Every now and then, we keep getting queries on government tenders and how to fill govt tender online. Finding tenders online has become easier nowadays. There are a lot of websites that help us fetch details about ongoing tenders that we can apply online for. Be it government tenders or tenders by private firms, finding the right one, and applying for a tender has become simple and less complicated. Gone are the days when it involved tonnes of paperwork going to and fro, that lead to confusions, misplacements and delayed submissions. This article will give a step-by-step guide on how to fill govt tender and filling tenders online.

Government Tenders – Why They are a Preferred Choice!

Government tenders have certain advantages that are not guaranteed in most of the private tenders. These include:

Transparency – Government tenders are publicly advertised and that ensures a level playing field for all bidders.

Fairness – There is reduced risk of favouritism due to transparency in the process as compared to private negotiations.

Stability and security – There are fairly less payment related issues in government organisations since they are backed by the government’s budget.

Large Scale Projects – Government tenders released are generally for bigger projects that ensure large contract sizes and steady income for seller businesses.

Structured Bidding Process – Clear guidelines and regulations mitigate risk of legal issues with compliance, and terms & conditions of the contract.

Let’s get going – Central Public Procurement Portal

Bidding government tenders online can be done on the eprocurement website of Central Public Procurement Portal. Government tenders can be found on the CPPP (which is designed by the Government of India), State eProcurement Portals, websites of the Government Department issuing it, and in newspapers. CPPP is a very active website, where tenders are neatly classified into categories and they are easy to find. Any seller looking for tenders related to their business can register and search for them based on location, organisation, budget and more. Let’s figure out how to register on it and how to fill govt tender.

Registering on Central Public Procurement Portal

How to fill govt tender? It’s a common query we get at BidAssist’s website. Bidding government tenders online starts with registering yourself as a bidder first. For filling tenders online, one needs to first register on the eprocurement website of CPPP. Registration on the website is simple. On the home page at the top, there is an option for Online Bidder Enrollment on the extreme right hand side of the screen. An e-token should be taken from an authorised certifying authority such as eMudhraCA/GNFC/IDRBT/MtnlTrustline/SafeScrpt/TCS and a digital signature enrollment has to be done using this e-token. The bidder can now log in using the chosen login ID and password and update documents like certificates, purchase order details, support documents like photos, product list under My Documents option to save time during a future bid submission.

How to Fill Govt Tender – The Process

Once registered for bidding government tenders online on the CPPP eprocurement website, the bidder can download tender schedules and start applying. Some of the precautions on how to fill govt tender online that need to be taken care of are listed below:

  1. Bidding government tenders online is a neat and structured process and thus, it needs precise documentation as per the tender document.
  2. While filling tenders online, bidders can enter the bidder name and values only. The BOQ template must not be tampered with while submitting the bid, or else the bid might face rejection.
  3. The bidder must take into the account the corrigendum published before bidding government tenders online.
  4. As mentioned earlier, the bidder must keep their documents ready in the required formats like PDF/XLS/RAR/DWF as part of their prep on how to fill govt tender.
  5. If required, multiple documents can be clubbed together while bidding government tenders online.
  6. The EMD should be as per the specifications in the tender during bidding government tenders online. The original should be handed over to the Tender Inviting Authority via post/courier or in person.
  7. The payment can be made using online as well as offline modes.
  8. The bidder must read all the terms and conditions of the tender on how to fill govt tender with all the special pointers mentioned including the deadline.
  9. Any clarification on how to fill govt tender with the issuing department can be made online on the eprocurement portal or on contact details given in the tender.
  10. While bidding government tenders online, the bidder is suggested to scan the documents in 75-100 DPI so that their clarity is maintained along with reducing the size for easy uploading.
  11. The bid documents should be free from viruses and should be clean when opened.
  12. One of the most important steps on how to fill govt tender is to Click on the Freeze Bid Button, without which the bid will stand invalid.
  13. Once frozen, the eprocurement system will update you with a message if successfully done after all bid documents are submitted. These documents are submitted along with a digital signature using the e-token taken during the initial steps of filling tenders online.
  14. It is important to save the bid summary and get a print of the same to be kept as acknowledgement for the submission. 
  15. The time mentioned in the portal is IST, which is GMT +5:30 and is valid for all actions of requesting bid submission, bid opening and others.
  16. The documents submitted during filling tenders online should be encrypted at the client end. The software also uses PKI encryption to ensure the secrecy of the data. The documents are hence, readable only to the authorised individual after the tender opening date. 

This pretty much sums up how to fill govt tender online in brief.

For more assistance on how to fill govt tender or bidding government tender online, or simply navigating through the CPP portal, feel free to reach out on BidAssist support.