Municipal Affairs Department Tender
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Municipal Affairs Department - MAD Tender
Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Opening Date29 Feb 2024
Closing Date15 Mar 2024
Tender Amount₹ 62,16,746
₹ 1,24,335Document Cost
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Scription for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user
Tender Id
2024_MAD_676728_2Bid Award Id
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WBMAD/NDITA/111/2023-24Tender Authority
Municipal Affairs Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Dismantling all types of plain cement concrete
works, stacking serviceable materials at site and
removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m.
In ground floor including roof.
(a) upto 150 mm. thick
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Removal of rubbish,earth etc. from the working
site and disposal of the same beyond the
compound, in conformity with the Municipal /
Corporation Rules for such disposal, loading into
truck and cleaning the site in all respect as per
direction of Engineer in charge
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Filling empty Cement bags with dry earth or sand,
stitching the bag (cost of thread included) and
carrying and placing them in position and all
incidental charges complete but excluding cost of
sand and gunny bags.
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Supplying empty Cement bags in good condition.
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Box cutting or filling in Road Embankment in all sorts of soil including spreading the spoils property over the flank as necessary or on beam to approximate grade & camber & rolling the sub -grade with power ruller to proper camber and grade as per direction and satisfaction of Enginer-in-charge including uprooting and removing plants when & where necessary (Depth upto 150 mm)
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Box cutting or filling in Road Embankment in all sorts of soil including spreading the spoils property over the flank as necessary or on beam to approximate grade & camber & rolling the sub -grade with power ruller to proper camber and grade as per direction and satisfaction of Enginer-in-charge including uprooting and removing plants when & where necessary (Depth above 150 mm)
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Manhole connection (upto 450 mm. dia.) including
mending good all complete with (1:2:4) cement
concrete as per specification and direction of
... More
Construction of Bamboo Fencing with setting of Bamboo Post of 100 m m dia @ 1200 mm c/c and 450 mm below the ground by digging hole in all sorts of soil and subsequent through repacking the same and clear height - 1000 mm from the ground level including the cost of one coat coal tarring the embeded portion of the bamboo and walling made of acrushed bamboo or split bamboo or bamboo twigs (Kanchis) as directed and tied with necessary stiffeners of split bamboo (in Pair) made of 100 mm dia fitted & fixed complete.
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Cleaning rubbish, sludge, weeds scum, liquid
earth, mud etc. from conduits of any dia. upto 900
mm and from any depth, etc. by mathor labour
after removing concrete slab / manhole cover etc.
without damaging the same and refixing the same
properly after cleaning as necessary and removing
the sludge etc. by using iron pans, buckets including
all labour, tools & plants including expulsion of
impure / inflammable / asphyxiating gases from the
drains etc. and removing the spoils in dry condition
and disposing the same by truck beyond the area
of Municipal Corporation / Municipality / Notified
Area Authority / Industrial Township Authority etc.
for such disposal including the cost of loading,
unloading, transportation and making arrangement
of necessary land for disposal, spreading and
leveling as necessary etc. and cleaning the road
side in all respects, complete as per direction of
the Engineer- in-Charge. (Land for disposal to be
arranged by the contractor).
(Payment will be made on the basis of actual stack
measurment of spoils in dry condition at roadside)
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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting
graded stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadam
specification including screening of aggregates and
granular materials, premixing the material with water
at OMC in Wet Mix Plant, carriage of mixed material
by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with Paver in
Sub- base / Base course on well prepared surface
and compacting with Vibratory Roller to achieve the
desired density, including supply of all materials,
machinery, fuel and lubricants, including incidental
costs for lighting, guarding, barricading, making
earthen bundh to protect the edges including cost
of quality control complete as per Clause 406 of
Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H
(5th Revision).
