Denmark Tenders
Denmark Tenders
Egedal Fjernvarme Tender
The tender concerns the delivery and installation of district heating units for Egedal District Heating in Egedal Municipality. A framework agreement is being entered into with one contractor. The framework agreement primarily includes deliveries and work for the installation of district heating units in connection with, for example, gas and oil conversions, but may also include the replacement of existing district heating systems and the service and repair of existing district heating systems on a subscription basis. In addition, the framework agreement includes a standby arrangement in connection with defects.
Closing Date28 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Vildtbaneg Rd Det Sociale Boligselskab Af 29 Januar 1946 Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Denmark – Architectural, Construction, Engineering And Inspection Services – Udbud Af Totalrådgiveraftaler Vedrørende Renovering Af Vildtbanegård I
Closing Date22 Apr 2025
Tender AmountDKK 20 Million (USD 2.8 Million)
Amgros I S - DENMARK Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Amgros I/s (amgros) is a partnership with the 5 regions as stakeholders. Amgros wishes to enter into framework agreements for the medicines specified in the individual partial contracts below, with the aim of supplying the stakeholders' hospital pharmacies with medicines as well as possible resale to the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Amgros resells the medicines to the hospital pharmacies at Amgros' purchase price plus a surcharge. The framework agreements are non-exclusive. The framework agreements are entered into without any obligation to purchase, and the hospital pharmacies in the regions are not obliged to use Amgros' framework agreements.
Closing Date20 May 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
21-30 of 861 active Tenders