Gulf Cooperation Council Tender Results

Gulf Cooperation Council Tender Results

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date4 Oct 2015
Contract AmountQAR 157.2 Million (USD 43.1 Million)
EPIC FOR UPGRADE OF SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IN DUKHAN-Enginnering, Procurement, Installation & Commissioing of Upgrade of the existing Sewage Treatment Plnat at Dukhan. The existing plant is to be extened to a new facility near to the existing.

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Sep 2015
Contract AmountQAR 28.3 Million (USD 7.7 Million)
MMANPOWER SERVICES FOR MAINTENANCE OF SECURITY SYSTEM IN RAS LAFFAN INDUSTRIAL CITY-Provision of different categories of skilled manpower to work regularly in Qatar Petroleum's RLC / MIC Industrial City area, for maintenance of non-radiographic Security Systems deployed in these locations. The jobs shall be supervised and controlled by QP Staff.

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date9 Aug 2015
Contract AmountQAR 11.9 Million (USD 3.2 Million)
UPGRADE OF NETWORK OF F&G SYSTEM IN DUKHAN TOWNSHIP-QP Dukhan Operations has a requirement of replacing the current Network infrastructure of the Centralized Fire and Gas Surveillance System installed in Dukhan Township with a fibre optic based ring infrastructure.

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date2 Aug 2015
Contract AmountQAR 4.7 Million (USD 1.3 Million)
MAINTENANCE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT @ HALUL WORKSHOP-The Services shall include provision of qualified and experienced technicians with their tools to carry out repair, maintenance, minor and major overhauls, denting and spary paint on QP owned and Halul based diesel driven vehicles and equipment, under the direct supervision of QP supervisor. Minimum requirements: 2 Nos. Auto Diesel Mechanics: experienced in maintenance and repair of diesel vehicles and heavy equipment like crane, shovel, forklift, trailer, truck, etc. 1 No. Auto Electrician: experienced like above 1 No. Technician experienced in vehicle body denting and repairing 1 No. experienced vehicle painter. 1 No. Vehicle Seat Repairer and Upholsterer Contract Duration: Five(05) calender years Scheduled Start Date: 15/07/2015 Scheduled End Date: 14/07/2020

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date1 Jun 2015
Contract AmountQAR 1.9 Million (USD 543.2 K)
MAINTENANCE, UPGRADE AND SUPPORT OF BENTLEY SOFTWARE-Maintenance, Upgrade and Support Services (Bentley SELECT) to the following software for Five (5) Years: ",,Plantwave for AutoPLANT Maintenance ",,Bentley AutoPLANT Equipment SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley AutoPLANT P&ID SELECT Sub ",,Bentley AutoPLANT Structural Eng. Subscription ",,Bentley Piping SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley Vision SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley AutoPLANT Isometrics SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley Instru & Wiring SELECT Subscription ",,STAAD Foundation Advanced SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley AutoPIPE SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley AutoPIPE Advanced SELECT Subscription ",,ProjectWise Integration Server SELECT Subscription ",,ProjectWise Web Server SELECT Subscription ",,ProjectWise Publishing Server SELECT Subscription ",,STAAD Pro SELECT Subscription ",,STAAD US Design Code SELECT Subscription ",,Project Wise Passport SELECT Subscription ",,STAAD GB Design Code Included SELECT Subscription ",,SACS Offshore Structure Enterprise SELECT Subscription ",,SACS Pile Structure Design SELECT Subscription ",,SACS Collapse SELECT Subscription ",,SACS Marine SELECT Subscription ",,SACS Marine Enterprise SELECT Subscription ",,SACS Fatigue Advanced - Wave Response SELECT Subscription ",,SACS FEMGV SELECT Subscription ",,SACS Fatigue Enterprise SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley Digital Interpolot Client ",,Bentley eWarehouse Client ",,Bentley Navigator Client ",,ProjectWise Document Publisher ",,Bentley ProjectWise Client ",,Bentley Publisher Client ",,AutoPLANT Drawing Flatener ",,AutoPLANT Piping ",,Bentley Plant P&ID ",,Bentley PlantSpace Piping ",,SELECT Server ",,SELECT Server Gateway ",,Bentley Redline ",,Bentley View ",,Hevacomp Mechanical Designer ",,ProjectWise Dependency Services SELECT Subscription ",,ProjectWise Dyn Composition Srv SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley I-model Composer SELECT Subscription ",,Microstation SELECT Subscription ",,ProjectWise Inter Plot Server SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley Datasheets SELECT Subscription ",,Bentley Transmittal Services SELECT Subscription.

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date1 Mar 2015
Contract AmountQAR 2.2 Million (USD 623.2 K)
PURCH, IMPL, MAINTA, UPGRADE AND TRAIN OF SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM-Purchase, Implementation, Maintenance, Upgrade and training of School Management System for QP HR Business Department in order to meet their business requirements.

