State Warehousing Corporation Tender

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State Warehousing Corporation Tender

Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Opening Date21 Nov 2024
Closing Date24 Dec 2024
Tender Amount₹ 1,87,33,021 



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Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging upto 4 m using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved thickness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams and columns, lintels curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works (c) Steel shuttering or 9 to 12 mm thick approved quality ply board shuttering in any concrete work




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Supplying. preparing and placement of ready mix non shrink cementious microconcrete having no metalic aggregate or chlorides for repairing and jackting of damaged R.C.C.members. The micro concrete should achieve a compressive strength not less than 10 MPa after 24 hours. 40 Mpa after 7 days, and 50 Mpa aftre 28 days at 300C. It should have unrestrained expansion in between 1 to 4%. flexural strength shall not be less than 5MPa after 28 days. Micro concrete should have a co-efficient of thermal expansion similar to that of the host concrete.




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Patching of damaged concrete surface with polymer concrete (25 mm nominal thick) and curing compounds, initiator and promoter, available in present formulations, to be applied as per instructions of manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer.




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Supplying and application of chemical for post Installed rebar connection by using ETA approved for seismic criteria In rebar connection, Including drillng hole to the required depth by rotary hammer drill, cleonlng with brush &jet of clean air, filling chemical usIng serrated noule to eliminate mIxIng error and in a voldless manner IncludIng charges for all tools & plants. Application to be designed for post· Installed rebars as per ECZ/TR023 or relevant tested and accepted design guidelines and the design document to be furnished by the manufacturer. The chemical should have ETA apprOVal for seIsmIc criteria .li of rebar fixing whIch should be furnished by manufacturer. The installation Superintending Engineer 0/ the respective circle and Injection process should and the setting instructions should be strIctly followed as per manufacturer's specl/icatlons as approved by EICprior to drlll/ng along with post· Installed rebar embedment design report. The existing concrete member should be scanned using rebar scanner to avoid hitting existing reinforcement in concrete during drilling. Cost of post Installed rebaring application With chemical as specified for 12mmdia per cm of depth




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Epoxy bonding of new concrete to old concrete




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Applying 2 coats of Non-Toxic Acrylic Polymer modified Paint having adhesive & waterproofing properties by mixing in proportion (1 liquid: 4 cementitious material) or as per manufacturer's specification for water proofing layer in water tank etc.




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Cleaning the exposed reinforcement preferably upto full diameter by wire brush, applying two coats of polymer based rust removing compound left for 24 hours, emoving the coating and then applying two (2) coats of polymer modified anti corrosive protective coating formulated to inhibit the corrosion of reinforcement as per manufacturer's specification]




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Galvanised iron sheets valley gutter with perimeter not less than 750 mm with 225 mm lap each way fitted and fixed with necessary bolts, nuts, screws, etc.complete. Valley gutter made of 0.63 mm. thick sheets. (300mm End lapping)




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Supplying, fitting & fixing UPVC pipes A- Type and fittings conforming to IS:13592-1992 with all necessary clamps nails, including making holes in walls, floor etc. cutting trenches in any soil through masonry concrete structures etc if necessary and mending good damages including joining with jointing materails (Spun Yarn, Valamoid/Bitumen/M-Seal etc) complete. A) UPVC Pipes: (iii) 160 mm. Dia. Rain water pipe




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d) Shoe




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c) bend 87.5




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Dismantling all types of masonry excepting cement concrete plain or reinforced, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m. (b) Extra rate for each addl. Floor over the rate of ground floor




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Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) (b) In superstructure, ground floor




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Stripping off worn out plaster and raking out joints of walls, celings etc. upto any height and in any floor including removing rubbish within a lead of 75m as directed.




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Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface] (i) With 1:6 cement mortar (c) 15 mm thick plaster




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Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface] (i) With 1:6 cement mortar (b) 20 mm thick plaster




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Artificial stone in floor, dado, staircase etc with cement concrete (1:2:4) with stone chips, laid in panels as directed with topping made with ordinary or white cement (as necessary) and marble dust in proportion (1:2) including smooth finishing and rounding off corners including raking out joints or roughening of concrete surface and application of cement slurry before flooring works using cement @ 1.75 kg/sq.m all complete including all materials and labour.(ii) 25 mm. thick




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Dismantling artificial stone flooring upto 50 mm. thick by carefully chiselling without damaging the base and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m. a) In ground floor including roof.




