Tender Results of Dublin City Council

Tender Results of Dublin City Council

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Multiparty framework for M&E Consultancy Services-Multiparty framework for mechanical and electrical consultancy services for various projects on multiple sites.Members will also be required to provide the following specialist skills:-Expertise in the design of exterior and public lighting-Sustainability, Environmental and Energy Consultancy Services-DEAP/NEAP analysis-BER certification-HPI certification-Ancillary Certification for BC(A)R in accordance with the Code of Practice for inspecting and certifying buildings 2013-2016-Designer under t...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 6 Million (USD 7.3 Million)

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Single Party Framework Agreement for Quantity Surveying and Project Management led Design Team for the Parnell Square project-Single Party Framework Agreement for Quantity Surveying and Project Management led Design Team including Architectural Services, Civil & Structural Engineering Services, Building Engineering Services, Acoustic Engineering Services, Fire Safety Engineering Services and Project Supervisor for the Design Process Service to include public realm and other related services.For further information , please refer to documentation available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie using RFT ID 212158. Plea...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 6.5 Million (USD 8.1 Million)

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Royal Canal Greenway Phase 3-The project consists of a Greenway route along the bank of the Royal Canal over an approximate 2.1km length between North Strand Rd (Newcomen Br) and Phibsborough Rd (Cross Guns Br).
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 16.9 Million (USD 20.6 Million)

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Multi-Party Framework For The Replacement of Gas and Oil Boilers Stock 2021 - 2025-Dublin City Council (DCC) is seeking to establish a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the procurement of works contractors for the Boiler Replacement Programme in Dublin City Councils housing units in the Dublin City Council Areas marked out as Lots 1 to 3.Subject to there being sufficient responses it is envisaged that Lots 1, 2 & 3 will each consist of 8 No. successful contractors respectively. Tenderers are allowed to apply for all three Lots, however membership will be granted into Lot 1 ...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 28 Million (USD 34.1 Million)

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Carrying out Roadworks in a City and Suburban Environment for Contracts greater than €1m and less than €5m (2020-2023)-Works will involve general road construction works including roadway construction & repairs (flexible, rigid & permeable paving), Footway construction, repairs & refurbishment (including concrete, bituminous, brick, flags, granite etc.), Installation of kerbing and road channels, Road resurfacing and high friction antiskid surfacing and associated work including planing, regulation course, geogrids etc. Other ancillary works including installation of ducts, pipelaying, diversion of servic...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 60 Million (USD 73.1 Million)

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Contract for the delivery of an integrated mixed tenure residential development at Oscar Traynor Road, Dublin.-The project is for the development of a site at Oscar Traynor Road, Dublin, for a sustainable, mixed tenure residential development in accordance with the , the Dublin City Council Development Plan 2016-2022, the Oscar Traynor Road Housing Land Initiative Feasibility Study and planning legislation. The development site has an estimated minimum capacity for 640 units (subject to planning permission), with the exact number to be explored during the dialogue stage. The required tenure mix is antic...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 213.5 Million (USD 260.2 Million)

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Local Area Minor Construction Works for Dublin City Council 2023-2027-The Contracting Authority (Dublin City Council (DCC)) proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Local Area Minor Construction Works for Dublin City Council.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Single Party Framework agreement for the provision of Quantity Surveying Consultancy Services for the Dublin City Council Housing Development at Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8-x
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Tender for the supply of Tableau software licenses-Dublin City Council seeks to establish a Single Party Framework for a maximum term of four (4) years. An initial contract will be awarded for a period of three (3) years from the awarding date with an option to extend for a further 3 periods of 12 months at the sole discretion of Dublin City Council under the same terms and conditions, based on annual reviews of operations.The contract is for the provision of the following software :•Tableau Server Creator incl. Data Prep Builder•Tableau Server ...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 
121-130 of 129 active Tender Results