Tender Results of International Fund For Agricultural Development
Tender Results of International Fund For Agricultural Development
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
IFAD, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, a United Nations specialised agency, based in Rome at its Headquarters located at Via Paolo di Dono 44, 00142 Rome, Italy, in line with United Nations Procurement policies is requesting proposals for the provision of regular daily shuttle bus services and ad-hoc coach hire services. IFAD places these services to staff within its operational profile and is seeking a provider who guarantees a quality service, with reliability, courtesy, communication and safety & security as key components of its service. Interested bidders are invited to submit a written proposal as set out in the attached instructions (see also document "0. IFAD 2019 022 RFP Instructions on how to access documents"). In case of questions, kindly use the CORRESPONDENCE function within the UNGM e-tendering system.
Contract Date29 Oct 2019
Contract AmountUSD 68.6 K
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
For the provision of External Legal Services for IFAD, the Law Firm shall work under the exclusive supervision and oversight of IFAD' s Office of the General Counsel. The Law Firm shall, where and when requested, assume responsibility for, or provide legal advice on matters relating primarily to, public and private international law and issues arising under, or relating to, the Italian legal system. In this regard, thorough familiarity with the principles, treaties laws relating to diplomatic privileges and immunities and the operations and status of United Nations Specialised Agencies is required. For the provision of External Legal Services for Staff Members, the Law Firm shall work under the general oversight of IFAD's Office of the General Counsel. The Law Firm shall, where and when requested by an IF AD staff member, provide legal assistance in the form of an opinion and/or advice to the staff member on legal matters arising under Italian laws and/or personal issues unrelated to IF AD, encountered by staff members in Italy and their dealings with the Italian administrative/legal system.
Contract Date29 Aug 2019
Contract AmountUSD 43 K
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Sierra Leone
The Agricultural Value chain Development Project (AVDP) will be nation-wide in Sierra Leone and have a project duration of six years with an overall financing envelope of around USD 80 million in international financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and co-financing partners. Project start-up is planned for early October 2019. In order to implement the project, it is planned to recruit qualified personnel for AVDP PMU. Recruitment is a delicate activity whose results inevitably condition the achievement of the objectives of any organisation. It is therefore imperative that the procedure respects the principles of rigour and competitiveness. It has therefore been decided to entrust this exercise to a specialised firm. The general objective of this exercise is to recruit the staff of the PMU based in Bo and its regional units based in Kenema, Makeni and Port Loko in Sierra Leone.
Contract Date31 Jul 2019
Contract AmountUSD 44.9 K
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
One of IFAD priorities in 2019 is assessing its decentralized business model and its current resources, benchmarking with other International Financial Institutions (IFI) and United Nations (UN) organisations to complete a gap analysis and right sizing exercise to ensure it has the adequate human capital, skills mix and innovation capacity to respond to its current and future challenges. IFAD is seeking an external Contractor with human capital, business processes, budgeting, organisational development and change management expertise to partner primarily with the Human Resources Division (HRD) and other in-house stakeholders including the Office of Strategic Budgeting (OSB) and the Change, Delivery and Innovation unit (CDI) to conduct an IFAD-wide right sizing exercise. The Contractor will also advise on best practices to enhance human resources management at IFAD overall. Expertise will include knowledge of the development and food security context, as well as knowledge of the UN and IFI arena, including competition for resources available in the public aid system.
Contract Date30 Jul 2019
Contract AmountUSD 464 K
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Business Process Re-engineering Services. IFAD is seeking an external Contractor with business process expertise to work with process owners to re-engineer or streamline selected processes. The Contractor will also advise on best practices to enhance business process management at IFAD overall.
Contract Date12 Jul 2019
Contract AmountUSD 451.5 K
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
IFAD seek a Contractor to contribute to INSURED’s work in Uganda by providing technical assistance for the design and implementation of climate-related agricultural insurance (hereafter referred to as agricultural insurance) linked to IFAD's portfolio in the country; and building the capacity of local public and private partner institutions. Insurance for Rural Resilience & Economic Development (INSURED) is a four-year Technical Assistance Programme financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), ending in October 2021. INSURED’s goal is to increase resilience, the capacity to manage climate risks, and improve livelihoods of poor rural households. Its objective is to protect incomes and promote investments of smallholder agriculture. This assignment is to seek a Contractor to contribute to INSURED’s work in Uganda. In order to protect smallholder farmers and their related value chain actors from climate-related calamities and improve agricultural productivity, IFAD intends to establish a sustainable system of agricultural insurance to support its in-country portfolio objectives, specifically for the National Oil Seeds Project which is under design.
Contract Date8 Jul 2019
Contract AmountUSD 184.8 K
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Analysis of Regional Climate Models data. Through its Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion division (ECG) and West and Central Africa division (WCA), IFAD is seeking the services of an experienced service provider to analyse Regional Climate Models (RCM) outputs under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and different geographical and temporal resolutions. The datasets produced will be used to improve the information basis on which investment decisions are made particularly in relation with agricultural and rural development. The Climate Adaptation in Rural Development Assessment Tool (CARD) will be the platform where this data will be made available to support public and private investors. The new module that will be developed thanks to this new data will be specifically intended to rural finance institutions, their regulators and investors.
Contract Date28 Jun 2019
Contract AmountUSD 53.3 K
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
IFAD’s Headquarters (HQ) is located in Via Paolo di Dono, 44, Rome, Italy where there is a cafeteria inside the premises with the restricted access for the people who are inside of the HQ. The number of people present at HQ on a daily basis may vary between 600 and 650. These people are potential cafeteria customers and come from different countries with different cultural backgrounds. The cafeteria customers include IFAD staff, consultants, interns and service providers as well as external visitors including high level government officials, international meeting participants and guests. IFAD is looking for a Contractor that can easily adapt to the multi-ethnic character of IFAD. Therefore, with the launch of this tender, IFAD welcomes proposals with innovative and creative ideas that ensure the most hygienic, pleasant and efficient service to the customers at high quality standards both for services already in place as for potential additional services (bar in -1 and the roof garden). The current services include: services for end consumers (a self-service cafeteria, a coffee bar and vending machines placed on various floors of the HQ building) and services for IFAD (official catering services for IFAD meetings and events held in the HQ premises).
Contract Date6 Jun 2019
Contract AmountUSD 389.3 K
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Web Development Services on behalf of International Land Coalition (ILC). The overall objective of this contract is to commission a visually engaging, impactful and easy-to-use platform that is responsive to the ILC’s evolving and dynamic Coalition. It should simplify what can be regarded as a very complex network (multi-actor and multi-layered).
Contract Date15 May 2019
Contract AmountUSD 66.3 K
131-140 of 140 active Tender Results