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Providing and laying Mastic asphalt wearing course
with paving grade bitumen meeting the
requirements given in table 500-29 using approved
coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler material
and bitumen, prepared by using Mastic cooker
including cost and carriage of all ingredients, cost of
heating aggregates and binder, mixing in specified
proportions conforming to approved Job Mix
Formula and laid to required level and slope after
cleaning the surface, compacting, sealing the
construction joints and surface finishing conforming
to specifications including providing antiskid surface
with bitumen pre-coated fine-grained hard stone
chipping of 13.2 mm nominal size at the rate of 0.005
cum per 10 sqm and at an approximate spacing of
10 cm center to center in both directions, pressed
into surface when the temperature of surfaces not
less than 100°C, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over
mastic surface, including the hire charges of all tools
and plants and machinery, pay of operators, cost of
fuel and lubricants and all other incidental charges
and quality control all complete as per Clause 516 of
Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H
(5th Revision).
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Providing and laying dense bituminous macadam with Hot Mix Plant producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and bituminous binder as per design Job Mix Formula conforming Marshall Method as per specification, including screening, cleaning of chips and preparing a uniform and quality mix in Hot Mix Plant and ensuring a homogeneous mix, in which all particles of the mineral aggregates are coated uniformly, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying the mixed materials at specified laying temperature with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment over prepared surface coated with tack coat, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers for break down, inter-mediate and finished rolling to achieve the desired density of at least 98% of that of Laboratory Marshall specimen, hand packing and pinning to give an even surface including cost and carriage of bitumen, coarse and fine aggregates and filler materials and hire charges of machinery and equipment for construction and quality control, fuels and lubricants and wages of operational staff complete as per Clause 505 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision).B. For Grading 2
(26.5 mm nominal size, 50-75 mm thick.)
(iii) Using Drum mix Type HMP of minimum
capacity 40-60 TPH.
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Priming one coat on timber or plastered surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc.
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Providing and applying tack coat with Cationic
Bitumen Emulsion of approved grade conforming to
IS: 8887-1978 on the prepared surface cleaned with
Hydraulic broom, moistening the surface including
cost and carriage of emulsion, hire charges of
machinery and labour, cost of fuel and lubricants all
complete as per Clause 503 of Specifications for
Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision).
(i) On Bituminous Surface
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Providing and fixing at or near ground level precast
cement concrete in kerbs (size: 410 mm x 310 mm x width 150 mm at bottom with circular nosing at top)
(Nano kerb) of cement concreat M25 Grade without reinforcement, fixing as per approved pattern and setting in position at site after preparing the bed grade and slopes by laying Cement concrete with jhama khoa
(1:4:8) as per specification and direction of Engineer-inCharge including filling of joints with 10 mm thick cement morter (3:1) and back filling the vertical piece properly with earth duly compacted and curing the morter joints for atleast 3 days including cost and carriage of all materials complete.
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Supplying and laying of concrete channel (500mm X 300mm X 100mm) as per drawing design of ordinary grade cement concreate (1:1, 5:3) with 1:3:6 concrete with jhanakhooa 150mm thick having 50mm projection beyond channel stone to correct line and level with cement motor (1:4) including cement pointing (1:2) and repacking the trenches all complete as per direction of EIC
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Ordinary Cement concrete (Mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chios (6 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement, if any, in good floor as per relevant IS codes.
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Supplying & laying as per IRC-SP:063-2004 paver unit of any shade of approved quality as per relevant IS code,laid in pattern as directed in pavement, footpath,
driveway (paver block only), etc including necessary
underlay complete in all respect with all labour and
material.(c) 60 mm thick interlocking designer concrete paver block M-35 grade for light-traffic zone,commercial & office complex,tourist resort as per IS: 15658-2006 (over 20-40 mm medium sand bed on 250mm thk WBM/WMM base course & 250 mm thk bound gnaular /granular sub-base course including cost of sand for sand bed but excluding cost of base, sub-base course & subgrade preparation.)
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Add GST@18% on Sl. No. 1 to 16
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Add labour cess @1% on Sl. No. 1 to 17
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