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Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes. (i) Pakur Variety




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Applying Exterior grade Acrylic primer of approved quality and brand on plastered or cencrete surface old or new surface to receive decorative textured (matt finish) or smooth finish acrylic exterior emulsion paint including scraping and preparing the surface throughly, complete as per manufacturer's specification and as per direction of the EIC. In Ground Floor: (b) Two Coats




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Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality, as per manufacturer's specification and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge to be applied over acrylic primer as required. The rate includes cost of material, labour, scaffolding and all incidental charges but excluding the cost of primer. In Ground floor (Two Coat) a) Normal Acrylic Emulsion




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pplying Interior grade Acrylic Primer of approved quality and brand on plastered or cencrete surface old or new surface to receive Distemper/ Acrylic emulsion paint including scraping and preparing the surface throughly, complete as per manufacturer's specification and as per direction of the EIC. (In Ground Floor) b) Two Coats i) Water based interior grade Acrylic Primer




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Applying Acrylic Emulsion Paint of approved make and brand on walls and ceiling including sand papering in intermediate coats including putty (to be done under specific instruction of Superintending Engineer) : (Two coats) ii) Luxury Quality




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M.S. structural works with hollow sections (square or rectangular shape) conforming to IS: 806-1968 & IS:1161-1998) connected to one another with bracket, gusset, cleat as per design, drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge complete including cutting to requisite shape & size, fabrication including metal arc welding conforming to IS: 816-1969 & IS: 9595 using electrodes of approved make and brand conforming to IS:814- 2004, haulage, hoisting and erection all complete. The rate includes the cost of all M.S. Hollow section, all consumables such as electrodes, gas and hire charges of all tools and plants and labour reqired for execution and all incidental chages (such as electricity, labour insurance) etc. complete. Payment to be made on the basis of calculated weight of structural memebrs of MS Holow Section as specified in relevent IS code in finished work. Payment for gusset, bracket, cleat may be made by adding the actual weight of such items with weight of finished structural members. The rates are considered for a hight of erection 8 m. / 2nd floor level from the ground. Add 1.5 % extra over the rate for each additional floor or 4m. beyond the initial 8 m. or part thereof. i) For roof truss works a) Span up to 12 Mtr




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Labour for taking out rolling shutter (only shutter portion) dismantling by parts for repair or (replacement of damaged parts only), rehanging and refitting the same in position after necessary repairs (excluding the cost of supply of new parts).




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(a) Supplying, fitting and fixing steel rolling shutter profile type with 18 B.G . of approved type steel latche section 75mm wide, fitted with coil wire spring to necessiate the fitting of required Nos. of C.I. Pulleys on heavy type solid drawn seamless steel tube complete with locking arrangements both inside and outside specially builtup side guide channels including providing a hood for the steel rolling shutter in the room, painting two coats of approved aluminium paint over a coat of red lead primer complete. 1. (Measurement will be made on the area of opening covered by the rolling shutter corrected upto 2 decimal.) 2. Payment of painting to be separately.




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Collapsible gate with 40mm x 40mm x 6mm Tee as top and bottom guide rail, 20mm x 10mm x 2mm vertical channels 100mm apart in fully stretched position 20mm x 5mm M.S. flats as collapsible bracings properly rivetted and washered including 38mm steel rollers including locking arrangements, fitted and fixed in position with lugs set in cement concrete and including cutting necessary holes, chasing etc. in walls, floors etc. and making good damages complete. In ground floor




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(a) Priming one coat on steel or other metal surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc.




