Indian Oil Adani Gas Private Limited Tender

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Indian Oil Adani Gas Private Limited - IOAGPL Tender

Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Building Construction
Opening Date13 Jan 2025
Closing Date25 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 


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FILLING WITH EXCAVATED SOIL Available excavated Good Soil in Filling after execution of work to proper grade and level with selected materials from available excavated soil from spoil heaps within a lead of 50m, including re-excavating the stored serviceable soil excavated earlier, breaking clods, laying at all depths and heights in layers of thickness not exceeding 15cms. including watering, rolling and ramming by manual/mechanical means, to achieve 90% of maximum dry density, dressing, trimming, leveling the top surface etc. in foundations, plinths, road embankments, road, shoulders, trenches etc. complete in all respect as per scope of work, detailed construction drawings , as per technical specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge




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Supplying and filling with Fly ash/Pond ash conforming to table 1 of IRC: SP:58-2001 available from coal or lignite burning Thermal Plants as waste material, under floors, pavements, in foundations etc. for all depths and heights including cost of material, royalties, transportation to site for all leads and lifts, including loading, unloading, spreading in layers of loose thickness not exceeding 200mm, watering, ramming, compacting with mechanical compactors and/ or other equipment to the specified levels to achieve 90% relative density, including preparation of sub-grade to the required slope, providing testing apparatus and testing the degree of consolidation all complete as per drawings, specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge. The rates shall be inclusive of the cost of all labour, material, equipment etc. complete.




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Borrowed Earth Filling: Earth work in filling in compound, tank, low land,ditches etc. with carried earth arranged by the contractor, in layers not exceeding 150 mm. including breaking clods and consolidating the same by ramming and dressing complete. Rate including caring, watering, rolling and ramming by manual/mechanical means, to achieve 90% of maximum dry density, dressing, trimming, leveling the top surface etc. in foundations, plinths, road embankments, road, shoulders, trenches etc. complete in all respect as per scope of work, detailed construction drawings , as per technical specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge




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RUBBLE SOLING Providing and laying 230mm thick dry rubble stone soling using 150-225mm size boulders in foundations, plinth flooring, trenches, ramps and other areas including packing with smaller stones of 65 mm & 40 mm chips in voids, bonded with stone grit or good quality murrum brought from outside, fine aggregate etc. watering, consolidating by manual tamping as directed.The compacted depth shall be taken for the measurement of quantity.




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ANTI TERMITE TREATMENT : Carrying out anti termite treatment with chlorophyriphos 20% EC in three parts i.e. at foundation level, at plinth level and at periphery of the building as per IS : 6313 (Part I- III)-1981, 1st revision, as directed. Plinth area to be measured. 10 years Guarantee to be given by the agency. Application of anti termite treatment given below. a) Application concentration or chemicals: Chlorphyriphos 20% EC- 50 ml mixed in 1 liter. water b) After the final depth of the foundation trenches is reached ,the horizontal and vertical sides shall be soaked with insecticides by high pressure pump at least 200 ml for 1 sq. mt. along both sides of foundation walls and foundation bottom. c) After vertical and horizontal sides of the foundation trenches are treated in the manner as described above. The floor area in between the walls shall be bored in the natural soil surface at suitable space intervals depending upon the types of soil. The chemical used shall be at the rate of at least 200 ml for 1sq. mt. d) After the walls are constructed and treated as specified above, complete saturation treatment shall be given by digging 1' 6" deep on the outer side and saturating the same with insecticides at the rates of at least 1.5 lts. per linear foot of wall. e) Treatment shall not be made when the soil or fill is excessively wet or immediately after heavy rains, to avoid surface flow of the toxicant from application site. Unless the treated areas are to be immediately covered, precautions shall be taken to prevent disturbances of the treatment by human or animal contact with the treated soil.




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Single Brick Flat Soling of picked jhama bricks including ramming and dressing bed to proper level and filling joints with local sand.




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P.C.C. : (1:3:6) Providing and laying Plain cement Concrete of nominal mix 1:3:6 by mass (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 crushed stone aggregates/gravels) with 40mm down size graded crushed stone aggregates for all depths below and up to plinth level in foundations, drains, fillings, non suspended floors, pavements and ramps or any other works etc. in any shape, position, thickness and finishing the top surface rough or smooth as specified and directed, including tamping, ramming, vibrating, curing etc. all as specified including the cost of materials, labour, tools, tackles, machinery, steel scaffolding/staging, sampling and testing all complete as per specification and direction of EIC/Consultant. Actual/Net measured quantities shall be paid. Cost shall including of formwork.




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RCC : M25 (SUB & SUPER STRUCTURE) Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete of nominal mix M-25 (1:1:2) Grade Excluding the cost of formwork and reinforcement , with 20 mm & down size graded crushed stone aggregates in SUB-STRUCTURE and SUPER STRUCTURE below plinth level of all types e.g. foundations, rafts, beams, slabs, pile caps, retaining walls, jambs, counter-forts, buttresses, trenches, manholes, pipe encasement, catch pits, drains, RCC pits, equipment foundations, pedestals, columns, pavements, suspended floors, brackets etc. and in SUPER STRUCTURE like beams, slabs, walls including counter forts, staircases, landings, steps, facias, gutters, shelves, window sills, canopies, lintels, ducts, brackets, chhajjas with drip molds etc. and any other structures in any other structures (including single pour concreting upto 50 Cu. m.) providing pockets, openings, recesses, chamfering, vibrating, tamping, curing and rendering, to give a smooth and even surface for all depths below and upto plinth level in any position, shape, level and thickness etc. including the cost of materials, labour, tools, tackles, machinery, steel scaffolding/staging, sampling and testing all complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. Actual/Net measured quantities shall be paid.




