Gulf Cooperation Council Tender Results
Gulf Cooperation Council Tender Results
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC SECURITY BUILDING, BOUNDARY WALL, & LANDSCAPING IN RLC-The scope of the project is to provide the security buildings, Main Gate Entrance area, Security Boundary Fence and landscaping works for the Multi-purpose Adminstration Complex (MPAC) development in Ras Laffan, including tie-ins to the existing utilities created under MPAC Phase 1. The following are the main features of the Scope; Temporary Security Facilities for MPAC Phase 1 buildings Main Security Entrance Gate with associated canopy and three guard houses. Gate Security Building Boundary Security Fence including gates and CCTV cameras. Soft and hard landscaping for main access road, security building and main gate areas Utilities and access ways Grading and storm water drainage system Demolition and removal of Temporary Security Facility.
Contract Date6 Apr 2014
Contract AmountQAR 37.4 Million (USD 10.2 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PUR MAINT CONF INST IMPL TRAIN WELL INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT SYS-The following will be included in the scope of the project ",,Purchase a system to automate the current business processes and requirements of the well integrity departments ",,Installation and configuration of the system as required supporting the business and the technical requirements as specified ",,Purchase any required hardware to satisfy the system requirements and/or busienss requirements ",,One (1) year guarantee period after implementation completion and project acceptance. ",,Annual warranty, for five (5) years, maintenance on software and hardware after completion of guarantee period. ",,User and system administration training
Contract Date2 Mar 2014
Contract AmountQAR 3.8 Million (USD 1 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF ELECTRONIC PTW SYSTEM FOR OFFSHORE OPERATIONS-The following will be included in the scope of the project ",,Purchase an electronic permit to work system to automate the current business processes and requirements of the Offshore Engineering departments ",,Customization of the system as required supporting the business and the technical requirements as specified ",,Integration of the system with SAP as required supporting the business and the technical requirements as specified ",,Installation and configuration of the system as required supporting the business and the technical requirements as specified ",,Purchase any required hardware to satisfy the system requirements and/or business requirements ",,One (1) year guarantee period after implementation completion and project acceptance. ",,Annual warranty, for five (5) years, maintenance on software and hardware after completion of guarantee period. ",,User and system administration training
Contract Date1 May 2013
Contract AmountQAR 5.8 Million (USD 1.6 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
REPAIR OF WHARVES AND JETTIES AT MESAIEED PORT-Repair of the following wharves and jetties at the Mesaieed Port 1.,,NGL-Jetty and Dolphins 2.,,Refinery Wharf (Berth 6) 3.,,General Cargo Wharves (Berth 9&10) 4.,,Small Boat Harbour 5.,,QATEX Wharf (Berth 4) 6.,,QASCO (Berth 1,2, & 3) 7.,,QAPCO Wharves (Berth 18 & 19) 8.,,QAFCO Jetty -1
Contract Date17 Mar 2013
Contract AmountQAR 80.2 Million (USD 22 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVSN OF SERVCS FOR CASING CORROSN EVALUATION & STRENGTHNG OF OFFSHORE WELLS-Scope of this Contract is to evaluate the corrosion damage to the Outer casing, fill it up with bio-degradable inhibiter fluid to protect from further atmospheric corrosion and strengthen the well structure by cementing the annulus of conductor and outer casing for the weakened outer casing at offshore location on Call-off basis. The CONTRACT duration will be (37) calendar months from the EFFECTIVE DATE including mobilization period of one (1) calendar month
Contract Date10 Feb 2013
Contract AmountQAR 8.1 Million (USD 2.2 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
OVERHAUL/REPLACEMENT OF CRUDE OIL STORAGE TANKS T-5007,T-5005 & T-5051 IN HALUL-Major Overhaul/Replacement of 03 crude Oil Tanks T-5007, T-5005 & T-5051 at Halul Island ; Work shall include procurement, installation and commissioning; Tentative Start Date:01/08/2012 Duration: 3.5 years.
Contract Date28 Jan 2013
Contract AmountQAR 99.5 Million (USD 27.3 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC-MITIGATION OF BURNPITS & DEM OF REDUNDANT P/L &REP.STN.-CONTRACTOR shall carry out the WORK which consist of three (3) parts as follows; Part 1 : EPIC FOR MITIGATION OF TD STATIONS BURN PITS (DOHA & MEISAIEED). D Stations S, B, G, H, F, W1, W2 and Wakrah in Doha and Mesaieed area Part 2 : DEMOLITION OF PIPELINES - 16 inch x 17km buried pipeline including facilities - 30 inch x 2.6 km Pipelines including facilities - 24 inch ONSAG pipeline including facilities - Demolition of Telecommunications facilities at the stations including FOC Part 3 : DEMOLITION OF TELECOM REPEATER STATION AT SUMAISMAH
Contract Date18 Nov 2012
Contract AmountQAR 26 Million (USD 7.1 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES FOR SDS-Initiate SDS (ICT Service Desk System) maintenance and support contract for 5 years starting from 19/03/2012 until 18/03/2017
Contract Date1 Nov 2012
Contract AmountQAR 2.9 Million (USD 813.5 K)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
ECS FOR ADDIT.TRAIN. FACILTIES AT MESAIEED TRAIN CENT-QP's Corporate Training Department (CTP) delivers customised training packages for the technician preparation programs at TAFE certificate levels III and IV. The training needs of Mesaieed based companies are increasing yearly and the existing vocational training facility at Mesaieed, which is limited to process operations only, is located in the very unsuitable premises of the old bakery buildings in Mesaieed and is entirely insufficient to meet the growing training requirements of Mesaieed Industrial City. The Additional Training Facilities project in Mesaieed is urgently required in order to provide for the technician training needs of Mesaieed and also to accommodate staff and training facilities from the Ras Abu Aboud training centre in anticipation of its imminent closure. In addition there is a need to establish maintenance training facilities for electrical, mechanical and instrumentation disciplines in Mesaieed.
Contract Date30 Sep 2012
Contract AmountQAR 1.7 Million (USD 491.1 K)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC FOR MITIGATION OF BURN PITS IN DUKHAN-The objective of this project is to ensure compliance with MoE guidelines on reducing pollution and improving safety levels. In addition, it is also required to upgrade the existing Flare systems at all Khuff WHTP's to comply with MoE guidelines and QP corporate philosophy for fire and safety.
Contract Date30 Aug 2012
Contract AmountQAR 96.5 Million (USD 26.5 Million)
1981-1990 of 2035 active Tender Results