Tender Results of Statens Vegvesen

Tender Results of Statens Vegvesen

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration would like tenders for consultancy services in educational advice and the production of digital teaching material. The purpose of the procurement is to enter into two framework agreements for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration] within the following specialist areas: A - Educational development work, process management, design, and production within competence development and competence management. B - Design, development, production of more advanced digital teaching material, and the development, testing, and evaluation of modern teaching technologies.
Contract Date4 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 20 Million (USD 1.8 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The assignment concerns independent inspections in tunnels. The assignment must be carried out by an engineering geologist. Independent execution inspections must document that the rock work is executed as presumed in the engineering design reports, and that it is carried out in accordance with the requirements in the hand books from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Independent inspections in the construction phase must be carried out up until the tunnel has been completely blasted and secured, and until the engineering geological final report has been submitted and checked.
Contract Date30 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 7.5 Million (USD 689.6 K)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Project Tromsø, has started rerouting the E8 through Ramfjord, the main approach to Tromsø. There is thus a need to hire complete project rigging with barracks for offices and housing. In addition a plastic hall of 150m2 is wanted, with a gate height of minimum 3.5m.
Contract Date28 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 6.8 Million (USD 617.4 K)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration Operation West 1 (hereafter called the contracting authority) would like tenders for the delivery of avalanche monitoring and warning for the E16 past Bogelia in Vaksdal Municipality, via installations placed at Olsneset in Osterøy Municipality. The aim of the procurement is to reduce the risk with various types of avalanches towards the road.
Contract Date22 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 3.6 Million (USD 328.1 K)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
As part of the E16 Eggemoen – Olum project, the original E16, which goes past central Jevnaker and through Toso, is being down-classified. In connection with this down-classification, the stretch will be upgraded, with measures to emphasise traffic for soft road users, rather than through traffic. The project includes the following measures: • Raised pavement along the fjord on the north side of the road • Improved pavement along the south side of the road • Smaller lanes • A canteen stop for busses • Raised pedestrian crossing • Lowered roadway under the railway • Passable roundabout • New and traffic-safe access to Hadeland Glassworks • New lighting (one-sided lighting except along Verkevika where there is 2-sided lighting) • Aesthetic enhancement: furnishings, landscaping, curbstones and granite paving • Improve the stormwater problem in the planning area for PlanID 82 • Prepare the conditions for traffic management in relation to the current intersection between Hadelandsvegen and Glassverksvegen
Contract Date22 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 77 Million (USD 7.1 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The agreement shall cover the contracting authority's need for licenses, software maintenance and associated services, for existing and future licences within the relevant functional areas; The Norwegian Government's Standard Terms and Conditions (SSA-R) Annexes 1 and 2. Support services are also included, to the degree that they are included in the rightful owner's or the supplier's offered software maintenance. The contracting authority would like to enter into parallel framework agreements with three tenderers.
Contract Date18 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 120 Million (USD 10.9 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The project involves the improvement of approximately 3.3 kilometres of national road on the Søre Herefoss - Engebu section. The project involves upgrading the existing road to a width of 7.5 metres and geometry requirements in accordance with current road standards. The route of the new road mainly follows the current route. One stream, Fjerdingsbekken, will be moved one metre because the road width will be increased by one metre. Here, the new stream course will be shifted parallel so that it has the same cross-section, just one metre further away from Herefossfjorden. An older garage just off Engebuveien will be removed. The work will otherwise consist of blasting, rock stabilisation, soil relocation, felling of trees, clearing terrain, laying of pipes, drains and culverts, asphalt work, natural stone masonry and railing work. To a large extent, it is planned to use the soil at the site for road construction. The form of contract is an execution contract. The contract type is unit price contract.
Contract Date15 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 54.7 Million (USD 4.9 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
On this section, corten steel railings have been installed with guide light domes mounted on top. The section is approx. 19 km long and has 3 intersections. Railings: The corten steel railings will be replaced and the C-profile tube railing that is most affected by rust should be removed first. The bridge railing will also be replaced. The contractor will inspect and detail the solution in consultation with the contracting authority. Quantities in chapter D1 are estimated and will vary. Street lights: There are guide light domes in the section which will conflict with the new guardrail when the guardrail is replaced. Guide light domes along the stretch where new railings are being installed will be removed. New two-sided street lights will be installed along the entire stretch including the crossing areas.
Contract Date14 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 79.1 Million (USD 7.2 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Development Division, hereby invites tenderers to a competition regarding the contract for the project "New Government Quarter - Working with Ring 1". The purpose of the competition is to meet the contracting authority's needs for reconstruction of the Hammersborg Tunnel and upgrading of the Vaterlands Tunnel on County Road 162 (Ring 1) i Oslo in accordance with the contract requirements.
Contract Date14 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 841.3 Million (USD 76.7 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration [Statens vegvesen] requests tenders for internal and external signing and foliation, etc. for the contracting authority's owned and hired locations in accordance with the always prevailing design and guidelines for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The tenderer must also be able to provide consultancy services in relation to signage and foliation.
Contract Date7 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 9.2 Million (USD 839.2 K)
21-30 of 134 active Tender Results