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TMT STEEL REINFORCEMENT : Supplying and placing in position High strength deformed TMT Steel Bars Reinforcement (Conforming to IS:1786, Grade Fe 415/500/500D) of TATA or equivalent make (as approved by EIC) for RCC work including transporting, straightening, cleaning, de-coiling, cutting & binding to required shapes and lengths as per details, binding with contractor's own 16SWG black soft annealed binding wire at every intersection, supplying and placing with proper cover blocks, supports, chairs, overlaps, welding, spacers, fan hooks etc. for all heights and depths etc. complete as per specification, directions and drawings. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR. (Supports, Chairs and laps are included in the cost and no separate measurement qty will be paid for the same) Reinforcement steel shall be of Tata, Sail, vizag or approved by consultant.)




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SHUTTERING : Providing and fixing Shuttering/Form work using ordinary timber plank, shuttering ply, steel plates so as to give smooth finish, including centering, shuttering, strutting, propping, surface oiling, nails, binding wire etc. keeping the necessary provision for inserts, projecting dowels, anchor bolts or any other fixture etc. all complete for SUB STRUCTURE like foundations, pedestals, footings, slabs, pile caps, retaining walls, beams, staircases, landings, suspended slabs, etc. and SUPER STRUCTURE like in equipment foundations, columns, lintels, slabs, beams, staircases, landings, suspended slabs/floors/roofs, walls etc. and other structures keeping the same in position during concreting and removal of the same after specified period in all complete and as specified and directed. Actual/Net measured quantities shall be paid. The rate shall includes cost of material, labour, tools tackles, machinery etc. all complete. Actual/Net measured quantities shall be paid.




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FULL BRICK MASONRY: SUB-STRUCTURE Providing and laying FULL BRICK MASONRY (230mm th. or more) class 1 flyash bricks at all levels, strength not less than 30 N/mm2 in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 sand) in one or more brick thickness and in any shape in super-structure at all height/level including the cost of materials, labour, steel scaffolding/staging, sampling and testing, soaking of bricks, cutting & laying of bricks, providing recesses, making openings of any shape and size, embedding the fittings & fixtures, curing etc. all complete as per specifications. All materials including Cement to be supplied by the contractor. The rate shall includes cost of material, labour, tools tackles, machinery etc. all complete.)




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FULL BRICK MASONRY: SUPER-STRUCTURE Providing and laying FULL BRICK MASONRY (230mm th. or more) class 1 flyash bricks at all levels, strength not less than 30 N/mm2 in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 sand) in one or more brick thickness and in any shape in super-structure at all height/level including the cost of materials, labour, steel scaffolding/staging, sampling and testing, soaking of bricks, cutting & laying of bricks, providing recesses, making openings of any shape and size, embedding the fittings & fixtures, curing etc. all complete as per specifications. All materials including Cement to be supplied by the contractor. The rate shall includes cost of material, labour, tools tackles, machinery etc. all complete.)




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HALF BRICK MASONARY :SUPER STRUCTURE Providing and laying HALF BRICK MASONRY (125mm th.) with bricks at all levels of class-1 , strength not less than 35 kg/ in cement  mortar  1:4  ( 1 cement :4  coarse sand) including  providing necessary steel scaffolding staging, opening, curing, raking out joints providing and placing two Nos. 6mm dia  M S  bars  at  every fourth course and Khranja at 1.2mt height etc. all complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. The rate shall includes cost of material, labour, tools tackles, machinery etc. all complete.)




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EXTERNAL PLASTER : 20mm Th, Double coat, Sand Faced (Tippani)/Mala Finish (1:4) Providing and laying 20 mm thick two coat external sand faced tippani finish Cement Plaster on exterior walls of building & Compound wall in two layers including making groove and Tapak where ever required. (Consisting of 12 mm Th Base layer with rough finish in CM 1:4 with waterproofing chemicals and 8 mm Th top coat in CM 1:3 finish with sponge) including surface preparation, hacking the brick Masonary or RCC surface at all height/depth with all tools, material, labour, scaffolding and curing etc. to make even finish in true lines and levels all complete as per specifications and direction of engineer in Charge. Rate shall include providing & fixing chicken mash jali of best quality available & fixing it at brick and RCC junction all complete. Actual/Net quantities measured shall be paid..




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PLASTER : 15mm Th (Mortar 1:4) Providing and laying of 15mm thick Cement Plastering Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand ) with waterproofing chemicals on RCC/Brick wall building or other structures including surface preparation, hacking the brick Masonary or RCC surface, at all height/depth with all tools, material, labour, scaffolding and curing etc. to make even finish in true lines and levels all complete as per specifications and direction of engineer in Charge. Rate shall include providing & fixing chicken mash jali of best quality available & fixing it at brick and RCC junction all complete. Actual/Net quantities measured shall be paid. (smooth nero plaster if instructed)




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PAINT : Exterior Weather Proof (Apex Ultima) Providing and applying of exterior weather resistant 100% Acrylic paint of Apex Ultima matt finish paint (Base primer coat + Min. 3 or more coats) of approved make (Asian/Burger/ ICI )make shade for even finishing of external exposed walls/surface up to any height and level. The scope shall include Erecting, Scaffolding at all levels, preparing the surface by scrubbing with wire brush and removal of old paint (if exist), dust, oil, grease and any other particle for surface preparation before new paint application. Paint shall done with applying 1 coat of primer and 3 coat (minimum) of Apex Ultima Paint to give rash free smooth even finish . Rate shall including material, labour, tools tackles, scaffolding etc. all complete as specified and directed by EIC. Measurement to be considered as per actual on site for payment.