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date1 Feb 2015
Contract AmountQAR 25.8 Million (USD 7.1 Million)
MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE SERVICES ON CALL-OFF BASIS IN DUKHAN FIELDS-To carry out all Civil and Building Maintenance and small power industrial Electrical Maintenance works on call off basis for all Operating Plant Facilities, Distribution Network Facilities, Dukhan Support Services Area, Qatar Petroleum Support Facilities Area, Dukhan Training Ground, Dukhan Township and Dukhan Sewage Treatment Plants within the Dukhan Fields.

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date19 Oct 2014
Contract AmountQAR 81.3 Million (USD 22.3 Million)
NEW SOUR GAS COMPRESSOR PROJECT, NGL-3, MESAIEED.-NGL-3 Plant was built in the year 1990 to process the Gas and Condensate feed stock from North Field Alfa (NFA). The plant basically consists of a Gas Processing section and a Condensate processing section. The feed stock to NGL-3 currently comprises PS-4 gas combined with Al-Shaheen gas and PS-4 condensate. The Gas and Condensate feed stock from North Field Alpha are transported by pipe lines to NGL-3 Plant at the Mesaieed Industrial Area for NGL extraction and Condensate stabilization. Feed Gas from North Field Alpha and Al-Shaheen are processed in NGL-3 Gas processing plant consisting of AGR, SRU, and NGL Extraction units. Condensate from NFA is processed in Condensate Fractionation plant where a rich gas stream is stripped out as a result of Condensate stabilization. This stripped gas (called Sour Gas) - is routed to NGL-3 Extraction unit using the Existing Sour Gas Compressor (6112-K-01) to process it along with main gas feed from NFA. The Existing Sour Gas Compressor (6112-K-01) has no standby unit and therefore, whenever this existing compressor trips due to any reason, Sour Gas stream is flared resulting in loss of NGL components and black smoke in the area. QP has decided to provide a new standby Sour Gas compressor - which is referred to as “New Compressor” and the associated New Sour Gas After Cooler. The New Compressor (6112-K-01A) and New After Cooler (6112-E-05A) are to be installed close to the existing Sour Gas Compressor (6112-K-01) in the NGL-3 Plant. 1.2,,SCOPE OF WORK : The scope of work for this Project mainly includes design, detail engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning of the following: ",,Install new Sour Gas Compressor, 6112-K-01A as well as the associate auxiliary equipment, i.e. lube oil system and dry gas seal system. ",,Install new Knock Out Drum, 6112-V-03A. ",,Install new Sour Gas Cooler, 6112-E-05A and new Lube Oil Cooler, 6112-E-08A. ",,Installation of the required equipment foundation, compressor house shelter, sour gas and lube oil cooler supporting structure, necessary supports and access platform including the EOT crane for compressor maintenance. ",,Installation of instrumentation system for monitoring, control and

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Aug 2014
Contract AmountQAR 21 Million (USD 5.7 Million)
UPGRADE TSE DBN.NETWORK,CCTV SVY.& REFURBISH SEWERS-MESAIEED-QP intends to award this CONTRACT for the upgrade of Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) distribution network,CCTV Survey and GRP Lining work,and refurbishment of the existing sewerage network in Mesaieed. The CCTV survey and rehabilitation of certain sections of the sewerage network have been carried out in the recent past. The Scope of Work of this CONTRACT shall cover the remaining defective areas of the sewerage network in the catchment area of other pumping stations.

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date3 Jul 2014
Contract AmountQAR 6.4 Million (USD 1.7 Million)
MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE SUPPORT SERVICES AT CONTRACTOR'S WORKSHOP-CONTRACTOR shall have and maintain a fully equipped and adequately manned workshop in Qatar to support the following maintenance SERVICES required by QP at its offshore locations: a) overhaul of pumps, air compressors, diesel engines, pedestal cranes air and hoists b) balancing of rotors c) cold and hot metalization d) wire Rope fabrication, repair and testing e) load testing and colour coding of lifting items/equipment by QP approved third party certifying body. f) repair/testing of lifting equipment (this shall include, but not be limited to, crane components, forklifts, gas cylinder racks, chain pulleys, chain blocks, bow shackles, ‘D’ shackles, hooks, pull lifts, wire rope slings and the like.) g) blasting and painting services h) various repair, refurbishment works of offshore equipment (this shall include, but not be limited to, parts of heaters, exchangers, gauges, pumps and its parts there of, diesel engines and their components, components of turbines and process compressors, tanks, vessels, pipe lines, valves, generators, welding machines and the like). i) various fabrications, welding and machining works j) repair/refurbishment of chemical tote tanks k) hydrostatic/hydraulic/nitrogen/pneumatic pressure testing and l) N
1971-1980 of 2036 active Tender Results