Tender Results of Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation
Tender Results of Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen (FMI) har til hensigt at gennemføre et udbud vedrørende en rammeaftale på levering af branddragter. Beredskabsstyrelsen og alle andre myndigheder under Forsvarsministeriet samt øvrige kunder i Forsvarsministeriets Koncern kan rekvirere på rammeaftalen. De Kommunale Brand- og Redningsberedskaber kan også rekvirere på den kommende rammeaftale.
Contract Date15 Dec 2022
Contract AmountDKK 57 Million (USD 8 Million)
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel og Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) ønsker at indgå 2 rammeaftaler på medicinske produkter til akutbehandling. De 2 delaftaler omhandler følgende: - Tourniquet - Hæmostatiske bandager Nærmere beskrivelse af produkterne fremgår af de respektive aftalers Appendiks A - Kravspecifikation.
Contract Date5 Dec 2022
Contract AmountDKK 4 Million (USD 565.3 K)
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
FMI udbyder en kontrakt på levering af følgende to typer droner med kontrolenhed, batterier, SD kort, ladehub, 12 volts billader, propeller, ledninger, pelicase og rygsæk: - droner med termisk sensor og RGB kamera, 56 stk. - droner med RGB kamera, 112 stk. Begge droner skal anvendes bredt i Forsvaret til fx foto, video og kortlægning.
Contract Date16 Nov 2022
Contract AmountDKK 725 K (USD 102.4 K)
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- & Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) ønsker at indgå en rammeaftale på levering af GPS til civilt brug. Aftalen indeholder bl.a. køretøjsrelateret GPS (ind og udvendig), fartøjsrelateret GPS (hvortil der ikke kræves certificering), Håndholdt GPS, Hundesporings GPS, GPS til specialanvendelse og tilbehør. Aftalen indgås med 1 (én) tilbudsgiver. Tilbuddene vil udelukkende blive evalueret på baggrund af (laveste) pris. Rammeaftalen forventes at have en værdi på 20.000.000 - 40.000.000 DKK
Contract Date16 Nov 2022
Contract AmountDKK 20 Million (USD 2.8 Million)
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Indgåelse af rammeaftale på indkøb af RHIBS og RHIBL. RHIBS og RHIBL er oppustelige gummibåde som er en del af kapaciteten på Søværnets skibe. Gummibådene bruges bl.a. til fiskeriinspektion og til assistance til andre skibe i forbindelse med redningsaktioner.
Contract Date31 Oct 2022
Contract AmountDKK 4.5 Million (USD 636 K)
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DALO Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (Hereafter; DALO) has installed compressor systems from BAUER Compressors Inc. on vessels and facilities. DALO have approximately 80 BAUER Compressors. The compressors are purchased over the last 45 years and hence there are a large number of different models and each model exist in a broad range of capacities and model years. In order to maintain the compressors, DALO requires service, maintenance and spare parts to the Bauer compressors as well as the possibility to acquire new compressor systems in case of malfunctions, end-of-life or accidental destructions.
Contract Date13 Jan 2022
Contract AmountDKK 9 Million (USD 1.2 Million)
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel og Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) har indgået et kontrakt ved direkte tildeling med FURUNO Danmark A/S om anskaffelse af to elektrooptik (EO)-systemer af typen FLIR M500 til patruljefartøjer i FRONTEX Joint Operation Poseidon
Contract Date5 Jan 2022
Contract AmountDKK 3 Million (USD 428.1 K)
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DALO Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) & the Danish Police (the Contracting Authorities, hereafter mentioned "the CA" or the specific Party) were putting acquisition of Medals up for a joint tender. Medals and accessories are awarded to both military personnel and civilians as recognition for their achievements and/ or for their excellent service record for example. A medal usually consists of a metal disc carrying a design on both sides and a Ribbon or a loop attached to the metal disc. Se detailed description in section II. 2.4).
Contract Date16 Dec 2021
Contract AmountDKK 22.4 Million (USD 3.1 Million)
Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DALO Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Dette udbud angår tildeling af en rammeaftale vedrørende serviceydelser for Forsvarets antenne- og mastesystemer samt levering af komplette barduneret gittermaster og selvbærende gittermaster. Ydelserne skal typisk leveres on-site i Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland.
Contract Date9 Dec 2021
Contract AmountDKK 16 Million (USD 2.2 Million)
31-40 of 47 active Tender Results