Panchayat Raj Engineering Department Tender

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Panchayat Raj Engineering Department Tender

Civil And Construction
Construction Material
Opening Date16 Dec 2024
Closing Date30 Dec 2024
Tender Amount₹ 6,20,79,576 



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Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of scarified material with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 305.4.3 MORTH including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST etc., complete.




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Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain (not exceeding 0.6 m depth) and foundation of other structures including breaking clods, ramming, spreading, sectioning, grading compacting with vibratory roller 80-100KN to OMC compaction including to a top width of 7.5m and raising to required height complete per requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5 MORD including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete.




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Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting with vibratory roller 80-100 KN to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 with a lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5 MORD including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and Seigniorage charges etc., complete.., complete.




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Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material(Table 400.1-A) with Grading III Material(HBG M/C +Stone dust) CBR Value not less than 20 and PI Value less than 6 spreading in uniform layers with Tractor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with Vibratory Roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per Technical Specification Clause 401 MORD including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete.




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Construction of Shoulders by providing selected earth having minimum CBR of 10%, MDD not less than 1.85 g/cc with LL & PI not more than 40% and 20 respectively and spreading in uniform layers with tractor grader on prepared surface, and compacted at OMC with vibratory roller 80-100 kN to meet requirement of Table 300.2 with as per Technical Specification Clause 303 & 407 MORD, by using machinery including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete.




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug Mill), carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers in sub-base/base course on a well prepared sub-base and compacting with Vibratory Roller 80-100 kN weight to achieve the desired density including lighting, barricading and maintenance of diversion, etc as per Tables 400.11 & 400.12 and Technical Specification Clause 406 MORD, including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete




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Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion (CSS-1) on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70-1.0 kg/sqm using mechanical means as per Technical Specification Clause 502 MORD (for use on Wet mix macadam & WBM) ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST etc., complete for Prime Coat




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Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared granular surfaces treated with primer & cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503 MORD, including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST etc., complete for Tack Coat




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Providing and laying bituminous macadam with 40-60 TPH hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of grading as per Table 500.4 premixed with bituminous binder, transported to site upto a lead of 1000 m laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled to achieved the desired compaction as per Technical Specification Clause 504 MORD (using vibratory Roller 80-100 KN for intermediate rolling and 3 wheel roller 80-100 KN for initial and final rolling) including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete




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Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates (Table 500.13) either using penetration grade bitumen 60/70 grade at the rate of 14.6 kg/10 sqm to required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a Hot Mix plant of 30-40TPH, laying and rolling with a three wheel 0-100 kN static roller capacity, paver finished to required level and grades to be followed by seal coat of either Type A or Type B or Type C including cost and conveyance of all materials from approved sources, , labour charges and hire and operational charges of power road roller and all other machinery, tools and plants, providing barricading for diversion of traffic, erecting red flags other incidental and operational charges etc., complete for finished item of work as per clause 506 MORD'2014 including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete using HMP




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Providing and laying bituminous premixed Seal coat (Type B) comprising of a thin application of fine aggregate premixed with bituminous binder of grading as defined in table 500.16 of MOST Crushed sand defined as passing through 2.36 mm sieve and retained on 180 micron seive applied @ 0.06 cum per 10 be laid simultaneously along with the bitumunous course using 6.80 kgs of bitumen 60/70 grade for 10 sqm and rolling with power roller including of required line, level, grade to serve as wearing course on previously prepared surface and finishing to rquired level and grades including cost and conveyance of all materials from approved sources and stacking at site to departmental gauge for premeasurements, seigniorage, labour charges and hire and operational charges of power road roller 8 to 10 tonnes capacity and all other machinery, tools and plants, providing barricading for diversion of traffic, erecting red flags other incidental and operational charges etc., complete for finished item of work as per technical specification clause 508 of MORD'2014 Using Hot mix plant including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete. Bitumen (S-65) By mechanical means




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Construction of un-reinforced, panneled cement concrete pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M30 (Grade), coarse and fine aggregates conforming to IS:383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, as per design, mixed in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in approved fixed side formwork (steel channel, wedges, steel plates including levelling the formwork etc complete as per drawing), spreading the concrete with sholvels, rakes, compacted using needle, screed and plate vibrators and finished in continuous operation, admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slab for 14-days, using curing compound (where specified) and water and contraction sawn joint groove (using daimond studded nblades) 3 to 5 mm wide and 1/3rd to 1/4th depth of the slab + or - 5mm or .Thecontraction joint shall be cut as soon as the concrete as under goneinitial hardening and as hard enogh to take up the load of joint swaing machine with out causing damage to the slab. The joint ceilling compound shall not be poured bitumen type having flexibility, resistaance to age hardening and durability of the sealant shall be in accordance with BS 5212 (part-2) with all leads and lifts and coat and conveyance of all materials for 125 thickness for forming the panels of 0.75 X 0.75 mts size as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1501 including contractors profit & Over head charges,but excluding Seig Charges, Labour Cess & GST etc,. Complete.




