Denmark Tenders
Denmark Tenders
Ringsted Spildevand A S Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
The purpose of this tender is to obtain a project for separate sewage systems for 4 sub-areas in Jystrup that have not yet been separated. The 4 sub-areas must be designed together and included in a comprehensive plan for the city of Jystrup. In addition to design and tender, the consultancy service also includes construction management and technical supervision. All communication, written as well as oral, in connection with the implementation of the project must be in Danish. Main services and delimitation The project concerns the following main services. Reference is also made to the document Description of services and basis of agreement 1. design of a project for separation and renovation of sewage for Ringsted Spildevand A/s. Road drainage is included in the design for Ringsted Spildevand, at the expense of Ringsted Municipality. 2. coordination and investigation of interfaces and conflicts between other external lines. 3. Preparation of tender materials for the separation of sewer lines in 4 sub-areas. 4. Tender/price collection/contracting of construction contract for Ringsted Spildevand A/s to the main contractor. 5. Execution of construction management, financial management, technical supervision, safety management, risk management, communication management and technical supervision of the construction work. 6. Completion of the case with handover, follow-up on deficiencies, overall construction accounts, control and delivery of as-built data as well as 1- and 5-year inspections. Basis: Ringsted Municipality has decided with the Wastewater Plan 2024 that jointly sewered catchments in Ringsted Municipality, including the city of Jystrup, must be separated and the rainwater from roads and roof surfaces must be led to the natural recipient, which in this case is Jystrup Lake and the Ålbækken. The existing joint system is of mixed compliance and was constructed between 1967 and 2010. The condition of the existing sewer system was investigated in 2009 in connection with the overall remediation planning for the entire city of Ringsted and in 2024 in connection with the preliminary studies for the current project. In 2014, the company Nielsen & Risager A/s (now Artelia) prepared a remediation plan with a description of the condition and recommended measures. This report is attached as an appendix to all tenderers and should be included in the consultant's considerations to the extent that it is considered appropriate. A new separate system is to be established. Based on the study in 2024, it is to be assessed to what extent the existing joint pipe can be reused. Reused either as a rainwater pipe that only takes surface water from the properties, whereby a new rainwater pipe for road drainage and a new sewage pipe must be established, or as a sewage pipe, whereby a new rainwater pipe for both surface water from properties and roads must be established. In this connection, it must be assessed and a plan made for the necessary lining, replacement or spot repair. New branch pipes must be established and where the existing common pipe is reused, it must be assessed to what extent, for example, the common pipe must be renovated/replaced. Separator wells are installed on all rainwater and sewage connections. Road drainage is connected and renovated as needed after further agreement with Ringsted Municipality. Public pipes located through private gardens must, as far as possible, be closed down and replaced by new pipes located in road/path areas. Private pipes that carry wastewater from several properties must, as far as possible, be replaced by new public sewer connections on the facade of the house facing the road. Any common connections between two properties must, as far as possible, be replaced by separate connections for each cadastre. Please note that Appendix 3 of the tender list contains a fixed project price for the project economy of the tender, which the tender price may not exceed in accordance with the service description and basis of agreement as well as these tender conditions. Reference is also made to Section 7.1 Price and Section 9 Invoicing of the consultancy agreement (contract) regarding the project price and invoicing model. For a more detailed description of the services offered, including the requirements that the services must meet, reference is made to the requirements specification and service description (Appendix 2) and the tender list (Appendix 3) as well as any corrections and answers to questions.
Closing Date22 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Amgros I S - DENMARK Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Amgros I/s (amgros) is a partnership with the 5 regions as stakeholders. Amgros wishes to enter into framework agreements for the medicines specified in the individual partial contracts below, with the aim of supplying the stakeholders' hospital pharmacies with medicines as well as possible resale to the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Amgros resells the medicines to the hospital pharmacies at Amgros' purchase price plus a surcharge. The framework agreements are non-exclusive. The framework agreements are entered into without any obligation to purchase, and the hospital pharmacies in the regions are not obliged to use Amgros' framework agreements.
Closing Date24 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Nordv Rk I S Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Others
The tender concerns the processing of insulation materials from Nordværk. In 2023, Nordværk I/s collected approximately 800 tons of rock wool insulation material from its recycling sites. The insulation material comes from demolitions and offcuts from new construction. Nordværk I/s is a North Jutland waste management company with ambitions for future waste management and resource utilization - for the benefit of all of North Jutland. Nordværk is Denmark's third-largest waste company and is owned by six North Jutland municipalities. For a more detailed description of the tender, please refer to the tender documents.