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INTERNAL PAINT: WALL Finishing of interior wall painting (three coats) with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand & manufacture on undercoated wall surface to give an even shade including thoroughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping sand other foreign matter and sand papered smooth. (also including application of primer and preparing surface even & sand papered smooth with lapi, Astar.)




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FLOOR:GRANITE STONE (18MM THK) Providing and Laying 18 mm thick mirror polished, machine cut Granite approved color in floor, steps, wall and dado etc. laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) in true line and plain level with cement slurry to fix on wall / dado are cut according to the size and shapes given in drawing or to suit site dimension of the room and desired pattern with joints treated with white cement mixed with matching pigment , adhesive like araldite, including rubbing, curing, nosing of corners, cutting in profile, architectural works, etc. complete as per directions of Engineer In charge. [ Rate to include all labour, material, tools, tackles, hire charges, water charges, wastage, overheads etc. complete.] Actual/Net quantities measured shall be paid. For 100mm height skirting, payment to be made by considering skirting area multiplying 1.5 times to net area.




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DRIVE AREA : PAVER FINISH Execution of civil work to develop floor area finish with RCC tri-mix finish floor including scope of work of excavation, GSB, PCC, RCC, Paver block work with curbing / edge bounder finish including curing, Cutting, joint / gap filling, compacting, site cleaning, material sampling and testing for quality check etc. all complete. (1)EXCAVATION : Earthwork and excavation for foundation for drive area development in all kind of soil, hard murrum, soft rock, hard rock by pneumatic drilling etc. Stacking the excavated serviceable earth at least 3mts. away from the edge of excavation / foundation trenches and Disposing of the surplus non serviceable excavated earth and/or debris etc. including loading at site, transporting & disposal, unloading up to any lead in all conditions after backfilling using serviceable earth as per the instructions of the client or consultant. Dewatering shall include in scope of work if & as applicable. Plot area soil to be leveled and neatly dressed and compacted with mechanical compactors / roller to the specified levels complete in all respect as per scope of work, detailed construction drawings , as per technical specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (2) WBM : 300 MM Th.-Supplying and laying of 300mm Th. WBM LAYER BASE COURS (1st layer of 150mm th of downgraded stone size 63 to 90 mm and 2nd layer of 150mm th of downgraded stone size 40 to 63 mm) tough, sound, clean and durable including cost of stone aggregates with quarry dust / murrum filling in voids correcting the grade and slope for, all royalties, taxes, handling, transportation to site, unloading the same by the side of the road with all leads and lifts, spreading and laying to form water bound macadam in TWO LAYER of 150mm EACH compacted thickness to proper grade, camber & level, binding the surface with murrum, including the cost of supply of murrum, consolidating with min 10 T Vibro road-roller, watering, with all leads & lifts including preparation of camber below Paver etc. complete as per drawings, specification and direction Engineer-in-Charge. (3)P.C.C. :- Providing and laying of 100 mm th. as specified in drawing 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 M/C graded stone aggregates of 40 mm nominal size) / as specified in drawing cement concrete in proportion as per shown in drg. for all depth and thickness incl. shuttering, centering, ramming tempering and curing etc. P.C.C should completed in proper line and lvl. Provide and lay 600mic PVC sheet over compacted GSB top layer prior to do PCC over it. (4) PAVER BLOCKS : Providing and laying 80 mm thick ( grey or red ) rubber molded paver blocks of approved pattern in forecourt area or as per located in drawing (approved by client/ consultant) having compressive strength 400 kg/sqcm laid over 50 mm th river sand bed and joints to be filled with river sand and Compaction by Mechanical Compactor. Paver blocks should be in proper line and lvls. Paver block pattern, colour and make as approved by Owner/ EIC. (5) Provide and laying curbstone of size 450x500x150 / 450x300x150, smooth finish with half round top edge chamfer, shall fix in true line and level as specified and apply approved paint over it




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Fabrication : Structural Steel (General) Structural Fabrication Works - Supplying, Fabricating, Erecting & Fixing in position structural steel items viz. structure, trench covers, dispenser frames, cascade structure, pipe support, valve support, hand railing, ladder, staircase, clamps, brackets and all miscellaneous steel works as detailed and as directed by EIC at all levels using MS angles, beams, channels, tees, plates, pipes, rounds, squares, flats including hard wares like hinges, nuts, bolts, washers, etc. of various sizes and other structural steel sections conforming to IS 2062 including straightening, cutting, fabricating, welding, bending to shape, bolting, fixing in position, welding to other MS structure item or insert plate embedded in wall/concrete at site and finished the surface neat after grouting. Rate shall include for painting with two coats 50 micron DFT for Each Coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of 50 micron DFT for Zinc chromate primer, etc. complete, as directed by Engineer In charge. Material shall be of TATA/VIZAG/SAIL/ESSAR or other equivalent make only. Actual/Net quantities measured shall be paid. Weight of washers, nuts & bolts shall not be paid extra. Note : 1. Welding rods of Adani or Ador make only to be used. 2. ISI marked E-7018 to be used for welding on beam or truss part and 6013 for rest or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 3. Welding rod to be preheated to 60 degrees centigrade before usage. 4. If fabrication work is done at site then contractor will have to bear the electricity consumption charges.




