Municipal Affairs Department Tender
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Municipal Affairs Department - MAD Tender
Civil And Construction
Building Construction
Opening Date16 Dec 2024
Closing Date3 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 9,63,890.53 This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
₹ 19,280Document Cost
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Wbmad/ulb/hm/5531/nit-1829 Dt-11.12.2024
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2024_MAD_784822_1Bid Award Id
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WBMAD/ULB/HM/5531/NIT-1829Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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SingleBrickFlat Soling of picked jhama bricks including ramming and dressing bed to proper level and filling joints with local sand.
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Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes.
(i) Pakur Variety
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Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging upto 4 m using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved
thickness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams and columns, lintels curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works (upto roof of ground floor (c)Steelshutteringor9to12mmthickapprovedqualityplyboardshuttering in any concrete work
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Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes.
(i) Pakur Variety
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Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction.
(a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m
(i) Tor steel/Mild Steel
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M.S. structural works in columns, beams etc. with simple rolled structuralmembers (e.g. joists, angle, channel sectionsconforming toIS:226, IS:808&SP(6)-1964connected tooneanotherwith bracket, gussets, cleats as per design, direction of Engineer-in
charge complete including cutting to requisite shape and length, fabricationwithnecessarybolting,metalarcweldingconformingto IS:816-1969&IS:1995usingelectrodesof approvedmakeand brandconforming to IS:814-2004, haulage, hoistinganderection all complete. The rate includes the cost of rolled steel section, consumablessuchaselectrodes,gasandhirechargeofall toolsand plants and labour required for thework including all incidental chages such as electricity charges, labour insurance charges etc. Payment tobemadeonthebasisofcalculatedweightof structural membersonly infinishedworkasper ISspecifiedweight.Payment for gusset, bracket, cleat, rivets, bolts andnutsmay bemake by adding theactualweight of such itemswith theweight of finished structuralmembersor7%ofweight forfinishedstructuralmembers weighingnot less than22.5Kg. /m.or15%ofweight for finished structalmembersweighinglessthan22.5Kg. /m.maybeincreased allowforbracket, cleat, rivet, boltsandnuts etc. andnoseperate paymentbeingmadefortheseitems,asperdirectionofEngineerIn Charge.Theratesareconsideredforaheightoferection8m. /2nd floor level fromtheground.Add1.5%extraover therate foreach additional floor or 4m. beyond initiial 8m. or part thereof.
I)For structuralmembersof specifiedsectionsweighing less than 22.5 Kg./m
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M.S. structural works in roof trusses with tubular sections conforming to IS: 806-1968&IS: 1161-1998 cnnected to one another with bracket, gusset cleats as per design, direction of Engineer-in-charge complete including cutting to requisite size, fabricationwithnecessarymetalarcweldingconformingtoIS:816 1969&IS: 9595 using electrodes of approvedmake and brand conforming to IS:814-2004, haulage, hoisting and erection all complete. Therateincludes thecostof rolledsteel section, consumablessuch aselectrodes,gasandhirechargeofalltoolsandplantsandlabour reqired for the work including all incidental chages such as electricity charges, labour insurance charges etc. Payment tobemadeonthebasisofcalculatedweightof structural tubularmemebrsas specified inrelevent IScode in finishedwork. Payment forgusset,bracket,cleatmaybemadebyaddingtheactual weightofsuchitemswithweightof finishedstructuralmembers.The ratesareconsideredforaheightof erection8m. /2ndfloor level fromtheground.Add1.5%extraover therateforeachadditional floor or 4m. beyond the initial 8 m. or part thereof.