Closing Date22 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Energinet Tender
Others...+2Civil And Construction, Civil Works Others
By establishing this framework agreement, the client wishes to have the opportunity to procure consultancy services in connection with changes and new installations in the client's 132-400 kV network. The framework agreement includes, but is not limited to, consultancy for Energinet when it is necessary to review matters relating to masts, foundations and the entire wiring system. The type of consultant required under this agreement varies from time to time and depends on the specific task formulation. The tasks are organised depending on the nature of the task, scope, time, prioritisation, resource requirements, etc. The tenderer must be able to provide resources that have experience, qualifications and can offer advice in the following areas: • Solid knowledge of high-voltage masts (both tubular masts and lattice masts) • Solid knowledge of Pls-cadd, as well as the modules "tower" and "pole" (or equivalent) • Solid knowledge of different types of foundations (concrete foundation, pile foundation, monopiles, etc.) • Experience with calculating forces acting on high-voltage masts and associated foundations • Solid knowledge of different phase conductor types and options for optimizing transmission capacity and losses in the overhead lines. • Experience with economic optimization of masts and foundations for overhead lines • Knowledge of the production of lattice masts and tubular masts • Can supervise the production of masts and carry out inspections at the suppliers • Knowledge of working environment regulations for contractors
Closing Date15 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
I S AffaldPlus Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Others, Civil Works Others
1-year contract for the collection, transport and sale of coarsely chopped wood waste, categorized A4, from the client's two environmental facilities in 4640 Faxe and 4241 Forlev respectively. The waste wood must be recycled at approved facilities. The expected annual quantity for 2025 is approximately 6000 tons. Parallel offers for two different sizes of wood waste. Award criterion: lowest price. The tender is carried out as a public EU tender in accordance with Section II of Act No. 1564 of 15 December 2015, the Public Procurement Act
Closing Date22 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Ringsted Forsyning A S Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Ringsted Forsyning is to expand the district heating supply area in Benløse. In this connection, district heating supply is to be established in the area around Fredensvej to Tofteåsvej, including associated side roads. This tender covers Energy District 08, A and the work mainly concerns the establishment of approximately 2.7 km of main pipes made of twin pipes, mainly series 2, in dimensions from Ø25 - Ø139.7, as well as 126 branch pipes, in addition to an additional 35 potential customers who may be available. The work is to be primarily carried out in residential areas. The contract thus includes earthworks, construction and forging work as well as pipe delivery. The tender documents include branch pipes from consumers who have entered into an agreement with Ringsted Fjernvarme at the time of the tender. The contractor must be able to withstand the construction of branch pipes to customers who register for district heating supply during the execution of the project within the time schedule. The work is expected to be carried out with 2 - 3 digging fronts for main lines and 2 - 3 digging fronts for branch lines. The contractor must be able to provide an additional digging team within 48 hours, which applies to both main and branch lines, if it is deemed necessary for the progress of the work and compliance with the schedule. Lines are located on both public and private areas. The client has obtained general permits for the location of the lines. The work is expected to be handed over on June 18, 2025 and must be carried out for delivery on April 24, 2026.
Closing Date23 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Energistyrelsen - DENMARK Tender
Energy, Oil and Gas
Performance Of Cost-benefit-methodologies Related To Implementation Of Article 3 Of The Directive (eu) 2023/1791 Of The European Parliament And Of The Council Of 13 September 2023 On Energy Efficiency And Amending Regulation (eu) 2023/955 (recast) To The Customer.
Closing Date22 Apr 2025
Tender AmountDKK 500 (USD 73)
Kompetencecenter Sj Lland ApS Tender
Precipitation Chemicals Competence Center Zealand Offers Purchase And Delivery Of Precipitation Chemicals In A Public Tender. The Utilities Use Precipitation Chemicals At Sewage Treatment Plants, Pumping Stations And Surface Water Works. The Tender Is Divided Into Two Subcontracts. - Subcontract 1 - Sewage Treatment Plants And Pumping Stations - Subcontract 2 - Surface Water Works The Two Subcontracts Are Evaluated Separately And A Supplier Is Selected For Each Subcontract.
Closing Date22 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
11-20 of 784 active Tenders