Tender Results of Qatarenergy
Tender Results of Qatarenergy
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF INTEGRATED INSPECTION, AUDIT AND CERTIFICATION SERVICES FOR LIFTING EQUIPMENT AND GAS CYLINDERS-QP has a requirement to ensure that all lifting equipment personnel, lifting equipment, passenger/goods lifts, escalators and gas cylinders in QP facilities, whether owned by QP or QP Contractors (who are involved in various projects), comply with QP lifting equipment requirements to ensure that lifting operations of the above equipment are conducted safely. The brief Scope of Services is given below: The scope of work divided into two segments, services and manpower. Part 1: SERVICES CONTRACT: a),,DEFINED SCOPE OF SERVICES ",,Bi-Annual Inspection, Testing, Certification and Colour Coding of Lifting Equipment b),,CALL OFF SCOPE OF SERVICES ",,Identification, Verification and certification of newly purchased or QP fabricated lifting equipment and gas cylinders. ",,Re-certification of Defective Equipment Post Maintenance. Part 2: Provision of Lifting Equipment Inspection Auditors and Support staff
Contract Date1 Nov 2020
Contract AmountQAR 5.4 Million (USD 1.5 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Maintenance and Support of Telecom Transmission, Radio Communication and Industrial Telecommunication systems on call off basis at multiple QP Onshore and Offshore locations-M&S on call-off basis for Transmission, Radio Communication and Industrial Telecommunication Systems at various QP Onshore & Offshore locations The Scope of Services consists of the following: 1 Maintenance & Support services of existing operational Telecom Transmission, Radio Communication and Industrial Telecommunication systems at multiple QP Onshore and Offshore operational locations (as part of Preventive and Corrective maintenance & support services): All Onshore locations in Doha, Mesaieed, Dukhan, and Ras Laffan regions. All Offshore locations in North & East Fields (i.e. Halul, PS-1, PS-2, PS-3, NFA (PS-4), FMB, Al-Morjan, etc.) 2,,Maintenance & Support services of future similar systems during the duration of CONTRACT (as part of Preventive and Corrective maintenance & support services) 3,,Supply & Installation of Spare Parts (as part of Corrective maintenance & support services) 4,,Repair of faulty equipment (as part of Corrective maintenance & support services)
Contract Date1 Nov 2020
Contract AmountQAR 15 Million (USD 4.1 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
REFURBISHMENT OF COMBUSTION AIR-INTAKE FILTRATION & EXHAUST SYSTEM-Upgrade of Combustion air intake filtration system plus Refurbishment/partial Upgrade of Exhaust System of GE Frame 5 Turbines at PS2/3 (KT4201/KT4301):
Contract Date21 Oct 2020
Contract AmountQAR 4.3 Million (USD 1.1 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC FOR UPGRADE OF YOKOGAWA DCS AT PS-2 AND THIRD PARTY SYSTEMS AT PS-2 AND PS-3-Upgrade of Yokogawa DCS system at MM (PS-2) and third party systems' servers and workstations PS-2 at PS-3 and implementation of Cyber security system as per cyber security treatment plants and Qatar national ICS cyber security standard rev-3 and DEP Contract Duration shall be eighteen (18) months
Contract Date15 Oct 2020
Contract AmountQAR 45.5 Million (USD 12.4 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENT PCRs AT NGL AND TERMINAL OPERATIONS-Implementation of Instrument PCRs 495 , 489 , 538 , 482 , 525 , 527 , 534 , 559 , 633 in NGL-3 /4 and Terminal Operation Item,,,,PCRNo.,,,,,,,,DEscription 1,,PCR/TOO(M)/16/538,,Installation of Toxic and Flammable Gas detectors at Terminal operations substations in AC duct 2,,PCR/GPT/14/482,,To install HSSD system in NGL-1,2 Control Room including the basement. 3,,PCR/GNG(M)/16/525,, Provision of Flammable Gas Detectors at NGL-3 PIG Area 4,,PCR/GNN(M)/13/527,,To Povide Flammable and Toxic Gas Detectors in NGL-4 Flare Area Skid 5,,PCR/GPO(M)/534,,To replace the Fire and Gas PLC system in SS-3400A into a single PLC system 6,,PCR/GNM (M)/16/559 ,,To replace the pneumatic control system of Instrument Air Dryer with a solenoid components PLC based system 7,,PCR/GPT/14/495 ,,To install pressure and temperature gauges at the inlet and outlet lines of turbine lube oil coolers for Boosters in NGL-3 8,,PCR/GPT/14/489 ,,To Provide separate manual operation for 61-PCV-1014/1024 A/B in NGL-3. 9,,PCR/ONM(M)/18/633,,To upgrade NGL-3 Sour Gas Compressor Oil Re-claimer
Contract Date12 Oct 2020
Contract AmountQAR 4.8 Million (USD 1.3 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
SHUTDOWN MAINTENANCE WORKS FOR NGL-1,3&4 PLANTS,MESAIEED OPERATIONS-SHUTDOWN MAINTENANCE WORKS FOR NGL-1,3&4 PLANTS,MESAIEED OPERATIONS CONTRACTOR shall undertake and complete the Turnaround maintenance works of Static equipment, including without limitation all Instrument, Electrical, Civil and PCR works inclusive of Valves and related pipe-works in NGL 1/3/4 Plants and utilities areas associated with NGL complex, Mesaieed Operations at Mesaieed Industrial Area, in accordance with the specified job list and Scope of Work, detailed job plans, Specifications, Standards and Codes of Practice. The Plant Turnarounds are scheduled tentatively as detailed below which is inclusive of Plant decommissioning & commissioning. ,,Plant,,,,From ,,,,,, To ,,NGL3,,,,,,15-Sept-2020,,,,11-Oct-2020 ,,NGL1,,,,,,01-Mar-2021,,,,26-Mar-2021 ,,NGL4,,,,,,01-Feb-2022,,,,26-Feb-2022 Planning and execution of WORK includes various Turnaround related activities including but not limited to Multidisciplinary Maintenance, Inspection and Repairs of piping, equipment and systems, scaffolding / insulation / painting related activities, supply of manpower services, equipment and miscellaneous resources as per the scope of work in the tender document. ,, CONTRACTOR shall be an ISO accredited Company with demonstrated capabilities/certifications in ASME "U" & NBBI "R" Repairs activities." In case CONTRACTOR does not have capabilities/certifications in ASME "U" & NBBI "R" activities, a SUB-CONTRACTOR with demonstrated capabilities/certifications in ASME "U" & NBBI "R" activities shall be engaged for carrying out those activities which require these capabilities / certifications. CONTRACTOR shall be able to mobilize its SUBCONTRACTOR within 12 hours of notice during the Turnaround.
