Color: Black - Material: Abs - Size: 33x27x11.5cm Memory Card 1 Piece 2065 - Capacity: 256gb - Form Factor: Microsdxc - Read Speed: Upt O 200mb/s - Write Speed: Up To 140mb/s - Speed Class: Uhs-i, Class 10, U3, V30 - A2 Rating - Dimensions: 10.92mmx14.99mmx1.02mm Multifunctional Teleprompter 1 Piece 13500 - Compatible With Smartphones And Dslrs - Can Easily Attaches To Most Threaded Lenses - Can Control Script With Ios And Android App - With Multiple Lens Mounting Rings And Clamps - Can Fits All Smartphones/tablets Up To 11 Inches Inclusions: - Bluetooth Remote - 9x Lens Mounting Rings, And Smartphone/table Clamps - 1/4"-20 Mounting Threads, Shoe Mounts - 2 Carry Bags And Microfiber Cloth Teleprompter Case Box 1 Piece 2200 " - Size: 420mm X 360mm X 120mm (outside); 385mm X 310mm X 107mm (inside)" - Color: Black - Up To 10kg Load Bearing - With Sponge, And Composite Buckle - Features: Shockproof, Waterproof, Dustproof Note: " - Amenable For A Send-bill Arrangement/government Procedure - Quotation/rates Should Include All Applicable Taxes - Delivery Fee Shall Be Included In The Quotation" Warranty: 1 Year Warranty Total 69699
Closing Soon5 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 69.6 K (USD 1.2 K)
South Central Railway - SCR Tender
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Description: Ci Scrap : Actual Lot No. 03122502 0619. Pl No.98080106 (15) (hsn Code 72044900-gst18% On Fcm Basis) Scrap Of Cond. & Unserviceable Ci Scrap Of Cls Units,2&3 Aspects, Molb/eolb Balancing Weights, Point Machine Bases, Liners, Fan Hub Support, Pully, Cog Wheels For Lc Gate, Shoes, Surface Bases, Cls Units, Hp Lock, Vertical Wheel, Ground Lever Frame, Lb Balancing Counter Weights,heads Mono Blocks Roller Stand, Dirt Collectors, Surface Bases Slides Weighing Machines, Molb Winch, Shunt Signals E Type Locks Ci Brake Blocks Sorts And Sizes Full Or Cut With Or Without Ms Attachments And Ms Loose Spares This Material Available Lot No.0126 Location: Road No.3 & 1(image Attached) (note: 1. If Any Ss/ Corten Steel & Non-ferrous Items Found During Loading / Delivery Shall Be 03122502 0530return To The Railways By The Purchaser 2. In Case Of Clubbed Lots, Purchaser Has To Clear The Lots In The Sequence As Mentioned In The Lot Description And No Deviation Is Accepted. 3. No Picking And Choosing Of Material Is Permitted While Taking Delivery )
Closing Date24 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
421-430 of 781 active Tenders