Tender Results of Dublin City Council
Tender Results of Dublin City Council
Dublin City Council Tender Result
Contract Date1 Jul 2023
Contract AmountEUR 7 Million (USD 7.3 Million)
Dublin City Council (DCC) wishes to invite tenders using the Open Procedure to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of a managed document production service on a fleet of floor standing multi-functional devices (MFD’s) with SLA and the provision of an on-site manned print room. The period of the framework agreement will be for 6 years in accordance with the provisions set out in Article 33.1 of Directive 2014/24/EU. The justification for a framework agreement longer than the standard four years, is to ensure that the project and all related services can be delivered within the life of the framework, which may due to the nature, scale and complexity of the work exceed four years. An initial contract will be awarded for a period of 4 years with an option to extend for two further periods of 12 months, at the sole discretion of Dublin City Council.
Dublin City Council Tender Result
Contract Date29 Jun 2023
Contract AmountEUR 2 Million (USD 2.1 Million)
It is the policy of the City Council that a Basement Impact Assessment (BIA) is to accompany all planning applications that include a basement. This competition is to establish a framework for the engagement of third party Auditors as professionally qualified assessors of BIA`s, acting on behalf of and working in partnership with the DCC Environment & Transport (E&T) Department. The BIA “Auditor” to be engaged by DCC is to be experienced in the geological, hydrological and hydrogeological, geotechnical and structural aspects of infrastructure including buildings with basements in a city environment. The Auditor shall be appointed to advise and represent DCC`s interests throughout the entire planning process for the particular BIA and planning application being assessed. Full details are included in the Request for Tender document.
Dublin City Council Tender Result
Contract Date23 Jun 2023
Contract AmountEUR 86.5 Million (USD 93.9 Million)
Dublin City Council on behalf of Dublin Regional Homeless Executive (DRHE) has awarded a contract for the provision of accommodation services . The contract relates to the provision of 365 beds and associated services for a maximum period of 10 years. A break-out option is available for both parties at the end of years, 7, 8 and 9. Please note that we are publishing a Contract Award Notice in accordance with Art. 32 given the size and scale of this contract. However, it is considered that such contracts fall outside the scope of the directive as DRHE are open to all solutions for accommodation services for the homeless.
Dublin City Council Tender Result
Contract Date19 Jun 2023
Contract AmountEUR 10 Million (USD 10.5 Million)
Dublin City Council is seeking to establish a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Integrated Design Teams for the Design and Contract Administration of Road and Public Realm Schemes (2022-2026). The framework agreement will be established with the following services: (a) Consultant Engineering Services (Design Team Lead); (b) Urban Planning & Landscape Architectural Services; and, (c) PSDP.
Dublin City Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date2 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNA
Single party Framework Agreement for Provision of Summer Floral Baskets 2023-2025-Dublin City Council proposes to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the provision, installation and maintenance of summer floral hanging basket displays at various sites in Dublin City. The framework will be for the provision of Summer display 2023, 2024 and 2025.While a definitive number of baskets required is not available, tenderers should note that the figures below are representative of recent requirements: (All figures and locations are for guidance purposes only and do not re...
Dublin City Council Tender Result
Contract Date24 May 2023
Contract AmountEUR 8 Million (USD 8.4 Million)
Establishment of a multi-party framework agreement of contractors for the construction of all weather sports facilities for Dublin City Council with the initial contract for the construction of full size 3G all-weather pitch at Kildonan Finglas, (full depth construction including fencing, floodlights and ancillary works), and 3G refurbishment of all weather pitch at Eamonn Ceannt Park. Framework for 4 years and 8 to 10million Euro in value. A Panel of five will be admitted to the framework and projects will be tendered individually or in groups as part of a mini competition.
Dublin City Council Tender Result
Contract Date24 May 2023
Contract AmountEUR 8 Million (USD 8.4 Million)
Establishment of a multi-party framework agreement of contractors for the construction of all weather sports facilities for Dublin City Council with the initial contract for the construction of full size 3G all-weather pitch at Kildonan Finglas, (full depth construction including fencing, floodlights and ancillary works), and 3G refurbishment of all weather pitch at Eamonn Ceannt Park. Framework for 4 years and 8 to 10million Euro in value. A Panel of five will be admitted to the framework and projects will be tendered individually or in groups as part of a mini competition.
Dublin City Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date23 May 2023
Contract AmountNA
Single Party Framework Agreement for the Control of Weeds on Roads in Dublin City Council 2023-2027-Dublin City Council proposes to award a Single Party Framework Agreement for four years, for the provision of weed control service. The successful tenderer will treat visible growth as specified within the Framework. Dublin City Council are seeking tenders for alternatives methods for the control of weeds other than the use of glyphosate on hard surfaces. ie footways
Dublin City Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date22 May 2023
Contract AmountNA
SPFWA for the supply on lease hire with maintenance of Pedestrian Sweepers and Compact Sweepers-Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single operator framework agreement for the supply on lease hire with maintenance of Pedestrian Sweepers and Compact Sweepers. For further information please consult the appropriate documentation, which contains full instructions regarding the submission of tenders and is available to download from ww.etenders.gov.ie using RFT ID 226827
Dublin City Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date22 May 2023
Contract AmountNA
Single Party Framework Agreement the Provision of an Email filtering, DNS Management and associated services to Dublin City Council-Dublin City Council (DCC) wishes to invite tenders using the Open Procedure to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of an Email filtering, DNS Management and Associated Services with a 24/7/365 SLA to provide email transport, security and filtering, to include live statistics, reporting, email continuity and supplementary services. A managed DNS services is also required, to include registration, maintenance and hosting of the DCC’s DNS records. The approach must be a ...
51-60 of 130 active Tender Results