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BARBED WIRE CONCERTINA COIL FENCING Providing and fixing barbed wire concertina coil fencing with punched tape concertina coil 450 mm dia 10 metre openable length (total length 90 m) having 50 nos rounds per 6 metre length, over 2.5 m height of wall with L-50x50x5 mm thk angle iron 'Y' shaped placed 2.0 m apart and with 6 horizontal R.B.T. reinforced barbed wire, stud tied with G.I. staples and G.I. clips to retain horizontal including necessary bolts or G.I. barbed wire tied to angle iron all complete as per direction of Engineer-incharge with reinforced barbed tape (R.B.T.)/Spring core (2.5mm thick) wire of high tensile strength of 1800N/mm with tape (0.52 mm thick) and minimum coil weight 50kg/coil (cost of M.S. angle shall be paid separately)




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WEEP HOLES: Providing Weep holes 150 mm. dia. P.V.C. in the Retaining wall and Brick wall with all lead and lifts etc. complete as per specification.




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UPVC PIPE :15mm Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 15mm Dia U.P.V.C .PIPE 15mm Dia (SCH 40) for cold water including fittings make PRINCE/SUPREME/ASTRAL/FINOLEX ore quivalent as approved by client and cosultant. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concelled as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joint sand fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials.




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UPVC PIPE :25mm Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 25mm Dia U.P.V.C .PIPE (SCH 40) for cold water including fittings make PRINCE/SUPREME/ASTRAL/FINOLEX ore quivalent as approved by client and cosultant. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concelled as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joint sand fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials.




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UPVC PIPE :32mm Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 32mm Dia U.P.V.C .PIPE (SCH 40) for cold water including fittings make PRINCE/SUPREME/ASTRAL/FINOLEX ore quivalent as approved by client and cosultant. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concelled as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joint sand fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials.




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UPVC PIPE :40mm Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 40mm Dia U.P.V.C .PIPE (SCH 40) for cold water including fittings make PRINCE/SUPREME/ASTRAL/FINOLEX ore quivalent as approved by client and cosultant. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concelled as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joint sand fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials.




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UPVC/SWR soil waste pipe:160mm Dia Providing and fixing to wall,ceiling and floor U.PVC/SWR soil waste pipe with 'O' ring 160mm dia of ISI 13592/92. Rate inclusive of all fittings like single or double "Y" with door, reducer, coupler single T with door bend, pipe clip on wooden patti etc.complete and making good the wall,ceiling and floor




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UPVC/SWR soil waste pipe:100mm Dia Providing and fixing to wall,ceiling and floor U.PVC/SWR soil waste pipe with 'O' ring 100mm dia of ISI 13592/92. Rate inclusive of all fittings like single or double "Y" with door, reducer, coupler single T with door bend, pipe clip on wooden patti etc.complete and making good the wall,ceiling and floor.




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UPVC/SWR soil waste pipe:75mm Dia Providing and fixing to wall,ceiling and floor U.PVC/SWR soil waste pipe with 'O' ring 75 mm dia of ISI 13592/92. Rate inclusive of all fittings like single or double "Y" with door, reducer, coupler single T with door bend, pipe clip on wooden patti etc.complete and making good the wall,ceiling and floor.




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PVC SWR NAHNITRAP-75mm Providing and fixing PVC SWR nahni trap IS 14735 for drain - 75mm diameter with jali of the following nominal diameter of self cleansing design with C.I scread down or hinged gratring including the cost of cutting and making good the walls




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PVC SWR NAHNITRAP-100mm Providing and fixing PVC SWR nahni trap IS 14735 for drain - 100mm diameter with jali of the following nominal diameter of self cleansing design with C.I scread down or hinged gratring including the cost of cutting and making good the walls




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GULLY TRAP Providing and fixing S.W. Gully trap with C.I. grating brick masonry chamber & water-tight C.I. cover with frame of 300mm x 300mm size (inside) with standard weight. [I] Square mouth trap (C) 150mm x 100mm size P or R type.




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COWEL-75mm Dia Providing and fixing cowel, on Ventilating pipes and verticals for soil and waste Pipes at top level / terrace level, as specified and required, etc. complete. 75mm dia




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COWEL-100mm Dia Providing and fixing cowel, on Ventilating pipes and verticals for soil and waste Pipes at top level/terrace level, as specified and required, etc. complete. 100mm dia




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PVC WATER TANK Providing & fixing in position ISI marked Rotational moulded Polyethylene Double layer cylindrical vertical storage tank (IS: 12701) water tank of approved quality and size on terrace including making inlet and outlet. Overflow and washout arrangement with G.I.connection including using necessary material and labour for connection etc. complete with closed cover including of providing and applying two coats of oil paint on outside of water tank as per drawing and specification including inlet and outlet joints shall be sealed by pipe sealent.




