Tender Results of Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation

Tender Results of Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
FMI har forlænget og forhøjet målværdien af rammeaftale om vedligeholdelse af Air Traffic Control System (ATC)
Contract Date4 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 5 Million (USD 706.6 K)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
FMI har forlænget og forhøjet målværdien af rammeaftale om vedligeholdelse af Integrated Remote Control og Information Systemer (IRIS)
Contract Date4 Apr 2023
Contract AmountDKK 5 Million (USD 706.6 K)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
FMI har udbudt kontrakt vedrørende levering og opstilling af en fiberlaserskærer. Fiberlaserskæreren skal anvendes til at fremstille komponenter i forbindelse med diverse opbygninger af Forsvarets skibe, fly og køretøjer. Der skal installeres et nøglefærdigt anlæg med tilhørende udsugning på Flådestation Frederikshavn. Kontrakten omfatter herudover uddannelse i maskinen samt telefonisk og mulig on-site teknikersupport. Det bemærkes, at Forsvaret vægter forsyningssikkerhed højt, og at produktion af kritiske komponenter til Forsvaret derfor nødvendiggør hurtig fysisk teknikersupport.
Contract Date29 Mar 2023
Contract AmountDKK 2.1 Million (USD 310.2 K)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) wished to enter into a Framework Agreement that covered the acquisition of Metal Objects for the Danish Defence, the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) and the Danish Home Guard. Particularly, the following objetcs are covered; Gold plated Regiment Badges, Gold plated and silver plated distinction of rank and qualification, Gold plated and enamelled coat of arms, shields and wings, Gold plated, silver plated and nickel plated buttons, Gold plated and nickel plated buckles. DALO intended to use the Deliverables for the Danish Army, the Navy, the Air force, the Home Guard, DEMA as well as other authorities under the Danish Ministry of Defence. The Deliverables are to be used for uniforms for the above-mentioned, to signify a person’s rank and or affiliation and or qualification, as well as for regiments badges, metal buttons, and or a coat of arms, etc.
Contract Date28 Mar 2023
Contract AmountDKK 19 Million (USD 2.6 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Engine exchange on SAAB T-17 Lycoming IO-360-A1B6 engines owned by the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO). Minor repairs and line maintenance is partly managed by Helicopter Wing Karup (HW Karup).
Contract Date6 Mar 2023
Contract AmountDKK 16 Million (USD 2.2 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics (hereafter DALO) and the Danish Emergency Management Agency (hereafter, DEMA), were putting acquisition of Shirts up for a tender. See detailed description in section II.2.4.The Shirts, that form part of the Agreement, shall for instance include the following items: Shirts for the combat uniform which are used with camouflaged military uniforms by soldiers. Uniform shirts which are part of the dress military uniform set and are usually worn under a jacket, a sweater or on its own. The Framework Agrement shall also include Parade shirt which is part of the parade uniform, and it is worn on its own. The Gala shirt is worn under the ceremonial uniform, which function is to increase comfort and serve as a protection layer under heavy woolen jacket. Shirts for the DEMA which are used with DEMA everyday uniform only by DEMA personell and Standard shirts, which are used by Special Forces and Military Police.
Contract Date21 Feb 2023
Contract AmountDKK 12 Million (USD 1.6 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) indgik efter udbud bekendtgjort ved udbudsbekendtgørelse nr. 2019/S 143-351563 rammeaftale nr. 4600005171 vedrørende indkøb og vedligeholdelse af forskellige typer lifte, dieselgaffeltrucks, el-gaffeltrucks, håndløftevogne, palletrucks, gaffelstablere og reachtrucks til Forsvaret og øvrige enheder under Forsvarsministeriet. I udbudsbekendtgørelsen var den anslåede værdi angivet til DKK 36.000.000, men grundet større behov for anskaffelser under rammeaftalen end først antaget bekendtgjorde FMI ved bekendtgørelse nr. 2022/S 181-511746, at det samlede forventede træk på rammeaftalen fremadrettet blev anslået til ca. DKK 57.000.000. Navnlig af grunde anført i pkt. IV.1.1 agter FMI at indkøbe for yderligere ca. DKK 7.000.000 i rammeaftalens resterende løbetid. - Se yderligere under pkt. II.2.4)
Contract Date17 Feb 2023
Contract AmountDKK 7 Million (USD 989.3 K)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen (FMI) har forlænget en rammeaftale om Mobile Satellite Services (MSS).
Contract Date31 Jan 2023
Contract AmountDKK 14 Million (USD 1.9 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Agreement concerns the supply and sustainment of petrol powered portable fire pumps and associated accessories. The Buyer intends to use the Deliverables for operational firefighting and for training and exercises for firefighters.
Contract Date19 Jan 2023
Contract AmountDKK 39 Million (USD 5.5 Million)

Danish Ministry Of Defence Acquisition And Logistics Organisation - DENMARK Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
FMI har den 13. januar 2023 indgået en 4 årig rammeaftale vedrørende service, support, uddannelse, træning og reparation af Forsvarets eksisterende HF, VHF og UHF radioer af mærket Rohde & Schwarz inkl. reservedele, softwareopdateringer og hardwareopgraderinger. Aftalen er indgået med Leverandøren Rohde & Schwarz Danmark A/S.
Contract Date13 Jan 2023
Contract AmountDKK 25 Million (USD 3.5 Million)
21-30 of 43 active Tender Results