i) For trusses spanning up to 12.00 m
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M.S. structural works with hollow sections (square or rectangular shape) conforming to IS: 806-1968 & IS:1161-1998) connected to one another with bracket, gusset, cleat as per design, drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge complete including cutting to requisite shape & size, fabrication including metal arc welding conforming to IS: 816-1969 & IS: 9595 using electrodes of approved make and brand conforming to IS:814- 2004, haulage, hoisting and erection all complete. The rate includes the cost of all M.S. Hollow section, all consumables such as electrodes, gas and hire charges of all tools and plants and labour reqired for execution and all incidental chages (such as electricity, labour insurance) etc. complete. Payment to be made on the basis of calculated weight of structural memebrs of MS Holow Section as specified in relevent IS code in finished work. Payment for gusset, bracket, cleat may be made by adding the actual weight of such items with weight of finished structural members. The rates are considered for a hight of erection 8 m. / 2nd floor level from the ground. Add 1.5 % extra over the rate for each additional floor or 4m. beyond the initial 8 m. or part thereof.
i) For roof truss works a) Span up to 12 Mtr
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Supplying, fitting&fixing circular corrugatedAluminium sheet (excluding the supporting framework) of approved make&brand inalloy3105conforming to IS: 1254-1991 fittedand fixedwith55mm&25mmSelf tappingscrew, EPDMWasher16mmdia&3mmthwasheretccomplete with 150 mm. end lap and one corrugation minimum side lap. (Payment tobemadeonareaof finishedwork) (Aluminium sheet to be supplied by contractor). (i) In Roof:- b) With 0.71 mm thick sheet
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Providingandfixing exteriorqualityAluminiumCompositePanel(ACP) wallcladdingonexistingAl./MSframeworkwithGIbrackets,ACPfixed ontheexistingframeworkbyfoldingtheedgesofACPpanel(Engraving therearsurfaceofACPsheet)withCPangles,cleatsandstrainlessSteel screwsforminggrovesattheperipheryofACPpanel.Suchgroovesfilled with foamand silicon sealant etc. complete with all materials (but including thecost of siliconsealant), labour, scaffoldingandall other incidental charges complete in all respect as per specification and directionofEngineer-in-charge. (Modeofpayment isonfinishedsurface area of ACP)
(a) 3mm thick (0.25mm Al.+2.5mm LDPE +0.25mm Al. PVDF coating)
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Supplyingand laying true to lineand level vitrified tilesof approvedbrand(sizenot less than 600mmX600mmX10 mmthick) in floor, skirtingetc. set in20mmsandcement mortar (1:4)and2mmthickcement slurrybacksideof tiles usingcement@2.91Kg./sqMorusingpolymerisedadhesive (6mmthicklayerapplieddirectlyoverfinishedartificialstone floor/Mosaic etc without any backing course) laid after application slurryusing1.75Kgof cement per sqMbelow mortar only, joints groutedwithadmixtureofwhite cement andcolouringpigment tomatchwithcolourof tiles / epoxy groutmaterialsofapprovedmakeasdirectedandremovalof wax coating of top surface of tiles withwarmwater and polishingthetilesusingsoftanddryclothuptomirror finish completeincludingthecostofmaterials, labourandallother incidental charges complete true to the manufacturer's specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (White cement,syntheticadhesiveandgroutmaterial tobesupplied by the contrr]e) I (I) Withapplicationslurry@1.75kg/ Sq.m, 20mmsand cementmortar(1:4)&2mmthickcement slurryatbackside of tiles, 0.2 kg/ Sq.mwhite cement for joint filling with pigment. (B) Light Colour
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1 (a)Primingonecoat onsteel orothermetal surfacewithsyntheticoil boundprimerofapprovedqualityincludingsmootheningsurfacesbysand papering etc.
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(A) Paintingwithbest qualitysyntheticenamel paint of approvedmake andbrandincludingsmootheningsurfacebysandpaperingetc. including using of approved putty etc. on the surface, if necessary :
(b) On steel or other metal surface : With super gloss (hi-gloss) One Coat (White in Shed)
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GST Item (Effect from 01.11.2017) 18 % GST on Estimated Cost of Sl. No.-1 to 16.
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Labour Welfare Cess Item(Effect from 01.11.2017 1 % Labour Welfare Cess on Estimated Cost of Sl. No.-1 to 17.
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