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NON RETURN VALVE:25MM DIA Providing & fixing Gunmetal Check or non return full way Wheel Valve/Handle Valve ISI mark only. Joints shall be sealed by pipe sealant. For Water pipeLines (25mm Dia)




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NON RETURN VALVE:40MM DIA Providing & fixing Gunmetal Check or non return full way Wheel Valve/Handle Valve ISI mark only. Joints shall be sealed by pipe sealant. For Water pipeLines (40mm Dia)




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INSPECTION CHAMBER:450 x 450 x 450/600mm Constructing brick masonary chamber for under ground C.I. inspection chamber and bends with bricks having crushing strength not less than 35 Kg/Cm2 in Cement Mortar 1:5 C.I.Cover with frame (Light dury) 450 MM x 450 MM internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame tobe not less than 38 kgs. (weight of cover 23 kgs. and Wt. of frame 15kgs) slab with 1:2:4 mix (1-Cement : 2-Coarse sand : 4-Graded stone aggregate 20MM size) foundation concrete 1:5:10 inside plaster 15MM thick with cement Mortar 1:3 finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement on wall and bed concrete etc. complete.In side dimensions,450mmx450mm and 450/600 mm deep for single pipeline.




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SEPTIC TANK : Providing and construction of Septic tank of size 2000 x 900 x 1700 deep (Clear in to in dimensions) with wall in brick masonry and base and top slab in RCC M-20 with FRC manhole cover of HD-60 capacity, complete in all respect as per scope of work and detailed construction drawing. Rate to include cost of all labor, tools, tackles, equipment, hire charges, supply of all materials such as minimum 43 grade cement including chemical resistant paint for sub-structures, bricks, reinforcement steel, inserts, bolts, covers, aggregates/ sand fill conduits, finishes, bitumen, other minor construction materials, shuttering, staging, earth work in excavation in any kind of soil including hard murrum, soft rock, hard rock by pneumatic drilling etc. and backfilling using serviceable / borrow earth in all conditions, shoring / strutting, bailing and pumping out water, masonry work, plastering, plumbing, sanitation etc. with all bye works and sundry works.




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SOAK PIT : Providing and construction of soak pit of size 2500mm diameter and minimum 4.20m deep with 350mm th. side wall in hollow brick masonry and top slab in RCC M-20/M25 as specified in drg, with FRC manhole cover of HD-60 capacity., complete in all respect as per scope of work and detailed construction drawing. Rate includes cost of all labor, tools, tackles, equipment, hire charges, supply of all materials such as minimum 43 / 53 grade cement including chemical resistant paint for sub-structures, bricks, reinforcement steel, inserts, bolts, covers, aggregates/ brick bats filling in 1.00 mt depth as shown in drawing and other all minor construction materials, shuttering, staging, earth work in excavation and backfilling using serviceable earth / earth brought from outside, shoring / strutting, bailing and pumping out water, masonry work, plastering, plumbing, sanitation etc. with all bye works and sundry works.




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CHAIN LINK FENCING Providing, fabricating and fixing of Chain- Link Fencing using GI wire mesh size 50x50 mm of 3.15mm thick wire for fencing up to 2000mm height including fabricating, welding, tying with MS section angle frame and bracing of flat at equal spacing all complete as per approved drawing and directions of Engineer-in-charge. Fabricated fencing shall install on RCC foundation / Floor as per detail drg / specification. Work shall include necessary excavation, PCC, RCC footing, shuttering, fixing specified steel section pillars in foundation, foundation bolt / anchor bolt installation etc. all complete . Fabricated MS fencing shall finish with two coats 50 micron DFT for Each Coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of 50 micron DFT for Zinc chromate primer complete as per specification and drawing. Rate shall include cost of labour, tools, tackles, equipments, material etc. with fencing gate as per detailed drawing.




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GATE 4.0 mtr. WIDE: Providing, fabricating and fixing of Chain- Link Fencing Gate of required width and height and shall fix on MS pole grouted in RCC foundation as shown in drawing. Work shall include MS Angle / Box section fabrication and fixing of GI wire mesh size 50x50 mm of 3.15mm thick wire using MS flat. MS frame and structure shall finish with one coat zinc chromate primer and two coat 50 micron colour as per specifications and colour shade approved by consultant or client. Scope shall including related Civil work like excavation and PCC & RCC foundation for pole fixing etc. all complete as per specification and drawing. Rate shall include cost of labor, tools, tackler, equipments, material etc. all complete.




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GATE 2.0 mtr. WIDE: Providing, fabricating and fixing of Chain- Link Fencing Gate of required width and height and shall fix on MS pole grouted in RCC foundation as shown in drawing. Work shall include MS Angle / Box section fabrication and fixing of GI wire mesh size 50x50 mm of 3.15mm thick wire using MS flat. MS frame and structure shall finish with one coat zinc chromate primer and two coat 50 micron colour as per specifications and colour shade approved by consultant or client. Scope shall including related Civil work like excavation and PCC & RCC foundation for pole fixing etc. all complete as per specification and drawing. Rate shall include cost of labor, tools, tackler, equipments, material etc. all complete.




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RCC HUME PIPE (150mm dia.) Class- NP-4 RCC pipe providing supplying of 150 mm dia, CLASS-IRS-NP4 ISI standard. RCC pipe in standard length of following class and diameter. Suitable for either color joints for RCC rig joints incl. transportation, freight charges, loading unloading charges, etc. completed. (IS-458/1989) Rates are including with collar joints and necessary fittings.