Contract Date1 Oct 2020
Contract AmountQAR 256.4 Million (USD 70.4 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC FOR GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN MESAIEED (PHASE 1)-The objective of the Phase 1 Groundwater Drainage project is to reduce and limit all groundwater increases in Mesaieed and reduce ground water levels to a minimum level of 1.5m below ground level in order to protect all existing infrastructure and buildings and to enable further development of available land. In addition the Works shall comply with any MME regulations, ensure safety, integrity and be provided with minimum maintenance works and ensure protection of the environment. The proposed Project Works shall include, as a minimum but not limited to, the following: Provision of a system of collection drains, pumping stations, rising mains and outfall structure to enable removal of surface groundwater from the shallow aquifer. Phase 1 EPIC Works - Surface groundwater drainage system in the MIC Community Area: - Two (2) no. New Groundwater Pump stations at MIC Community Area (Phase 1) - A network of peforated groundwater collection drains feeding to the new groundwater pumping stations. - Pressurised rising mains from each groundwater pumping station conveying groundwater to the associated terminal pumping stations and to a new outfall within the Industrial Area. - New Outfall Structure - Outfall pipeline for Phase 2 future connection. - Provision of TSE flow meter chambers to enable the collection of flow and pressure data to allow QP to assess the current distribution of TSE. - Provision of Fibre Optic cables f and associated equipments for the collection of operational data for the new pumping stations and transfer of thsi operational data to the Control room of the existing Domestic WasteWater Treatment Plant.
Contract Date17 Sep 2020
Contract AmountQAR 74.7 Million (USD 20.5 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CALL-OFF FOR INSPECTION AND ENGINEERING SUPPORT SERVICES AT DUKHAN-QP has a requirement for Inspection, Supervisory and Engineering PERSONNEL to support existing manning levels to complete Inspection and Supervision activities and to provide support services for site activities related to Shutdown, Routine Plant Inspection activities, Overhauls, In-house project and Plant Change Request implementation at Mesaieed Operations facilities and Dukhan Field Areas. CONTRACTOR shall provide required number of PERSONNEl, together with suitable transportation, on a call-off basis, who are qualified and experienced in accordance with the relevant standards and specification specified in these tender documents. CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL shall be required as a core team with additional personnel required as and when shutdowns are scheduled on the facilities. The duration of CONTRACT is Five (5) calendar years. The required PERSONNEL for Mesaieed Operations include the following: (Mechanical Inspectors, Welding Inspectors, Painting/Insulation Inspectors, Cathodic Protection Technicians, Corrosion Engineers, Project Instrument Engineers, Project Electrical Engineers, Project Civil Engineers, Mechanical Construction Supervisors, Instrument Construction Supervisors, Rotating Equipment Technician, Shutdown Execution Interface Coordinator (Mechanical), and Shutdown Execution Interface Coordinator (Instrument)) The required PERSONNEL for Dukahn include: (Plant inspectors, Coating inspectors, Corrosion inspection Engineers/Technicians, Cathodic Protection Engineers/Technicians and IMS technicians
Contract Date1 Sep 2020
Contract AmountQAR 17.3 Million (USD 4.7 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF STIMULATION & NITROGEN SERVICES FOR QP'S ONSHORE WELLS-1,,Contractor shall provide Stimulation & Nitrogen Services for Onshore Operations, on Call-Off basis. 2,,The range of Services are as listed below and shall include but not limited to the following: 2.1.,,Acidizing/Stimulation of Vertical/Deviated Wells using CTU. 2.2.,,Descaling Wells using CTU. 2.3.,,Unloading Wells using Nitrogen via CTU. 2.4.,,Pressure testing services rig-less with choke manifold. 2.5.,,Supply of all chemicals, materials, Contractor Personnel, and equipment for well stimulation (acidizing), descaling, liquid nitrogen. 2.6.,,Providing operational report upon completion of each Release Order. 3,,Contract duration for the Services shall be sixty three (63) months from the Effective Date including three (3) months for initial mobilization and inspection.
Contract Date13 Aug 2020
Contract AmountQAR 48.6 Million (USD 13.3 Million)
291-300 of 560 active Tender Results