Tender Results of Qatarenergy

Tender Results of Qatarenergy

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
SETTLEMENT SURVEY FOR VARIOUS FACILITIES IN MESAIEED OPERATIONS-QP requires the following SERVICES to be carried out. ",,Settlement Survey of Crude Oil Storage Tanks in Tank Farm ",,Settlement Survey of Product Storage Tanks in NGL Plant CONTRACTOR shall carry out, traverse and level surveys of existing survey control stations, carry out settlement surveys of existing facilities, establish settlement survey points, conduct base line, settlement and control surveys and install new settlement and control survey points as required. The SERVICES shall consist of Two (2) Phases. An initial phase to verify existing site survey control stations, survey existing settlement survey points, establish new site survey control stations and settlement survey points and conduct baseline settlement survey for new settlement survey points for all of the listed facilities. Final phase will be a return visit after ten (10) months to verify the site survey control stations and carry out a repeat settlement survey for all settlement survey points for all of the listed facilities SERVICES shall include all aspects of site investigation, survey, document retrieval, design, engineering, procurement, fabrication and installation for new settlement survey points, baselines, settlement and control station surveys, preparation and submission of survey reports.
Contract Date13 Feb 2022
Contract AmountQAR 2 Million (USD 568.6 K)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF ASSET INTEGRITY AND FABRIC MAINTENCE SERVICES AT PS1 AND INSPECTION SERVICES USING ROPE ACCESS AT QP OFFSHORE LOCATION-CONTRACTOR's Scope of Services is to carry out "Asset Integrity Inspection and Fabric Maintenance" which includes supply of specialized CONTRACTOR personnel, equipment and material to carry out the following services: a) Conventional N
Contract Date7 Feb 2022
Contract AmountQAR 75.4 Million (USD 20.7 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE AND MINOR MODIFICATION WORKS AT MESAIEED OPERATIONS ON CALL OFF BASIS-QP requires the SERVICES of a CONTRACTOR to carry out all Electrical Maintenance and minor modification works at QP Mesaieed Operations Areas on call-off basis for five(5) years as and when required by QP. CONTRACTOR shall carry out the SERVICES at all SITE throughout the State of Qatar, which fall under the jurisdiction of QP Mesaieed Operations.
Contract Date1 Feb 2022
Contract AmountQAR 15.9 Million (USD 4.3 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR PSVs & RVs IN NGL PLANTS AND FACILITIES AT MESAIEED OPERATIONS-Contractor shall undertake the maintenance work for Pressure Safety Valves / Relief Valves (PSV/RV) in NGL-1, NGL-2, NGL-3, NGSF, NGL-4 Plants, Storage and Loading facilities and Common Utilities located within the NGL complex, Tank Farm and Terminal Facilities at Mesaieed Industrial Area and Transmission & Distribution facilities spread all over the State of Qatar as specified in the Scope of Services for a period of 5 years. Contractor shall perform the services either when the plant/unit is in operation but the PSV/RV will be isolated, or when the Plant / unit is in shutdown.
Contract Date16 Jan 2022
Contract AmountQAR 14.9 Million (USD 4.1 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL FOR RAS LAFFAN AND DUKHAN STORES-Contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment/machinery for Ras Laffan Stores and personnel only for Dukhan stores for loading and unloading services at Ras Laffan Stores and Dukhan Operations
Contract Date9 Jan 2022
Contract AmountQAR 25.6 Million (USD 7 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
INTEGRATED UMBRELLA CONTRACT FOR CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AT IS HALUL-Brief Scope of Work covered under this Contract are primarily for Civil Works at Halul IS facilities for minor and major civil construction project work, which includes construction engineering, fabrication/pre-casting, construction installation and testing and involves providing Contractor personnel, materials, plant, equipments and tools in sufficient quantities to maintain QP's development programs.
Contract Date20 Dec 2021
Contract AmountQAR 36.6 Million (USD 10 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Provision of Bus Transportation Services-Provision of Bus Transportation Services
Contract Date15 Dec 2021
Contract AmountQAR 27.3 Million (USD 7.4 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date13 Dec 2021
Contract AmountQAR 1.2 Million (USD 339.9 K)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
PROVISION FOR VARIOUS ACCESS PLATFORMS IN DUKHAN FIELDS-Provision for Various Access Platforms in Dukhan Fields
Contract Date13 Dec 2021
Contract AmountQAR 2.3 Million (USD 653.3 K)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
BOW-TIE DEVELOPMENT AND OTHER ASSOCIATED MAHM DELIVERABLES FOR ALL QP PRODUCTION FACILITIES AT QP OPERATIONAL AREAS-The Scope is to carry out Technical Site Survey of Process Safety Barriers, Bow-tie Development, Identification of MAH Critical Elements (MCEs) and MAH Critical Tasks (MCTs), Performance Standard Development for MCEs and MCTs, MAH Risk Register, Matrix of Permitted Operations (MOPO), Major Accident Hazard Management (MAHM) Report for all QP operating areas.
Contract Date7 Dec 2021
Contract AmountQAR 1.8 Million (USD 503.6 K)
201-210 of 560 active Tender Results