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Supply, Laying & fixing of the 50 NB HDPE Pipe in required length fixed on steel, concrete or similar structure, laid in trenches, ready to be buried in concrete including cutting, bending and similar works. Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of clamps, small iron structures, spacers and installation of seats, plugs, bushings, civil works, excavation, backfilling, dismantling, etc, including all labour and materials complete as per approved drawings and directions of Engineer-In-Charge.




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Supply, Laying & fixing of the 100 NB HDPE Pipe in required length fixed on steel, concrete or similar structure, laid in trenches, ready to be buried in concrete including cutting, bending and similar works. Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of clamps, small iron structures, spacers and installation of seats, plugs, bushings, civil works, excavation, backfilling, dismantling, etc, including all labour and materials complete as per approved drawings and directions of Engineer-In-Charge.




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SPEED BREAKER- Supply and Installation of 2''-3'' high speed bumps of approved make including supply and installation of required anchor stud to be grouted in surface with durable chemical solution




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ROAD REFLECTOR STUDS : Supply and Installation of approved make and brand road reflectors. Material: ABS / PC, Color: White / yellow / red as directed by EIC




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50mm Dia B-class pipe : Supply and installation of 50mm NB Dia B-class M.S hollow circular pipe guard with pore with plain CC and top shall cover with MS round cape. The scope shall include fabrication, excavation and cement concrete foundation block of size 300mm x 300mm x 600mm in M-20 concrete work with necessary grouting. Pipe shall paint with one coat of Primer and Two coat of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour and shad. 50mm wide yellow Reflective tape shall past on pipe guard at interval of 300mm etc. all complete as per detail drawing and direction of EIC.




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ELECTRICAL CHAMBER- 450 X 450 X 450/600 MM Construction of brick wall chamber / pit for electrical pit / earthing pit/ water chamber of approved size and shape as per in detail dwg. with excavation, soiling, PCC (1:4:8), RCC, Copping, full brick walls, fixing MS frame and MS cover, copping surface shall finish using surface hardener, inside finished with a 15 mm water proofing smooth cement plaster, primer & paint etc. all complete incl curing & testing. 12 mm thick M.S. plate cover with frame as per detail with one coat zinc chromite primer and two coat 50 micron Synthetic Enamel / Oil paint as directed by EIC of approved colour and make etc. all complete as per specifications and approved by consultant or client. Work shall complete as per detailed drawing. Chamber Dimensions shall measure in to in.




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ELECTRICAL CHAMBER: 600 x 600 x 600mm Construction of brick wall chamber / pit for electrical pit / earthing pit/ water chamber of approved size and shape as per in detail dwg. with excavation, soiling, PCC (1:4:8), RCC, Copping, full brick walls, fixing MS frame and MS cover, copping surface shall finish using surface hardener, inside finished with a 15 mm water proofing smooth cement plaster, primer & paint etc. all complete incl curing & testing. 12 mm thick M.S. plate cover with frame as per detail with one coat zinc chromite primer and two coat 50 micron Synthetic Enamel / Oil paint as directed by EIC of approved colour and make etc. all complete as per specifications and approved by consultant or client. Work shall complete as per detailed drawing. Chamber Dimensions shall measure in to in.




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ELECTRICAL CHAMBER: 750 x 750 x 600mm Construction of brick wall chamber / pit for electrical pit / Earthing pit/ water chamber of approved size and shape as per in detail dwg. with excavation, soiling, PCC (1:4:8), RCC, Copping, full brick walls, fixing MS frame and MS cover, copping surface shall finish using surface hardener, inside finished with a 15 mm water proofing smooth cement plaster, primer & paint etc. all complete incl curing & testing. 12 mm thick M.S. plate cover with frame as per detail with one coat zinc chromite primer and two coat 50 micron Synthetic Enamel / Oil paint as directed by EIC of approved colour and make etc. all complete as per specifications and approved by consultant or client. Work shall complete as per detailed drawing. Chamber Dimensions shall measure in to in.




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ROOFING SHEET : Providing and fixing roofing 0.5 mm Trapezoidal profile high tensile precoated G.I. steel sheets (fy=550 mps) having profile depth of 28-32 mm and pitch of 186-250 mm with zinccalume coating 150 gsm and 35 microns super polyester colourbond XRW quality paint system, compatible flashing, fittings E. and fixtures and erecting them on roof/sides using self drilling, self tapping fasteners at proper positions, minimum overlapping required is 300 mm, water test, all work as per specifications by consultant. Supplying and fixing Plain G.I. sheet flashing 20SWG thick with G.I. 'J' or 'L' hooks ; G.I. limpet and Bitumen washer complete. silicon filling for water proofing 20 gauge sheets. Bond to be provided for water proofing of roofing sheet.visible area shall be calculated for final measurement.




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FABRICATION WORK Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of fabrication of M.S. Material of standard sizes like ISMC 150, ISMC 125, ISMC 100, ISMC 75, ISMA 65x65x6, ISMA 50x50x6, ISMA 35x35x5, M.S. strips, square/rectangular/circular hollow tube/pipe of approved supplier of client / consultants / architect etc. including Fabrication of cable tray supports, Painting of supports by two coats of red oxide followed by two coats of sprayed enamel paint, Installation of steel supports including using of fasteners, hardware as per drawings, specification, instruction of Engineer-in-charge and as per the instruction of the manufacturer.




