Tender Results of Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation

Tender Results of Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Anskaffelsen vedrører Håndholdte Radioer og Tilbehør til det danske Forsvar
Contract Date31 May 2023
Contract AmountDKK 7 Million (USD 989.3 K)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Opdatering af rammeaftale. Der er behov for at ændre antal dage for tillægsarbejder fra 5 dage til 10 dage.
Contract Date30 May 2023
Contract AmountDKK 250 Million (USD 35.3 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel og Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) har indgået et kontrakt ved direkte tildeling med FURUNO Danmark A/S om anskaffelse af to elektrooptik (EO)-systemer af typen FLIR M500 til patruljefartøjer i FRONTEX Joint Operation Poseidon
Contract Date26 May 2023
Contract AmountDKK 2.6 Million (USD 368.3 K)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Dette udbud angår tildeling af flere rammeaftaler på levering af forskellige typer af brændstof i Danmark. Aftalen er delt op i flere forskellige delaftaler alt efter brændstoftype samt, hvor i landet brændstoffet skal leveres. Brændstoffet skal hovedsageligt leveres med tankvogne, men på den ene delaftale skal brændstoffet leveres i tromler. Tilbudsgiver kan afgive tilbud på en, flere eller alle delaftaler.
Contract Date27 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 19.8 Million (USD 2.8 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
DALO has finished tendering and has signed a leasing contract for two ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance) Aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (DAFHG). The aircraft will be equipped with mission equipment in terms of sensors, mission consoles and communication, enabling DAFHG to fulfil their missions, such as surveillance, inspection, observation, reconnaissance and SAR, while communicating with assets on the ground. Flight hours per year are expected to be (but not limited to) approximately 1000 in total for both aircraft, a part of which is included in the fixed leasing price. Additional flight hours will be purchased as needed. The contract entails a long term (8 to 10 years) leasing arrangement, where the lessor maintains the aircraft and equipment throughout the entire leasing period. The maintenance (scheduled/unscheduled) is also included in the fixed leasing price and the aircraft will be kept airworthy by the lessor during the entire leasing period.
Contract Date25 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 340 Million (USD 48 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Danish Defence use Individual Operational Rations. The ration is a self-contained combat ration that provides adequate food for 24 hours for one person to maintain health, physical performance, and cognitive function under routine training or operational conditions. Ration packs is used when the situation, is not allowing regular and fresh food to be provided to the soldiers. The durability of the individual packing and its content is very important as the products often will be carried by the soldier as single items in the packing system and often will be used in extreme conditions, both environmental and climatic. The Danish Defence pack the rations itself, and therefore this tender consists of the products that are included in the rations.
Contract Date14 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 1 Million (USD 146.3 K)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
For the close combat training, DALO intends to purchase protection equipment and training materials. The equipment for the close combat training will not require a service and maintenance program.
Contract Date13 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 10 Million (USD 1.4 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Forsvaret varetager den danske regerings ansvar for beskyttelse af havmiljøet. - Det overordnede formål med kontrakten er at begrænse og bekæmpe forurening i de danske farvande inden for søterritoriet og den danske økonomiske eksklusive zone (som defineret i Havmiljølovens § 5) til at udføre luftbårne havforureningsbekæmpelse og håndhævelse af den danske lov om beskyttelse af havmiljøet.
Contract Date12 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 80 Million (USD 11.3 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
This tender concerns the acquisition and sustainment of mobile Raman spectroscopy instruments (in the following Raman instruments) for the Danish Defence and the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA). The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) wishes to enter into a framework agreement that covers both the acquisition of the Raman instruments as well as sustainment of these by delivery of spare parts, consumables and services.
Contract Date11 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 4.6 Million (USD 657.2 K)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
FMI har forlænget og forhøjet målværdien af rammeaftale om vedligeholdelse af Semi Automatisk Vejrobservations System (SAVS)
Contract Date4 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 5 Million (USD 706.6 K)
11-20 of 43 active Tender Results