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Road Furniture




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Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade kilometre stone/local stone of standard design as per IRC:8 fixing in position including painting and printing, etc as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1703 MORD / 804 MORTH including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete for




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Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade kilometre stone/local stone of standard design as per IRC:8 fixing in position including painting and printing, etc as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1703 MORD / 804 MORTH including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete for for Ordinary KM Stone




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Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade kilometre stone/local stone of standard design as per IRC:8 fixing in position including painting and printing, etc as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1703 MORD / 804 MORTH including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete for for 200 M Stone




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Providing & fixing of typical PMGSY informatory sign board with LOGO as per MORD secifications and drawing and as per IRC:67 made of type Retro reflective sheeting vide Clause 1701.2.3 MORD / 801.3 MORTH fixed over Alluminium Composite Material of 4mm thickness as per Drawings, top and middle plate duly welded with MS flat iron 25mmx5mm size on black. Three boards are welded with 25mmx25mmx5mm MS angle allround the edges. The lower plate frame and iron frame of middle plate will be welded to 2 nos 75mmx75mm x 6mm mm MS hallow square tubes posts duly embedded in CC M15 grade blocks of 450mmx450mmx600mm, 600mm below ground level. The top most diamond plate will be welded to middle plate by 49.5mm x 49.50mm x 4.50mm of MS hallow square tube. The 75mm x75mmx6mm hallow MS square tubes welded with 50 x 50x 5 mm angle iron hold fasts of 300 mm long at bottom ( 2no for each leg) .All MS will be stove enmeled on both sides. Lettering and paining of superior quality in required shede and colour. All sections of framed posts and sheet tube will be painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing clause 1701 and annexure 1700.1 if MORD including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete




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Providing and fixing of Citizen information board as per MoRD specifications and drawings. as per IRC:67 made of type Retro reflective sheeting vide Clause 1701.2.3 MORD / 801.3 MORTH fixed over Alluminium Composite Material of 4 mm thickness consisting of 2 boards of size 750 x 900 mm on a frames made up of 25X25X5mm thick MS angles and welded to MS flat Iron plates 75 x 5 mm size on back and welded to 75 mm x 75mm x6mm MS hallow squar tube frame of height 3.05m as per the drawing and painted with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and colour, lettering , colour,band, diagrams, specifications etc., complete as per MORD specifications. The 75mm x75mmx6mm hallow sqare MS tubes welded with 50 x 50x 5 mm angle iron hold fasts of 300 mm long at bottom ( 2no for each leg) and painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paint and embedded in to cement concrete M15 grade of size 600 x 600 x 750 mm, 600 mm below ground level as per MoRD specifications clause 1701 including over head charges & contractors profit but excluding GST & Seigniorage charges etc., complete.




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Providing & fixing of typical PMGSY informatory sign board with LOGO as per MORD secifications and drawingas per IRC:67 made of type Retro reflective sheeting vide Clause 1701.2.3 MORD / 801.3 MORTH fixed over Alluminium Composite Material of 4 mm thickness top and Bottom plate duly Revited with MS flat iron 25mmx5mm size on black on edges. The lower plate with MS angle iron frame and top plate will be welded to 1 nos 75mmx75mm x6mm MS hallow Square tubes posts welded with 50x50x5mm MS angle hol fasts 2no to each leg duly embedded in CC M15 grade blocks of 450mmx450mmx600mm, 600mm below ground level. The top most diamond plate and Bottom Plate will be made with 25mmX25mmX5mm MS Angles and welded MS tube tube. All MS painted Epoxy on Both sides. Lettering and paining of superior quality in required shede and colour. All sections of framed posts and sheet tube will be painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing clause 1701 and annexure 1700.1 if MORD including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete




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Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised cautionary,mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC:67 made of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide clause 1701.2.3 MORD fixed over aluminium sheeting 1.50 mm thick supported on a mild steel iron post 75mmx75 mm x6 mm with MS angle 50x50x5mm hold fast 2 nos firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 cement concrete 450mm x450mmx600 mm,600 mm below ground level as per drawings and technical specification clause 1701 MORD including cost and conveyance of all materials, all labour charges, over head charges & Contractors Profit but excluding GST and seigniorage charges etc., complete for finished item of work. for T Boards at junctions (triangle of size 600 X 600mm size)