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PANELS Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of compartmentalized type powder coated Power & Lighting Distribution boards as per Drawing, Specification. The unit rate shall include loading/unloading, shifting from site store to the place of installation, assembling the Panel including mounting & wiring of loose parts by manufacturers, interconnection of shipping sections, installation on readymade Cable trench (provide support for panel mounting) or directly on floor, assembling of loose accessories supplied by the manufacturer, wiring & connection of auxiliary circuits, installation, testing & commissioning of all Panel, interlocking with AMF Panel and supply of all necessary hardware. Aligning, levelling, grouting, testing and setting of relays and meters including all hardware.




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SUBSTATION ACCESSORIES Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of following accessories along with necessary hardware, fixing brackets.




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Electrical insulating mats made of PVC Elastomer 3mm Thick & 1 mtr wide near swichboards, etc as per direction of Engineer In charge. Mat should conform to IS 15652 Class A - suitable for safe working voltage of upto 33 kV. Test certificate to be provided with supply. Mat's top Surface should be Antiskid Dotted & Bottom Surface should be Textured for Floor Grip. Mat's top Surface should be Antiskid Dotted & Bottom Surface should be Textured for Floor Grip.




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Supply of Aluminium ladder for 9 Mtrs. height complete with castors for movability and easy access for maintannce .




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UPS SYSTEM: Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of UPS systems with its separate batteries and racks as per Drawing and specification. The unit rate shall include loading/unloading, shifting from site store to the place of installation, assembling the UPS/battery rack including mounting & wiring of loose parts by manufacturers, interconnection of batteries, installation on readymade false floor/trench/ floor, aligning, levelling, grouting, testing and setting of relays and meters including all hardware. S.I.T.C of 3phase input & 3phase output 6kVA – 2 No. UPS to make Parallel Operation with INBUILT ISOLATION TRANSFORMER (Online up balance type), with proper alignment & Support with 4 hr full load battry back up.complete with c/o swtch and interlocking to function either off ups. Rate shall SITC include of battery rack & battery with proper alignment & support. (RATES INCLUDED FOR 2 Nos UPS with Battery ,Stand for Each Unit). Battery pack Calculation Report, UPS SLD, TC submission required for approval.




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S.I.T.C OF 63 KVA SERVO VOLTAGE STABILISER. Supplying and fixing of 3 phase air cooled servo stabilizer for balanced and unbalanced load shall be independent correction of each phase.




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CABLING MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLES S.I.T.C of XLPE Insulated 1100V Grade ,steel armoured Aluminium/Copper conductor cable (as per IS 7098 Part I) With FRLS PVC Sheath ;of following sizes & type surface trench/on wall/structure surface/in G.I Pipes/conduit as specified (Refer SLD& Cable routine plan) Proper cable dressing, cable clamping, cable tag inditification both ends, cable tag & cable clamping with Al/GI strip. inclusive all test before and after laying of cable .




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4 Cx 50 CU. XLPE armoured cable




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4 Cx 35 CU XLPE armoured cable




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4.0 Cx 10 XLPE Armoured copper cable




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4.0 Cx 6.0 XLPE Armoured copper cable




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4.0 Cx 2.5.0 XLPE Armoured copper cable




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S.I.T.C .1C X 25 SQ.MM Flexible cu wire




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PIPES & CABLE TRAY Supply & laying of G.I Pipes (of medium grade)buried/embedded into excavated ground complete with all accs. following sizes.




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50 mm dia. PVC conduit




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25 mm dia. PVC conduit




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150 mmW X 50mm height x2 mm Thik G.I Performade tray with Cover




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CABLE CONNECTIONS & TERMINATIONS Supply, Connections & Termination of Medium voltage XLPE insulated cables as per the specification & instruction of Engineer-in-charge. The unit rate shall include supply & connection of adequate size wetherproof double compression type brass cable glands and tinned copper / AL. lugs including cutting/stripping of cable insulation, fixing of cable glands, crimping the lugs, connection of cable armour with earth bar, necessary tools,hardware,PVC insulated tape and all other material required.




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4 Cx 50 CU. XLPE armoured cable




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4 Cx 35 CU XLPE armoured cable




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4.0 Cx 10 XLPE Armoured copper cable




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4.0 Cx 6.0 XLPE Armoured copper cable




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4.0 Cx 2.5.0 XLPE Armoured copper cable




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S.I.T.C .1C X 25 SQ.MM Flexible cu wire




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Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of Earthing system with Pipe-in-pipe technology. Two B class IS mild steel pipes, one inside the other, hot dip galvanized with 100 micron coating outside and about 300 micron coating inside, filled with high conductive and corrosion resistant crystalline mixture and Backfill Compound around electrode. The unit rate shall also include making earthing chamber with MS cover at Ground level and providing earthing terminal to test earthing of each pit seperately




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Model T-19 ( 50mm dia 3 meter is used in place of the conventional GI earthing )




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Model T-39 ( 80 mm dia, 3 meter is used in place the conventional copper earthing )




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25 mm x 3 mm G.I Earthing strip




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25 mm x 3 mm Copper Earthing strip




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Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Three Phase/ Single Phase, Double Door type, powder coated readymade type Distribution Boards IP 43 grade, PPI type and Flexy Distribution board as per drawings & specifications. The unit rate shall include supply & fixing on wall / column, checking of wiring, connection and operation of MCBs and supply of necessary hardware.