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(A) Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. including using of approved putty etc. on the surface, if necessary : (b) On steel or other metal surface : (iv) Two coats (with any shade except white)




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Removal of rubbish,earth etc. from the working site and disposal of the same beyond the compound, in conformity with the Municipal /Corporation Rules for such disposal, loading into truck and cleaning the site in all respect as per direction of Engineer in charge




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Neat cement punning about 1.5mm thick in wall, dado, window sill, floor etc. NOTE:Cement 0.152 cu.m per100 sq.m.




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Taking out carefully G.C.I. or C.I. or asbestos sheets (including ridges etc.) from roof or wall after unscrewing bolts, nuts, screws etc.and stacking the material at site as directed.




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Supplying, fitting and fixing single skin colour coated trapezoidal profile for wall cludding, Roof shall be made of 0.45mm BMT (Base Metal Thickness)(0.5mm TCT (Total coated thickness excluding paint), G550 (min 550 yield strength), of Zincalume metallic coating (IS15965) with high solar reflactance index (SRI) value for better colling as per thermatech technology, 1000-1015mm effective cover width with five major corrugation,28mm high rib spaced at 203mm c/c with subtle square fitting in the pan and the end rib shall have anti capillary groove and return leg. Thesteel sheet shall be fastened with 40micron zinc coated or 25micron zinc-tin alloy coated, hex head, self driling screw as per IS 3566-2002 Class 3 fastener. The base shall be coted with zinc-aluminium alloy Zincallume(AZ150)(i.e 55%Al, 4.4% Zinc, 1.6%si) minimum of 150g/m2 coating toatal on both sides, pre painted with colorband XRW (xterior roofing walling) paint system if 35micron Super Durable Polyester paint (SDP) with stable inorganic pigment with no lead contents conforming IS15965. The sheet shall be free from defects and have brand marking of the manufacturer giving product details on the back of the sheet at regular interval conforming genuinity of the material. (i) In Roof a) With 0.5mm thick sheet




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Aluminium sheet ridging fitted with self tapping screws, EPDM washers etc complete.(Minimum 225mm end lapping). (A) 300 mm lapping each way (b) With 0.91 mm sheet




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Dismantling R.C. floor, roof, beams etc. including cutting rods and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m. including stacking of steel bars. (a) In ground floor including roof




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Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains, in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding laterite or sandstone) including removing, spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75 m. as directed. The item includes necessary trimming the sides of trenches, levelling, dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete.Depth of excavation not exceeding 1,500 mm.




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Filling in foundation or plinth by silver sand in layers not exceeding 150 mm as directed and consolidating the same by thorough saturation with water, ramming complete including the cost of supply of sand. (payment to be made on measurement of finished quantity)




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Single Brick Flat Soling of picked jhama bricks including ramming and dressing bed to proper level and filling joints with local sand.




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Mending Potholes and depressions by stitching picked jhama bricks with one brick-on-edge laid in herring bone pattern and including necessary cushion of sand below the soling (and in between layers) including cutting the pothole area to rectangular shape with vertical edges, removing all loose materials, finishing the surface to match with adjacent areas complete as per direction. (b) One brick-on-edge laid in herring bond pattern (thickness 125 mm)




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Supplying and laying Polythene Sheet (150gm / sq.m.) over damp proof course or below flooring or roof terracing or in foundation or in foundation trenches.




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Supplying and laying true to line and level Double Charge Vitrified Tiles of approved brand conforming to IS 15622: 2006 (Group B I a) and tested as per IS 13630:2006 (relevant parts) [Non-modular sizes for tiles with Water Absorption (av.) ≤ 0.08 %] in floor, skirting etc. using polymerised adhesive of 6mm thick layer applied directly over finished artificial stone floor/Mosaic etc without any backing course and joints grouted with admixture of white epoxy grout materials of approved brand including spacer -2mm as directed and removal of wax coating of top surface of tiles with warm water and polishing the tiles using soft and dry cloth upto mirror finish complete including the cost of materials,Iabour and all other incidental charges complete as per direction of Engineerin- Charge. (Note: This work should not be executed without specific permission of Superintending Engineer) (b) ln Ground FIoor:(size not Iess than 800mmX 800 mm X 10.2 mm thick)




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