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Pavement markings with hot line applied Thermo plastic compound 2.50 mm thick including reflecting glass beads at 250 gms/sqm, thickness of 2.5mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads for providing centerline marking 300 cms length and 10cm width with a gap of 450 cms including cost and convenyace of all materials equipment machinary and labour with all leads and lifts loading and unloading charges necessary for sucessful completion of work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and confirming to IS 164 - 1981 (1st revison reaffirmed in 1986) and clause 803 of MOST specification for roads and bridge works and also confirming to IRC 35 -1997 including cost and conveyance of all materials, all labour charges, over head charges & Contractors Profit but excluding GST and seigniorage charges etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Supply and Installation of Hazard Markers using M.S. Angle of size 55X55X6mm and 120 cm high above ground level painted with two coats of black & white stripes of 15cm wide with first quality synthetic enamel paint over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand, colour, with 30cm X 90cm retro reflective sheeting type III/IV of yellow colour fixed at top over 1.5mm aluminium sheet with standard supports consisting of alternately black and yellow stripes, with black stripes in screen printing sloping downward at an angle of 45degree towards the side of the obstruction on which the traffic is pass and buried in to the ground in a trench of size 30cm X 30cm, and 50cm depth filled with CC 1:2:4 including cost and conveyance of all materials, equipment, machinery and labour with all lead and lifts, loading and unloading charges necessary for successful completion of works as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and conforming to IRC 79-1981 & MoRTH specification no. 805 and approved drawings etc., complete for finished item of work including cost and conveyance of all materials, all labour charges, over head charges & Contractors Profit but excluding GST and seigniorage charges etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Supplying & Fixing of Moulded Shanks Raised Pavement Markers made of polycarbonate and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face and shall support a load of 16000 kg tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280 Type H and complying to Specifications of Category A of MORTH Circular No. RW/NH/33023/10-97 – DO III Dt 11.06.1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 50 mm, 100 mm and 100 mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 Sqcm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 +/- 5 degree. The strength of detachment of the integrated cylindrical shanks, (of diameter not less than 19 +/- 2 mm and height not less than 30+/- 2 mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 700 Kgf. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the twin shanks to go inside, without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive as per manufacturer’s recommendation and complete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge including cost and conveyance of all materials, all labour charges,




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Sub Work : Construction of Single vent 1000 mm dia. Pipe culverts in KM 1/6-1/8 (1No), 2/4-2/6 (1No), 3/4-3/6 (1No)- 3 Nos




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH, including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST etc., complete- For Foundations




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Providing concrete for plain concrete M 10 grade in open foundations using 40 mm nominal size Graded hard stone aggregate (HBG), mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2100 MORTH ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and Seigniorage etc., complete For levelling course




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Plain cement concrete M 15 grade using 40,20 & 10mm metal (HBG) mechanically mixed in foundation complete as per drawings and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807, 1202 and 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2200 MORTH ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete- for Head walls of pipe culverts & footings of slab culverts




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Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for culverts on first class bedding of granular material including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head wall and parapets. Tech Specification Clause 1101.6 MORD ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete - 1000mm dia RCC NP3 Pipes - For Pipe Culverts




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Sub Work : Construction of Two vents 1000 mm dia. Pipe culverts in Km 0/550- 1 No




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH, including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST etc., complete- For Foundations




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Providing concrete for plain concrete M 10 grade in open foundations using 40 mm nominal size hard stone aggregate (HBG), mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2100 MORTH ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete For levelling course




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Plain cement concrete M 15 grade using 40,20 & 10mm metal (HBG) mechanically mixed in foundation complete as per drawings and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807, 1202 and 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2200 MORTH ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete- for Head walls of pipe culverts & footings of slab culverts




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Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for culverts on first class bedding of granular material including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head wall and parapets. Tech Specification Clause 1101.6 MORD ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete - 1000mm dia RCC NP3 Pipes - For Pipe Culverts




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Sub Work : Repairs to Road dams @ 3/157, 3/235, 3/353,3/505, 4/035, 7/400- 6 Nos




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Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH, including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST etc., complete- For Foundations




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Providing concrete for plain concrete M 10 grade in open foundations using 40 mm nominal size hard stone aggregate (HBG), mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2100 MORTH ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete For levelling course




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Plain cement concrete M 15 grade using 40,20 & 10mm metal (HBG) mechanically mixed in foundation complete as per drawings and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807, 1202 and 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2200 MORTH ,including contractors profit & Over head charges, but excluding GST and seigniorage etc., complete- for Head walls of pipe culverts & footings of slab culverts




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