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TPN 12 Way Distribution Board. Incoming : 40A FP MCB Outgoing : 3 # 40A DP ELCB (100mA) & 15 # 6-32A DP MCB




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TPN 8 Way Distribution Board. Incoming : 40A FP MCB Outgoing : 3 # 40A DP ELCB (30mA) & 9 # 6-32 A DP MCB




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2 RAW (14WAY) FLEXY Distribution Board. Incoming : 25A DP ELMCB (100mA) Outgoing : 8 # 10A SP MCB




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20 A Singal Phase Metal Clad Socket with 20A DP MCB




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Electrical Light Pole S/E of 7 Meter high galvanised Octagonal pole with top 70mm (A/F), bottom 130mm (A/F) made up of 3 mm thick plate having a base plate of size 220 x 220 x 12 with single arm 1500mm long bracket arm made up of 48 O.D. pipe with EN 8 grade galvanised foundation bolts and anchor plate on suitable concrete foundation , (Civil & Electrical works having fixing arrangement for mounting upto 2 Nos. of 250W Metal halide luminaries/LED )




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S/E Arm " Y /L" (as per site requirement) bracket 38/50mm dia on pole , as per specifications and direction of Engineer in charge




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Supply,Installation,testing and commissioning of 150w LED WELL GLASS Flam Proof Light. Material: Aluminium LM6, IP Protection: IP 65 & IS 12063/1987(IEC 60529/1989), Glass: Toughened Borosilicate Type A, Pipe Suspension, Neoprene Gasket, SS-304 Body. 230 Volt, 50 Hz, 42 degree C at flashing & 54 degree C at steady state mode. 15 degree from Horizontal angle of reflection, Galss Fiber reinforced DMC insulators. PF.95, THD10%, Intensity: 120 lumen/watt, Lifespan50000Hrs Flame proof ExD, Zone 1&2, Gas Group: I,IIA & IIB, CMRI & CCOE approved, T6-Temperature raiting.




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Supply,Installation,testing and commissioning of 100 w Street light Fitting with Light. The LED driver shall have an in-built high voltage cutoff = 290 V with power factor of complete fitting greater than 0.90. CCT (Correlated Colour temperature) shall be in the range of 5665 K +/- 355 K as per ANSI standard C78.377, CRI (Colour rendering index) should include all colour range from R1 to R15 and 70 for outdoor luminaire. LED efficacy shall be greater than 140 lumens/watt @ 350mA drive current. The minimum system lumen efficacy of the luminaire shall be 100 Lumens per Watt. The Surge Protection Device (SPD) should be series type with fail safe, surge protection for minimum 3kV shall be provided. Supply of complete fitting with all accessories as per specification attached and as per direction of engineer in charge. Each lot of fittings shall accompany test certificates LM79/ IS:16106 and reference/ batch nos of LEDs and fittings for verification at site. The supply of LED lighting shall be covered by a warranty of minimum 60 months from the date of supply of the lighting and the LED light fitting shall be complete in all respects including LED, LED Driver, Electronic circuitory, Luminaire etc.




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CCTV CAMERA SYSTEM Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of IP Network Dome Camera, Min. Illumination required 0.1 lux @ F1.4 (color), 5 MP, 2560 × 1440, triple stream, 3.6/4/6 mm lens, IR with upto 30 m IR distance, Alarm: 2 In/ 1out, PoE, H.264 High Profile , Having Operating temp range : –10°C to 50° C. Certifications: ONVIF Profile S, compliant, UL compliant. with all mounting assoseries. Make - (Power supply for one camera connected with fiber will be in contractor scope if required.)




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Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of IP Network Bullet Camera, Min. Illumination required 0.1 lux @ F1.4 (color), 5 MP, 2560 × 1440, 4MP,triple stream, IP66 rated, 2.7–12 mm motorized focus & zoom lens, IR with upto 50-60 m IR distance, , 128GB SD card support, Alarm: 2 In/ 1out, PoE, H.264 High Profile , Having Operating temp range : –10°C to 50° C. Certifications: ONVIF Profile S, compliant, UL compliant with all mounting assoseries. (Note - Power supply for one camera connected with fiber will be in contractor scope if required.)




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19 Inch Monitor, LED, Make: Samsung / LG/Sony




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SITC of Network Video Storage : 16 channels 720P / 1080P resolution video recording at real time with 16 TB HDD and Support atleast 32TB in single sever for 30 days. Make Honeywell - HEN32304 and equivelent makes of Bosch, Sony, Pelco, Axis.




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Supply & laying of CAT-6 networking cable in Existing 25/32/50 mm dia. PVC conduit concealed in wall / in floor or in slab or in cable tray (maximum 3 # CAT-6 in one 25mm dia. conduit to be considered). Rate of 25/32/50 mm dia. PVC conduits should not be included in unit rate. Make - Tyco,Dlink,Legrand




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Supply & laying of CAT-6 networking Armoured cable in Existing 25/32/50 mm dia. PVC conduit concealed in wall / in floor or in slab or in cable tray (maximum 3 # CAT-6 in one 25mm dia. conduit to be considered). Rate of 25/32/50 mm dia. PVC conduits should not be included in unit rate. Make - plocab or equivalant




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16 Port 10/100/1000 Tx Base POE Switch with fully loaded 16 port patch panel, 24 patch cord and all Required Accessories. Make - Cisco, HP, Avaya.




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Server Rack 15U Rack for mounting switches, NVR and LIU at control room. Make - Dlink, Rittal, APC




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